Ukraine - Russia Conflict

The ukraine-russia conflict has me rethinking a lot. I used to think that all militaries and nations put their best forward and acted as optimally as possible. I thought that in the modern day, the strategic view was done knowing the capabilities at hand and the ability to realize their potential.

Perhaps I am too surrounded by propaganda, but after watching this war proceed I feel comparing weapon specifications and capabilities doesn't really matter. Does it matter if a nation has the ability to produce highly precise long range munitions when it lacks the numbers to effectively utilize them and intelligence on the targets it needs to hit? I know it's been known since forever but, logistics, morale and strategic vision matter the most. I never followed a lot of the other nations in wars beforehand, but Russia is really mucking up this invasion. What was once projected as a quick, decisive decapitating blow on the head of state and ultimate victory for Russia is now even being suggested as a defeat for Russia or at least, way less than what they originally planned.
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The propaganda and fake news on western owned social media is off the charts:

An estimated 2.1–3 million,[A] out of a population of 60.3 million, died of starvation, malaria, and other diseases aggravated by malnutrition, population displacement, unsanitary conditions and lack of health care. Millions were impoverished as the crisis overwhelmed large segments of the economy and catastrophically disrupted the social fabric

During the Japanese occupation of Burma, many rice imports were lost as the region's market supplies and transport systems were disrupted by British "denial policies" for rice and boats (a "scorched earth" response to the occupation).

The colony was also not permitted to spend its own sterling reserves, or even use its own ships, to import food.[218] Although Viceroy Linlithgow appealed for imports from mid-December 1942, he did so on the understanding that the military would be given preference over civilians

Situation during a world war. Situation from 80 years ago. And this is relevant how exactly? Stalin and Mao killed tens of millions of their own people in peace time, that's why Eastern Europeans hate Russia so much... since we're bringing up the past.
The propaganda and fake news on western owned social media is off the charts:

View attachment 22955
How do you know that person is posting from the west and not a Russian troll farm?
The ukraine-russia conflict has me rethinking a lot. I used to think that all militaries and nations put their best forward and acted as optimally as possible. I thought that in the modern day, the strategic view was done knowing the capabilities at hand and the ability to realize their potential.

Perhaps I am too surrounded by propaganda, but after watching this war proceed I feel comparing weapon specifications and capabilities doesn't really matter. Does it matter if a nation has the ability to produce highly precise long range munitions when it lacks the numbers to effectively utilize them and intelligence on the targets it needs to hit? I know it's been known since forever but, logistics, morale and strategic vision matter the most. I never followed a lot of the other nations in wars beforehand, but Russia is really mucking up this invasion. What was once projected as a quick, decisive decapitating blow on the head of state and ultimate victory for Russia is now even being suggested as a defeat for Russia or at least, way less than what they originally planned.
Logistics and C4ISR is probably about 70% of modern warfare, and establishing air superiority is 25%. To put Russian losses in perspective:

Soviet forces:

  • 14,453 killed (Soviet estimate)
  • 26,000 killed (other sources)

More than 2,500 Russian bodies ‘sent to Belarus in dead of night’ as Kremlin hides true death toll​

14,000 Russians have so far died in the conflict
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Do you really believe Russia obeys the Geneva Conventions anyway?

Generally, no. In this case, yes. It depends on the objectives after all.

In 2014 in Donetsk they mass-executed one thousand Ukrainian troops that had surrendered. That is one of the reasons why the Ukrainians do not see the Russians as their brothers anymore, and why they want to fight to the end instead of surrendering. They know the Russians are bloodthirsty monsters that cannot be trusted. Better to die killing a fascist Russian thug than to be murdered by them like a wimp.

There's no Geneva Conventions for the separatists in Donbas either. But instances like that are probably what the Russians want to avoid in this war. Officially, from 2014-2022, it wasn't the Russian military. Officially, post Feb 2022, the Russian military has become involved. And they are keeping violence to the minimum post Feb 2022.

I'm not saying the Russians are good guys, I'm saying both sides are bad guys. This is just a gang war in my eyes.

Now the question is to what extent the Russians will show patience. Once that line is crossed, some of the soldiers will definitely get it, but most of the civilian volunteers will get it too. The harder the fight, the harder the fall. The next question is who's fault will it be, the Russians for killing civilians who are shooting back at them? 'Cause that's legal. Or the UAF for allowing civilians to fight in the first place? 'Cause at the moment, it's the UAF committing war crimes in Ukraine, not the Russians.
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Situation during a world war. Situation from 80 years ago. And this is relevant how exactly? Stalin and Mao killed tens of millions of their own people in peace time, that's why Eastern Europeans hate Russia so much... since we're bringing up the past.

British killed million of Indians by diverging the food supplies to royal armed forces. Till now no justice has been given.

They're very strange neo-nazis that have Jewish members LOL. I think they just hate Russians because they've had problems with them since Stalin and Putin is only exacerbating that.

'Cause these neo-Nazis don't care about Jews, they care more about other things. These Nazis are not German Nazis, they are Ukranian Nazis, different countries, different politics.
If Putin had left they country alone, they could have all participated in an internationally monitored election. And yes, there are interviews proving it, the opinion of ethnic Russians in Ukraine has turned. FFS, even Russia's own astronauts are wearing the Ukrainian colours. Russian state journalists are resigning, everyone knows who's wrong (even Russians), except you and a few others on this forum.

How do you think the US all ended up speaking English? It often happens, it's not a genocide. You seriously think that is an excuse for shelling cities? Excuse after excuse for the inexcusable. The BJP are a bit nationalist, so how would you feel if China, with the help of Pakistan, used that as an excuse for invading you and bombing your schools, hospitals and shelters? And then some prick online told you that it was because some members of the BJP are very anti-Muslim and that it wasn't covered by the Geneva Convention because some of your civilians were fighting the Chinese?

Yeah, there's something called the real world and then there's something called your world.

The Russians are not invading Ukraine because they decided to remove the Russian language from official discourse. Rather it was the consequence of Russian invasion. I don't think you understand the importance of language.
'Cause these neo-Nazis don't care about Jews, they care more about other things. These Nazis are not German Nazis, they are Ukranian Nazis, different countries, different politics.
So if Indians are anti-Pakistani are Indians Nazis too?

You're trying to change definitions to suit your narrative. Nazism is an hard-line ideology not a hatred caused by extreme circumstances. How are Ukrainians supposed to not hate Russians right now? How exactly does Putin intend to make Ukraine a Russia-friendly nation after all this? It won't be via democracy, or anything you claim to believe in when it suits you.
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Yeah, there's something called the real world and then there's something called your world.

The Russians are not invading Ukraine because they decided to remove the Russian language from official discourse. Rather it was the consequence of Russian invasion. I don't think you understand the importance of language.
No, there's something called pretending to believe in democratic ideals but still supporting Russia when it invades a country with with regular, internationally monitored elections. No doubt a position echoed by Xi Jinping and Kim Jong-Un.

There is no international law that demands that any country make official any minority languages. Just imagine how that would work in UK parliament for instance.

"What does the right honourable gentlemen think about the state of the NHS."

"Blah-babble blah."

"Herka derka."


But you're probably right, it probably was removed because the Russians started annexing part of their country, after its attempts at controlling their elections for the previous 25 years died on its ar5e. Not to mention depriving them of civil liberties for decades before that and gulaging millions of them.
British killed million of Indians by diverging the food supplies to royal armed forces. Till now no justice has been given.
Yes and the Cholas oppressed the whole of South East Asia. Till now, no justice has been given. And the Roman's made slaves fight in the colosseum. Till now, no justice has ben given. And the Vikings pillaged the UK, till now no justice has been given.

Please *censored* off with your 80-year-old historical deflections. If you want to bring them up in another thread, fine *censored* off there and do it. Stalin sent tens of millions to Siberian gulags where they were starved and worked to death even after WWII. Mao also starved tens of millions in peacetime. Your malnutrition death rate hasn't exactly been great even in the 21st century TBH. Chandra-Bose sided with the enemy in WWII, so does that make you Nazis too? Maybe China has the right to invade you therefore huh? This entire conversation has been beaten to death a million times and has nothing to do with this thread.

@Ashwin Please remove this utter shit, starting from here:

It's a clear and unprovoked attempt at deflection that has nothing at all to do with Ukraine or current politics, not even slightly. Probably a Russian/Chinese troll.
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More propaganda. Russia needs to end this war. Their performance has been pathetic. Man Pakistan would have given them nightmares if their performance in ukraine is this bad.
I think either Russia ends the war, or the war ends them. There is no game plan for them here. Ukrainians hate them, 100x more than even India hates Pakistan right now. There is no way for them to win the peace and they'll continue to be treated as pariahs economically by most of the world whilst they continue. They can lose quickly, or they can lose slowly and painfully.
Yes and the Cholas oppressed the whole of South East Asia. Till now, no justice has been given. And the Roman's made slaves fight in the colosseum. Till now, no justice has ben given. And the Vikings pillaged the UK, till now no justice has been given.

Let's start with British empire first. Finally they are the ones who are preaching about human rights most of the time.
The ukraine-russia conflict has me rethinking a lot. I used to think that all militaries and nations put their best forward and acted as optimally as possible. I thought that in the modern day, the strategic view was done knowing the capabilities at hand and the ability to realize their potential.

Perhaps I am too surrounded by propaganda, but after watching this war proceed I feel comparing weapon specifications and capabilities doesn't really matter. Does it matter if a nation has the ability to produce highly precise long range munitions when it lacks the numbers to effectively utilize them and intelligence on the targets it needs to hit? I know it's been known since forever but, logistics, morale and strategic vision matter the most. I never followed a lot of the other nations in wars beforehand, but Russia is really mucking up this invasion. What was once projected as a quick, decisive decapitating blow on the head of state and ultimate victory for Russia is now even being suggested as a defeat for Russia or at least, way less than what they originally planned.

It depends. When it's an army war, the specs matter only when there's a generational gap. So the Javelin vs Cold War era tanks is a pretty good example of a generational gap.

Specs also matter due to the rock-paper-scissor nature of combat, where an infantryman cannot go up against a tank with a rifle, so he needs a weapon of a different spec, like the Javelin. The Russians are using field weapons and field organisation with less infantry in an urban combat situation which requires the opposite, so they are spec'd up wrong.

Logistics won't matter in these two situations because you are more than likely to die pretty quickly.

But yeah, considering you have the above sorted out, logistics becomes the most important factor. It's how we have the confidence of taking on Pakistan and beating them quickly in the field. In 2-3 days, their supply chains will cease to function, it's that simple.

As for the Russians, they came in unprepared in every single way possible. They should have made a more humble plan.
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So if Indians are anti-Pakistani are Indians Nazis too?

Being anti-something and being Nazi are not the same.

You're trying to change definitions to suit your narrative. Nazism is an hard-line ideology not a hatred caused by extreme circumstances. How are Ukrainians supposed to not hate Russians right now? How exactly does Putin intend to make Ukraine a Russia-friendly nation after all this? It won't be via democracy, or anything you claim to believe in when it suits you.

It's good to see how you're removing that big fat line between being an anti-Russian Ukrainian and being Nazi. Your ability to simplify complex matters is frankly not surprising at this point.

So let me speak your language.

A long time ago, @Hellfire pointed out that I was centrist. I took an internet test (American-themed) and found out that I am one box to the right of Spider-Man. So would me being anti-Jenny Sparks or anti-Hawkman make me Nazi?

But then you do not realise that the Nazis are where Darkseid is. Joker and Darkseid represent fringe elements on the left and right. No one should be that level of crazy. But the Azovs are. And you are lumping the poor Ukrainians alongside Nazis.

When we compare India and Pakistan, the Indian govt is where Batman is. :cool: Don't blame me, it worked out that way. In fact, I would say the BJP fluctuates between Cyclops and Batman. And Pak govt is where Sinestro is. And they fluctuate between Sinestro and Darkseid very frequently. And they pretend to be Jenny Sparks when they go around begging for money.

It's not a black and white world.
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Let's start with British empire first. Finally they are the ones who are preaching about human rights most of the time.
Because we're talking about the modern day. Go back far enough and every country has done something wrong. And apart from that British history has nothing to do with the Ukraine-Russia Flare Up, which is the subject of this thread. Should we not stand up for human rights simply because because some of our citizens' long-lost ancestors breached them? WTF is your point here exactly? Genghis Khan did this, therefore invading countries is okay.
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