Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Those pesky ammo storage seems to self combust at strategic places that are important to Russia's invasion. :unsure:


Just to compare 9 April to 22 April​
Not much progress for the Russians considering the thousands of lives they've wasted during that period.
Those pesky ammo storage seems to self combust at strategic places that are important to Russia's invasion. :unsure:
Yeah, there's a bad case of Moskavitis going round.

Kind of makes you wonder though, is it just saboteurs?

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And again:

Another large-scale fire near Moscow. This time it was burning in the town of Korolyov, which is located 5 kilometers from the Russian capital. The city authorities stated that the roof of one of the buildings caught fire in the industrial zone due to repair works. It will be recalled that Korolyov is unofficially called the "space capital of Russia." Moreover, many local enterprises and institutes are related to the military-industrial complex. I will also add that this is the third large-scale fire in Russia in the last two days. The chemical plant and the building of the Ministry of Defense used to burn down.

And another Ka-52:

Fighters of the National Guard shoot down the Russian helicopter K-52 "Alligator"

And again:

And another Ka-52:

I'm willing to offer 100€ to you Paddy if you could point out where in the video did you see the remains of the Ka-52 ?

Further I'm willing to offer another 100€ to you if you could explain the going ons in the 2nd & 3rd video . What exactly is happening in those videos ?

You see the problem. X uploads a video on SM , making a grand claim - Another Ka-52 shot down . The Irish @BMD ( both - literally & metaphorically ) around the world pick it up & disseminate it across a wide variety of platforms there by rendering it "viral." Voila ! Before you realise it another Ka-52 is shot down & celebratory drinks are downed at O'Shea's . In addition there are those videos of some action sold as further Russian casualties.

Some methhead @Innominate from trailer park keeping a tally of all such happenings makes a note of it & voila - you have a tweet tomm stating 200 Ka-52s among x number of heptrs & y number of aircraft downed.

No grey matter present , none needed , hence none exercised either to ask probing questions.

This phenomena is aptly termed by yours truly as "the Irishification of the western media & it's audiences ."
  • Haha
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Oy vey another fire. This fire is at The College of Aerospace Engineering and Technology who's ammo storage caught fire likely due to a "storm" nearby.
Tsk tsk sweetie. Korolyov is deep inside Russia not very far from Moscow. Are Ukrainian bots sorry Trailer Park methheads masquerading as Ukrainian bots now that desperate to claim accidental fires as Ukrainian strikes?
  • Haha
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So, we're probably heading for a nuclear war. We're now very clearly dealing with a complete lunatic in Putin, I think it's time for people to stop defending him.

There's a conflicting narrative amongst Russians here - Cleansed and Destroyed or Liberated?

It's rare that I say this, but I believe the crazy guy with the beard is closer to the truth.

So, we're probably heading for a nuclear war. We're now very clearly dealing with a complete lunatic in Putin, I think it's time for people to stop defending him.

We have always known that though. Cutting Ukraine off from the Black Sea means Russian access to Moldova and Romania.

But the Russians are more interested in maintaining buffer states, so the main country won't be affected, only Transnistria will be.
We have always known that though. Cutting Ukraine off from the Black Sea means Russian access to Moldova and Romania.

But the Russians are more interested in maintaining buffer states, so the main country won't be affected, only Transnistria will be.
Ah, so it isn't about Nazis you mean, it's just good old fashion conquest, 19th century style. Glad you've finally admitted that.
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Ah, so it isn't about Nazis you mean, it's just good old fashion conquest, 19th century style. Glad you've finally admitted that.

Taking Kiev was to force a surrender/aim for regime change/distract UAF... Not conquer.

Denazification, demilitarisation and taking away Russian speaking zones, ie, the south and Donbas, including Odessa, that's always been the objective.

The Russian speaking zones stretch from Kharkiv to Odessa.



So, for Ukraine, all the dark blue areas are the enemy.

A long term objective for Russia is to unify all the Russian-speaking areas in Europe. So, if the Russians succeed in Ukraine, there may even be a population exchange program.


Novorossiya will be an independent country and act as a buffer. Which means any NATO invasion on Russia will require becoming an aggressor when going through neutral buffer states. Plus, with the region largely supporting Russia, there's unlikely to be any major fear of an insurgency.

Taking Kharkiv means the front will reduce to just 450Km instead of 1300Km. It also cuts off NATO access to the Caucasus from the north. Crimea does the same from the west. And from the south, through Georgia, the mountains will make an invasion difficult. And, on top of that, the 450Km front along Ukraine will be difficult to man because Belarus and Dnipro puts Russian forces behind Chernihiv and Sumy, which means any NATO forces there can be encircled, making it unviable. To top that off, the Russians are pretty strong opposite Chernihiv and Sumy at Kursk and Bryansk.

They are not conquering anything, they are finding new ways to protect themselves better.