Ukraine - Russia Conflict

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Damn ,Paddy ! Your own maps show a significant increase in the amount of areas shaded in red from what it was ~ 2 weeks ago.

If I didn't know better I'd say that's ~ 20% of Ukraine gobbled up . Seems to be a remarkable recovery by the Russkies , daily reports of dozens of tanks , Artillery pieces , drones , aircrafts , hptrs being taken down notwithstanding apart from the casualties .

Not a bad show in 2 months , eh ?
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Ruh-roh. Mein pet monkey is raging again hopefully this news doesn't drive her too nuts.
Didn't you post this y'day sweetie ? Thanks for the repitition but that's for autistic dyslexic retards like you & Paddy for gradual comprehension. The rest out here are normal folk & understood propaganda masquerading as news the second they saw it .

Btw , nice propaganda to cover up for the loss of Mariupol . Provides a fig leaf to the comedian which reveals more than it conceals for normal folk except the likes of you. Also needed for support back home to keep the drums of war beating & boost bottom lines , top lines & share prices of the MIC in the US & Europe , concepts well beyond your cognitive powers.
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That's roughly what Russia claimed as the number of dead in Afghanistan during the '80s, so the actual number is probably closer ~26,000 here too. In Afghanistan it took 10 years for them to rack up such losses, here it took 8 weeks.

They could be up to 30k+ in June. I bet majority of family members of these young Russian boys that are now dead don't even know they are dead.
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They could be up to 30k+ in June. I bet majority of family members of these young Russian boys that are now dead don't even know they are dead.
I've read accounts of Russian handles on Twitter claiming Putin's factored in anywhere between 75-100k Russian casualties in the worst case scenario & believes it's a price Russia can afford , a notion wholeheartedly backed by the Russian people too .

All this propaganda masquerading as news about Putin in danger of being overthrown in a coup is just that - propaganda. Nations tend to back those in power however unpopular for the whole nation's standing & pride in the comity of nations worldwide is at stake apart from their very existence in some cases .

That's exactly how the Ayatollahs in Iran consolidated their power when Saddam Hussain invaded Iran . All those Iranians who were against the Islamists & their agenda & the former were a substantial majority sank their differences & backed the regime for the sake of Iran . I don't expect you to get it , sweetie.

You girls simply looked the other way when US soldiers were literally fleeing Afghanistan with their pants around their ankles abandoning allies & equipment worth billions. That's the American way . Every other nation is too proud to let go of something of value without a fight , especially if their own existence depends on it or they've shed their blood for it .
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Fires breaking out all over Russia. Moscow city hall yesterday then these two.

Those pesky ammo storage seems to self combust at strategic places that are important to Russia's invasion. :unsure:
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