Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie arrived in Ukraine. She was noticed in one of the local cafes in the city of Lviv. Apparently, the actress visited Ukraine as part of a program to help the people of Ukraine together with the UN Ambassador for Refugees.

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@Ashwin, I put these in the wrong thread by mistake, please move to Ukraine War thread.

They were all Russian speaking people who got fired upon by Nazies of Ukraine and were hostile to them. What you are peddaling here is bullshit. from 2014 till Russian operations, over 14k people of Donbass were killed and that was covered even by your famed BBC. Over 3k children were among them.
Absolute Rubbish, no part of Donbass was left in the same state as Mariupol is now or the outskirts of Kyiv, or Grozny for that matter, and the claims of dead there are less than 14k. At least try to have some common sense and assess the claims you are making first. Another guy earlier today on Twitter tried claim that the US stole $3tr-worth of gold from Iraq - more than every country in the world combined has. This just goes to show the level of lunacy among Russian claims.

Finally the association of Vatican with Nazies is out in the open.The Vatican are those guys who supported genocide of Jews and they are the biggest thives of the world who hide every financial criminal of the world within their sphere of influence. The vatican has largest amount of illgotten money in its banks. Imagine they even sold certificates for money in middle ages for going to Heavens. And these idiots teach us Sanatanis about religion.
:ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: Not even worth a reply. Thanks for the laugh though.
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My Analysis of Russian-Ukraine war- Part-1,
This whole game was set into motion in 2008 by NATO. The game played by them was to install a NATO puppet as the President of Ukraine. To take threat to the borders of Russia and subdue a rising Russia under Putin which had nearly overcome the break up of USSR. The Tech Transfer by Russia to China was creating a stronger China. The China-Russia duo could have easily taken on combined might of western nations including USA. The biggest reason for defeat of Germany and Japan in WW2 was just oil. Japan used to source it from USA and Germany from USSR. Germany was winning every battle till they decided to go against USSR. The Pearl Harbour was precipitated by USA stopping oil supplies to Japan. Japan invaded south east asia only to find oil supplies which distracted and thinly spread out their forces in battles which they did not want to fight. Even the Blitz of German 6th army was to take over the oil fields in USSR. But at last moment, Hitler had a chnge of heart and in his personal enmity with Stalin, ordered the 6th army to march into Stalingrad. We all know what happened after that. Only one FM has ever surrendered in the history of modern warfare and that was a German- FM F Paulus of the sixth German army for whom Hitler had said thatbthey can even the Heavens for him.

from 2008 onwards, NATO started funding the media of Ukraine (UKR) to the tune of USD 500k/month. To change the opinion of people and started funding the Neo Nazies of UKR. Please understand how this whole dynamics works about control of media. India came under sanctions in 1998 due to Pokharn-2. One of the conditions set for removing the sanctions was to allow foreign media to invest and take over Indian Media. Atal Chaarpayee agreed to it in 2001 and the result was the very negative coverage by sold out media like Rajdeep and Barkha etc of Godhra riots. Charpaee lost in 2004 and people blamed it on Modi. But Charpayee had brought it on himself by allowing Foriegn media to take over Indian Channels. Take another case, it was predicted that Congress will lose in 2009 elections but they formed a govt again only due to the media.

So how does this work? The spade work has to start about 6-8 years before. Fund the radical elments who have nazi like thinking and are not afraid to wreck untold atrocities on their opponents. We saw the Arab Spring which too followed similar pattern. And one nation after the other starting from Libiya to Syria to Egypt became victim to it. Why only these nations and not UAE or Saudia or others? They were already pro West.

In UKR this game started in 2008 by West but it did not find traction and in 2010, once again Pro Russia parties won the elections. THEN came on scene a comedian Called Zelinsky and he was propped up by West to lead the charge aginst Russia. Just like Arab spring, west funded riots and opposition was done thru what we now call Maidan protests. A duly elected Govt was forced to resign and call for early ealections in 2014 which of curse were rigged by West. That was the time Russia had Minsk agreement with UKR. That agreement was sent to shredders by the west who consider themselves to be the ultimate moral authority of the world while the Vatican is home to the biggest thievs of the world.

part-2 to continue.
@Ashwin, I put these in the wrong thread by mistake, please move to Ukraine War thread.

Absolute Rubbish, no part of Donbass was left in the same state as Mariupol is now or the outskirts of Kyiv, or Grozny for that matter, and the claims of dead there are less than 14k. At least try to have some common sense and assess the claims you are making first. Another guy earlier today on Twitter tried claim that the US stole $3tr-worth of gold from Iraq - more than every country in the world combined has. This just goes to show the level of lunacy among Russian claims.

:ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: Not even worth a reply. Thanks for the laugh though.
I now agree that you are a man without a shread of Brain as stated by @ Anonymous.
Finally the association of Vatican with Nazies is out in the open.The Vatican are those guys who supported genocide of Jews and they are the biggest thives of the world who hide every financial criminal of the world within their sphere of influence. The vatican has largest amount of illgotten money in its banks. Imagine they even sold certificates for money in middle ages for going to Heavens. And these idiots teach us Sanatanis about religion.
How did Transnistria end up being Russian? Answer: Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact - an agreement Russia made with the Nazis before they began WWII together, on the same side. Russia was quite happy to murder alongside the Nazis in WWII, it was the Nazis that broke their friendship.
Finally the association of Vatican with Nazies is out in the open.The Vatican are those guys who supported genocide of Jews and they are the biggest thives of the world who hide every financial criminal of the world within their sphere of influence. The vatican has largest amount of illgotten money in its banks. Imagine they even sold certificates for money in middle ages for going to Heavens. And these idiots teach us Sanatanis about religion.
And how did Transnistria end up as Russian? The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact - The deal Russia made with the Nazis before they began WWII together.
My Analysis of Russian-Ukraine war- Part-1,
This whole game was set into motion in 2008 by NATO. The game played by them was to install a NATO puppet as the President of Ukraine. To take threat to the borders of Russia and subdue a rising Russia under Putin which had nearly overcome the break up of USSR. The Tech Transfer by Russia to China was creating a stronger China. The China-Russia duo could have easily taken on combined might of western nations including USA. The biggest reason for defeat of Germany and Japan in WW2 was just oil. Japan used to source it from USA and Germany from USSR. Germany was winning every battle till they decided to go against USSR. The Pearl Harbour was precipitated by USA stopping oil supplies to Japan. Japan invaded south east asia only to find oil supplies which distracted and thinly spread out their forces in battles which they did not want to fight. Even the Blitz of German 6th army was to take over the oil fields in USSR. But at last moment, Hitler had a chnge of heart and in his personal enmity with Stalin, ordered the 6th army to march into Stalingrad. We all know what happened after that. Only one FM has ever surrendered in the history of modern warfare and that was a German- FM F Paulus of the sixth German army for whom Hitler had said thatbthey can even the Heavens for him.

from 2008 onwards, NATO started funding the media of Ukraine (UKR) to the tune of USD 500k/month. To change the opinion of people and started funding the Neo Nazies of UKR. Please understand how this whole dynamics works about control of media. India came under sanctions in 1998 due to Pokharn-2. One of the conditions set for removing the sanctions was to allow foreign media to invest and take over Indian Media. Atal Chaarpayee agreed to it in 2001 and the result was the very negative coverage by sold out media like Rajdeep and Barkha etc of Godhra riots. Charpaee lost in 2004 and people blamed it on Modi. But Charpayee had brought it on himself by allowing Foriegn media to take over Indian Channels. Take another case, it was predicted that Congress will lose in 2009 elections but they formed a govt again only due to the media.

So how does this work? The spade work has to start about 6-8 years before. Fund the radical elments who have nazi like thinking and are not afraid to wreck untold atrocities on their opponents. We saw the Arab Spring which too followed similar pattern. And one nation after the other starting from Libiya to Syria to Egypt became victim to it. Why only these nations and not UAE or Saudia or others? They were already pro West.

In UKR this game started in 2008 by West but it did not find traction and in 2010, once again Pro Russia parties won the elections. THEN came on scene a comedian Called Zelinsky and he was propped up by West to lead the charge aginst Russia. Just like Arab spring, west funded riots and opposition was done thru what we now call Maidan protests. A duly elected Govt was forced to resign and call for early ealections in 2014 which of curse were rigged by West. That was the time Russia had Minsk agreement with UKR. That agreement was sent to shredders by the west who consider themselves to be the ultimate moral authority of the world while the Vatican is home to the biggest thievs of the world.

part-2 to continue.

I now agree that you are a man without a shread of Brain as stated by @ Anonymous.
Several people on this forum have actually turned into _Anonymous_ since this war began. You're unable to look at the level of destruction in Mariupol and compare it with the Donbass pre-Feb 2022 and see that the two are clearly different.

Ukraine voted on Zelensky. It's not their fault that Russia annexed Crimea and parts of the Donbass, thus preventing those areas from participating by force. Yanukovych was the puppet, Russia poisoned all the true political opponents and election results were distorted, hence the mass protests. You cannot simply force that many people to take to the street by some mind control trick.

Germany was forced to go against the USSR because they lost control of the oil fields in Africa and The Middle East.

Tech transfer? So that's what theft of intellectual property is called these days. Russian tech is garbage, see Ukraine War for evidence. They can hit static targets but they have no intelligence or ability to coordinate.

The opinions were already there after seeing a political opponent poisoned. You think Russia doesn't try and change people's opinions with RT? They do and evidently it has worked on you but sadly not on 80% of the nations at the UN. All Russia's friends are dictatorships, except you poor gullible fools. Try and think critically about that for a moment.

Wow, so you get media from different countries? So do we. We even got it from Russia until they invaded Ukraine, well actually we continued getting it for 8 years after they first invaded Ukraine (Crimea). I watched it quite a bit and they occasionally used the same actors twice and you could hear the Russian accents on some of their foreign interviewees too. Great fun. Boo-hoo. Does it cause you to think too hard?

Nazi like thinking and atrocities? You mean like executing all the civilians in 3 villages? And ethnically cleansing 40,000 civilians away into Russia? Blowing up schools, hospitals, civilian shelters, apartment blocks. Russia made an agreement with the Nazis pre-WWII anyway, so they are shit-out of moral high-horse on the old 'Nazi' card anyway.

The Arab spring started because they saw Iraq and Afghanistan holding elections. And people in general prefer democracy. Why is this so hard for people from a democratic country to understand?

The elections beforehand were rigged. If what you said had a shred of truth, Russia would have already overran Ukraine, because people wouldn't fight for a puppet regime or a guy who wasn't duly elected this damn hard. I think you know this really. You can supply all the weapons you want, but you need people with the will to use them, and there are clearly plenty such people in Ukraine. Logical conclusion- they back their government. The separatists are just a small collection of terrorists propped up by the Russian military by comparison.

The moment NATO funded Joker came into power, his first act was to unleash Neo nazies on Luhannsk and Donbass. Minsk agreement was very clear that these areas will get full autonomy and allowed to rule themselves. How many of you know that till 1922 these areas were part of Russian Empire which was reorganised and even Crimea was part of Russian Empire till 1954 when it was made part of UKR for better administration and availability of land routes thru Donbass? Once UKR broke the Minsk agreement, Russia moved in to take back the territories which were its own and never a part of Hungarian-UKR empire in history which is west of the Dniepr river. Many of you have seen the various maps posted here showing the population demography of UKR which clearly shows that east of Dniepr, Russian speaking population dominates. But agreeing to Minsk agreement was not acceptable to West, so they forced neo nazies as a militia to take on pro Russian people of these two areas. AND then started the genocide which was initially covered by every west media channel including BBC but suddenly it went off the media in 2021. Why 2021?

A new narrative was created in which the forces of Luhantsk and Donbass were shown as criminals and Nazi militia was shown as savior while all the civilian deaths were done by UKR. Something changed in USA as well. Biden became POTUS. The uneleceted and a fraud and a puppet in the hands of arms lobby became POTUS. He had to help those who helped him steal the election from Trunp. And we all know how big Tech in cohorts with arms loobies did it. people dead over 100 yrs voted in US elections. You dont get to see such a fraud even in banana republics of Africa. But the nation calling itself the most tech advanced nation did it. Their so called Independent Judiciary also did not intervene in it.

Russia was at peace with every European nation and Europe without Russia will always be unstable. So the game started in which these European nations which had not bought any US weapons for over a decade and were trying to develop tech of their own with FRANCE as a fulcrum, were forced into battle. The first move of it was by UK to do BREXIT to cripple EU. Next was to force all NATO members to shed their old holdings of weapon stock and buy new stock from USA as replacement. CAATSA was a provision brought out only to boost sales of US weapons across the world but it helped France more than it helped anyother nation including USA. UK has never in its history considered itself a part of Europe. The recent visit of BoJo to India has not given anything to them. Just after his visit our own EAM stated that UK stole 45trillion pounds from India. That should tell Europe and rest of the world where India stands today. They want our money to fund their R&D. We are not interested. We will go with French anyday as we remember a friend in need the way Frech stood by us during 1999 Kargil war and old USSR did in 1971 war. Russia needs us today and we will be with them come hell or high water. We are Sanatani and not Abrahmic who will desert the friends. Should there be need for Indian forces to be deplyoyed alongwith French forces, India will do it.

Part-3 to continue
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Is India considering helping the Russians with Russian equipment or ammunition?
No sir, Russia is well place to take on entire NATO now as They are fighting NATO and Europe in UKR and they have exhausted all their best weapons on sub standard Russian equipment and also by giving out their tactics. I will cover it in my next posts. Please wait.
India should worry, as all Russian weapons and jets failed and got shot down by inferior and far smaller Ukrainian military.
Even SU 35 was shot down.
India being a main user of Russian weaponry must be worried.
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India is one of the largest users of Russian equipment and has used them very effectively against the best trained forces of western world. Its not the weapon but the man behind the weapon who wins. As I stated earlier that West decide on this war and created conditions for Russia to invade UKR. They started mobilisation in early 2021 and started moving large amount of weapons to UKR forces. They brought in some of their most disruptive weapons to the battle field. But Russians did what they did in Syria. Use nearly expired or old weapons to go for complete destruction of enemy. Basically a very low cost war which actually cost from 2% to nothing in terms of value. Entire west is in agreement that Russia is hiding its real assets and has brought on only 10-15% of its real strength on battle with UKR.

The most famous Khrushcka jammers have been brought in the battle now and after using S-300 once they have yet to use their S-400. But what has happened in between? nearly all earstwhile Warsaw pact countries have been asked to send their Russian origin equipment to UKR. Who and what will replace them? Weapons from USA. In one go, Biden has done what no other POTUS ever did for US arms industry post WW2. These EU nation for next 50-60 years will pay for the equipment they buy from USA for an enemy which was not their enemy but became an enemy due to the acts of a friend called USA and UK. These two nations have completely succeeded in making entire Europe their slaves and will now control the economies of these nations who have sent weapons against Russia as a Bear also never forgets and never forgives. These posts were to tell you what actually is behind this war. In next parts tomorrow, I will cover the battle and tactics of this war and show you that NATO has never been as vulnerable as it is today to Russian invasion. It will be a piece of cake for Russia to now role out its full capabilities and they will hit Dunkirk.
India should worry, as all Russian weapons and jets failed and got shot down by inferior and far smaller Ukrainian military.
Even SU 35 was shot down.
India being a main user of Russian weaponry must be worried.
you shud not be even commenting. We shot down F-16 with a Mig-21. Ek chutiya ya gaandu haath me talwar leke Ghazi nahi banta. Kyonki woh gaand marwaata hai like you Pakistanis. har jagah beizzat hotey ho. Saudi Arabiya ho ya aapke naye baap Turks. Itna honsla kahaan se laatey ho bhai. Koi din beeta hai beizzat huey bina world forum me? randiyaan kothay pe chudti hain, aap toh chabuteray pe chudtay ho.
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India is one of the largest users of Russian equipment and has used them very effectively against the best trained forces of western world. Its not the weapon but the man behind the weapon who wins. As I stated earlier that West decide on this war and created conditions for Russia to invade UKR. They started mobilisation in early 2021 and started moving large amount of weapons to UKR forces. They brought in some of their most disruptive weapons to the battle field. But Russians did what they did in Syria. Use nearly expired or old weapons to go for complete destruction of enemy. Basically a very low cost war which actually cost from 2% to nothing in terms of value. Entire west is in agreement that Russia is hiding its real assets and has brought on only 10-15% of its real strength on battle with UKR.

The most famous Khrushcka jammers have been brought in the battle now and after using S-300 once they have yet to use their S-400. But what has happened in between? nearly all earstwhile Warsaw pact countries have been asked to send their Russian origin equipment to UKR. Who and what will replace them? Weapons from USA. In one go, Biden has done what no other POTUS ever did for US arms industry post WW2. These EU nation for next 50-60 years will pay for the equipment they buy from USA for an enemy which was not their enemy but became an enemy due to the acts of a friend called USA and UK. These two nations have completely succeeded in making entire Europe their slaves and will now control the economies of these nations who have sent weapons against Russia as a Bear also never forgets and never forgives. These posts were to tell you what actually is behind this war.
Are you proposing to sell this in paperback or hardback? It's a magnificent work of fiction either way.

How many democratically elected governments have you seen removed from office by a mass movement of civilians, answer me that? If this is really the way it works, why doesn't Russia just do it in the UK or EU countries, or Ukraine for that matter?

Other points: Russia will pay the cost of reparations via its seized assets

@Picdelamirand-oil @Bon Plan @Amarante I'd like a cup of tea, since apparently you are my slaves - see garbage above.

In next parts tomorrow, I will cover the battle and tactics of this war and show you that NATO has never been as vulnerable as it is today to Russian invasion. It will be a piece of cake for Russia to now role out its full capabilities and they will hit Dunkirk.
:ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: Do you even read this crap that you copy and paste so readily? You've lost all credibility, go rest.
It's a wonder the good people of Ukraine don't simply step aside so that Russia can rid them of their terrible NATO puppet regime and return them to the 'bliss' that went before.

This is what happens when people at the other side of the world read some crap written by RT and company and then think they understand Europe.
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