Ukraine - Russia Conflict

A more realistic version would have been the NATO soldier trying (pretending) to take a step into Ukraine.
A more realistic version would show Stalin and co. sending the population to gulags for decades, causing a huge radiation leak, lying about it for 3 days, then lying about the reasons for it for years, poisoning Ukrainian opposition leaders, fiddling in their elections and then saying, "don't do anything provocative."
Probably conscripts.
He's using conscripts already? Sending untrained Russians into a war? And he accuses Ukraine of genocide? :unsure:
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I just looked up your statements wrt M1 vs T-14 and the dimensions are more or less the same, so wrong again. Russian MBTs were a generation behind (minimum) in terms of armour at end or Cold War and still are., you only have to check out the survival records in combat. The M1 of today is not the M1 of 1990, ditto for Challenger.

Lol. What on earth are you talking about? Of course the T-14 is big. It has 7 road wheels, no different from Western tanks, compared to 6 on the T-72/90. But this is where design comes in. Most of the armour is in the hull, protecting the crew in a capsule. The turret has unknown amount of armour, but considerably lesser than Western turrets, which is where the bulk of the armour is. Which is why the weight of the tank is less even though it's as big as Western designs. Otoh, the turret doesn't care much about APFSDS rounds, whereas it should have enough armour to stop HEAT rounds, like the one in the Javelin. What other protection systems they have on/in the turret, we have no clue.

Complete shit that for some reason no enemy has ever managed to destroy even one of, ditto for Challenger, despite multiple heavy RPG and ATGM hits on single vehicles.

Sure. 'Cause your enemies had Cold War era weapons. Even the T-90 has suffered multiple RPG hits.

This just means you have no comeback.

No, it means there is a level of stupid beyond which there is no answer.

You mean dictators? The term 'strong leader' is misleading, because that suggests a strong performance across the board, like in economics etc. Putin is not that. And really, we're calling dictators 'strong leaders' now?

Doesn't matter. If he's in power, he knows what to do to stay in power. Stong leaders stay in power, doesn't matter how good or evil they are. Not everybody can be Ashoka.
He's using conscripts already?

That's how they look like. I guess bad place, bad time.
in Evolution base 100 to 4 March the 7 graphs begin at 100 so you see the percent of evolution by category
In numbers, source Oryx is with real numbers, and you can see that there is more loss for truck than for tank
Looks like they're losing their most important vehicles, tanks and IFVs, at the fastest rate then.
Lol. What on earth are you talking about? Of course the T-14 is big. It has 7 road wheels, no different from Western tanks, compared to 6 on the T-72/90. But this is where design comes in. Most of the armour is in the hull, protecting the crew in a capsule. The turret has unknown amount of armour, but considerably lesser than Western turrets, which is where the bulk of the armour is. Which is why the weight of the tank is less even though it's as big as Western designs. Otoh, the turret doesn't care much about APFSDS rounds, whereas it should have enough armour to stop HEAT rounds, like the one in the Javelin. What other protection systems they have on/in the turret, we have no clue.

Sure. 'Cause your enemies had Cold War era weapons. Even the T-90 has suffered multiple RPG hits.

No, it means there is a level of stupid beyond which there is no answer.

Doesn't matter. If he's in power, he knows what to do to stay in power. Stong leaders stay in power, doesn't matter how good or evil they are. Not everybody can be Ashoka.

That's how they look like. I guess bad place, bad time.
The turret doesn't care about APFSDS rounds, which will then stop the main armament from functioning? Enough top armour to stop Javelin despite weighing 35-40% less than equivalent western design which Javelin can defeat? That makes no sense at all.

There's no T-72/80/90 that can take RPG-28, Kornet or Milan ATGM hits, especially not dozens at once.

Brilliant Pebbles combined with GBI, KEI, SM-3 BlkIIB and HEDI absolutely could work. No logical reason why it wouldn't. And with reusable LVs it would be much cheaper to institute.

But if they try hard enough they can be an ar5e.

Every place is bad place with Putin pron. Poo-tin.

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I think either Russia ends the war, or the war ends them. There is no game plan for them here. Ukrainians hate them, 100x more than even India hates Pakistan right now. There is no way for them to win the peace and they'll continue to be treated as pariahs economically by most of the world whilst they continue. They can lose quickly, or they can lose slowly and painfully.
That's what the Nato plan seems to be. Sadly Ukraine will be consumed. I guess they will leave a small area of ukraine with non Russians as a buffer state. They have completed most of their main strategic objectives.
Being anti-something and being Nazi are not the same.

It's good to see how you're removing that big fat line between being an anti-Russian Ukrainian and being Nazi. Your ability to simplify complex matters is frankly not surprising at this point.

So let me speak your language.

A long time ago, @Hellfire pointed out that I was centrist. I took an internet test (American-themed) and found out that I am one box to the right of Spider-Man. So would me being anti-Jenny Sparks or anti-Hawkman make me Nazi?

But then you do not realise that the Nazis are where Darkseid is. Joker and Darkseid represent fringe elements on the left and right. No one should be that level of crazy. But the Azovs are. And you are lumping the poor Ukrainians alongside Nazis.

When we compare India and Pakistan, the Indian govt is where Batman is. :cool: Don't blame me, it worked out that way. In fact, I would say the BJP fluctuates between Cyclops and Batman. And Pak govt is where Sinestro is. And they fluctuate between Sinestro and Darkseid very frequently. And they pretend to be Jenny Sparks when they go around begging for money.

It's not a black and white world.
It's pretty clear the Ukrainians have been nazified. Most likely German and austrian bullshit from the EU being transferred. Most of western Europe are already closeted Nazis.
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Its a two way street, west needs to stop inciting & arming ukraine while russia needs to stop bombings. Do you think if russia stops the actions unilaterally ukraine will say we will let you go back in one piece? They will be further egged on by west to declare victory & encourage to kill not just russian military but also the regions which were declared independent. This proxy war is not just abt ukraine , it is abt wests influence & power, they are just unwilling to let it go.

they are wearing yellow so they should be ! :ROFLMAO:
This is an oil war and revenge of the Americans after getting humiliated in Afghanistan. Nothing else. Although it's a matter of time when the Russians take up more ukrainian land.
The turret doesn't care about APFSDS rounds, which will then stop the main armament from functioning? Enough top armour to stop Javelin despite weighing 35-40% less than equivalent western design which Javelin can defeat? That makes no sense at all.

There's no T-72/80/90 that can take RPG-28, Kornet or Milan ATGM hits, especially not dozens at once.

Brilliant Pebbles combined with GBI, KEI, SM-3 BlkIIB and HEDI absolutely could work. No logical reason why it wouldn't. And with reusable LVs it would be much cheaper to institute.

But if they try hard enough they can be an ar5e.

Every place is bad place with Putin pron. Poo-tin.
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View attachment 22958
RPG 28 penetrated the challengers and even killed a driver. Same with the Abrams. Most Russians atgm's can easily pen western tanks without aps. With rpg 32 they can even take out aps based tanks.
Be gentle when my chocolate princes comes in and gives you a piece of her mind. She'll start out by calling you paddy but don't take it personal it just means she likes you.

Don't you love the sanctimonious of some of the folks in here? Everyone has uncleaned hands including native Americans. It must be miserable existence to always see yourself as a victim.
It's sanctimoniousness, sweetie , Sanctimonious being the adjective with sanctimoniousness being the noun. Hence the grammatically correct way to frame this sentence would be - Don't you love the sanctimoniousness of some of the folks in here?

I knew We'd have to school you in basic English grammar like we do Paddy often , except in his case English isn't his mother tongue or his first language merely his lingua franca. It took us some time to realise that just as we took some time to figure you out.

No matter. Now that you're here, it's our solemn duty to correct everything that's wrong with you your knowledge your views & your entire thought process.
That son of a bitch narrative was what we heard during the axis of evil speech by W & preceded the war in Iraq on specious grounds. That was also cited as the reason behind the nearly 2 decade presence of the US & it's minions in Afghanistan. We saw how that ended .

I'm glad to see the glorious tradition in ole Blighty of the regurgitation of the same old shit that BoJo's predecessor like Tony the toothy poodle swallowed up wholesale & vomitted for the likes of Paddy to lap up is continuing.

What next ? Well for starters we were given to understand post Tiananmen that economic engagement was to continue between the US (& the west ) & China because the US believed that was one of the surest ways for universal read western ideas of democracy human rights etc making inroads into the Chinese society was thru continued economic engagement .

3 decades later the US is perhaps the only nation in the extant recorded history of the world to have created it's own rival. Now there are a lot of terms to describe this bizarre phenomenon but one of the most popular is being too clever by half .

Democracy in Taiwan & China being fearful of democracy respect for rule of law , human Rights etc are also being cited as the reason for the invasion of Taiwan perhaps then to be followed by that of Japan & S Korea on similar grounds .

How then would the western world justify the invasion of Vietnam by China, if it happens at some point of time in the future ? Jealousy of a fellow dictatorship perhaps ?
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Be gentle when my chocolate princes comes in and gives you a piece of her mind. She'll start out by calling you paddy but don't take it personal it just means she likes you.
Princes is the plural of the word prince . It denotes the masculine gender.

Princess is spelt with an extra s . It is the singular form of the feminine gender of the word prince.

Now with the information provided , please correct your statement sweetie.

Now we knew you were autistic with ADHD . What we didn't realise is you're also dyslexic . Welcome to Paddy's club . Damn ! This is uncanny Paddy. I was so very prescient when I wrote a few weeks ago he's what you were 30 years ago.

Just for your information sweetie , Paddy's autistic & dyslexic too who got ejected out of the anal cavity at birth in full force & managed to land on the floor on his head which renders him borderline Downs syndrome afflicted.

If you think that's bad he could well have ended up as a shit stain on the sheets of the operating table in the OT. He's also not into females & for some reason has a weird fetish of hooking me up with his mom. @BMD
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The turret doesn't care about APFSDS rounds, which will then stop the main armament from functioning? Enough top armour to stop Javelin despite weighing 35-40% less than equivalent western design which Javelin can defeat? That makes no sense at all.

APFSDS behaves differently from HEAT.

APFSDS does not have explosives, only a rod. When it goes through, the damage is done via hot spalling. So the rod shatters itself and the armour, and damages the insides by setting stuff on fire via intense heat. This can incapacitate or kill the crew, practically vaporise the unlucky ones in the way. But the T-14's crew is in the hull, not the turret. Since the crew is elsewhere, more capable anti-fire systems can prevent fires. On the T-14, the APFSDS round can simply go through the turret without damaging anything. It will only leave behind a hole in the front and the back.

Right now, it's the only tank that uses the principle of six zones:
1. Avoid enemies by using radar to detect them early.
2. Avoid detection using stealth.
3. Avoid target acquisition using EWS.
4. Avoid getting hit by any type of round using APS.
5. Avoid getting killed by using passive armour.
6. Avoid getting the crew killed by placing them in an armoured capsule.

As for top attack ATGMs, it's unclear how much armour is on the top. While the Afghanit and Monolit ERAs can stop ATGMs, even if it penetrates, it's possible that due to the design, where the turret itself is isolated from the tank tracks and engine, even the hull, the crew can simply drive away, have the turret replaced and come back to fight. The internal design should be able to prevent secondary effects.

But the issue with most HEAT rounds is the shorter range of the shell when fired from tanks, while longer ranged ATGMs are more detectable on the T-14's radar, along with personnel getting ready to fire the missile. So personnel and vehicles may not get the opportunity to fire off missiles without NLOS capabilities.

Since the engine, crew, fuel and ammo are separated, the only thing in the turret are the sensors and gun, which are easily replaced in the field.


You can see that there's not much to replace if destroyed.

Long story short, APFSDS goes through the turret without really damaging anything except by luck. And protection from HEAT comes using ERA and radar. The radar can time the automated ERA to explode before the HEAT shell hits it, so this prevents any penetration.

There should be more considering we do not know everything about the tank yet. Particularly the internal turret design and the extent of the APS's capabilities. Let's just say Europe needs a new tank.

There's no T-72/80/90 that can take RPG-28, Kornet or Milan ATGM hits, especially not dozens at once.

Done it plenty of times. Protection against HEAT was achieved back in the 80s, with the induction of composite armour. ERA added an extra layer of protection. T-90s in Syria have taken multiple hits from TOWs and still continued fighting back even with the old Kontakt-5s. Even upgraded T-72s have done it. India's T-72 CIA can do it as well.
Thanks to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Russian / Soviet jokes are back in Vogue. Reagan practically earned his status as a great communicator ( along with the great success he enjoyed in electoral politics) thanks to his joke telling abilities most of which were jokes on the Russians & life in the SU.

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