Its a two way street, west needs to stop inciting & arming ukraine while russia needs to stop bombings. Do you think if russia stops the actions unilaterally ukraine will say we will let you go back in one piece? They will be further egged on by west to declare victory & encourage to kill not just russian military but also the regions which were declared independent. This proxy war is not just abt ukraine , it is abt wests influence & power, they are just unwilling to let it go.More propaganda. Russia needs to end this war. Their performance has been pathetic. Man Pakistan would have given them nightmares if their performance in ukraine is this bad.
they are wearing yellow so they should be !
The reason they're arming Ukrainians is because they're being invaded. That is not a two-way street.Its a two way street, west needs to stop inciting & arming ukraine while russia needs to stop bombings. Do you think if russia stops the actions unilaterally ukraine will say we will let you go back in one piece? They will be further egged on by west to declare victory & encourage to kill not just russian military but also the regions which were declared independent. This proxy war is not just abt ukraine , it is abt wests influence & power, they are just unwilling to let it go.
they are wearing yellow so they should be !![]()
- I have given up speaking Russian.
- Why not? Are you afraid that the Ukrainians will hit you?
- No, that the Russians will come and protect me.
That's Russia's narrative. Which is that anytime a country decides to attach itself to the West and escape Russia, it can only be because of Western interferences. Because it's impossible for people to have their own agency, and it's also impossible to not want to be oppressed by Russia. I mean, read that shit:
Russification of Ukraine - Wikipedia
Obviously that's cool and good and people would want more of it, right? When the Ukrainians declared independence in 1917, certainly it was already a nefarious plot from the West.
Something you might find interesting:
No, that's just a pretext. Like the Azov nazis. It's something that sounds logical, but that's not what Putin actually cares about.
The truth is, he's not afraid of NATO because he knows that NATO will not attack Russia anyway.
What he's afraid of is the EU. If Ukraine joins and EU and becomes a prosperous democracy that stamps down on corruption, it's going to give ideas to Russians. And that, not NATO, is what he's truly afraid of. Since the first Orange Revolution he has done all he can to dismiss popular uprisings as sinister American plots, because of course, why else could people revolt against a corrupt dictator that oppresses them? Obviously the CIA is the only possible answer.
Ukraine is being invaded so as to make sure Russians are reminded that Slavic people can only know tyranny.
Dude, I don't know where your head is if you think the armour on a 48t tank is stronger than that on 70t tanks.
And when they are enlisted we'll have something even better.
The lasers were, they were deliberately dupes to get the Soviets wasting money and it worked. Brilliant Pebbles combined with 3-4 interceptor types was absolutely plausible was absolutely plausible.
Those that can choose their leaders you mean.
What's the difference between the two graphs?Russian losses over the period from 4 to 19 March show no sign of abating and continue to accumulate at a constant rate.
---- Evolution base 100 to 4 March -------------------------------------------------------------- In numbers, source Oryx
What now? Shoot everybody?
And what if their red line says they own territory that they don't, and then they redraw the red line? There is no crossing of any lines here, Ukraine is an independent country it chose its own future and unsurprisingly moved in the same direction as Poland, Romania, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Czech Republic, East Germany etc. There was no one crossing any lines. No one crossed the Russian border, except for Russians leaving of course.
Until you don't. You don't understand what a moral high horse is. The West's morals are not affected by China invading Taiwan, that is China's morals on display. That said, Taiwan should become a nuclear power as fast as they can.
in Evolution base 100 to 4 March the 7 graphs begin at 100 so you see the percent of evolution by categoryWhat's the difference between the two graphs?
Ukraine announced today that its forces have shot down the deputy commander of Russia's Black Sea fleet, in a further blow to Vladimir Putin's forces.
Senior Captain Andrei Pali, 51, was the first senior naval officer to be killed in the war in Ukraine.
Pali is suspected of being involved in attacks by Russian marines near Mariupol. However, the exact circumstances of his reported death are not yet known.
Born in Kiev, Pali refused to take the Ukrainian military oath in 1993, serving instead in Russia's Northern Fleet. Prior to that he served on the Russian nuclear missile cruiser Peter the Great. He was also deputy director of the Russian Naval Academy in Sevastopol, in annexed Crimea.
The Ukrainian armed forces also announced on Saturday the elimination in combat of Russian Lieutenant General Andrei Mordvchiov, commander of the 8th Army of the Southern Military District of the Russian Federation, who was killed on March 19 in Chernobayevka, Herson region.
While analysts say some 20 generals are running Moscow's operations in Ukraine, the five confirmed deaths mean that a quarter of Putin's top men have been killed in action, reports the UK-based Express.
According to the adviser to Ukraine's interior minister, Vadim Denisenko, even during the Second World War, the Soviet Union did not lose so many generals in just three weeks.
Denisenko, who made the remarks on local TV channel "Rada", said he had no objection to such a situation occurring again if the invaders continue their aggression.
The first Russian general to be killed in the fighting in Ukraine was Magomed Tusaev, who died on 26 February near Kiev. On 15 March, General Oleg Mityaev, commander of a Russian motorised division, was killed by the Ukrainian "Azov" militia.
Major-General Vitali Gherasimov, Chief of Staff and First Deputy Commander of the 41st Army of the Russian Central Military District, was killed in fighting in Kharkov, and General Andrei Kolesnikov - Commander of the 29th Army of the Russian Eastern (Far Eastern) Military District - on 11 March.
Translated with (free version)
O noua lovitura, Ucraina l-a eliminat pe comandantul adjunct al Flotei ruse a Marii Negre, capitanul Andrei Pali. El era nascut la Kiev, insa a refuzat sa depuna juramantul militar ucrainean preferand sa se alature fortelor Rusiei - Aktual24
Ucraina a anuntat astazi ca fortele sale l-au impuscat mortal pe comandantul adjunct al Flotei ruse a Marii Negre, fiind o noua lovitura semnificativa pentru fortele lui Vladimir Putin. Capitanul de rangul intai Andrei Pali, in varsta de 51 de ani, este primul ofiter naval de rang inalt care
I just looked up your statements wrt M1 vs T-14 and the dimensions are more or less the same, so wrong again. Russian MBTs were a generation behind (minimum) in terms of armour at end or Cold War and still are., you only have to check out the survival records in combat. The M1 of today is not the M1 of 1990, ditto for Challenger.Ever heard of something called "design"? Western tanks are heavier because they are bigger because they carry an extra crew. So you need more armour to protect a bigger tank, which means more weight, which means more engine power, which means more fuel, which means more volume, which means more weight. Bigger doesn't mean better. What matters more is design and the ratio between the weight of the armour and tank, and even the volume of armour vs volume of a tank.
Complete shit that for some reason no enemy has ever managed to destroy even one of, ditto for Challenger, despite multiple heavy RPG and ATGM hits on single vehicles.The 70T tank you keep talking about is a modified Challenger 2, and it's complete sh1t. And if you're referring to Abrams, then you clearly do not know concepts like long ton and short ton.
What better stuff is that then? The Su-57 stealth fighter that has to fly at low altitude to avoid being shot down?Nope. Try 2040+. The Russians are getting their better stuff right now.
This just means you have no comeback.
You mean dictators? The term 'strong leader' is misleading, because that suggests a strong performance across the board, like in economics etc. Putin is not that. And really, we're calling dictators 'strong leaders' now?Those that can't pretty much already have strong leadership, genius. It's how they can stay in power.
There are probably much less tanks now though.