Ukraine - Russia Conflict

All NATO nations should get rid of their soviet tanks/flying turrets as soon as possible and give them to Ukraine.

I feel sorry for the poor sap nations that don't have a choice but to buy these furnace traps. :)

Do remember sweetie , this is a list only upto the year 2010 & the ones who did it weren't even an army or anything resembling an army but a bunch of goat f uckers with weapons literally out of WW-2 .

What does that say about your heptrs ?🙂

Didn't Putin threaten the west if they got involved? I guess Javs, NLAWS, stingers, etc etc etc doesn't count as getting involved? I mean it did push them out of Kyiv region.
Didn't Irish Joe call for Putin to be deposed which he later denied pretending senility ? Didn't Sen Lindsey Graham using trailer park language call for Putin to be assassinated ? I think sanctions are the way to go about it . If & when Putin croaks peacefully in 10 yrs aged 80 on his bed , you can always claim sanctions did it .
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Update on operations in Ukraine 5 April 2022

General situation

Russian forces have withdrawn rapidly from all of northern Ukraine except, probably temporarily, for a strip of land north of Sumy. They are holding ground as much as possible in the southwest and are making a special effort in the north of the Donbass with the hope of taking Severodonetsk and Sloviansk.

Specific situations


General withdrawal of the Russian forces. The manoeuvre was rather well organised by the Russian northern staff, but at the cost of significant losses.


Maintenance of positions by reduced Russian forces. The 20th Motorised Division in position in front of Kherson was reportedly particularly hard hit. At worst, Russian forces could withdraw to the Dnieper line and defend the Kherson bridgehead.


Confusion in Mariupol: images of 200 Ukrainian soldiers being taken prisoner were released. However, the Russian forces, also very weakened, seem to be marking time. If the capture of the city still seems close, it is likely that the 150th DM will not be able to be re-engaged later. Worse, it was possible that it would be necessary to draw on the few Russian reserves, to the detriment of the North Donbass, to reinforce it and take Mariupol as quickly as possible.

Still effort of the 2nd CA LNR on Popasna and Rubizhne and of the 3rd Russian DM on Severdonetsk. Preparations for the 20th Army's attack on Sloviansk, whose inhabitants were invited to leave by the Ukrainian authorities.

Operations in central Donbass, opposite Donetsk and on the southern border were also halted. It is nevertheless on this side that the prospects are most interesting for the Russians and the 1st DNR CA, but they are visibly lacking in resources.


The battle of the Donbass is now probably the decisive battle of the war. It is unlikely that the Russian side will consider a cease-fire before the end of April and the outcome of the battle.

If the two Donbass provinces, including Mariupol, are conquered, the Russians will be able to declare themselves victorious by 9 May, even if this will undoubtedly be a much smaller victory than envisaged.

If not, i.e. if they find it impossible to take the Donbass, perhaps they will consider a "tactical ceasefire" in order to freeze the situation while reconstituting their forces for a subsequent large-scale offensive.

Ukrainian manoeuvring possibilities are limited, but real, with several brigades released from operations in the north and west, where the threat of an offensive from Belarus no longer seems relevant. They could be engaged in the south-west but could not go beyond the Dnieper. Above all, they can reinforce the Donbass front and make the possibility of a Russian victory in this region even more difficult before the end of the month.


The Oryx destruction report (necessarily underestimated) indicates a significant increase in Russian combat vehicle losses (+230 tanks and armoured infantry vehicles in one week, i.e. +50%). This is explained by the discovery of wrecks in the liberated areas but also by the heavy losses suffered in the Donbass. At the same time, there are only 22 Ukrainian tanks and armoured vehicles listed.

There is talk of a Russian "hidden mobilisation" to commit 60,000 active military personnel, such as military academy officers, and new volunteers to Ukraine. These individual commitments to fill gaps, not to build up new forces, give an indication of the very high level of casualties. The Wagner company now accepts everyone.

Given the tonnage being sent to Russia by Russian soldiers returning from northern Ukraine via the Belarusian post, it is possible that the already strained logistics will be further strained by the scale of looting.

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UK News: Price of milk could increase by 50 per cent as farmers face spiralling costs

Doesn't make any difference . Half of UK doesn't drink milk & the other half including Paddy are semi woke to woke & vegan .

It's only the prices of alcohol going up that'd cause a riot .
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DPR fires at the positions of the "Azov" detachment on the territory of the Azovstal industrial zone. One volley - five missiles from each vehicle.

At the Lozovaya railway station in the Kharkiv region, an accumulation of foreign-made military equipment and weapons was destroyed.

In the Donetsk region, high-precision missiles destroyed the command post of the Ukrainian 56th brigade and the nationalist base.

In addition, a Ukrainian fuel base in the Chuguev area was destroyed by a missile strike, - The Russian Ministry of Defense
Yah, and Chechnya doesn't have a border with Afghanistan either and Iran is Shia, so it shouldn't have been supporting Al-Quaeda in Iraq. Strange world we live in.
Yeah the world is *censored*ed. None of our concern. We are no world police. At worst some of us dream of being "world-teacher" but thats just dream selling right now. India has never been a world enforcer and will never be one. Last time India tried that, the results were really catastrophic for us. Ireland or US or UK are more than welcome to take that role.

There are no Chechen in India, some afghans are there but they are not bothering us nor we bother them and none of them have a Afghan nationalism feeling, so we are good there. We do not care about Iraq, our own home needs fixings so thank you and you can go fix Iraq or whatever you want. We will cheer you from a far -- if it is not too expensive that is.

See the rest of my reply in previous post, for some reason it keeps early posting today.

Well they allied with NATO, you went for your Soviet-slanted neutralism and socialism. You kind of have a history of being wrong in that regard... continually so in fact... although Pakistan would not be my first choice for an ally.
Look man, we managed to achieve our goals with Russia. In the UN we have and had a very reliable veto on major issues. Kashmir issue became a non-issue mostly as far as world stage goes. We crushed one head of a snake called Pakistan. Without USSR that was not possible. With USA, that was not possible either. So we are good as far as history goes. Bangladesh is a peaceful angel compared to the dragon and the murder-suicide loving mullah west to us. Russia gave us Nuclear sub technology, US will not give it to Japan, its closest ally. Heck US will not loan a nuclear sub outside its Anglo-Saxon family. We know that and we realised it long time ago. So, that was not even a choice to begin with.

Our next partnership is building up with France. Like Russia they also like to keep their things at an arms distance to rest of the merry company. We like it that way. We buy their stuff, have or will like to have JVs with them. May be some diplomatic exchange if opportunity presents.

You and US on the other hand have been playing world police for all these decades. You paid for that too. Made too many enemies in the process. You are rich, so may be it works for you. For us, no thank you! You are free to donate all weapons to Ukraine you want. We will stay out of trouble which we neither created nor much impacted and have no control over. Namaste!
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You don't even know the answer to the first question yourself.
The answer is precisely ZERO! Russia never cared how many Kashmiri Yahoo we dispatch or how many Khalistani we send to hell. We like it that way only. Now if you can convince BBC and New York Times and all those over 9000 gender and hair color wokes who vote for Democrats in US and Labor party in UK to act otherwise, we might have a point to talk about.
Yes, India should care if Russia is lying. Until it isn't. That should bother you a lot more than it does.
Look, we never cared if Trump is lying or Bush is lying or Blair is lying (and they lie a lot!). Yeah Russia lies too at times. So long they keep their policy towards us consistent, we care less.
The answer is precisely ZERO! Russia never cared how many Kashmiri Yahoo we dispatch or how many Khalistani we send to hell. We like it that way only. Now if you can convince BBC and New York Times and all those over 9000 gender and hair color wokes who vote for Democrats in US and Labor party in UK to act otherwise, we might have a point to talk about.
I don't wish to be rude but I did warn you of the perils of engaging him using logic.
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Another lot of western weapons captured by the Russian military:

Nope, if only the culprit vetoes it then they are legal,

It's your own system. Suck it up and live with it. The sanctions on Russia are illegal.

and more importantly morally correct.

This only applies to the West when it concerns the West. Other times morals go into the trash bin, like Iraq War.

A quick glance at this map should tell you that you are wrong.

View attachment 23205

So you're saying more than 60% of humanity is wrong? You do realise most people in the world are living in the yellow parts right?

This is just a US vs Russia fight. Don't drag us into it. You wanna illegally sanction Russia, go right ahead. But we are not party to it.

No, civil liberties are not BS. They include things like freedom of the press, freedom to gather an assembly, right to protest, right to a fair trial, legal representation, right to work, right not to be discriminated against unfairly, basic human right (freedom from harm or torture). Hardly BS, they're basically 90% of what defines a free democracy.

Which is all subjective to how compliant a country is to the West.

Only govt functioning cannot be faked, hence the high score.