Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Russia stronk

No wonder Russia is scrapping the bottom of the barrel looking for troops to sacrifice like Syrian and Chechen soldiers. If Russia keeps scrapping they may find Indian soldiers to "join" the Russian cause judging by the many dopes in here who support Russia and moronically believe it's Ukraine's fault for getting invaded.

Russian troops were forced out of Kyiv suburb, Ukrainian Armed Forces confirm
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Independent democratic nations joined NATO and the EU of their own free will, after being held captive by Russia in the USSR for decades. Countries cannot make agreements covering 3rd parties. That's like the US and China deciding something for India, or my next door neighbour selling my car to someone else. Russia promoted trouble in the Donbass when Ukraine became democratic, most of the trouble-makers were not ethnic Russian speakers, they were Russians.

The BBC refers to Hindus in India in the same light. You know this. It just depends what makes the headlines for them. Ukraine is not a country full of Nazis that just happens to have a Jewish President, that is Russian garbage. There are hundreds of thousands of Jews in Ukraine and only Russia is complaining.

Yes, because the *censored*ed the Russian warship. Or damaged it at least.
This is in the not so distant past Paddy. I've already demonstrated thru an earlier post how Jewry in Ukraine was practically eliminated courtesy the Holocaust & active Ukrainian participation in it for you see the roots of this anti semitism has a long & illustrious history in Ukraine.

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The amount of propaganda in the West against Russia is insane.
It's not propaganda, you are the ones getting propaganda. China is getting the same news as you, that should make you think.
@A Person

Nope, the guy's still living in his NATO fantasy.
“When a country that is treading in the footsteps of the Nazi is accusing us of being Nazi - we can`t accept that,"
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The fundamental errors identified by the Russian forces are as follows
  • a blind political will that wants to take the decision immediately, at the expense of rigorous operational planning.
  • a failing army that overestimates its own forces and underestimates the quality of the opponent about whom it lacks information (notably on his equipment, his morale and his fighting spirit).
  • practically non-existent training in the field of urban combat, whereas during the Second World War, the expertise acquired by the Red Army was certainly the best in the world
  • problems of command organisation, coordination between units and inter-army cooperation.
  • poor tactical use of the tank-infantry pair and a lack of combat engineer troops
  • awkward operational communication.
Faced with an enemy supported by the population, determined and organised to move quickly in urban areas by carrying out harassment actions and deadly anti-tank ambushes, failure was inevitable.
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Armored vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were in a camouflaged firing position, but this did not save them from destruction:


Talk about unholy alliances Paddy. This one takes the cake. @BMD

The only public sanction for this act that is expected would be from the BBC. I don't foresee any problem there at all given they've already hailed the Azov Battalion as freedom fighters a 180 ° turn from their previous stance of them being neo Nazis , followed by felicitation at 10 Downing & a meeting with the old hag at Buckingham's perhaps.
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The first to make a 180° turnaround was Germany. Just four days after Russia’s invasion began, Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced his government would ramp up its defense spending in 2022 alone by €100 billion ($112 billion) taking defense spending from 1.53% of GDP to above 2%.

That is the figure recommended by NATO estimated to have been only met in 2021 by the US, Greece (3.82%), Croatia (2.79%), the United Kingdom (2.29%), Estonia (2.28%), Latvia (2.27%), Poland (2.10%), Lithuania, (2.03%), Romania (2.02%) and France (2.01%), according to NATO statistics. (That Germany had not met that threshold was a major political sticking point during the Trump administration, leading to tensions between Washington and Berlin.)
A colossal explosion, a rocket attack on the Retroville shopping center in Kiev. The strike was carried out after Russian intelligence received evidence that Ukraine harbors Grad multiple launch rocket systems and other equipment in civilian objects

India must stand against ‘autocracies’ like Russia and China: senior U.S. official

Talk about the devil quoting the scriptures.

Look who's here ? The architect of the Maidan protests & first regime change in Ukraine in 2014 deposing Yanukovych with the help of US financed NGO's , media , crowds , multitudes of useful idiots who're now running helter skelter across E Europe & your favourite , Paddy's favourite & mine - the Azov Battalion yesterday's Neo Nazis turned today's hero's in spite of being Neo Nazis.

How's that for supreme logic Paddy ? @BMD

Looks like she's come here to deliver some sort of threat or ultimatum or draw red lines .
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I do not know what Russian politicians are smoking.

Poland’s surprisingly spirited defense of Ukraine would prove “expensive and pointless,” Medvedev predicted, ominously adding that he was confident that Warsaw would “make the right choice” and embrace Russia again.

It's one thing to hide the truth from your people but when you hide it from yourself too that takes the cake.
I do not know what Russian politicians are smoking.

It's one thing to hide the truth from your people but when you hide it from yourself too that takes the cake.
How different is this from Church mouse giving a hopeless speech - We shall fight on the beaches... Which has now come to be hailed as one of the greatest speeches of all time only because you won.

Why do I call it hopeless ? It's not for the quality of the speech itself which is good , remarkably good for it's candour & Which went largely unnoticed later or even then for in it Church mouse himself does admit that there was a good chance Britain would be overwhelmed but that her colonies & the new world would carry on the good fight.

People holding high offices do say a lot of things which may or may not make sense to you given you don't have access to the kind of information that they have though in your case intellect also plays a big role especially since you lack it - I meant intellect not information.

The media plays up what it wants to . Like Church mouse got the bouquets for a rousing & not a realistic speech which it was whereas Medvedev gets brickbats for venting his frustration which as usual you mistook for propaganda. Some things never change.
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Air Assault Forces seized the 9P149 Sturm-S combat vehicle and the BTR-82A​

Air Assault Ukraine War with Russia
Ukrainian Air Assault Forces seized a SACLOS radio guided anti-tank missile system and a modified armored personnel carrier.

The Militarnyi reported about it.

During the successful operation, the 9P149 Shturm-S combat vehicle was seized.

9P149 – self-propelled anti-tank missile system. The system is based on the 9M114 missile. It is installed on the caterpillar chassis of the floating light armored personnel carrier-tractor MT-LB.

France Increases Nuclear Force Readiness Amid War In Ukraine


France has significantly increased it nuclear readiness in the past week. According toAir & Cosmosjournal devices on duty as tensions between France and Russia rise amid the war in Ukraine. The Escadrille des Sous-Marins Nucléaires d’Attaque (ESNA) currently operates with 75% of its strength as the third Le Triomphant Class nuclear launch capable submarine left the port of Île Longue. This decision was probably undertaken due to the risk of Île Longue being targeted in case of a conflict between NATO and Russia.

The ESNA is capable of fielding four Le Triomphant class ballistic missile submarines. Three of them: Le Triomphant (S616), Téméraire (S617) and Le Vigilant (S618) underwent modernization programs which enhanced their nuclear deterrence capacity. Each of the modernized French vessels carries 16 M51.2 ballistic missiles that contain 150kt yield warheads each. The M51.2 ballistic missiles can reach targets as far as 11,000km from the launch site. It means that the French nuclear deterrent force is currently carrying 48 warheads ready to be deployed if needed. (Not true: M51.2 is able to carry from 1 to 10 Warheads with a range from 11000 km to 9000 km so the French nuclear deterrent force is currently carrying from 48 to 240 warheads).

But the maritime component is not France’s only nuclear arm. Air & Cosmos reports that French journalists did not receive answers to questions about the deployment of ASMP-A nuclear air-launched cruise missile with Rafale jets. Admiral Pierre Vandier refused to comment on this during a press conference on 8 March, stating that such decisions (the deployment of nuclear-capable cruise missiles) are a matter of national security.

The Center For Arms Control And Non-Proliferation estimates suggest that French nuclear stockpiles consist of 290 warheads with 280 of them deployed. There are 40 warheads for the land-base-operated air force wings while the French Naval Aviation arm has 10 warheads. All of them could be delivered by the ASMP cruise missile family. It is not confirmed whether the ASMP-A missiles have been deployed with France’s NATO air policing mission over Estonia, though this seems unlikely. (Also whether the ASMP-A missile have been deployed with Charle de Gaulle carrier with France Nato air policing mission over Romania and Bulgaria)

If three submarines have been deployed, then I suppose a good assumption would be 16x3x3 warheads minimum, that's 144 nukes minimum.

It's a no-brainer that ASMP-A has been deployed on CdG.
already sold out in lieu of support from china against russia.

Very possible. But it's a losing bet. Worst case, with the intention of seeing the war end early, the Chinese could get the Russians to go at it harder, followed by simply buying Ukraine with money after the war is over.

Forget Taiwan, Japan and SoKo are probably realising even they can be abandoned. When will people learn that you gotta be white and speak the right language?
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