Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Russia has captured east regions of Ukr and created economic crisis in EU which is creating pressure on NATO, not otherwise. What you have said, may not happen in near future. There are few pockets of areas of Ukr-resistance force, but majorly everything has been captured by the Ru army.

I don't think Russia tried to take Kyiv , that was suppose to be a diversion.
Oh sure. Because the costs of this war are real cheap for Russia. The war alone is costing >$1bn every 2 days before the sanctions. Russia still hasn't even captured the Donbass and loses dozens of tanks and APCs every single day. Personnel losses now at 23,500. 300 dead in 24 hours between 9am April 30th and May 1st. Russia hasn't seen such losses since WWII, Putin has screwed up massively.

The combat losses of the Russian occupation army over the past day amounted to about 300 personnel, and since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24 as of Sunday morning, May 1, reached about 23.5 thousand people, according to the press service of the General Staff.

"The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 01.05 were approximately 23,500 (+300) people eliminated, tanks - 1026 (+18) units, armored combat vehicles - 2471 (+26) units, artillery systems - 451 +15) units, MLRS - 151 units, air defense equipment - 80 (+3) units, aircraft - 192 (+2) units, helicopters - 155 units, motor vehicles and tank trucks - 1796 (+20) units. , Ships / boats - 8 units, UAVs of operational and tactical level - 245 (+13) units, special equipment - 32, cruise missiles - 84 "




Far too costly for a diversion, they tried and failed, and for a while nobody dared tell Putin what was really happening on the ground, it was only when NATO questioned whether he really knew that he found out, then they pulled out and concentrated on the South East.

If Russia was winning, why does he keep threatening nukes?

In diplomatic parlance, Lavrov essentially admitted that their vaunted offensive in Donbas is stalling, the war is lost, and Russia has nothing to counter Western weapons pouring in Ukraine. Politically and militarily, Russia is backed into a corner.

Since Putin can’t accept defeat, the Kremlin is indicating that nuclear weapons are on the table as its last resort in this war.
A Mi-8 helicopter crashed in Russia. The Transbaikalia government has confirmed the deaths of five people and five others.
In the Izyum direction, the National Guards destroyed the enemy's BMP 2 and lined up the tank.
Oh sure. Because the costs of this war are real cheap for Russia. The war alone is costing >$1bn every 2 days before the sanctions. Russia still hasn't even captured the Donbass and loses dozens of tanks and APCs every single day. Personnel losses now at 23,500. 300 dead in 24 hours between 9am April 30th and May 1st. Russia hasn't seen such losses since WWII, Putin has screwed up massively.
There is no authentic data on the figures you are mentioning. Most of the pictures and figures are propaganda as well or half truth. Independent investigation is required on the deaths on both sides. Because human life is not something just to put as a crisscross contest. Ukr has suffered massive loss due to its closeness with NATO and imbalance between the US and Russia.

After WWII Europe has not seen such a massive military mobilization and bombing. It's Europe which will have the fall out of economic crisis, neither Russia nor US.

Have you seen the value of Dollar past one week and compare its graph with the Euro. The picture will be clear. The Russians don't need world market because their economy is self resilient. The system there is very introvert. They were iron curtain till 1991 it won't be anything different if they become Iron Curtain once again.

The more Russia cuts off from the world, more it gets dangerous and Americans are aware of this.

Nuclear threats are not new, Indians have had it from Pakistan every other time. India is well prepared for that, the question is are Europeans prepared?
Lol. An Indian "thinker" thinks this was a Russian deception even though Russia lost thousands of their best troops including Spetnaz and VDV's? Come on Brahma Chellaney you should know better than that you make your bias sooo obvious.