Ukraine - Russia Conflict

What is included in the latest package?

The Pentagon said this second $800 million military aid package will include gear pulled from existing U.S. military stock. The package includes:

No Patriot or THAAD batteries? How on earth are the Ukrainians going to deal with SSMs, TBMs or CMs or even those fighters , Paddy? By using MANPADs against them? I mean for every 1 that you shoot down ( videos of which you gleefully share here, pretending that victory for the Ukrainians is but a battle away ) dozens get thru causing death & destruction all around.

Have a heart will you. You're equipping them with pea shooters when the need of the hour is big guns.
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attack pitch-up by Ka-52 and Mi-28N helicopters. The attack in this mode is used by Russian helicopters in Ukraine. This mode allows you to launch an attack with unguided S-8 missiles without entering the air defense zone of Ukraine. Before launching an attack, the pilot increases the angle of elevation of the nose of the aircraft, simultaneously releasing unguided missiles. According to approximate calculations, two helicopters with a full set of missiles can hit an area the size of a football field.

On April 22, Ukraine attempted to break through to Russia with tanks in the Goptovka area, this is a checkpoint on the Ukrainian-Russian border in the Dergachev district of the Kharkov region. The equipment was moving from the village of Svetlichnoye towards Kazachya Lopan. The Russian armed forces recorded a column of about 15 armored vehicles. Fire was opened, as a result of which 6 units of Ukrainian equipment were hit and destroyed by anti-tank missile systems, the remaining ones were fired from MLRS. At the moment, the Russian border checkpoint Nekhoteevka is closed until further notice. This was reported by war correspondent Yuri Kotenok.

Ukrainian troops fired again at the Russian border checkpoint in the Kursk region. The governor of the Kursk region said that today from the side of Ukraine mortars fired again at the checkpoint on the border in the Glushkovsky district of the Kursk region. As a result, the premises of the Rosselkhoznadzor caught fire, and some sources also report damage to the customs post, mill and railway bridge. The shelling was carried out from the side of the Sumy region of Ukraine.

attack pitch-up by Ka-52 and Mi-28N helicopters. The attack in this mode is used by Russian helicopters in Ukraine. This mode allows you to launch an attack with unguided S-8 missiles without entering the air defense zone of Ukraine. Before launching an attack, the pilot increases the angle of elevation of the nose of the aircraft, simultaneously releasing unguided missiles. According to approximate calculations, two helicopters with a full set of missiles can hit an area the size of a football field.

On April 22, Ukraine attempted to break through to Russia with tanks in the Goptovka area, this is a checkpoint on the Ukrainian-Russian border in the Dergachev district of the Kharkov region. The equipment was moving from the village of Svetlichnoye towards Kazachya Lopan. The Russian armed forces recorded a column of about 15 armored vehicles. Fire was opened, as a result of which 6 units of Ukrainian equipment were hit and destroyed by anti-tank missile systems, the remaining ones were fired from MLRS. At the moment, the Russian border checkpoint Nekhoteevka is closed until further notice. This was reported by war correspondent Yuri Kotenok.

Ukrainian troops fired again at the Russian border checkpoint in the Kursk region. The governor of the Kursk region said that today from the side of Ukraine mortars fired again at the checkpoint on the border in the Glushkovsky district of the Kursk region. As a result, the premises of the Rosselkhoznadzor caught fire, and some sources also report damage to the customs post, mill and railway bridge. The shelling was carried out from the side of the Sumy region of Ukraine.

This is what a well made news clip ought to look like . It restricts itself to what it can show. That to me defines professionalism for it effectively gets it's message with the accompanying visuals across . Nothing more than what we see is either claimed or commented on.
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Now compare what I've written in the previous post to this piece of propaganda masquerading as news . The clip claims it blew up a bridge while the Russian tanks were crossing it thus blowing them sky high & we get to see a bridge with no tanks in the vicinity but for 1 half a second close up shot of some tank which could frankly be from anywhere.

Frankly these questions ought to be asked by those blindly accepting & disseminating this propaganda but fancy them for asking honest questions while pretending to be people genuinely outraged by what's happening to Ukraine having only altruistic intentions.

This is yet another example of western propaganda but more importantly another example of the Irishification of the western media & it's audiences.
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You can't hold other countries hostage just because you have nuclear weapons and you feel a bit insecure. Even if that were really the case, which it isn't, this is just expansionism/attempts to claw back a dying empire.
Were you referring to the 1962 Cuban missile crisis by any chance Paddy when the only other Irishman in the history of the US was the president , invoked the quarantine , nearly sparked WW-III & eventually got his head blown off for his pains ? Incidentally back then too there was Ukraine Russia angle. How so , you ask ?

Well , Paddy , Khrushchev was an ethnic Russian born in Ukraine . Hence it's safe to say , whenever there's a Paddy in the White House ,we can expect something to go terribly wrong between Ukraine , Russia & the US . This is the 2nd time it's happening in exactly 60 yrs . What're the chances Irish Joe will have his top blown off ? Or will croak JLT ? Time will tell.
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Yup I hereby confirm both these incidents. The first video definitely depicts the bringing down of a Ka-52 & the 2nd video positively depicts the bringing down of a Mi-28 .

Just another thing , if you don't see what I've just described above you're not a Paddy. Fret not . In order to become one , all you've to do is get drunk in a silly manner & see those videos again. You'd agree with what I've put out .

The man took great umbrage to my calling out similar BS y'day yet keeps crapping across the forum littering it with low quality posts since the past 2 months , like what he's posted just now trying to turn everyone out here in Paddys by endeavouring to get them to believe the BS he's peddling.

Well Paddy ,I've news for you . Paddys aren't made , they're born . They can only be made temporarily when they drink themselves silly .
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Spoken like an elbow-licker. You're too invested in Russia to admit you are wrong even when you know it.

I can't believe the crap I'm reading. 2000+ nukes will end any country. You're talking about access to oil supplies like it will be something like WWII. One warhead per city and major base and there won't be anybody left to require oil in Russia, at least not significant quantities.

Who will it be rebuilt by? Some country folk up in Siberia? Surround Moscow? It will be a melted pile of radioactive rubble, as will any other significant population centres. Anyone left will have more pressing concerns like trying to find edible food and clean water than rebuilding cities.

Clearly it can. They've proven infinitely more resourceful than Russia in this war and other Eastern states joining the EU have grown faster than Russia, Russia is actually going backwards since 2014, and it is difficult to catch someone running backwards. Let us take Poland since it has a similar population - $40k/capita vs $29k/capita. Poland has only been in the EU about 12 years.

It's not magical it's just sound economic management, minus corruption and a55-clownery.

Poland beats it on HDI too - 0.88 vs 0.824 - see links above.

A lot of Russian technology came from Ukraine originally anyway.

Clearly they do. I would also doubt any figures coming out of Russia where people steal taxpayer's money and use it for yachts instead of legitimate public spending.

Their justification is non-existent. Where were all Russians fleeing Ukraine to Russia? Remember when Myanmar cracked down on Rohingyas? How many of them fled? Russia is ethnically cleansing Ukraine, that's why the vast majority of countries voted to kick them off the UNHCR.

If NATO fights back, the only option Putin will have is nuclear weapons, because his conventional forces stink, his IADS plainly and simply doesn't work for sh1t, even against non-stealth, his tanks are biscuit tins and his air force is 50% Styrofoam and 10% yacht, as for his navy, I assume that's only there for the purpose of comedy. If I was Putin I'd even be questioning how many missiles I actually have, such is the level of corruption.

Oh they will invade Moldova, it's the Baltics they won't invade because that guarantees a NATO response. Or if they do, Russia will be annihilated and China will also get annihilated for not keeping their pet idiot on a tight-enough leash.

That said, they're struggling a lot with Ukraine, I don't see that ending any time soon.

2000 nukes won't do much when most people are living outside the target zones, genius. A major war will generally see evacuation of the most important people and a significant section of urban population. Soldiers come from everywhere. And this is not even counting BMD.

Moscow, a pile of rubble? You mean, like Hiroshima?

Poland was richer than Russia when they started off, genius. And they still took 10 years after joining the EU to achieve a $30000 per capita from $16000. Ukraine is/was at $14000, they will need more than 10 years to get to $30000. And Russia is already at $30000. There's nothing the EU can do short of simply giving away free money to ensure Ukraine's quality of life will match Russia's anytime soon. This is literally basic. Maybe if you give them $100B cash a year in aid, they may do something about it. Good luck.

The difference between Rohingyas and Ukrainian Russians is, the Rohingyas were not taken hostage by their own troops.
If Russia wants to be wiped off the map it has to cross this red line.

Neither will NATO arm Ukraine to that extent, different story whether they can even use those, like fighter jets, nor will Russia have to resort to nukes. The Russians can simply expand the strength of their army if necessary.
Mariupol shrinking map takes me back to the days of Russian intervention on behalf of Asad in Syria and Turk pu$$ies getting whacked left and right, crying for humanitarian assistance 😂
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