Ukraine - Russia Conflict

No, stuff from China isn't as necessary, we just don't see why we should help you given your non-neutral support of Russia. As for Russian gas, that dependency is gone in 2 years as well.
LOL! We cann't take you seriously! I mean leave about buying stuff from China, you need to send your garbage to China too, if that is stopped UK will be filled with filth : much much more than usual. If China decides to NOT sell you things like diapers (both babies and adult), chemical to make soaps and detergents: you will not have anything to take a bath or change after pissing yourself or anything called hygine. All those companies making FMCGs are highly dependent on Chinese supply chains to make even the BASIC everyday necessities.

Its laughable that you do not realize how much entrenched China is in your EVERY god damn minute of life.
Lol, what link?

Which is why the UNSC is useless and requires reforms. But until then, if it's not UNSC mandated sanctions, any and all sanctions are illegal.

Leftist BS.

Leftist BS. It's 'cause the right wing keeps winning.

Read this to understand why.

Leftist BS.

Real metric, since it can't be faked. Everything else is subject to interpretation.

Why is this score high? Because India is actually a democracy that works like one. Which is also why India's score here is very similar to that of the UK, France, US etc.

India is a "flawed democracy" because Modi came to power. Nothing more. The minute India is led by a weak govt with no direction, it will become a "full democracy". But such labels cannot take away from the fact that the govt functions to the same level as Western Europe, because we have the same levels of rule of law and transparency.

Otoh, Ukraine is considered a "Hybrid Regime". So... :ROFLMAO:

The one this conversation started off on Mr. Goldfish.

Nope, if only the culprit vetoes it then they are legal, and more importantly morally correct. A quick glance at this map should tell you that you are wrong.


No, civil liberties are not BS. They include things like freedom of the press, freedom to gather an assembly, right to protest, right to a fair trial, legal representation, right to work, right not to be discriminated against unfairly, basic human right (freedom from harm or torture). Hardly BS, they're basically 90% of what defines a free democracy.

Hybrid regime is arbitrarily allocated for a score below 6 and that is only due to functioning of government in Ukraine caused by Russian meddling. If you were 10-20% invaded I'm sure your functioning of government would also deteriorate, so would you then not be a democracy?

I wonder what the democracy index is like for the countries in green vs those in yellow or red if average out.

Civil Liberties
Belarus - 2.04
Eritrea - 1.18
Syria - Unrated i.e. 0.

So an average of about 1. You are the company you keep.

You don't even know the answer to the first question yourself. A lot of Chechens were found in Afghanistan, let's just put it that way. You also have your ex-USSR x-stan countries to your north.
Chechen? None of our problem. Afghan Talibans? Again none of our problems.
X-tan is a weird way of saying "I do not know geography".

You'd have to give specific examples. And I can't see how this compares to murdering a town, two now.
Specific example: Babbar Khalsa. Where does it and where did it operated from? UK!
Specific example: BBC. Ever seen RT giving space to likes of Rana Ayyub? OR Zakir Nair?
Specific example: Canada's statement about Indian Farm laws. Ever seen Russia do the same?
Specific example: US listing India in "Human Rights" bullshit watchlist. Ever seen Russia do that?
Chechen? None of our problem. Afghan Talibans? Again none of our problems.
X-tan is a weird way of saying "I do not know geography".

Specific example: Babbar Khalsa. Where does it and where did it operated from? UK!
Specific example: BBC. Ever seen RT giving space to likes of Rana Ayyub? OR Zakir Nair?
Specific example: Canada's statement about Indian Farm laws. Ever seen Russia do the same?
Specific example: US listing India in "Human Rights" bullshit watchlist. Ever seen Russia do that?
No, it's a way of saying all those -stans to the North of India without listing then all. Yeah, they thought there were no people other than Afghans stirring things in the Taliban too.

The organisation employs armed attacks to accomplish its goal[8] and is officially banned and designated as an international terrorist organisation by the United States,[9][10] Canada,[11][2] the United Kingdom,[12] the European Union,[13][14] Japan[15] and India.[16]

Guess what, Al-Quaeda and ISIS operate out of the UK and US too, it doesn't mean we want them to. They're operating out of India too. Seriously, what kind of a point is this?

The first appears to be a journalist, the second murky waters from a scan read.

You're going to hold all of NATO-EU accountable for Justin Trudeau? The Canadians elected him, he gets 8.93 for functioning of government for what that's worth and a 9.24 for democracy overall @randomradio.

Russia doesn't even recognise human rights, they kill dissenters, so that's hardly even a fair question. It's like asking if a dog turd has ever given a lecture on hygiene.
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You don't even know the answer to the first question yourself. A lot of Chechens were found in Afghanistan, let's just put it that way. You also have your ex-USSR x-stan countries to your north.
Saaho talks about Punjab & Kashmir & Paddy being Paddy brings in Afghanistan & Chechens of all nationalities. Then he takes great umbrage to terms like Irishification of the Western world & media.
You'd have to give specific examples. And I can't see how this compares to murdering a town, two now.
The biggest war criminal in the 21st century till date is George W Bush for unilaterally pursuing the war in Iraq & Afghanistan. That war & it's aftermath led to more than a million deaths. At least as far as Afghanistan goes the US had casus belli. When's he being brought to justice?

Yes, India should care if Russia is lying. Until it isn't. That should bother you a lot more than it does.
We'd like to see the Russians being brought before the ICJ but more importantly we'd like to see the Brits do it. While we're on the subject of war crimes we'd also like to include man made famines in it & see it brought before the ICJ too. If the argument against it is it's more than 80 yes since that event occured, let me inform you that in 80 yrs the events occurring today would be 80 yrs old.
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No, it's a way of saying all those -stans to the North of India without listing then all.
Errr.... Man when was the last time you did your geography lesson?
There is one "stan" that shares boundry with India: Pakistan. Thats all. Rest, do not share boundry with India. Simple. If anyone that is threat to India it is "Pakistan".
US and UK have been pretty supportive to Pakistan for quite sometime now.
Errr.... Man when was the last time you did your geography lesson?
There is one "stan" that shares boundry with India: Pakistan. Thats all. Rest, do not share boundry with India. Simple. If anyone that is threat to India it is "Pakistan".
US and UK have been pretty supportive to Pakistan for quite sometime now.
Yah, and Chechnya doesn't have a border with Afghanistan either and Iran is Shia, so it shouldn't have been supporting Al-Quaeda in Iraq. Strange world we live in.

See the rest of my reply in previous post, for some reason it keeps early posting today.

Well they allied with NATO, you went for your Soviet-slanted neutralism and socialism. You kind of have a history of being wrong in that regard... continually so in fact... although Pakistan would not be my first choice for an ally.
Yah, and Chechnya doesn't have a border with Afghanistan either and Iran is Shia, so it shouldn't have been supporting Al-Quaeda in Iraq. Strange world we live in.

Iran backed Shia militants have been in the forefront of battling AQ & ISIS in Iraq,. This man isn't talking thru his hat or *censored*, he's a walking talking rectum.

It's a real pity the Irish Intelligence Review isn't in wide circulation . They'd provide much needed comic relief in these stressful times.

Well they allied with NATO, you went for your Soviet-slanted neutralism and socialism. You kind of have a history of being wrong in that regard... continually so in fact... although
Repeat after me Paddy - NATO is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Paxtan is in South Asia. Paxtan wasn't allied to NATO. It was a signatory to the SEATO & the Baghdad Pact. It was only after Paxtan joined these treaty organizations India was forced to shed it's neutrality & reach out to the Soviet Union.

Ignorance of any issue isn't a limiting factor in airing ones views at all. In fact in some ethnicities it's a matter of pride & had that been the case the Irish would be naturally de platformed & good honest hard working people like us would be starved of good entertainment.
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Headline reads huge shock to Putin, video mentions no confirmation of any transfer of MiG-29s & Su-25s to Ukraine. Meanwhile it's more than a month since Poland was supposed to transfer it's Russian built fighters to Ukraine.

Man the entire media circus seems to be of the Irish, by the Irish for the Irish.
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WASHINGTON (AP) — Kyiv was a Russian defeat for the ages. The fight started poorly for the invaders and went downhill from there.

When President Vladimir Putin launched his war on Feb. 24 after months of buildup on Ukraine's borders, he sent hundreds of helicopter-borne commandos — the best of the best of Russia's “spetsnaz” special forces soldiers — to assault and seize a lightly defended airfield on Kyiv's doorstep.

Other Russian forces struck elsewhere across Ukraine, including toward the eastern city of Kharkiv as well as in the contested Donbas region and along the Black Sea coast. But as the seat of national power, Kyiv was the main prize. Thus the thrust by elite airborne forces in the war's opening hours.

But Putin failed to achieve his goal of quickly crushing Ukraine’s outgunned and outnumbered army. The Russians were ill-prepared for Ukrainian resistance, proved incapable of adjusting to setbacks, failed to effectively combine air and land operations, misjudged Ukraine’s ability to defend its skies, and bungled basic military functions like planning and executing the movement of supplies.
Belarussian now fighting on Ukrainian side celebrates the arrival of a pizza.

I think with the arrival of new MLRS units, Russian forces are beginning to realise that they can't be anywhere in Ukraine.

The 93rd OMBR "Cold Yar" dealt with a column of occupiers' equipment

End UK investment in Russia?! That's mighty interesting news Paddy. Here's BJ running helter skelter all around the world desperate to ink FTA's post Brexit & there's UK with enough cash in hand to make investments in Russia of all nations.

I wonder what's the alternative?

Wait a minute. Don't tell me.


Hence when China comes calling on Taiwan in a few years, UK will be the one squealing the loudest protesting sanctions on China. Am I right or am I right ?
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Russia appears to have lost the equivalent of about 30 out of 120 Combined Tactical Battle Groups (GTIA) out of 120 committed and a maximum potential of about 140.

The Russian GTIA is characterised by a strong artillery with usually three howitzer/LRM batteries and a good shock capability with a company of 10 battle tanks. It also has a mobile anti-aircraft component, which is rather ineffective against drones.

On the other hand, it is very weak in terms of infantry, with at best 36 battle groups of about ten men, but often more like 24, which are otherwise quite mediocre. It also has very little logistical autonomy. In short, the Russian GTIA, which is complex to manage, fights with shells the resistance it encounters but for a limited time before being relieved or replenished. It is not well suited to fighting in a locality that is large.

This structure seemed ill-adapted and one was already seeing the formation of simpler units to command based solely on close combat companies, while on the other hand artillery groups were being formed from the batteries recovered.
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They'd have to rename themselves a 'Human Wrongs Council' if Russia remained on it after this.
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They'd have to rename themselves a 'Human Wrongs Council' if Russia remained on it after this.

Didn't Putin threaten the west if they got involved? I guess Javs, NLAWS, stingers, etc etc etc doesn't count as getting involved? I mean it did push them out of Kyiv region.
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