Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Russian propaganda finally disappears up its own ar5e.

It would be really easy for a covert sniper with a silencer to create such conflict. All they have to do is wait until some Chechen and Buryats are together and shoot a Chechen in the butt.
So finally you started accepting what F15 really is. Since EX variant is on offer, we should atleast few squadrons of Eagle to replace the old MKIs we gonna retire without upgradation.

Lol, no. I am referring to the old F-15C upgraded with AESA. It can come in the fastest, and has enough performance, avionics and firepower to match the Russian Flankers. It lacks A2G capability, so it's largely a defensive weapon, like the Javelin. Plus it will have about 5-10 years of service life, giving the Ukrainians enough time to replace it with more modern jets. The F-15C is gonna be retired by 2026, so 1 or 2 squadrons in 2015 would have helped Ukraine.

F-15EX is junk. Its performance is poor. All it has is decent avionics. It's modern for today, but by 2030, it will be obsolete. It's useless to anybody, even the US. Maybe some country with no real enemies that wants to show off can buy it.
They did try taking Kiev. But it's more appropriate to say they wanted to take Kiev with minimum or without any resistance at all. They simply wanted to show off with a large force, and then drive into Central Kiev and remove Zelensky. Once resistance reached a certain level, they decided to simply hold and withdraw instead of leveling the city, which they could very well have done easily.

Even Zelensky spoke about how Russia can take Kiev in days but that nothing will be left to keep after that.

Instead of burning all bridges with Ukrainians by destroying their capital, which is actually meaningless, they simply decided to focus on the Russian-speaking parts, which is considerably less controversial.
All their soldiers starving and with frostbite and no ammo had absolutely nothing to do with it. At the start Russia took some ground by surprise but once the defence took hold they ceased being able to advance without significant losses. South of Zaporizhia they've been held in the same place for 50 days, every time they advance they suffer huge losses and retreat. Elsewhere, in the Donbass, over the last 20 days they've made small advances in some places and made small retreats in others. Over the weekend they attempted a May Day offensive and Russian losses increased by 50%. This is with all their forces now consolidated in the South East. The losses speak for themselves.

Dude, all bridges are now burnt between Russia and Ukraine (figuratively and literally in some cases), capital or not. Come join the real world some time. It took decades for Germany to make up for WWII even after they admitted everything and paid reparations, Putin will never admit being wrong, and therefore the damage done will last a century. Think about this, you still harp on about Britishers, and it's been 75 years.
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Same story as the above. If Russia wants to take a city, they first need to demolish it, because the Ukrainians are willing to resist. So they can take the city, but the cost of reconstruction will have to be borne by them, while the human cost will make it irredeemable, even amongst their own people.

The supposed "military mobilisation" speculations would escalate things drastically if it happens.

Had the West supplied the Ukrainians with 2 used but upgraded F-15C squadrons, it would have prevented this war.
:ROFLMAO: Like Russia is going to pay to rebuild Ukraine voluntarily? Who do you think they are? NATO?

They committed 200,000 at the start, and they've been conscripting people ever since.

It really wouldn't, the war has been mostly fought on the ground. C variants only shoot down aircraft, Ukraine is doing a decent job of that anyway.

Much before Russia started the mobilisation for this war, The NATO had started sending disruptive weapons to Ukraine in the garb of Humanitarian aid. We all know how aircraft loads of ATGMs, MANPADs and other military hardware was sent and delivered starting Jan 2021 itself. Russia started mobilisation only in Aug 2021. NATO also embedded its Military advisors and professional to plan the defence of UKR. They also created a system of exchange of information on RA thru the use of their outstanding ISR facilities ranging from Satellites to Aircraft and drones. While RA has a similar system and matches the NATO systems, they did not have the size and strength which the EU+NATO nations combine brought to the battle. West out played RA in diplomacy and deception. Putin probably thought that a threat of use of force might bring UKR to negotiating table and things will get resolved thru diplomacy but that was not to be as Zelensky is a puppet of NATO and NATO had decided to fight Russia. The aim of NATO was and is to engage Russia in an unending insurgency thereby bringing its downfall just the way they did in Afghanistan which was the reason for collapse of USSR.

NATO+EU all thru fooled Russia starting from 1992 about NATO expension into former WARSAW Pact countries and it had been known from 1998 that UKR is the redline for Russia. But NATO+EU kept up the provocation. The plan was probably firmed up in 2014 itself and that was the reason UK did BREXIT. Like ships rats they abondoned Europe. Nancy Pelosi is on record to have said that USA hates Europeans more than they hate Russians and so they are using Russia to teach a lesson to Europe. The neo nazies raised and supported by USA+UK will now flood rest of Europe as refugees and will eventually create large scale disruptions and problems for the original population of European nations. We have seen how the muslim refugees from North Africa and Syria have created problems for the countries who gave them refuge now they will be joined in by Neo nazis. Seems the Europeans have forgotton that Germans/Nazis and muslims combined together to fight rest of Europe in both world wars. In WW1, Germans had supported Ottoman Empire.

RA had started deploying its forces in numbers only around Dec 2021 in Belarus and Georgia and along UKR border but it did not set up its field hospitals till begining of Feb 2022. Any army which has decided to fight, will move its Military Field hospitals along with its troops. This clearly shows that Russia was trying arm twisting to find a negotiated peace deal. But NATO fooled UKR by telling them that they can easily defeat RA in any battle. Zelensky has stated on TV that he was adivised to keep up a facade that UKR will join NATO while he was clearly told that this was not even a possibility. But he followed his masters in NATO and did exactly that. So who fooled the people of UKR and for what purpose Just to set fire to whole of Europe and destabilise it?

Yeah, the entire sequence of events is basically the US and their "useful idiots" in Ukraine screwing up security in Europe.

For a so-called invasion, the fact that the Russians had not set up enough logistics in the North gives it away.

Much before Russia started the mobilisation for this war, The NATO had started sending disruptive weapons to Ukraine in the garb of Humanitarian aid. We all know how aircraft loads of ATGMs, MANPADs and other military hardware was sent and delivered starting Jan 2021 itself. Russia started mobilisation only in Aug 2021. NATO also embedded its Military advisors and professional to plan the defence of UKR. They also created a system of exchange of information on RA thru the use of their outstanding ISR facilities ranging from Satellites to Aircraft and drones. While RA has a similar system and matches the NATO systems, they did not have the size and strength which the EU+NATO nations combine brought to the battle. West out played RA in diplomacy and deception. Putin probably thought that a threat of use of force might bring UKR to negotiating table and things will get resolved thru diplomacy but that was not to be as Zelensky is a puppet of NATO and NATO had decided to fight Russia. The aim of NATO was and is to engage Russia in an unending insurgency thereby bringing its downfall just the way they did in Afghanistan which was the reason for collapse of USSR.

NATO+EU all thru fooled Russia starting from 1992 about NATO expension into former WARSAW Pact countries and it had been known from 1998 that UKR is the redline for Russia. But NATO+EU kept up the provocation. The plan was probably firmed up in 2014 itself and that was the reason UK did BREXIT. Like ships rats they abondoned Europe. Nancy Pelosi is on record to have said that USA hates Europeans more than they hate Russians and so they are using Russia to teach a lesson to Europe. The neo nazies raised and supported by USA+UK will now flood rest of Europe as refugees and will eventually create large scale disruptions and problems for the original population of European nations. We have seen how the muslim refugees from North Africa and Syria have created problems for the countries who gave them refuge now they will be joined in by Neo nazis. Seems the Europeans have forgotton that Germans/Nazis and muslims combined together to fight rest of Europe in both world wars. In WW1, Germans had supported Ottoman Empire.

RA had started deploying its forces in numbers only around Dec 2021 in Belarus and Georgia and along UKR border but it did not set up its field hospitals till begining of Feb 2022. Any army which has decided to fight, will move its Military Field hospitals along with its troops. This clearly shows that Russia was trying arm twisting to find a negotiated peace deal. But NATO fooled UKR by telling them that they can easily defeat RA in any battle. Zelensky has stated on TV that he was adivised to keep up a facade that UKR will join NATO while he was clearly told that this was not even a possibility. But he followed his masters in NATO and did exactly that. So who fooled the people of UKR and for what purpose Just to set fire to whole of Europe and destabilise it?
This is just someone making up a story. There's not a shred of evidence and he source of the story is now claiming Adolf Hitler was a Jew.
Yeah, the entire sequence of events is basically the US and their "useful idiots" in Ukraine screwing up security in Europe.

For a so-called invasion, the fact that the Russians had not set up enough logistics in the North gives it away.
And what were Transnistria and South Ossetia? Or Russia propping up the dictator in Syria for that matter?

Impulsive incompetence. A very dangerous combination.
Fighting enemy columns, destroyed equipment and dozens of prisoners: how the border guards of the Sumy detachment liberated Ukrainian land from the occupiers, find out directly from our defenders.

Part-5, Ist stage of Battle.

RA probably had two things in mind, one was to pull out UA forces from its well fortified positons and second was to aim for a very intense and short war by Capturing Kiev and eliminating or capturing Zelensky and his team before they could runaway to Poland or anyother NATO country. The movement of RA was tracked and mobile Tank hunters teams with some of the finest weapons were placed well in advance on the likely approach of the RA. The excellent ISR combined with experienced NATO military advisors and artificial Intelligence based simulations ensured that RA gets a warm welcome whereever they attacked. The convoys were tracked much before they even assembled and killing fields created for them well in advance. While RA was fighting in the open, UA was able to hide its assets effectively from RA due to urban areas all thru the approach of RA columns to Kiev.

RA tried to do what it had trained for for many years-OMG type attack using large Tank +Mech Inf columns. But it had a flaw. These tactics are good for open areas and where the arty has flattened the enemy before the approach of OMGs. In case of Kiev, RA was more interested in saving civilian casualties and ended up taking casualties themselves as the areas ahead of these columns were never subjected to the kind of arty fire as was needed for these columns to proceed without much of a resistance.

Second mistake done by RA was that these columns lacked infantry support which is very very crucial in urban warfare (UW). in UW, the tanks have to support the infantry in clearing up the battle space. Without Infantry support, the tank columns are easy meat and this was proven in the battle for kiev. Every BMP which was hit, resulted in death/injuries to 10+ men as they were in those tin cans. had they been on foot, all would not have died with a single ATGM hit. RA did another blunder, they used heliborne insertions way ahead of its columns which got bogged down without infantry support and so link up with these heliborne troops could not be done in time resulting in their isolation and elimination by UA. We have seen videos of this air assault and how the helos were shot down by MANPADs. RA PROBABLY thought that the Russian speakers in local population will support them but they were eliminated by Neo Nazis much in advance.The large scale civilian killings and bombing of some of the civilian areas close to Kiev was done by UA itself on specific orders of NATO advisors.

Third biggest mistake done by RA was the wrong use of airpower. RA had unlimited supply of cruise missiles but their air power was fighting its own battle. The aircraft never provided close air support to the advancing tank columns, instead they were trying to attack command and communication centers rather than go for destroying oil dumps, weapon depots, power plants, rail heads and critical bridges in the south of Kiev which could have delayed the arrival of more troops to defend Kiev. The logistics infra was left untouched by RA for unknown reasons.

Fourth mistake of RA was that it attacked on nearly entire front of UKR with very small force and their failure to achive the main objective of taking over Kiev, saw to it that even their forces all across the attck lines made little or no progress.

The battle for kiev was a complete failure for RA but it also bled UA and anyone who says that it was a deceptionis probably out of his mind. No one takes such losses for a deception. A deception requires very quick assault and an ever faster withdrawal. That was not the case in the Battle for Kiev.
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All their soldiers starving and with frostbite and no ammo had absolutely nothing to do with it.

Exactly why the Russians were not prepared for a fight. I had already told this very early on. Zelensky is not a politician, so he is fighting a battle that he shouldn't be fighting. Nobody expected Ukraine to resist to this extent, even the Ukrainians themselves, never mind the Russians or the US. If the US had any inkling, they would have delivered heavy weapons even before the war began. The Russians expected to take Ukraine with minimal difficulty, and the US expected to begin an insurgency and militarily bog Russia down in Ukraine and economically curtail them via sanctions, while they get busy in the Pacific. Ukraine was always the American sacrificial lamb meant to contain Russia.

So it's, in a way, working out better than expected for the US. Otoh, it's making Russia even more unpredictable and dangerous, a situation we always wanted to avoid, I suppose even the US. Meaning, an insurgency wouldn't lead to a nuclear war, but an unending war in Europe can.

This war isn't on the Russians. It's an American proxy war. And not just Ukraine and Russia, it's meant to contain all of Europe. Time for the militarisation to begin. And time for the EU to surrender more of its sovereignty to the US.
Part-5, Ist stage of Battle.

RA probably had two things in mind, one was to pull out UA forces from its well fortified positons and second was to aim for a very intense and short war by Capturing Kiev and eliminating or capturing Zelensky and his team before they could runaway to Poland or anyother NATO country. The movement of RA was tracked and mobile Tank hunters teams with some of the finest weapons were placed well in advance on the likely approach of the RA. The excellent ISR combined with experienced NATO military advisors and artificial Intelligence based simulations ensured that RA gets a warm welcome whereever they attacked. The convoys were tracked much before they even assembled and killing fields created for them well in advance. While RA was fighting in the open, UA was able to hide its assets effectively from RA due to urban areas all thru the approach of RA columns to Kiev.

RA tried to do what it had trained for for many years-OMG type attack using large Tank +Mech Inf columns. But it had a flaw. These tactics are good for open areas and where the arty has flattened the enemy before the approach of OMGs. In case of Kiev, RA was more interested in saving civilian casualties and ended up taking casualties themselves as the areas ahead of these columns were never subjected to the kind of arty fire as was needed for these columns to proceed without much of a resistance.

Second mistake done by RA was that these columns lacked infantry support which is very very crucial in urban warfare (UW). in UW, the tanks have to support the infantry in clearing up the battle space. Without Infantry support, the tank columns are easy meat and this was proven in the battle for kiev. Every BMP which was hit, resulted in death/injuries to 10+ men as they were in those tin cans. had they been on foot, all would not have died with a single ATGM hit. RA did another blunder, they used heliborne insertions way ahead of its columns which got bogged down without infantry support and so link up with these heliborne troops could not be done in time resulting in their isolation and elimination by UA. We have seen videos of this air assault and how the helos were shot down by MANPADs. RA PROBABLY thought that the Russian speakers in local population will support them but they were eliminated by Neo Nazis much in advance.The large scale civilian killings and bombing of some of the civilian areas close to Kiev was done by UA itself on specific orders of NATO advisors.

Third biggest mistake done by RA was the wrong use of airpower. RA had unlimited supply of cruise missiles but their air power was fighting its own battle. The aircraft never provided close air support to the advancing tank columns, instead they were trying to attack command and communication centers rather than go for destroying oil dumps, weapon depots, power plants, rail heads and critical bridges in the south of Kiev which could have delayed the arrival of more troops to defend Kiev. The logistics infra was left untouched by RA for unknown reasons.

Fourth mistake of RA was that it attacked on nearly entire front of UKR with very small force and their failure to achive the main objective of taking over Kiev, saw to it that even their forces all across the attck lines made little or no progress.

The battle for kiev was a complete failure for RA but it also bled UA and anyone who says that it was a deceptionis probably out of his mind. No one takes such losses for a deception. A deception requires very quick assault and an ever faster withdrawal. That was not the case in the Battle for Kiev.
Well at least it admits that attacking Kyiv was not a deception. However to understand history properly you have to go back until at least 1990 and examine all the events involving Russia and ex-Soviet/Warsaw Pact states since. Without that you're just left with an entirely out of context opinion piece.
:ROFLMAO: Like Russia is going to pay to rebuild Ukraine voluntarily? Who do you think they are? NATO?

Of course.

It really wouldn't, the war has been mostly fought on the ground. C variants only shoot down aircraft, Ukraine is doing a decent job of that anyway.

It would, because it would deny the Russians their own ISR assets.
And what were Transnistria and South Ossetia? Or Russia propping up the dictator in Syria for that matter?

Impulsive incompetence. A very dangerous combination.

Or all the dictators the US has propped up?
Exactly why the Russians were not prepared for a fight. I had already told this very early on. Zelensky is not a politician, so he is fighting a battle that he shouldn't be fighting. Nobody expected Ukraine to resist to this extent, even the Ukrainians themselves, never mind the Russians or the US. If the US had any inkling, they would have delivered heavy weapons even before the war began. The Russians expected to take Ukraine with minimal difficulty, and the US expected to begin an insurgency and militarily bog Russia down in Ukraine and economically curtail them via sanctions, while they get busy in the Pacific. Ukraine was always the American sacrificial lamb meant to contain Russia.

So it's, in a way, working out better than expected for the US. Otoh, it's making Russia even more unpredictable and dangerous, a situation we always wanted to avoid, I suppose even the US. Meaning, an insurgency wouldn't lead to a nuclear war, but an unending war in Europe can.

This war isn't on the Russians. It's an American proxy war. And not just Ukraine and Russia, it's meant to contain all of Europe. Time for the militarisation to begin. And time for the EU to surrender more of its sovereignty to the US.
And yet he's doing a far better job than Dr. Evil in Kremlin. First truth I've heard, Russia expected a cake walk like Georgia and Crimea. It did not expect to suffer its worst losses since WWII and be looking at >3,500 MBT/APC losses after 68 days with no end in sight. They had no precedent for expecting such, whilst Afghanistan had lasted a long time for them, the loss rate was trivial and the invasion was quick. This is not that. You keep making the assumption that entire countries can be manipulated like chess pieces. If the 'plan' was so obvious, why did Russia not see such a plan? Russia now claims all this was a conspiracy, after walking headlong into it. Effectively they're claiming stupidity and naivety. Is Putin a stupid a naive man?

It doesn't have to. Russia could just withdraw. It's not like anyone is going to physically bring Putin to The Hague. And Russia is not at risk from invasion simply due to the nukes plus the fact that nobody is eager to deal with that sh1t-show.

And how does it contain Europe? Was Russia about to join the EU or something? Defence spending needed to be increased anyway, this just underlined the point in a way that nobody could argue with. Surrendering sovereignty? More garbage. The EU has its own parliament. The only slight surrendering of full sovereignty is when you join the EU.
Of course.

It would, because it would deny the Russians their own ISR assets.

Or all the dictators the US has propped up?
So you think Russia would pay to rebuild Ukraine voluntarily?

The problem with the type of aerial ISR assets in use is that they're not really worth a missile, and shooting down a slow drone in a fast jet on guns is not as easy as it sounds. The Gepard AAA or EW jammers are a smarter and more cost effective solution.

It propped up some during the Cold War. It has relations with some now due to the unfortunate geographical distribution of oil. But it prefers to do business with democracies by far. All NATO countries are democracies, most allied nations outside NATO are too (Australia, NZ, ROK, Japan, Taiwan, EU 'neutrals'). Most countries who voted with the US at the UN recently were democracies too. Pretty much all Russia's friends, bar India, are dictatorships.
There's a lot of fires that don't seem directly related too. There's now a forest fire in Siberia too.