And I thought April 1st was 6 days ago . Guess for some it's April 1st all 365 days of the year.Ukrainian forces continue pushing down the Eastern border to cut Russian forces off from the mainland.
View attachment 23202
And I thought April 1st was 6 days ago . Guess for some it's April 1st all 365 days of the year.Ukrainian forces continue pushing down the Eastern border to cut Russian forces off from the mainland.
View attachment 23202
'New' is not business as usual.
You keep saying that Ukraine is not democratic because it suits your narrative, but the fact is that their elections are fully monitored by international observers and they are democratic, this can not be said of Russia. Their elections are not fully monitored, opposition leaders and journalists die there, they do not die in Ukraine. Yet you will spout continuous BS to me that you originally gleaned from RT, which is not a free press. The EU consider Ukraine to be democratic now, there was just a reluctance to have them in NATO due to ongoing tensions. You can judge a country by the friends it keeps, your friend is Russia, Russia's friend is China and their friend in North Korea. That is the little group you're in.
No, India is not more democratic than Ukraine because Ukrainian elections have been deemed free and fair by the OCSE. That is a red herring presented by Macron, Turkey is lower than India on that list and they are in. You're yet to tell me why Ukraine isn't democratic.
Early you mentioned that Ukraine banned political parties, one being the Communist Party, well so has India. So it's like I said, either Ukraine is a democracy or India is not a democracy.
List of organisations banned by the Government of India - Wikipedia
The original link said, "new." That's not business as usual, that's milking the situation and helping Russia evade sanctions.There's nothing 'new' happening. The switch to hydrocarbon imports from defence imports was always going to happen due to the significant reduction in defence imports. We even have plans for a gas pipeline through Iran/China.
Free elections mean zilch without the pre- and post-election processes also being free.
We are not 'friends' with anybody. We only have relations and strategic partners that mutually benefit each other. It's not exclusive.
I already told ya, Ukraine has no opposition. Most have been suppressed, banned, fled or are facing criminal charges. Plus the new language policy is no different from what is seen in autocratic states, it would never happen in a democracy.
Read your own link first. Those were Chinese-sponsored terrorist organisations that actually waged war on India and are still waging war on India. I mean, to dumb it down for you, we are actually fighting them even today. They have child soldiers and whatnot.
Regular communist parties are still running around freely.
List of communist parties in India - Wikipedia
The rest are Islamic and Khalistani terrorist groups.
As per Paddy here Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya , Syria were all humanitarian interventions , millions of dead in the invasions & it's aftermath notwithstanding, which begs the question why is the West shitting bricks when it comes to Iran or N Korea or even Paxtan the prime proliferator of N weapons tech & the means to make it ?Your strategic partners are war criminals who invade countries and massacre townships, that's not a good look, and it will not be beneficial in the long run.
The original link said, "new." That's not business as usual, that's milking the situation and helping Russia evade sanctions.There's nothing 'new' happening. The switch to hydrocarbon imports from defence imports was always going to happen due to the significant reduction in defence imports. We even have plans for a gas pipeline through Iran/China.
Free elections mean zilch without the pre- and post-election processes also being free.
We are not 'friends' with anybody. We only have relations and strategic partners that mutually benefit each other. It's not exclusive.
I already told ya, Ukraine has no opposition. Most have been suppressed, banned, fled or are facing criminal charges. Plus the new language policy is no different from what is seen in autocratic states, it would never happen in a democracy.
Read your own link first. Those were Chinese-sponsored terrorist organisations that actually waged war on India and are still waging war on India. I mean, to dumb it down for you, we are actually fighting them even today. They have child soldiers and whatnot.
Regular communist parties are still running around freely.
List of communist parties in India - Wikipedia
The rest are Islamic and Khalistani terrorist groups.
Most measures also include aspects of the minimum quality of functioning of government. If democratically based decisions cannot be or are not implemented then the concept of democracy is not very meaningful.
The original link said, "new." That's not business as usual, that's milking the situation and helping Russia evade sanctions.
Total Score
Ukraine - 5.81
India - 6.61
Functioning of Government
Ukraine - 2.71
India - 7.14
they're new to it.
That's not what the link said. The link referred to new opportunities.We aren't milking anything. The Russians are merely selling what we always buy from them at a cheaper price than others.
If other countries are willing to circumvent illegal Western sanctions through the Indian banking system, the alternative is to actually end sanctions. Nothing surprising that you do not know this, but unilateral sanctions are illegal. "You" can stop buying Russian goods, but it's illegal to bully others to do the same.
The sanctions themselves are illegal, period. Only UNSC sanctions are legal.
Most measures also include aspects of the minimum quality of functioning of government. If democratically based decisions cannot be or are not implemented then the concept of democracy is not very meaningful.
That's not what the link said. The link referred to new opportunities.
Only Russia vetoed it, but since they are the culprit, their veto is irrelevant.
Civil Liberties
Ukraine - 5.81 (Better than India's for all your claims about it.)
India - 5.59
Political Participation
Ukraine - 7 (Better than India's)
India - 6
Political Culture
Ukraine - 5
India - 5
Functioning of Government
Ukraine - 2.71
India - 7.14
Civil Liberties, electoral process/pluralism and political participation are really a better measure.
Now that you're here @Amal , perhaps you'd like to have a word with Paddy. He seems to be suffering from a rather curious case of self righteousness .The original link said, "new." That's not business as usual, that's milking the situation and helping Russia evade sanctions.
They are free. Only criminal enterprises like the Communist Party are banned.
Your strategic partners are war criminals who invade countries and massacre townships, that's not a good look, and it will not be beneficial in the long run.
Only parties implicit in Russian-backed terrorist attacks/sabotage and criminal activities have been banned and most of those were only banned after the current invasion started, which is emergency protocol, not normal operating procedure. The Communist Party of the Donetsk People's Republic for example. Use your brain here for a change, has there ever been a good example of anyone calling themselves a 'People's Republic'?
Yeah, and the ones banned in Ukraine are Russian-sponsored terrorist organisations that are actually waging an invasion right now, ongoing since 2014. You know the war thing that's going on like right now. They don't have child soldiers but many of them ain't really adults either. Parties that have annexed, or attempted to annex parts of Ukraine, and blocked participation in the genuine Ukrainian elections.
So like I said originally, if Ukraine isn't a democracy then India isn't either. Again, use your brain here, look at Russia, if RT is highlighting them as 'breaches of democracy', they probably aren't, since Russia is not a democracy, receiving a far lower score than Ukraine. Broadly speaking, over 5 means they are trying to be a democratic, scores like 2 and 3 are not trying, not even slightly.
Democracy Countries 2024
Total Score
Ukraine - 5.81
India - 6.61
Russia - 3.31
China - 2.27
Civil Liberties
Ukraine - 5.81
India - 5.59
Electoral Process/Pluralism
Ukraine - 8
India - 8
Political Participation
Ukraine - 7
India - 6
Political Culture
Ukraine - 5
India - 5
Functioning of Government
Ukraine - 2.71
India - 7.14
So Ukrainian democracy is either equal to or better than Indian democracy in every regard except the functioning of government due to the disarray caused by Russian annexations, meddling and invasions, plus post-revolution turmoil and the fact that they're new to it. It's difficult to enforce rules and implement ideas in annexed areas, or amid insurgencies, ergo disfunction. Give them 75 years and allow them to get rid of the remaining elements of the 'Russian Raj' and I'm sure that will improve.
Its not about word, its about action.Given your recent actions as regards Russia, it's becoming very difficult to judge who was right or wrong in any of these clashes. You see an entire town of civilians murdered in Bucha and you're there defending Russia, saying it's fake, even when satellite imagery proves the dead were there before the Ukrainians retook the town. This isn't half a century ago either, this is today. Who could trust a word you say?
You don't even know the answer to the first question yourself. A lot of Chechens were found in Afghanistan, let's just put it that way. You also have your ex-USSR x-stan countries to your north.Its not about word, its about action.
How many Kashmiri or Punjabi/Khalistani separatists are operating out of Russia? Out of UK? Out of US?
How many times Pradava or RT said "Oh poor Kashmiri militants!" "Oh India is opressing Farmers!"?
How many times UK / US / Canada did?
Should India care if Russia is lying? Russian stance wrt India has been consistent. The only major change has been its increasing closeness to China. India has since also increased more objective based closeness to US/NATO.