Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Russia stronk

No wonder Russia is scrapping the bottom of the barrel looking for troops to sacrifice like Syrian and Chechen soldiers. If Russia keeps scrapping they may find Indian soldiers to "join" the Russian cause judging by the many dopes in here who support Russia and moronically believe it's Ukraine's fault for getting invaded.
Where's my chocolate princes to spell chek mi? :LOL:
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Russia stronk

No wonder Russia is scrapping the bottom of the barrel looking for troops to sacrifice like Syrian and Chechen soldiers. If Russia keeps scrapping they may find Indian soldiers to "join" the Russian cause judging by the many dopes in here who support Russia and moronically believe it's Ukraine's fault for getting invaded.
Back in 2003 when the US invaded Iraq, Rumsfeld the then SecDef came calling on Delhi requesting India deploy it's army in Iraq on a peacekeeping mission. We politely told him to FO. The Russians know India better than that & vice versa.
Where's my chocolate princes to spell chek mi? :LOL:
I've a milkshake for you sweetie.
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Russia stronk

No wonder Russia is scrapping the bottom of the barrel looking for troops to sacrifice like Syrian and Chechen soldiers.

It's not a significant number when up against a near-peer enemy. The numbers will get lopsided in favour of Russia as the war progresses.

If Russia keeps scrapping they may find Indian soldiers to "join" the Russian cause judging by the many dopes in here who support Russia and moronically believe it's Ukraine's fault for getting invaded.

And I hope you lot in America at least stick to your word and defend Taiwan by actually being there instead of just waving their flag in Times Square and renaming streets.
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@A Person

Nope, the guy's still living in his NATO fantasy.
It's not a significant number when up against a near-peer enemy. The numbers will get lopsided in favour of Russia as the war progresses.


BAAAAHAHAHAHA! That's a good one, bruh. For a moment you had me thinking you went all tard. To say Ukraine is a near-peer enemy is a funny joke. You Indians do have a sense of humor.
And I hope you lot in America at least stick to your word and defend Taiwan by actually being there instead of just waving their flag in Times Square and renaming streets.
Don't worry about what the US does worry about your military being less capable than your neighbor to the north now that your ally is about to become Zimbabwe.
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France Increases Nuclear Force Readiness Amid War In Ukraine


France has significantly increased it nuclear readiness in the past week. According toAir & Cosmosjournal devices on duty as tensions between France and Russia rise amid the war in Ukraine. The Escadrille des Sous-Marins Nucléaires d’Attaque (ESNA) currently operates with 75% of its strength as the third Le Triomphant Class nuclear launch capable submarine left the port of Île Longue. This decision was probably undertaken due to the risk of Île Longue being targeted in case of a conflict between NATO and Russia.

The ESNA is capable of fielding four Le Triomphant class ballistic missile submarines. Three of them: Le Triomphant (S616), Téméraire (S617) and Le Vigilant (S618) underwent modernization programs which enhanced their nuclear deterrence capacity. Each of the modernized French vessels carries 16 M51.2 ballistic missiles that contain 150kt yield warheads each. The M51.2 ballistic missiles can reach targets as far as 11,000km from the launch site. It means that the French nuclear deterrent force is currently carrying 48 warheads ready to be deployed if needed. (Not true: M51.2 is able to carry from 1 to 10 Warheads with a range from 11000 km to 9000 km so the French nuclear deterrent force is currently carrying from 48 to 240 warheads).

But the maritime component is not France’s only nuclear arm. Air & Cosmos reports that French journalists did not receive answers to questions about the deployment of ASMP-A nuclear air-launched cruise missile with Rafale jets. Admiral Pierre Vandier refused to comment on this during a press conference on 8 March, stating that such decisions (the deployment of nuclear-capable cruise missiles) are a matter of national security.

The Center For Arms Control And Non-Proliferation estimates suggest that French nuclear stockpiles consist of 290 warheads with 280 of them deployed. There are 40 warheads for the land-base-operated air force wings while the French Naval Aviation arm has 10 warheads. All of them could be delivered by the ASMP cruise missile family. It is not confirmed whether the ASMP-A missiles have been deployed with France’s NATO air policing mission over Estonia, though this seems unlikely. (Also whether the ASMP-A missile have been deployed with Charle de Gaulle carrier with France Nato air policing mission over Romania and Bulgaria)
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General situation

Continued transformation of a Russian operation aimed at achieving a quick total victory, which has resulted in great dispersion and exhaustion of forces, into a sequential operation seeking to achieve one objective after another with the little manoeuvring capacity left, which is also declining.

Russian forces will take Mariupol and may then have the opportunity to reach at best one or two other geographical objectives - Kharkiv or Odessa, for political reasons, Dnipropetrovsk, in order to threaten the rear of the Ukrainian army in the Donbass (AUD) - or to obtain a withdrawal of the AUD by a general frontal pressure.

The most likely hypothesis is then a general rigidification of the fronts over the long term.

Specific situations

Russians still frequently use missiles and consume their stockpile. Publicity around the use of hypersonic missiles, without tactical interest compared to other less sophisticated models but for purely demonstrative purposes.

Question of strengthening the Ukrainian S300 air defence system, a key asset in the fight for the skies, especially around Kiev. Possibility of a roque manoeuvre (transfer of Slovak, Bulgarian or Greek batteries or complete systems to Ukraine in exchange for American Patriots). Perhaps a transfer of Turkish S400s in exchange for the possibility of acquiring F-35 fighters could also be considered. Perhaps the supply of Iron Dome anti-rocket batteries should be considered.

Belarus and Western Ukraine:
the question of a Belarusian intervention in the conflict is still pending. Such an intervention would probably add more problems than advantages to the Russian side. Numerous sabotage of railways in Belarus (origin unknown) which severely hampers Russian logistics.

Russian manoeuvring capacity in Western Ukraine is for the moment limited to strikes and raids and possibly infiltration-harassment.

Kiev-Northeast zone: All Russian forces in the northern zone have switched to defensive mode and field fortifications are being put in place (appearance of minefields, engineering works). Effort on the protection of the axes and on the artillery. The battle of Kiev becomes a long-lasting artillery siege. The battle can be fought for the acquisition of artillery positions within a radius of 25 km from the centre of the capital.

While the Russian zone west of Kiev occupied by the 35th, 36th Armies and Airborne Troops (VDV) is coherent, the entire north-eastern zone (Chernihiv-Sumy-Brovary triangle) of the 41st, 2nd Guards Army (GA) and 1st Armoured Guards Army (ABG) is 'leopard-skinned' with interlocking antagonistic forces. How can this develop? Will Russian forces try to unify the area by successively reducing Ukrainian pockets? Will they evacuate the most difficult areas? Will they, for political reasons (to hold as much ground as possible in order to better negotiate) remain wherever they are at the risk of a costly little permanent war in the region?

Donbass zone: in the North, the Russians seem to have abandoned the idea of taking Kharkiv for the time being and have replaced the conquest of the city by an artillery siege. Ukrainian forces repelled a Russian armoured regiment south of Yzioum (120 km south-east of Kharkiv) with heavy losses. Involving two air assault brigades (but no helicopters), this is probably the most important Ukrainian attack of the war. Continued fighting around Severodonetsk, between Yzioum and Luhansk. The equivalent of 3 Ukrainian brigades (perhaps 5,000 men) are threatened with encirclement by the Russian 3rd Motorised Infantry Division (MD) and the 2nd NRL Corps.

In the south: the slow advance of the 19th MD in the west and 150th MD (plus Chechen brigade in the east) and 810th Naval Infantry Brigade in the north continued. The capture of Marioupol is probably a matter of days, two weeks at most.

South-West zone: the zone is the least densely occupied by Russian and Ukrainian forces. It is therefore the one where movements are the most important, before meeting urban resistance. The 7th Airborne Division's reconnaissance towards Voznesensk was pushed back towards Nova Odessa. Similarly a limited reconnaissance (one brigade) towards Kryuyi Rih was repulsed. The rather weak Russian 20th MD is having difficulty resisting Ukrainian forces in front of Mykolayev and appears to be on the retreat.

Black Sea Fleet Kalibr cruise missile strike(s) on 19 March on Ukrainian recruitment/training centre at Mykolayev, many dead.


While it is difficult to imagine a general mobilisation in Russia at the moment, Russia is imposing it in the DNR-LPR republics (4 million inhabitants in total). This could constitute the most important human resource for the Russian war effort, but at the price of many local reluctances.

The Wagner company is said to be a relay for the recruitment of fighters from Marshal Haftar's Libyan National Army to Ukraine.

Theory: civilian digitisation of the battlefield

The digitisation of the battlefield was the big military buzzword of the early 2000s. It was imagined as the setting up of expensive geolocation and data transmission systems between multiple military sensors and 'effectors' all knowing from common images where they are, where much of the enemy is and being able to collaborate with each other. No one was talking at the time about expanding this architecture along public-private/military-civilian lines, and combining our systems with those of the armed organisations we were facing that used civilian technologies.

Ukraine has done this (for the record, it is nations that make wars, not armies) by massively integrating civilian digitalisation, from simple fighters with smartphones to small territorial intelligence units with small low-cost drones. Combined with the mass of mobilised fighters (a fact that has been forgotten), this gives the Ukrainian army a considerable amount of real-time tactical information about itself and the enemy, and much more than the Russians, who do not currently benefit from such a contribution. This obviously gives a considerable advantage to the small mobile Ukrainian units over the heavy Russian columns. The vast majority of the fighting, even artillery ambushes, were thus initiated by the Ukrainians, which was an enormous advantage.

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The Russian Ministry of Defense announced that on Sunday, March 20, the Russian armed forces are completing the defeat of the Ukrainian nationalist formation "Donbass Battalion". Igor Konashenkov, the official representative of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, spoke about this at a briefing.

“Units of the Russian Armed Forces are completing the defeat of the nationalist “Donbass battalion,” Konashenkov said, adding that during the day the Russian armed forces advanced 12 kilometers and, together with the units of the DPR, blocked the settlement of Sladkoe from three sides.

Two tanks, three infantry fighting vehicles, six field artillery pieces and mortars, as well as about 60 militants of a Ukrainian nationalist formation were destroyed. "Now there is a battle for the capture of the settlements of Sladkoe, Novoukrainka and Shakhtyorskoye with the remnants of militants and units of the 54th separate mechanized brigade of Ukrainian troops," Konashenkov said.

According to the official representative of the Ministry of Defense, on Sunday, March 20, 89 Ukrainian military facilities were hit, including command posts, installations of multiple launch rocket systems, artillery weapons, weapons and ammunition depots, and places where military equipment was concentrated, seven Ukrainian drones were shot down in the air.

According to preliminary estimates of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, from the beginning of the special military operation in Ukraine to March 20, the RF Armed Forces have lost 96 aircraft, 118 helicopters and 14.7 thousand military personnel.

Earlier it was reported that during a special operation in Ukraine, the captain of the 1st rank of the deputy commander of the Black Sea Fleet Andrei Paly was killed. On Sunday, March 20, the Russian Defense Ministry announced that the Foreign Mercenaries Training Center had been destroyed in the Zhytomyr region.

The website collects online the latest news about the Russian military special operation in Ukraine on March 20, 2022.
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Lol. That's 'cause those are not 2nd gen. Direct attack defines 2nd gen. All 3rd gen tanks predate top attack.

In the first tank, the crew got hit, the gunner ran away due to shock. But he survived. The only way to kill a T-90 with direct attack is to hit it from weaker areas like the rear. A problem even Western tanks face.

Composite armour defeated 2nd gen ATGMs a long time ago. When it comes to T-14, the radar prevents the ATGM from making first contact with the tank which renders the HEAT round ineffective. It's one of the ways it defeats top attack using passive means.

Good luck if Britain believes that. Challenger 3 is only an MLU. It's no different from the new T-90M Breakthrough-3 modernisation. It's not going to be competitive with the T-14. The Germans and French are working on 4th gen.

Anyway, the so-called 55 calibre smoothbore gun is merely the German L55, which was introduced in the 80s. Impressive as it is, newer, more powerful guns are necessary.
Like I showed you though, direct attack did fine in Syria against T-90s. And if top-attack is 3rd gen, what is top-attack plus tandem warhead?

In the first video the entire tank exploded, the warhead does not make an explosion that large.

Watch the slow-mo. It does not need to make contact pre-explosion.

It's get an active kill system and multi-spectral camouflage (Saab MCS).


The L55 is also 1.32m longer than the cannon fitted to existing NATO tanks. All others are L44 version, only the Leopard 2A6/7, and Challenger 3 will have it. Russian guns are only 48 calibre lengths.

US also did the same they locked up the japanese origin ppl for no good reason, a fact that every true democracy should be proud of.
Like I said, in war times people cannot be expected to behave as they normally do in peacetime. You have not been in a proper existential war yet to know.
:ROFLMAO: now you come up with oil excuse, so next you are going to compare russia to iraq & ukraine to kuwait ? US dropped everything in afghanistan handed the country on a platter to terrorists and went straight to ukraine , guess for what ? To start another proxy war against russia.
It's a fact, look at the position of the oil and gas reserves and the areas Russia was 'interested' in.



It's also impressive how some dickheads always blame the US even when Russia invades a sovereign democracy with internationally monitored elections.
you think ppl are dumb enuf not to know what is happening that they will fall for western propaganda ? Nato aggressively expanded east wards , they dint honor the minsk agreement, when ukraine murdered civilians in donbas region through nazis they kept quiet.

Here is your own bbc calling them nazis, yesterday they were nazis today they are liberals & freedom fighters. Just like taliban went from being terrorists to honorables . Tell me why in the f**** world would any one believe bunch of opportunistic turncoats.

Independent democratic nations joined NATO and the EU of their own free will, after being held captive by Russia in the USSR for decades. Countries cannot make agreements covering 3rd parties. That's like the US and China deciding something for India, or my next door neighbour selling my car to someone else. Russia promoted trouble in the Donbass when Ukraine became democratic, most of the trouble-makers were not ethnic Russian speakers, they were Russians.

The BBC refers to Hindus in India in the same light. You know this. It just depends what makes the headlines for them. Ukraine is not a country full of Nazis that just happens to have a Jewish President, that is Russian garbage. There are hundreds of thousands of Jews in Ukraine and only Russia is complaining.
stop posting nonsense, post facts.

Yes, because the *censored*ed the Russian warship. Or damaged it at least.