Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Yes, and if the Ukrainians manage to take Moscow, evacuations will only take place after success, not before. And these evacuations will also be peaceful, like in Mariupol.

Nope. Rather Russia will negotiate for exit corridors to take them deeper into Russia.

The Ukrainians neither wanted to let the civilians go west nor east. And they considered going east into Russia a taboo.

On Day 10, the Russians created an exit corridor for Mariupol and Volnovakha, and they didn't take it either. Very few were allowed to leave Mariupol by the Azovs. Even today, the Azovs are still operating alongside hostages, although the Russians are less concerned with that now.

In any case there were no real issues with the exit corridors that both sides agreed to.
What you're talking about is inherited insignia. The Nazis took their swastika from Indic religions, such as Hinduism, so does that mean Hindus are Nazis or Nazis were Hindus? No. If you want to talk about such things, Putin was a member of the KGB, who were worse than Nazis.
Stop regurgitating bull shit . The Nazi symbol was the Hakenkreuz . The first *censored* who propagated this theory of the Nazi symbol being the Swastika was an Irishman ( who else? ) who insidiously sold this snake oil thereby absolving Christianity from the guilt of the Nazis .

And since then we in India especially those in the diaspora have been facing huge issues with the Swastika as it's seem as a hate symbol & banned in many countries . Ditto for the term Aryan & the Aryan Invasion Theory / Migration Theory out here.

Why would Hitler & his cohorts all Aryan supremacists adopt a Hindu symbol when they themselves were primarily propagators of the theory that the all conquering Aryan race was sullied due to interbreeding with the natives in India ?

He saw the Hindu civilization in worse terms than he did the Slavs or Jews .
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Orc-busting in the Ukrainian countryside

In Genichesk, Kherson region, liberated from Bandera's power, a peaceful life is being established. The flags have been changed. Humanitarian aid is delivered from the Russian Federation:

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A captured militant of the National Guard spoke harshly about neo-Nazis in the troops:

Lol, no such thing.

It depends on the demand for the product.

Not really. They actually want territories of Russian-speaking people.

Putin actually asked for elections to be held in Donbas.

It's just bad guys fighting bad guys, while being supported by bad guys.

Two oxy-moronic sentences right next to each other. Kashmiris are "Kashmiris", like how French are French and Germans are Germans. Pakistanis are Punjabis, Sindhis and Pashtuns. Just 'cause an Englishman and a Polish man are Christians doesn't mean England has a right over Poland.

Analogies need to make sense, or you end up looking like the fool.

That has less to do with politics and more to do with economics. Most people who wish to immigrate are denied entry into the US and EU, and this war gives them a chance to move there.

You wouldn't say this if you actually see Azov's captured bases from Russian sources. All German Nazi memorabilias all over the place.
No such thing as what?

Only if you have a monopoly on it. Other countries can produce enough oil to meet EU and US demands, that leaves Russia oil for remaining countries at an ultra low price.

You're confusing Russian-speaking with people who want to be in Russia, don't forget lots of people are trying to leave Russia, even their astronauts wore Ukrainian colours on the ISS. The whole Donbass situation was created by Russia pouring men (troops) over the border, plus some obvious Chechens to stir up trouble and then handing out Russian passports. If they were allowed to take territory they'd only do the same again. They're basically behaving exactly like Pakistanis do in your neck of the woods. Here's proof:

Russian Troops


Wake up and smell the coffee. Russia is an authoritarian regime, its main allies (China, Belarus, Syria, North Korea) are dictatorships too. US, Canada, UK, EU countries, NATO countries, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea.... all democracies. Ukraine is trying to move towards that. Try using your damn brain, there is only one lot of bad guys, Putin's bunch!

Pakistan is mostly Muslim, India mostly not. The difference crossing a border doesn't generate a new ethnic group over the space of 1m. I'm sure Pakistan has a lot of people their too. They stir up sh1t, they get shot, therefore you are committing a genocide of Pakistani Muslims - that is the game Russia is trying in the Donbass too.

It has to do with way more than that, people get randomly killed and disappear in Russia if they speak out, opposition leaders are killed, journalists too. Nobody wants to live in a system like that. And the system is why the economy is bad in the first place. Like Venezuela they've managed to sit on a pile of natural resources and still have a sh1t economy due to corruption and a lack of freedoms.

And you believe it was theirs and not put their by Russia? Even in pro-Russian videos posted by IronHide I see see civilians in 'CCCP' tracksuits cheering them on. That's actually worse than Nazi memorabilia, and we know it's legit too because it's their own PR.
You don't have to, you will see it for yourself.

In case they succeed to take another city, you will see evacuations happening only after a Russian success, not before. And those evacuations will be peaceful too, like in Mariupol.
They mined the roads and shelled civilians because the were too worried about soldiers getting out.
In Genichesk, Kherson region, liberated from Bandera's power, a peaceful life is being established. The flags have been changed. Humanitarian aid is delivered from the Russian Federation:

Desperate attempt. Russia have had control of that area for over a month.


Nope. Rather Russia will negotiate for exit corridors to take them deeper into Russia.

The Ukrainians neither wanted to let the civilians go west nor east. And they considered going east into Russia a taboo.

On Day 10, the Russians created an exit corridor for Mariupol and Volnovakha, and they didn't take it either. Very few were allowed to leave Mariupol by the Azovs. Even today, the Azovs are still operating alongside hostages, although the Russians are less concerned with that now.

In any case there were no real issues with the exit corridors that both sides agreed to.
Russia are sending them to filtration camps, i.e. concentration camps as well as shelling them and mining the roads. Nothing Putin does is ever humane. Remember that and you won't go far wrong.

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Russia are sending them to filtration camps, i.e. concentration camps as well as shelling them and mining the roads. Nothing Putin does is ever humane. Remember that and you won't go far wrong.

I see sources deemed absolutely legitimate in Irish Intelligence Review is now being quoted here too . Let's see the sources :

Yahoo ( defunct website from Paddy's youth which is frequented only by old farts more out of force of habit )

Wikipedia ( easily edited )

Rolling Stones ( 😁)
“We had orders to shoot to kill at any moving person, whether it was peaceful or not.”

Employees of the National Guard of Ukraine who surrendered told how the leadership ordered the execution of civilians in Rubizhne:

“At some point, people were brought there, there were both women and men ... The people who were brought were with white bandages, they were residents of Rubizhne. They put everyone in front of us, we were ordered to shoot them all:

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On Sunday, the Russian Army destroyed the S-300 air defense systems hidden in Dnepropetrovsk, delivered to the Kiev regime of one of the European countries, with Kalibr missiles.

Four S-300 launchers and up to 25 personnel of the Ukrainian armed forces were hit.
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“We had orders to shoot to kill at any moving person, whether it was peaceful or not.”

Employees of the National Guard of Ukraine who surrendered told how the leadership ordered the execution of civilians in Rubizhne:

“At some point, people were brought there, there were both women and men ... The people who were brought were with white bandages, they were residents of Rubizhne. They put everyone in front of us, we were ordered to shoot them all:

Bull *censored*ing shit.
No such thing as what?

Only if you have a monopoly on it. Other countries can produce enough oil to meet EU and US demands, that leaves Russia oil for remaining countries at an ultra low price.

You're confusing Russian-speaking with people who want to be in Russia, don't forget lots of people are trying to leave Russia, even their astronauts wore Ukrainian colours on the ISS. The whole Donbass situation was created by Russia pouring men (troops) over the border, plus some obvious Chechens to stir up trouble and then handing out Russian passports. If they were allowed to take territory they'd only do the same again. They're basically behaving exactly like Pakistanis do in your neck of the woods. Here's proof:

Russian Troops


Wake up and smell the coffee. Russia is an authoritarian regime, its main allies (China, Belarus, Syria, North Korea) are dictatorships too. US, Canada, UK, EU countries, NATO countries, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea.... all democracies. Ukraine is trying to move towards that. Try using your damn brain, there is only one lot of bad guys, Putin's bunch!

Pakistan is mostly Muslim, India mostly not. The difference crossing a border doesn't generate a new ethnic group over the space of 1m. I'm sure Pakistan has a lot of people their too. They stir up sh1t, they get shot, therefore you are committing a genocide of Pakistani Muslims - that is the game Russia is trying in the Donbass too.

It has to do with way more than that, people get randomly killed and disappear in Russia if they speak out, opposition leaders are killed, journalists too. Nobody wants to live in a system like that. And the system is why the economy is bad in the first place. Like Venezuela they've managed to sit on a pile of natural resources and still have a sh1t economy due to corruption and a lack of freedoms.

And you believe it was theirs and not put their by Russia? Even in pro-Russian videos posted by IronHide I see see civilians in 'CCCP' tracksuits cheering them on. That's actually worse than Nazi memorabilia, and we know it's legit too because it's their own PR.

They mined the roads and shelled civilians because the were too worried about soldiers getting out.
For all the griping Paddy indulges in , I wonder how many Ukrainian refugees has UK taken in ? I recall reading an article wherein Romanians who officially account for just a fraction short of half a million people are resident in UK . The unofficial count could easily be over a million.

These include the cream of Romanian elite with a significant number of them being medical doctors. Yet not every migrant boasts such credentials . An estimated 75% of women rescued from brothels in the UK were reportedly of Romanian origin.

Practically all these Romanians reported being on the receiving end of racial abuse &/ or systemic racism .

The Romanian Documentary That Sparked Protests in the UK

Why is this important ? Precisely because UK ia no longer in EU , hence not bound by any quota to take in refugees which even if it does from Ukraine will likely meet the same fate as Romanians .

Yet that doesn't prevent UK from fuelling the fire by dumping arms on the comedian . The burden of absorbing such refugees would then be on the neighbouring countries who've their own axe to grind against Russia yet will be in the forefront of fuelling the fire in Ukraine .

Please note that all these restrictions on quota doesn't apply to Muslims Paddy's favourite demographic as they're a serious pressure group who'd insist UK increase it's quota of such refugees with the party in Labour backing up such claims to the hilt leaving the Conservative Party little choice but to fall in line & accomodate such claims to the extent possible.
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The Russian army captured one of the most powerful fortified areas of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Izyum

The tankers who occupied Kamenka received awards. Our troops are breaking through the defenses in this area of the Kharkiv region in order to break through to the rear of the APU grouping in the Donbass and take it into the cauldron.