Ukraine - Russia Conflict

US asks Cyprus to transfer T-80U tanks BMP-3 IFVs S-300 and Tor-M1 air defense missiles to Ukraine

Defense News April 2022 Global Security army industry
According to information published by the "Ekathimerini" website on April 4, 2022, the United States has asked Cyprus government if it would be possible to transfer Russian-made weapons and combat vehicles in services with the Cyprus armed forces including TOR-M1 and S-300 air defense missile systems, T-80U main battle tank, BMP-3 tracked armored IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle) and Mi-35 attack helicopter.

On April 4, 2022, Army Recognition reported that the U.S. administration will work with allies to transfer Soviet-made tanks to bolster Ukrainian defenses in the country’s eastern Donbas region, a U.S. official said on April 1, echoed by Helen Cooper in The New York Times.

At the same time, Germany has approved the transfer of 58 Pbv 501 tracked armored IFVs (Infantry Fighting Vehicles to Ukraine. The Pbv 501 is a Swedish upgrade of ex-East German Army BMP-1 IFVs (Infantry Fighting Vehicle) that were delivered to Sweden from 1998 to 2001.

Kathimerini’s sources stated that the Americans has requested the Cyprus Government to donate TOR-M1 and S-300 air defense missile system as well as T-80U main battle tanks, BMP-3 tracked armored IFVs (Infantry Fighting Vehicles) and Mi-35 attack helicopters.

Citing the Kathimerini, the request from U.S. was received positively by President Nicos Anastasiades who gave the go-ahead for further discussions to be done quickly.

According to the Military Balance 2021, the Cyprus army has a total of 82 Soviet-made T-80U MBTs (Main Battle Tanks), 43 BMP-3 tracked armored IFVs (Infantry Fighting Vehicles), six 9K331 TOR-M1 (NATO code designation SA-15 Gauntlet), 11 Mi-35P Hind-E. Cyprus was equipped with Soviet-made S-300 PMU1 that were transferred to Greece after the Cyprus Missile Crisis.

The Cypriot S-300 crisis was a tense and rapidly escalating political standoff between the Republic of Cyprus and the Republic of Turkey between early 1997 and late 1998. The confrontation was sparked by Cypriot plans to install two Russian-made S-300 air defense missile sites on their territory, provoking Turkey into threatening an attack or even all-out war if the missiles were not returned to Russia.

Oh the pressure being put on the nations that use inferior Russian weapon systems by Earth's supreme leader. What is a subject to do? :unsure:
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Don't watch if you're a Russian fanboy.

Russia Regrouping in Ukraine is Worse Than You Think​

Kyiv is free to redeploy its combat troops to zee eastern front and deploy its freshly called up reserves for Kyiv duty. The state of Russian forces that just got their a$$es handed to them in Kyiv is not good they are war weary and more than likely won't be much help in zee eastern front. Folks that think those handful of Turkish drones Ukraine had in hurting Russian forces was impressive just wait when switchblade is deployed and starts taking out Russian arty and IADS thanks to US/NATO ISR which knows every Russian arty and SAM emplacement in zee eastern front.
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Don't watch if you're a Russian fanboy.

Russia Regrouping in Ukraine is Worse Than You Think​

Kyiv is free to redeploy its combat troops to zee eastern front and deploy its freshly called up reserves for Kyiv duty. The state of Russian forces that just got their a$$es handed to them in Kyiv is not good they are war weary and more than likely won't be much help in zee eastern front. Folks that think those handful of Turkish drones Ukraine had in hurting Russian forces was impressive just wait when switchblade is deployed and starts taking out Russian arty and IADS thanks to US/NATO ISR which knows every Russian arty and SAM emplacement in zee eastern front.
Will all this happen before or after the entire Donbass region falls ? Coz if it does , the Russians may well declare a unilateral cease fire .
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It's your own system. Suck it up and live with it. The sanctions on Russia are illegal.

This only applies to the West when it concerns the West. Other times morals go into the trash bin, like Iraq War.

So you're saying more than 60% of humanity is wrong? You do realise most people in the world are living in the yellow parts right?

This is just a US vs Russia fight. Don't drag us into it. You wanna illegally sanction Russia, go right ahead. But we are not party to it.

Which is all subjective to how compliant a country is to the West.

Only govt functioning cannot be faked, hence the high score.
Nope, they are not. The majority of countries are on board.

So you're comparing Saddam Hussein to Zelensky?

The yellow parts don't have a vote you fool. They are mostly dictatorships and tin-pot republics and the red parts even worse still. Their leaders were not voted for and therefore do not represent them in any way.

The sanctions are not illegal, you don't get a vote when you're the perpetrator of a crime. That's like putting the defendant on the jury in a courtroom.

Nope. Government functioning just demonstrates government control over the populace, a dictatorship could score highly. It's more a measure of organisation. You can't score highly if parts of your country are occupied because you cannot enact laws there. India's functioning of government in POK would be low for the same reason.
Look, we never cared if Trump is lying or Bush is lying or Blair is lying (and they lie a lot!). Yeah Russia lies too at times. So long they keep their policy towards us consistent, we care less.
Their policy towards you is that you are what Stalin described as 'useful idiots'.
The answer is precisely ZERO! Russia never cared how many Kashmiri Yahoo we dispatch or how many Khalistani we send to hell. We like it that way only. Now if you can convince BBC and New York Times and all those over 9000 gender and hair color wokes who vote for Democrats in US and Labor party in UK to act otherwise, we might have a point to talk about.
The mentioned group is banned in the UK, EU and US, what more do you want? It's not even banned in Russia.

They could be there without Russia even knowing it and maybe even terrorists don't want to live in Russia.
Yeah the world is *censored*ed. None of our concern. We are no world police. At worst some of us dream of being "world-teacher" but thats just dream selling right now. India has never been a world enforcer and will never be one. Last time India tried that, the results were really catastrophic for us. Ireland or US or UK are more than welcome to take that role.

There are no Chechen in India, some afghans are there but they are not bothering us nor we bother them and none of them have a Afghan nationalism feeling, so we are good there. We do not care about Iraq, our own home needs fixings so thank you and you can go fix Iraq or whatever you want. We will cheer you from a far -- if it is not too expensive that is.

Look man, we managed to achieve our goals with Russia. In the UN we have and had a very reliable veto on major issues. Kashmir issue became a non-issue mostly as far as world stage goes. We crushed one head of a snake called Pakistan. Without USSR that was not possible. With USA, that was not possible either. So we are good as far as history goes. Bangladesh is a peaceful angel compared to the dragon and the murder-suicide loving mullah west to us. Russia gave us Nuclear sub technology, US will not give it to Japan, its closest ally. Heck US will not loan a nuclear sub outside its Anglo-Saxon family. We know that and we realised it long time ago. So, that was not even a choice to begin with.

Our next partnership is building up with France. Like Russia they also like to keep their things at an arms distance to rest of the merry company. We like it that way. We buy their stuff, have or will like to have JVs with them. May be some diplomatic exchange if opportunity presents.

You and US on the other hand have been playing world police for all these decades. You paid for that too. Made too many enemies in the process. You are rich, so may be it works for you. For us, no thank you! You are free to donate all weapons to Ukraine you want. We will stay out of trouble which we neither created nor much impacted and have no control over. Namaste!
Just pointing out that you can't be sure where the terrorists are coming from.

Only if your goal was to have an economy of fraction the size of China's. Pakistan is a very small snake compared to China. I think US would give Japan nuclear sub technology now, but I'd be surprised if the Japanese couldn't do it for themselves TBH.

See where that got the EU in general as regards Ukraine. That war was preventable if the France, Germany and the EU had sanctioned Russia harder after the initial annexations.

Being neutral is fine, buying extra oil from Russia for redistribution is not so neutral.

I wonder how India will vote as regards human rights council on Russia.
So you're comparing Saddam Hussein to Zelensky?

Saddam was at least smart. Zelensky is a cartoon.

The yellow parts don't have a vote you fool. They are mostly dictatorships and tin-pot republics and the red parts even worse still. Their leaders were not voted for and therefore do not represent them in any way.

Ah, so more than half of humanity is irrelevant. Noted.

The sanctions are not illegal, you don't get a vote when you're the perpetrator of a crime. That's like putting the defendant on the jury in a courtroom.

Your system, your grave, now lie in it without complaining. Or fix it.

Nope. Government functioning just demonstrates government control over the populace, a dictatorship could score highly.

Govt functioning is about how civil liberties are exercised in the real world.

Their policy towards you is that you are what Stalin described as 'useful idiots'.

They are the same to us.
Saddam was at least smart. Zelensky is a cartoon.

Ah, so more than half of humanity is irrelevant. Noted.

Your system, your grave, now lie in it without complaining. Or fix it.

Govt functioning is about how civil liberties are exercised in the real world.

They are the same to us.
Zelensky hasn't been hung by his own people, he has their support. You can tell by how hard they fight. Putin does not have that. Saddam's people mostly surrendered and formed an orderly queue for a turn kicking his ar5e after he was captured.

But it isn't half of humanity, take China, that is 1 guy, unelected, not 1.4 billion. Ditto for most of the other ones in yellow. That is the problem with the UN. Unelected representatives.

I'm all for kicking the dictatorships out of the UN, they have no place voting, since they don't believe in it.

No, civil liberties is about how civil liberties are exercised in the real world. Government functioning is about whether a new tax regime can be rolled out to the Donbass when it is full of terrorists.

As long as you know it.
Zelensky hasn't been hung by his own people, he has their support. You can tell by how hard they fight. Putin does not have that. Saddam's people mostly surrendered and formed an orderly queue for a turn kicking his ar5e after he was captured.

There are people in Britain who would do that to Churchill too.

But it isn't half of humanity, take China, that is 1 guy, unelected, not 1.4 billion. Ditto for most of the other ones in yellow. That is the problem with the UN. Unelected representatives.

Nothing surprising that you do not agree with your own system. Once you make the Russians pass the sanctions resolution in the UNSC, then we will apply sanctions too.

As long as you know it.

That's how most relationships are. It's no different from how the West and India treat each other too. Hence the need for strategic autonomy.

How do you suppose this happened Paddy & sweetie ? Is European consumption of Russian oil gas & coal something to do with it ? If yes , what happens tomm if & when Russia enforces payment in roubles pending which supplies get disrupted ?

In other news Blinken made a visit to Algiers recently lifting or promising to lift sanctions on Algeria provided they pump extra oil & gas to kill the high prices in the market now that Venezuela has basically told the US to go screw itself , Iran has yet to sign on the revised JCPOA hence can't bring it's share of oil & gas into the market & the UAE , KSA etc have basically told Irish Joe to go *censored* himself .

Round 1 to Irish Joe .

@BMD ; @Innominate
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Update on operations in Ukraine 7 April 2022

General situation

Complete evacuation of northern Ukraine. The three Russian armies engaged to the west and north of Kiev are being recompleted in Belarus and are probably unfit for combat. The 2nd AG and the 6th A held the eastern border between Soumy and Kharkiv. The 1st ABG was transferred to the Donbass-North sector in preparation for the decisive battle in April. Apart from Mariupol, the other sectors were only subject to limited operations.

Specific situations


The Donbass-North combat zone can be divided into three sectors: Yzioum, the Donets River opposite the Sloviansk-Kabarovsk stronghold and Severodonetsk. The whole seems to have been taken into account by the staff of the 1st Armoured Guards Army, which came from the Soumy region, and which took under its command, and then that of the divisional staffs (3rd DM, 144th DM), around ten GTIAs and probably also the 106th Airborne Division, which had not been very involved until then. When this attacking mass was worn out in battle at the end of April/beginning of May, the Russian capacity for manoeuvre would be reduced to little. Whatever happens at that point, a long operational pause will probably be necessary.

Facing the 1st ABG, in the Yzium sector Ukrainian forces were reduced to three regular units: the 25th Airborne and the 81st and 95th Air Assault Brigades (in reality mechanised infantry brigades). The Sloviansk-Kabarovsk stronghold is firmly held by the 57th motorised brigade and several territorial or paramilitary units (police, organised militia) and Severodonetsk by the 79th Air Assault Brigade and again several territorial and paramilitary units.

The Ukrainian forces in the area represent 1/6th of the total forces. They are of good tactical level and are based on solid positions but they are already worn out.

The Russian intention is clearly to seize the Severdonetsk salient in the east as quickly as possible and above all in the west to push from Yzium towards Bervinkove, a small town of 8,000 inhabitants 30 km west of Sloviansk held by the 85th Brigade. For the time being, the aim is not to capture the Sloviansk-Kabarovsk urban stronghold but to bypass it.

Eastern Donbass

The 2nd LNR Army Corps accompanied the Russian action against Severodonetsk from the east and tried to capture Popasna, held by the 24th Ukrainian mechanised brigade, further south.

The 1st DNR Army Corps is still trying to advance westwards from the town of Donetsk on the N15 and above all the E50 motorway, but the 95th Air Assault Brigade is resisting on fortified positions.

South Donbass

The Russians are still advancing in Mariupol but very slowly. There is complete uncertainty as to when the city will be taken. It seems difficult to imagine that the Russian 150th motorised division will be able to carry on another battle at the end, for example in the direction of Zaporijjia.

Balance of forces in the Southern Donbass line between three defending Ukrainian brigades (59th, 56th and 53rd motorised/mechanised) and the Russian 42nd motorised division. The capture of Zaporizhia would be of great interest to the Russians, but for the moment they are content to bomb the town, no doubt waiting for the means to attack.


Ukrainian attacks on Kherson from Kryvyi Rhi and Mykolayev. The recapture of Kherson by Ukrainian forces and the crossing of the Dnieper River would be a major blow to the Russians, but it is highly unlikely.
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