Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Because you are wrong, just as Europe can give up Russian gas and experience some pain, China can give it up and experience less pain. They can lessen the blow simply by reducing taxes on fuel. And China is a martial law country that doesn't care about pain or hardship or keeping votes. On the other hand, China can completely break Russia by refusing trade, which added on top of the EU's sanctions would be Russia completely and utterly *censored*ed.

Europe has not given up Russian gas. They are still buying it. If Russia stops supplies on their own, Europe gets screwed.

What Europe is doing is gradually reducing Russian imports over a long period of time. A sudden break now would actually devestate Europe. Russia and other energy companies have that sort of power over energy dependencies.

You also fail to understand that there are Russian assets in China, which China could just seize and then sell to fund the cost of replacement when Russia refuses to honour oil contracts anyway. Just as Europe and the US will do on April Fool's ( :poop: tin's) day if oil contracts specified in dollars are not delivered on by Russia.

How does that matter? It's peanuts compared to the value of the oil.
Ukraine won't get tired, it has the support of the whole of Europe and North America. Sanctioned Russia will get tired of Putin long before, assuming they haven't already.

Only if you stop Russian oil and gas trade.
Stop! You're getting funnier than _Anonymouse_. It's called having your enemy surrounded and they still lost 15,000 men and thousands of vehicles. They could have chucked them all it the sea and poured asphalt and tar over them to build a land bridge and saved on munitions instead.

"Getting rid of Nazis in Kyiv," was stated and restated as part of the plan. In Russian parliament one guy even stood up and said recently, "if we can't even remove that idiot Zelensky from Kyiv, who are we to threaten NATO?"

Must be why Zelensky is practically begging for talks while Russia is not.
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Why this people cant mind in their own business?
Our actions are the only thing that refrain Russia to become a satellite nation of PRC.
70% of inventory is either Russian or Indo-Russian.
And if the Putin wants snd Chinese are aggressive enough to make deal a little delay in weapons logistics would ended up as disaster for us .
West already made Ukraine scape goat .
We dont want the help of anyone else .
We will take care of us.
And West is not the one that writes history

Looks like our western friends give a run for money for Pak friends .

The West doesn't seem to have grasped the importance of Russia to India. Or maybe they have grasped enough to understand that India will always have an independent foreign policy because of good relations with Russia, and they can't have that.

The US sees India as a counterweight to China. But India sees Russia as a counterweight to China and more importantly Pakistan.

The West must be on really strong stuff if they believe we are gonna choose sides and make Russia or the US an enemy when we don't have to do either. I mean, how stupid does one have to be ruin a very good relationship?
I mean, how stupid does one have to be ruin a very good relationship?
Lets say your are not democratic and liberal enough to understand that. One has to see the world through BBC tainted liberal glasses to even imagine that.

That being said, US getting a word with MEA prior to Russian Indian meet is just what it is: desparate act and a ploy to make Indian policy more hesitant.
Lets say your are not democratic and liberal enough to understand that. One has to see the world through BBC tainted liberal glasses to even imagine that.

That being said, US getting a word with MEA prior to Russian Indian meet is just what it is: desparate act and a ploy to make Indian policy more hesitant.

Their biggest fear is the de-dollarisation of trade between Russia, India, China and the Middle East. Primarily led by China.

Apparently the rupee-ruble trade for defence had euro pegged. Now the Russians want it pegged to the yuans, and India is resisting it. Lavrov's visit should be about getting this mechanism running.

So the West seem to be applying as much pressure as possible to gain some concessions even though they are fighting the inevitable.
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Yup I just saw the yellow & blue flag painted on the heptrs. It's so prominent , I Think it was painted in Braille , so that even you could notice it .


P.S - check on # 2992 . I just edited that comment after you spread your legs there.
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A fuel depot on fire in Belgorod. The Russians refer to a rocket attack by Ukrainian helicopters.
"The fire at the Belgorod oil depot started as a result of an air strike by two helicopters of the Ukrainian armed forces, which entered Russia's territory at low altitude, said the region's governor, Vyacheslav Gladkov."

Since the Russians NEVER assumed they could be attacked in their rear, ammunition depots and other storage facilities are easy targets.
It would be interesting to know the route taken by the choppers, because from memory all the eastern borders are controlled by the Russians, so the choppers must have flown several tens of km into hostile territory, even before crossing the Russian border. I think that the MI-24 pilots who would have done the raid are the most courageous guys for some time!

According to some comrades, fuel is really the crux of the problem for the Russians. Their redeployment would be due to a simple fact: the Russian army has almost no more tanks to supply its troops. I asked about possible underground depots (that was done in the USSR days)... there wouldn't be any... it gives the impression that the Russian army is simply on the verge of asphyxiation.

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A fuel depot on fire in Belgorod. The Russians refer to a rocket attack by Ukrainian helicopters.
"The fire at the Belgorod oil depot started as a result of an air strike by two helicopters of the Ukrainian armed forces, which entered Russia's territory at low altitude, said the region's governor, Vyacheslav Gladkov."

Since the Russians NEVER assumed they could be attacked in their rear, ammunition depots and other storage facilities are easy targets.
It would be interesting to know the route taken by the choppers, because from memory all the eastern borders are controlled by the Russians, so the choppers must have flown several tens of km into hostile territory, even before crossing the Russian border. I think that the MI-24 pilots who would have done the raid are the most courageous guys for some time!

According to some comrades, fuel is really the crux of the problem for the Russians. Their redeployment would be due to a simple fact: the Russian army has almost no more tanks to supply its troops. I asked about possible underground depots (that was done in the USSR days)... there wouldn't be any... it gives the impression that the Russian army is simply on the verge of asphyxiation.

RT is now reporting...
BREAKING: Our glorious fuel depots managed to destroy a dozen of the enemy's rockets, in defense of the motherland.
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Must be why Zelensky is practically begging for talks while Russia is not.
Zelensky is not insane, he sees the suffering of his people, and he is properly elected so he is accountable to those people. Putin is insane and accountable to no one.
Europe has not given up Russian gas. They are still buying it. If Russia stops supplies on their own, Europe gets screwed.

What Europe is doing is gradually reducing Russian imports over a long period of time. A sudden break now would actually devestate Europe. Russia and other energy companies have that sort of power over energy dependencies.

How does that matter? It's peanuts compared to the value of the oil.

Only if you stop Russian oil and gas trade.
The date for not buying it has been moved forward to 2024. Then Russia can sell oil in rice and goats for all anyone cares.

2 years isn't that long. The EU gets 40% of its gas from Russia, China gets 16%, it's much less important to China. The EU is democratic and leaders are accountable to the populace for gas prices, the CCP are unelected and do not give the slightest sh1t whether people are cold in winter or not. Look at Mao's great leap FFS. They can also pay to get the oil from elsewhere and refine it very easily with their managed economy.

Russia had $630bn of foreign reserves abroad in Jan 2022, that buys a lot of oil from elsewhere. Russia does not have a monopoly, much as they'd like to. Oil is still around $100/bbl even now.

It's being massively reduced as it is and the rest of trade is cut off. They won't be able to fund their military and public services with what's left. They'll also have great trouble borrowing money and getting investment because they're too risky.
The Russians have left Gostomel airport completely.
There are rumours of Russian soldiers returning to Belarus after being irradiated around Chernobyl
They've irradiated themselves at Chernobyl? That's twice now. Lost 15,000 men and used chemical warfare on themselves. That's impressive.