Have you ever thought of being an F1 driver? Because your excuses are world-class.
It's not really an excuse. Stuff that;s important in such command centers generally have kill switches that erase important data in computers.
Have you ever thought of being an F1 driver? Because your excuses are world-class.
Expensive equipment generally isn't left around for enemies.It's not really an excuse. Stuff that;s important in such command centers generally have kill switches that erase important data in computers.
I was referring to the MCS.It's under R&D by various companies, meant for the T-90's MLU.
Indian Army seeks active protection systems for its T-90S/SK MBTs
The Indian Army (IA) has invited responses from local vendors by 12 May regarding the supply of 818 modular active protection systems (APSs) to enhance the survivability...www.janes.com
Looks like good advice fell on deaf ears.
As Russia Stalls in Ukraine, Dissent Brews Over Putin's Leadership
In January, the head of a group of serving and retired Russian military officers declared that invading Ukraine would be “pointless and extremely dangerous.” It would kill thousands, he said, make Russians and Ukrainians enemies for life, risk a war with NATO and threaten “the existence of...www.yahoo.com
Atgm's have the won the argument. Third gen and above atgm's can basically disable every tank doesn't matter if it's an Abrams or a t-55. Top attack munitions have made heavy armour obsolete. Even atgm's like the rpg 29 vampyr and kornet can easily pen challengers (which are by far the best protected tank on this planet without adding extra NERA or ERA). The Americans still haven't found a real counter to rpg 29 vampyr.
Apparently his generals sent him an anonymous message saying, "Stop now."It's why you don't half-a*s a war. If you're going to war, once the first phase fails, you go all in.
Decent reconnaissance should be showing their positions. And helicopters Should be working together with tanks too but Russia have not established air superiority and their entire C4ISR structure is almost non-existent. It's probably also hindered by the fact that none of his troops want to be there and probably don't believe in what they're fighting for. That said, war in Europe is different to war in the desert, it's generally much harder to see your enemy and our weather is generally shit, which sucks for visibility. It was one stupid war to get into for Putin and I can't see him still being President at the end of it, it's just a matter of when.The way ATGMs are defeated is using helicopters to spot and kill, artillery for area damage, and infantry covering the flanks. Russia isn't using any of these. Their tanks are trying to Rambo the frig out of ATGMs.
Expensive equipment generally isn't left around for enemies.
T-90s need APS more than any other modern battle tank, because their armour is crap.
Apparently his generals sent him an anonymous message saying, "Stop now."
Decent reconnaissance should be showing their positions. And helicopters Should be working together with tanks too but Russia have not established air superiority and their entire C4ISR structure is almost non-existent. It's probably also hindered by the fact that none of his troops want to be there and probably don't believe in what they're fighting for.
That said, war in Europe is different to war in the desert, it's generally much harder to see your enemy and our weather is generally shit, which sucks for visibility.
It was one stupid war to get into for Putin and I can't see him still being President at the end of it, it's just a matter of when.
I don't know how you can lose 15,000 men in 4 weeks and not be taking it seriously. If this was a western country and our government did something like this, there'd be millions protesting and the media would destroy the leader, forcing him to resign.Funny that the Russians are not taking this war seriously.
The exact opposite. There's nowhere to hide in deserts, the enemy is very easily visible.
Putin will stay in power. Their firepower is something else entirely when they go all-out.
Zelensky is taking this time to eliminate all his political rivals and the Russians will eventually push him towards a surrender where he will stay in power while becoming largely subservient to Russia. Ukraine can't fight a second war with the Russians.
Damn, have Russia still not taken that city they've had surrounded for weeks now.
I'm not sure it's correct to assume the personnel have had training from what I've seen. The US did the same with Humvees and stuff, not crucial EW kit.The personnel are more important due to their training. The equipment can be left behind after it's been made unusable. The US did the same in Afghanistan.
O RLY?The T-90's armour is as good as what was available in the 90s in the West. It provides up to 800mm of RHA protection. The T-90MS goes up to 1000mm. And since then not much has changed in the West, only add-on armour was added, and Russian tanks also get the same upgrades.
Against top attack maybe, but you don't need top attack to kill T-90s.Against top attack, none of the tanks in the West are good enough.
I don't think the world agrees with you, we'd rather not see European democracies invaded by some slap-head Hitler, whether they're members of NATO or not. And Ukraine itself certainly wouldn't.They are not that stupid. The Russians only have to reorient and destroy the enemy. Winning or losing is only a matter of them changing their objectives.
It's in the world's long term interests that the Russians finish the war on their terms. Or we will only see a Part 2 and that time the Russians could include NATO in some capacity. The objective the West set out to achieve has more or less been achieved. Russia's under sanctions, grativating towards China and has been set up for long term isolation.
That's because superior design choices of the western tanks even abrams would "survive" a hit from the vampyr point is you will most probably still lose one crewmember atleast if a vampyr hits.Some Challenger IIs have survived hits from RPG-28 and -29 and Kornets in Iraq but they are not top-attack. Hard-kill protection systems can defeat top-attack, but that's about it.
I don't know how you can lose 15,000 men in 4 weeks and not be taking it seriously. If this was a western country and our government did something like this, there'd be millions protesting and the media would destroy the leader, forcing him to resign.
Against top attack maybe, but you don't need top attack to kill T-90s.
I don't think the world agrees with you, we'd rather not see European democracies invaded by some slap-head Hitler, whether they're members of NATO or not. And Ukraine itself certainly wouldn't.
The best solution for the world and Russia is the collapse of Putin's regime and Putin in the Hague. That's also the legally correct outcome too and the only one that has a chance of getting sanctions lifted anytime this century.
It's encircle , sweetie . Don't you have autospellcheck or is it in numskull mode sorry dyslexic mode ?Wow. They are about to incircle Russian forces. We'll likely see a lot of Russian forces surrendering like Iraqi soldiers did in Desert Storm.