Dude, if that were true, would the US, Israel, France etc. be developing fancy ARH and IIR seekers and huge dual-polarised AESA radars for BMD? When some shitty RFCLOS pile of crap could have done the same job. Also, the trajectory isn't completely predictable, you have atmospheric deviations and deviations to follow INS guidance system. A Tochka is beyond the stated max target speed for a Pantsir-S1 and even an S-350 system.
Analysis - Radars
If you run the numbers, it simply can't hit something moving that fast, even if it could track it, which it also can't. The errors in range and distance at 10km are around 5m and a a 2m/s velocity error. The radar doesn't know exactly where missile is or will be, and the missile is following commands from the radar only, with control lag and physical lag. That's bad enough before you consider that the same applies to the missile the Pantsir fired and is trying to guide, which it also has to track. So at any time, the estimate of where each missile will be relative to each other in 1s time is 14m. You can't hit a ballistic missile without terminal homing, sorry.
Understand the radar range resolution formula, its calculation, factors affecting resolution, and how it helps in determining target separation.
Both Tor and Pantsir are designed to target helicopters, low flying attack jets and cruise missiles and that's all. That's why Russia has S-3/4/500 systems.
Still no, no, and no. No it can't intercept a ballistic missile and no real-time control equipment isn't that cheap either. Then you have actuation system, fabrication of the actuators, missile and fuel. E.g. A GBU-12 costs only $21k, so laser seekers are cheap. The only terminal homing a Starstreak has is laser and yet the missile costs £100k. And no, it can't hit ballistic missiles either. You are dreaming.