Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Well it seems this war is about to get bigger.

Ukraines Intelligence Directorate: Transnistria prepares appeal to Putin on 2 May​

Roman Petrenko - Sunday, 1 May 2022, 11:00 A large number of copies of the newspaper Pridnestrovie [Transnistria], dated 2 May, have been printed in which the citizens of Transnistria address Vladimir Putin, President of the aggressor state. Source: Chief Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Details: According to Ukrainian intelligence, the central material of the newspaper is the "Official appeal of the people of Transnistria to President Putin of the Russian Federation." The appeal requests that he "deploy the armed forces of Transnistria in the military actions of the Russian army." To this end, "mobilization points" are being set up in Russia to recruit volunteers to fight in the Transnistrian army. The Kremlin is thus trying to legitimize the actions of thousands of Russian soldiers tasked with carrying out provocations from the territory of Transnistria. The newspaper also contains a series of propaganda materials about "bloody terrorist attacks on Transnistrians on the May holidays, in which dozens were killed, including children, the elderly, and women." As the newspaper was published on the eve of the holidays, there is a threat that the Kremlin authorities are planning to commit a number of acts of terror among the local population, for which, as is its custom, it will blame "Ukraine and the collective West." The newspaper's texts are full of Kremlin cliches, such as "Transnistrians no longer have any chance of staying out of the war. Kyiv and its NATO puppet masters have already made their decision, they have already coordinated all their actions with Chisinau and Bucharest." The publishers of the newspaper pin all their hopes on "fraternal Russia's opposition [to the forces of Ukraine and NATO]." Foreign citizens are urged to join the armed forces of Transnistria. In particular, "Apart from the Russian Federation, mobilization points are being set up in the Luhansk and Donetsk 'People's Republics', Abkhazia, and the Special Administrative Region [Kaliningrad Region]." Ukraine's Chief Intelligence Directorate believes that such actions on behalf of the Russian leadership can lay the ground for a new springboard for attack on Ukraine and for an "official" occupation of part of the territory of the independent Republic of Moldova.

Romania will come to the aid of Moldova if Russian troops in Transnistria attack Moldova and when that happens the flying proverbial poop will take aim at a fan... hopefully it won't hit it.
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Lol. You can't make this up. They really aren't self aware how this looks, eh?

You know that red arm band on them.... looks about reich!.
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Well done @BMD good info on what's going on. What happened to Ironhide who would post Russian side?
Suspect he's bogged down on Twitter.
Lol. You can't make this up. They really aren't self aware how this looks, eh?

You know that red arm band on them.... looks about reich!.
View attachment 23667
Another breach of the Geneva Convention.
Well it seems this war is about to get bigger.

Ukraines Intelligence Directorate: Transnistria prepares appeal to Putin on 2 May​

Roman Petrenko - Sunday, 1 May 2022, 11:00 A large number of copies of the newspaper Pridnestrovie [Transnistria], dated 2 May, have been printed in which the citizens of Transnistria address Vladimir Putin, President of the aggressor state. Source: Chief Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Details: According to Ukrainian intelligence, the central material of the newspaper is the "Official appeal of the people of Transnistria to President Putin of the Russian Federation." The appeal requests that he "deploy the armed forces of Transnistria in the military actions of the Russian army." To this end, "mobilization points" are being set up in Russia to recruit volunteers to fight in the Transnistrian army. The Kremlin is thus trying to legitimize the actions of thousands of Russian soldiers tasked with carrying out provocations from the territory of Transnistria. The newspaper also contains a series of propaganda materials about "bloody terrorist attacks on Transnistrians on the May holidays, in which dozens were killed, including children, the elderly, and women." As the newspaper was published on the eve of the holidays, there is a threat that the Kremlin authorities are planning to commit a number of acts of terror among the local population, for which, as is its custom, it will blame "Ukraine and the collective West." The newspaper's texts are full of Kremlin cliches, such as "Transnistrians no longer have any chance of staying out of the war. Kyiv and its NATO puppet masters have already made their decision, they have already coordinated all their actions with Chisinau and Bucharest." The publishers of the newspaper pin all their hopes on "fraternal Russia's opposition [to the forces of Ukraine and NATO]." Foreign citizens are urged to join the armed forces of Transnistria. In particular, "Apart from the Russian Federation, mobilization points are being set up in the Luhansk and Donetsk 'People's Republics', Abkhazia, and the Special Administrative Region [Kaliningrad Region]." Ukraine's Chief Intelligence Directorate believes that such actions on behalf of the Russian leadership can lay the ground for a new springboard for attack on Ukraine and for an "official" occupation of part of the territory of the independent Republic of Moldova.

Romania will come to the aid of Moldova if Russian troops in Transnistria attack Moldova and when that happens the flying proverbial poop will take aim at a fan... hopefully it won't hit it.
Suddenly this starts happening in Transnistria and still some people can't see through Russia.
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There is no authentic data on the figures you are mentioning. Most of the pictures and figures are propaganda as well or half truth. Independent investigation is required on the deaths on both sides. Because human life is not something just to put as a crisscross contest. Ukr has suffered massive loss due to its closeness with NATO and imbalance between the US and Russia.

After WWII Europe has not seen such a massive military mobilization and bombing. It's Europe which will have the fall out of economic crisis, neither Russia nor US.

Have you seen the value of Dollar past one week and compare its graph with the Euro. The picture will be clear. The Russians don't need world market because their economy is self resilient. The system there is very introvert. They were iron curtain till 1991 it won't be anything different if they become Iron Curtain once again.

The more Russia cuts off from the world, more it gets dangerous and Americans are aware of this.

Nuclear threats are not new, Indians have had it from Pakistan every other time. India is well prepared for that, the question is are Europeans prepared?
Look at all the videos of Russian equipment being blown up, the corpses of burnt out tanks, down aircraft etc. How much did the Moskva cost? The bridges destroyed, the other ships damaged, the ammo dumps blown up, the fuel and oil depots, all the fires etc. The logistics costs, the sanctions.

Reparations will be deducted from seized Russian assets after an ICJ ruling.

<2% change. Very normal movement.

Current value of the ruble online - 0.

Their economy collapsed under iron curtain.

Feeding the monster is what makes it dangerous. They were allowed into the G8 and Europe increased trade with them for decades and the Soviet monster returned. Lesson learnt.

Yep, we have enough warheads to take out all their major cities and military facilities. The threat to use nukes is a sign of weakness.
Russia was suffering 400-500 deaths a day while attacking Kyiv and their logistics was a shambles, now they are only suffering 200-300 deaths per day. That's why they changed their tactics - self-preservation.

They took South Ossetia and Crimea easily, they simply didn't expect this level of resistance.
Nearly 100,000 Russians killed or wounded or PoWs. It would be nice if Russia lost this war on the 9th of May either this year or next year. They should never have had any glory from WWII, they formed an alliance with the Nazis in 1939. History needs to be told correctly.

Note: Russian losses have increased from 200 to 300 over May Day weekend due to attempted offensive. The more they try and advance, the more they die.

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I don't think Russia tried to take Kyiv , that was suppose to be a diversion.

They did try taking Kiev. But it's more appropriate to say they wanted to take Kiev with minimum or without any resistance at all. They simply wanted to show off with a large force, and then drive into Central Kiev and remove Zelensky. Once resistance reached a certain level, they decided to simply hold and withdraw instead of leveling the city, which they could very well have done easily.

Even Zelensky spoke about how Russia can take Kiev in days but that nothing will be left to keep after that.

Instead of burning all bridges with Ukrainians by destroying their capital, which is actually meaningless, they simply decided to focus on the Russian-speaking parts, which is considerably less controversial.
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Thrust towards Kiev was always a feint, but thrust towards kharkiv was import. It would have cut the deep defences Ukrainians have set up against any push from east. Russians failed there terribly.

Same story as the above. If Russia wants to take a city, they first need to demolish it, because the Ukrainians are willing to resist. So they can take the city, but the cost of reconstruction will have to be borne by them, while the human cost will make it irredeemable, even amongst their own people.

Russians need to get their act together and start using artillery fire then combination of infantry and armour moving forward , clear the areas , secure rear , set up supplies and repeat.

The supposed "military mobilisation" speculations would escalate things drastically if it happens.

While the west needs to ensure that atleast 2-3 more capital ships of Russia is sunk. A battery of Harpoon will be enough. Instead of fighter jets supply them your harpoons for God sake.

The RQ4 is important asset , sink everything hostile.

Had the West supplied the Ukrainians with 2 used but upgraded F-15C squadrons, it would have prevented this war.
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Had the West supplied the Ukrainians with 2 used but upgraded F-15C squadrons, it would have prevented this war.

So finally you started accepting what F15 really is. Since EX variant is on offer, we should atleast few squadrons of Eagle to replace the old MKIs we gonna retire without upgradation.
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Chechen and Buryat soldiers are said to have clashed. A story about booty and the distribution of roles in the war.

Translated with (free version)

Time for Putin to understand that the Russians need a professional army.
Lol. An Indian "thinker" thinks this was a Russian deception even though Russia lost thousands of their best troops including Spetnaz and VDV's? Come on Brahma Chellaney you should know better than that you make your bias sooo obvious.

The claim matches with the ground situation. As Russia consolidated its hold over the South, the forces in the North retreated. It basically means it became impossible for Ukraine to take back those areas without forcing a Russian withdrawal.

Where Ukraine made a gain is when the Russians were stopped at Mykolaiv and they failed in taking and consolidating Odessa within that timeframe.

A large chunk of the Ukrainian military was stuck in the North just standing around.

Much before Russia started the mobilisation for this war, The NATO had started sending disruptive weapons to Ukraine in the garb of Humanitarian aid. We all know how aircraft loads of ATGMs, MANPADs and other military hardware was sent and delivered starting Jan 2021 itself. Russia started mobilisation only in Aug 2021. NATO also embedded its Military advisors and professional to plan the defence of UKR. They also created a system of exchange of information on RA thru the use of their outstanding ISR facilities ranging from Satellites to Aircraft and drones. While RA has a similar system and matches the NATO systems, they did not have the size and strength which the EU+NATO nations combine brought to the battle. West out played RA in diplomacy and deception. Putin probably thought that a threat of use of force might bring UKR to negotiating table and things will get resolved thru diplomacy but that was not to be as Zelensky is a puppet of NATO and NATO had decided to fight Russia. The aim of NATO was and is to engage Russia in an unending insurgency thereby bringing its downfall just the way they did in Afghanistan which was the reason for collapse of USSR.

NATO+EU all thru fooled Russia starting from 1992 about NATO expension into former WARSAW Pact countries and it had been known from 1998 that UKR is the redline for Russia. But NATO+EU kept up the provocation. The plan was probably firmed up in 2014 itself and that was the reason UK did BREXIT. Like ships rats they abondoned Europe. Nancy Pelosi is on record to have said that USA hates Europeans more than they hate Russians and so they are using Russia to teach a lesson to Europe. The neo nazies raised and supported by USA+UK will now flood rest of Europe as refugees and will eventually create large scale disruptions and problems for the original population of European nations. We have seen how the muslim refugees from North Africa and Syria have created problems for the countries who gave them refuge now they will be joined in by Neo nazis. Seems the Europeans have forgotton that Germans/Nazis and muslims combined together to fight rest of Europe in both world wars. In WW1, Germans had supported Ottoman Empire.

RA had started deploying its forces in numbers only around Dec 2021 in Belarus and Georgia and along UKR border but it did not set up its field hospitals till begining of Feb 2022. Any army which has decided to fight, will move its Military Field hospitals along with its troops. This clearly shows that Russia was trying arm twisting to find a negotiated peace deal. But NATO fooled UKR by telling them that they can easily defeat RA in any battle. Zelensky has stated on TV that he was adivised to keep up a facade that UKR will join NATO while he was clearly told that this was not even a possibility. But he followed his masters in NATO and did exactly that. So who fooled the people of UKR and for what purpose Just to set fire to whole of Europe and destabilise it?