Ukraine - Russia Conflict

The Hindu Right is turning against the US, but India needs to see reality over rhetoric

Vir Sanghvi does what he does best. After being caught with his pants down doing dalaali like Burkha courtesy the Radia tapes , he's been keeping a low profile unlike Burkha.

However every once in a while professional jealousy of others basking in the sun & enjoying privileges he took for granted during the previous dispensation easily conflates with pet peeves like hatred of Hindutva & dislike of the BJP including the government & Modi , which has to result in an article to which how can Clutterji say no .

So here goes.
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Looks like the head of your military intelligence couldn't even manage that.
Still better than you & the US where in spite of being buggered daily for 20 yrs , in spite of being unable to predict the fall of Kabul & the speed with which the Ghani govt capitulated & the fact that you had to scram for your lives with your pants around your ankles , your Chief of Army Nickyboy refers to the Taliban as country lads expressing the intention of returning to Afghanistan soon.

All this after 3 defeats in the 3 Anglo Afghan wars fought over the course of a century , a century ago & then you return for a 4th defeat in 2021 . What's more , you still want to return for more ?! What's this between Brits & the love of being buggered , Paddy ?
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Why this people cant mind in their own business?
Our actions are the only thing that refrain Russia to become a satellite nation of PRC.
It already is. JFC, the Soviet Union made the PRC and DPRK. The Soviets always supported the Chinese against India, they only supported you against Pakistan to annoy NATO.

70% of inventory is either Russian or Indo-Russian.
Well that was stupid.

And if the Putin wants snd Chinese are aggressive enough to make deal a little delay in weapons logistics would ended up as disaster for us .
You're already at that point. JFC, wake up.

West already made Ukraine scape goat .
The scapegoat for what exactly? What was it helping us escape from exactly, ongoing, stable, long term prosperity?

We dont want the help of anyone else .
Sir, I direct you to the second and third quotes above that you wrote yourself.

We will take care of us.
With weapons 70% made by your biggest enemy's dad?

And West is not the one that writes history
Meaningless subterfuge to help you achieve the goal of fooling yourself for a little while longer.

Looks like our western friends give a run for money for Pak friends .
You're comparing Ukraine to Pakistan now? Does Ukraine fight by sending men to bomb marketplaces and shoot up hotels? It is Russia that is giving Pakistan a run for their money right now. Both in terms of military prowess and the cross-border insurgency tactics they've employed since 2014 in Ukraine and in 2008 over in Georgia, duplicated by their accomplice Iran in Yemen and elsewhere. Not to mention all the poisonings.
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Another splendid example of what I've rightly termed the Irishification of the western media & it's audiences ? What can be made out from the video ? Absolutely zilch .

This could very well be broadcast by Russian propaganda outlets claiming Ukrainian soldiers on the run & we'd be none the wiser . Can we see any identifiable markers ? An uniform , a beret or a flag , perhaps ? Absolutely not .

Yet it's for certain this is an Ukrainian hit on a Russian base . Why ? Because a girlie magazine / tabloid from Paddy's youth well past it's expiry date says so & Paddy dutifully reports it here without questioning it .

For all you know this may be footage from Eastern Ukraine from before the war . After all they've been fighting it out there since 2014 . But who's going to explain that to Paddy & risk further brain damage ?
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Russian military with high-precision weapons destroy the positions of the MLRS of NAZI "Azov" in the area of the industrial zone of the metallurgical plant "Azovstal" in Mariupol:

NSFW!!: Some high ranking Azov and Ukraine armed forces Militants tried escaping Mariupol through a helicopter but were shot down by a captured American made Stinger:


Chinese TV channel CGTN-Russian reporter Dmitry Maslak visited the crash site of the downed Mi-8 helicopter of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Mariupol.

There were reportedly 17 people on board. Operational measures are being taken with the two survivors.:

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I quite like this display of pragmatism by ze Germans just because they've got their balls in a vice controlled by the Russkies they're suddenly very understanding of India's position . Otherwise they'd be here to preach the gospel which is now the lot of the Brits which is why Liz Truss is in town , Paddy . @BMD

Up until now H&K refused to participate in Indian tenders for small arms citing HR violations , serving & ex defence personnel were denied visas on account of having served in CI operations & on & on .

There was also a time not so long ago they demanded we sign the NPT & gave up our N weapons & program all the while when they themselves were shielded under the US N umbrella with Germany exercising control over the N weapons of US make on it's soil .

Perhaps , some time in the not so distant future , when the peacefuls start exercising their rights to protest violently in keeping with their beliefs , we'd have an equally pragmatic Germany appreciating our position on Kashmir better just like now .
🔴 Ukraine War - From Fighting Traffic Lights To Abducting Goats: Russias Chechen TikTok Battalion

0:55 - Particularly amusing.

Video of the destruction of positions and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with precision-guided munitions:


Your foreign secretary Liz Truss has the looks charm & demeanor of a crocodile on 2 feet . I imagine if you were to meet her under a mistletoe you'd kiss the mistletoe & crush her.

I can totally understand why you've chosen your orientation the way you have Paddy . I mean if she's the archetype of the English rose , you're entitled to be the way you are . You have my full understanding & support , Paddy . Respect !! @BMD
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