Ukraine - Russia Conflict

It's necessary for planning ahead though, like playing chess or any sport for that matter. And of course foreign policy.
70% dependent on your main adversary's father (who is also a dictatorship) for weapons. What do you know about chess, you're not even up to checkers level.
70% dependent on your main adversary's father (who is also a dictatorship) for weapons. What do you know about chess, you're not even up to checkers level.
Reminds me of the time I asked you if RoI had any chess grandmasters considering they're such good chess players themselves, Paddy . Turns out they've one except he's an East European import.

Which is also one of the reasons why you won't see any Irish in the MENSA or see the Irish competing in the Spelling Bee contest or even the Fields Medal awarded for mathematics. These are cerebral sports & fields which any true blue Paddy looks down on.

Which brings us to competitive field sports like soccer or rugby perhaps. Turns out Paddy looks down on them as well as drinking & competing are prohibited.

Which finally brings us to contact sports like wrestling or boxing. Well, Paddy being so fond of boozing can't make it on his own two feet to the ring.

And now for something different :

While Paddy quotes random tweets support his claims Ukraine is winning, Russia losing & the Russian economy tanked, another set of random tweeters reported this.
@Analmouse - Let's face it a Russia oil depot near a border with a conflict zone just got taken out by two Mi-24s. You would think such a target would warrant air defence cover and Mi-24s aren't exactly stealthy and rockets are long range. If you're not asking questions you should be. At the moment you seem to be dependent on an unreliable dictatorship, who's the father of your largest enemy, for weapons that aren't even very good.

Meanwhile RoI hasn't been attacked in over 700 years and doesn't even have a military and also has one of the highest GDPs per capita in the world.
@Analmouse - Let's face it a Russia oil depot near a border with a conflict zone just got taken out by two Mi-24s. You would think such a target would warrant air defence cover and Mi-24s aren't exactly stealthy and rockets are long range. If you're not asking questions you should be. At the moment you seem to be dependent on an unreliable dictatorship, who's the father of your largest enemy, for weapons that aren't even very good.
Frankly for a neutral party with no dog in the fight, it's a question of whose propaganda to believe in. I take both with a pinch of salt. The Russians are what they are just like the Chinese. I don't think their own people believe them or if they do they don't have a choice.

What I'm astounded by is the massive propaganda unleashed by the West & what's more the total censorship exercised by them most notably seen on SM platforms like Twitter FB & YT on opposing PoVs as well as the total belief in whatever they're dishing out.

I don't think you guys have calculated the effects this would have on observers & governments in a different part of the world.

Meanwhile RoI hasn't been attacked in over 700 years and doesn't even have a military and also has one of the highest GDPs per capita in the world.
Yup. I'm finally glad to see admission that the English invasions of Ireland 800 yrs ago was an in-house affair . That's what we were waiting 7 yrs for - an admission. Thanks for this . This is now officially, the collaborators version of history.

Who's want to invade you anyway? What exactly do you have of value that can be appropriated? There aren't any minerals or people talented in any of the traditional crafts or any of the proto industry like metal working, jewellery, textiles etc.

The English Scottish & Welsh successfully attempted an invasion which lasted 800 yrs & are now collectively reaping it's consequences beginning with Brexit . This is the revenge of the subaltern which in this case happens to be the Irish. Since you couldn't improve your lot, you brought down your former colonizers to your level. The ongoing media discourse on the Ukraine war & the public reaction in the West is a classic example of this.

Your highest GDP per capita is due in large part to the tax holidays you've provided to investors who've obliged you with their billions. How exactly has that helped foster a climate of innovation in Ireland? How many native Irish billionaires Paddy? Who's the richest Irishman ? Who's the next Taoiseach going to be? How many bottles of Guinness down at 11 am?
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Explosive video: The Russian army destroyed the S-300 air defence system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the combat duty mode.

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Putin is in hell and enjoys a furlough on Earth. He goes to a bar in Moscow, orders a vodka and insistently asks if Crimea, Donbass, Kiev and the whole of Ukraine are still 'ours'. Reassured by the bartender's affirmative answers, he asks for the bill. "Five euros", the waiter replies.
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Zelensky is not insane, he sees the suffering of his people, and he is properly elected so he is accountable to those people. Putin is insane and accountable to no one.

He doesn't give a damn about people who live in the regions where the fighting is going on though. Look up the 2014 election map.
2 years isn't that long. The EU gets 40% of its gas from Russia, China gets 16%, it's much less important to China. The EU is democratic and leaders are accountable to the populace for gas prices, the CCP are unelected and do not give the slightest sh1t whether people are cold in winter or not. Look at Mao's great leap FFS. They can also pay to get the oil from elsewhere and refine it very easily with their managed economy.

Actually, China is much more accountable today in a certain sense than European govts. The Chinese can't afford instability, especialyl when it comes to the economy.

China can't financially afford to diversify away from Russia either. Otoh, Europe can pay its way out due to the large per capita difference. Maybe 10 years down the line, China can manage to do what Europe is doing, but not anytime soon.

Russia had $630bn of foreign reserves abroad in Jan 2022, that buys a lot of oil from elsewhere. Russia does not have a monopoly, much as they'd like to. Oil is still around $100/bbl even now.

Oil price doesn't matter to them as much due to their lower threshold for oil prices compared to other oil exporters. It's not about a monopoly.

With their imports sunk, their CAS will be pretty good this year, should more than make up for the lost reserves.
Russia withdraws from northern Kiev, Chernihiv, Sumy and Kharkiv. The Russians lift the north-east, leaving a ring road for resupply/movement of reinforcements to Ukrainian forces in the Donbass. The Sumy-Kharkov highway is open and at Sylu the UKR have reached the border.
70% dependent on your main adversary's father (who is also a dictatorship) for weapons. What do you know about chess, you're not even up to checkers level.

We are fine with it. It's only the West that has a problem with it.

In any case the 70% dependency figure is fake. It simply takes numbers at face value, without considering India's ability to take care of the equipment without Russian assistance. Like 96% of tanks and 100% of IFVs are Russian, but can be serviced in India without Russian involvement.