Ukraine - Russia Conflict

‘Ukrainian’ drone blows up one of Russia’s largest steel plants 800 miles from the border

‘Ukrainian’ drone blows up one of Russia’s largest steel plants 800 miles from the border
Nearly lost for the Kremlin, so they're planning an act of provocation to get people more behind the war, like the Moscow apartment bombing in 1999.
Yeah, because one person resigning will change anything. :ROFLMAO:

Yes because that is how the US Gubment works. :rolleyes:
She was the evil NeoCon who dragged US/Ukraine/Europe/Russia to this mess we have now. She was the mastermind behind Maidan Coup and the subsequent events. You two clowns just can't shrug her departure like an inconspicuous event because it ain't.

Her departure clearly tells that US is going to drag itself out of this mess sooner or later. Ukraine is now royally effed. Only a matter of time.