No such thing as what?
Only if you have a monopoly on it. Other countries can produce enough oil to meet EU and US demands, that leaves Russia oil for remaining countries at an ultra low price.
You're confusing Russian-speaking with people who want to be in Russia, don't forget lots of people are trying to leave Russia, even their astronauts wore Ukrainian colours on the ISS. The whole Donbass situation was created by Russia pouring men (troops) over the border, plus some obvious Chechens to stir up trouble and then handing out Russian passports. If they were allowed to take territory they'd only do the same again. They're basically behaving exactly like Pakistanis do in your neck of the woods. Here's proof:
Russian Troops
The US State Department acknowledged Monday that images, supplied by Ukrainian diplomats, of unidentified armed men in eastern Ukraine are linked to Russian special forces that have operated in Crimea…
The Chechen leader has denied sending troops to eastern Ukraine to support pro-Russian militia, but says there could well be Chechen volunteers fighting against the Ukrainian army.
Wake up and smell the coffee. Russia is an authoritarian regime, its main allies (China, Belarus, Syria, North Korea) are dictatorships too. US, Canada, UK, EU countries, NATO countries, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea.... all democracies. Ukraine is trying to move towards that. Try using your damn brain, there is only one lot of bad guys, Putin's bunch!
Pakistan is mostly Muslim, India mostly not. The difference crossing a border doesn't generate a new ethnic group over the space of 1m. I'm sure Pakistan has a lot of people their too. They stir up sh1t, they get shot, therefore you are committing a genocide of Pakistani Muslims - that is the game Russia is trying in the Donbass too.
It has to do with way more than that, people get randomly killed and disappear in Russia if they speak out, opposition leaders are killed, journalists too. Nobody wants to live in a system like that. And the system is why the economy is bad in the first place. Like Venezuela they've managed to sit on a pile of natural resources and still have a sh1t economy due to corruption and a lack of freedoms.
And you believe it was theirs and not put their by Russia? Even in pro-Russian videos posted by IronHide I see see civilians in 'CCCP' tracksuits cheering them on. That's actually worse than Nazi memorabilia, and we know it's legit too because it's their own PR.
They mined the roads and shelled civilians because the were too worried about soldiers getting out.