Ukraine - Russia Conflict

The strike on the island is still quite impressive in its precision... clearly we see 2 bombs dropped by each su27 (almost certain that they are su27) it looks like braked bombs but at this speed and this altitude the pilots could not have a visual on the target so they were dropped at the estimated time and the wingman also hits while passing in the explosions of the leader!

In any case, hats off to you!
It'll have been done using CCRP and HUD display. The target is selected in advanced and the plane flies towards the target level until the cross is in the pipper.
Meanwhile, Russia is burning again: Perm

Another fire broke out in the center of Perm: this time at the construction site of the aircraft technical school. According to the Ministry of Emergencies, the insulation exploded.

Russian losses itemised with images. @randomradio, @Picdelamirand-oil, @Bon Plan, @Innominate, @Amarante

Troop losses are harder to ascertain, since if we take Picdel's Mi-8 destruction video, what was the vehicle occupancy? The blades are spinning and there seems to be 6 troops outside, plus 2 crew. But they can carry up to 24 troops. So death toll could be anywhere between 8 and 26.

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Today, French-made 155 mm CAESAR self-propelled guns were delivered from the Polish airport in Rzeszow to Ukrainian territory.

A few weeks ago, we wrote that 40 Ukrainian military personnel were being trained in the operation of the 155 mm mounts at the Canjuers training ground in France.

Yesterday, the first self-propelled guns and trained personnel were transferred to the territory of Poland by the French Air Force's Airbus A400 M transport plane. But people are still sorely lacking.
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Reactions: BMD
Part-7, The truth,
lots of videos have been posted by @BMD which is part of fake news and no british citizen even born in India has the brains to decipher them.
  • He posted a video of a MI-8 being taken out by a drone. But I am amazed as to why the Russian soldiers have to take assault positions just after alighting from a helo when they are in full control of the snake island.
  • One single T-90M has been shown destroyed from different angles. Why so?
  • Over 10k ATGMs and MAnPADS were sent to UA before the start of war and another over 3k have been sent after the war started. But UA is asking the world for more help interms of heavy weapons like arty, tanks and APCs.
  • What happenned to the claims of NATO that Russians have been destroyed? Zelensky made a staement that UA now have more tanks with them than what they has before the start of war as they captured 100s of RA tanks. Than why ask NATO for them?
  • RA has not mobilised till now but UA did and also had many foreign fighters in their ranks. An invasion force of less than 200k being taken on by a fully mobilised nation with the help of mercenaries is asking for more combatants. Why?
  • from the very begining it has been the narrative that Russian equipment is zilch but how is it that Javelins, NLAW and other such equipment has failed to achieve even 50% destruction. The trusth is that they have been found effective below 25% if we go by the exaggerated numbers posted by UA.
  • In the first month of the war UA had stated that it has killed over 22k russian soldiers but now after over 60 days the number is about 24K. Why so? What has changed?
  • Why are RA picking up tons of NATO supplied missiles and destroying them? What has actually happened?

The truth is as follows,
UA was ill equipped to fight this war and western weapons are useless. They have hype around them but nothing of substance. The equally overhyped UA had absolutely stupid and untrained soldiers handling such equipent and they failed misrably in operating them. Looters and thugs and criminals who were jailed make up most of the UA force. They are not a cohesive force and not professionals at all by imagination.
I want to ask all those who believe in the fake news about this battle to explain to me why is it that videos of RA soldiers surrendering have nearly stopped and why we have videos of only UA soldiers surrendering available now?
Why has west suppressed the teatimony of people of Doesk and Lughansk from the world? Is that not war crime? I have seen advertisements in the brothels of Frankfurt and 42nd street of Dutch hiring prostitues from Ukraine as a special gesture. Is this what this so called develoved world all about?
The truth of entire west is now out. They care a shit about people of Ukraine or ukraine as such. When I underwent training with Airbus on A-320 in France, My instructor told me that shit be on you when my final test was to be done. I was aghast as to what shit has he spoken. he told me that it is considered a blessing in France. I dont know how true he was. We in India do not bless anyone in such a way. We say that Goddess of Knowledge Mata Sawaswati bestow her blessings on you.
But we are pagan and primitive and such nations are developed. I also saw a video of the namaaz being offered in the main roads of Paris and I was shocked. This woke culture of Europe is highly detrimental for their future.
Lastly, somehow with all the setbacks and such huge losses, RA has not mobilised but they are still winning territories in south and east of Ukraine and concentrating on the areas which made Ukraine the largest exporter of Wheat accounting for nearly 30% of world exports. Why so?
It seems to me that RA has got advice from Indian Generals. When I say seems, take it differently. The battle plans are now being dictated from Delhi as we too are watching it all.
Part-7, The truth,
lots of videos have been posted by @BMD which is part of fake news and no british citizen even born in India has the brains to decipher them.
  • He posted a video of a MI-8 being taken out by a drone. But I am amazed as to why the Russian soldiers have to take assault positions just after alighting from a helo when they are in full control of the snake island.
@Picdelamirand-oil posted that actually. You're clearly very butthurt though, so I recommend some oil of olay for that.

The rest is beyond comedy at this point.