Ukraine - Russia Conflict

You poor boy still waiting for the mods to beg you to come back and say to you how much they need you here? :ROFLMAO:
Why exactly would the mods or anybody beg anyone to stay behind ? I don't recall anyone miss you or the mods welcome you when you returned after serving your ban.

But I guess you really did miss me . Aww come to daddy my little big girl. Daddy has a nice big juicy lollipop for you .
It's quite obvious how butt hurt your pride/ego is and the inner struggle you are going through. You have mentally convinced yourself that you are important in this forum and are having trouble understanding why the folks that run this place don't see how important you are. You thought after your ban was lifted that you would show them all and make them suffer by not blessing us with your presence but when you noticed nobody gave a crap as you lurked in here it started to mentally mess with you. Lulz.
Ah ! I see you're projecting your own inner insecurities on to me . That bit about you being such a conceited narcissist that nobody would accuse you of je ne sais quoi really must have stung you badly .

And how remarkably well did I diagnose your condition !! Even out here while projecting your own insecurities onto me you can't help yourself from kissing your own hairless rosebud even though you never wash it , merely wipe it with baby *censored* wipes , being one yourself .

Lurking is what you do sweetie . You just have to be the centre of all attention . Plus you've the time to do it. Others have livelihoods to earn.

I wish I was a fly or the many flies in your hut wall as you were looking at your screen deciding if you should post or not post. That pride must have been so difficult to swallow, huh? Lol.
Out there on twitter I came across a thread detailing how exploited & miserable the lives of 7/11 workers were & I was thinking to myself but sweetie spends most of his / her / xis / xer time farting out here . How exploited must he / she / xe / Xhe be ?

Just look what I've done to you in the short time I've been here. I've totally ruined your forum experience, eh? :ROFLMAO:
I Think I can see why you dislike Indians. Some Patel must be the owner of the 7/11 you work for , making your like miserable. That's the reason why you come out here to vent . Yup . It all makes sense now. 🤣

Seems like Christmas has come a bit late or early for the Ukrainians. Your HiMars has been blown all the way to Mars. And Irish Joe tries to compensate for these losses by offering a princely sum of 4 more HiMars system. Yup. That should be enough to not only beat back the Russkies but retake the Donbass & take the Ukrainians all the way to Moscow.
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This table explains best why Russia want to takeover Ukraine. They're economically lazy.

Guerre en Ukraine : après cent cinquante jours, l’étrange enlisement de l’armée russe

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War in Ukraine: after 150 days, the strange stalemate of the Russian army

The Russian invasion has passed the five-month mark, marked by a drop in the intensity of fighting on the front line. Is this strategic exhaustion or a tactical feint? Experts are divided on Moscow's capabilities.

By Emmanuel Grynszpan

Strategic exhaustion or tactical feint? The Russian army has been on operational pause for two and a half weeks. A strange pause, out of step with the verbal aggression deployed by the Russian leaders. On 16 July, the end of the operational pause was announced by the Russian Minister of Defence, Sergei Shoigu, ordering in passing "an intensification of operations in all directions". On 20 July, his foreign affairs counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, promised a territorial extension of the conflict "beyond Donbass". In early July, Russian President Vladimir Putin said: "Everyone should know that, on the whole, we have not yet started anything serious in Ukraine.

When he announced the end of the pause on 16 July, Sergei Shoigu ordered the generals to "exclude the possibility of the Kiev regime inflicting massive rocket and artillery fire on civilian infrastructure and inhabitants of populated areas of Donbass and other regions". The only visible translation of these orders into action was the multiplication, during the month of July, of Russian cruise missile attacks on Ukrainian cities (Chassiv Yar, Kharkiv, Bakhmut, Sloviansk, Kramatorsk, Mykolaïv), including those far from the front line (Odessa, Vinnytsia, Krementchouk, Dnipro, Kryvy Rih), causing dozens of deaths among the civilian population.

After the surprise of the first few days, the Russian side showed itself to be rather stingy in terms of tactical genius, advancing only frontally, thanks to the overwhelming superiority of its firepower. The minimal objective of the conquest of the Donbass is far from being achieved. The junction with the Moldovan border, to cut off Ukraine's access to the Black Sea, now seems unlikely. But less so than a regime change in Kiev. "Russia will necessarily help Ukraine to get rid of the "anti-people" regime in Kiev," the Russian foreign minister promised the official Tass agency on Sunday.

Disinformation on the state of the troops

Initially, the conquest of Ukraine was supposed to be completed in a handful of days, according to Moscow's propagandists. By the 151st, Russia seems to be stiffening on the trajectory of the stalemate, betting on Ukraine's wear and tear and the fatigue of its Western backers. Unless the Russian general staff resumes the use of maskirovka, this "operational camouflage" consisting in carrying out demonstrative actions, simulating concentrations and dispositions of troops and military installations. Careful attention was paid to misinforming the state of its own troops and the nature of the actions to come in the preparation and conduct of operations. But is this still possible today in the face of powerful American intelligence? Also in the face of Ukrainian officers, who learned maskirovka at the same Soviet school?

Experts are divided on the Russian capacity to continue its invasion of Ukraine. The Washington-based Institute for the Study of War believes that Russia "is not yet in a position to accelerate the pace of progress after the operational pause". The Russian-formed Conflict Intelligence Team, now in exile, believes that "the operational pause is not yet over. It can be truly said to have ended when the third army corps of volunteer battalions [currently trained at the Moulino centre] in the Nizhny-Novgorod region is deployed to the front line. According to Ukrainian military intelligence spokesman Vadym Skibitsky, the third corps would include 15,000 volunteers and eight new battalions already trained out of a total of 16.

"We have to give the Russians the benefit of the doubt for another two weeks. If the offensive does not resume, it means that they no longer have the human capacity to carry it out, at least for three to five months," says reserve colonel and military expert Serhiï Grabsky. "If they don't manage to take the relatively vulnerable cities of Siversk and Bakhmut, there is no chance that they will be able to take very well-protected cities like Sloviansk or Kramatorsk. The conquest of the Donbass will end there for them and they will be forced to adopt a defensive posture from now on."

Decline in artillery fire

All observers agree that Russian forces have stopped conducting ground offensives in the Donbass, as on the other fronts, limiting themselves to reconnaissance operations. The front, which is more than 1 000 kilometres long, is stable, and half of the Donetsk region remains under Ukrainian control. The fighting has, of course, not stopped and artillery duels continue unabated. But the pace of the slaughter has slowed considerably, at least as far as the Ukrainian side knows. The president, Volodymyr Zelensky, said in an interview with the Wall Street Journal on Saturday 23 July that daily losses had fallen to 30 soldiers killed and 250 wounded a day. During the worst phase of the invasion, in May and June, the daily average of Ukrainian soldiers killed was 200 or more, according to official Ukrainian sources.

The Ukrainian president explains the sharp drop in Ukrainian casualties as a consequence of the supply of Western weapons. The rate of Ukrainian artillery fire had fallen to between 1,000 and 2,000 rounds per day, compared with 12,000 rounds fired by Russian forces. Now, according to Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukrainian artillery fires about 6,000 rounds a day. On the other hand, the Russian army has been forced to reduce the rate of its artillery fire because of the destruction of some 40 ammunition depots since the end of June.

Widely used by open data experts since the beginning of the conflict, NASA's Firms data (near-real-time satellite observations of active fires and thermal anomalies) corroborate this hypothesis. The reduction of fires around the front line, at least in the Donbass segment, would indicate a relative decrease in the intensity of artillery fire. New Western weapons, such as the French Caesar or German Panzerhaubitze 2000 howitzers, and especially the American Himars and M270 multiple rocket launchers, allow the Ukrainian army to carry out deep strikes that disrupt Russian logistics and command. Until it adapts to the new situation.

"The Russians are thus obliged to disperse and move their depots away from the front line and place them near the coast, which, unless they have many more trucks, considerably lengthens the delays. Larger elongations also mean that more fuel is needed than shells. As on the Ukrainian side, this slows down operations while accelerating the advance towards the omega point, that moment when it is no longer possible to attack for lack of shells," writes French military analyst Michel Goya on his website "La voie de l'épée".

Psychological pressure on the enemy

In the air, the engagements of the past month show that the Russian air force is continuing its efforts to suppress the Ukrainian anti-aircraft defences, but without succeeding. Russia wants to be able to use air and missile attacks to further hamper the crucial delivery of Western military supplies to Ukraine. In the opposite direction, the American Himars are involved in the Ukrainian effort to eliminate Russian anti-aircraft defences, with a view to a Ukrainian counter-offensive, which will have to be supported by the air force.

In the current uncertain phase, the initiative seems perhaps, for the first time since the beginning of the conflict, to lie with the Ukrainian side. Several waves of fire late last week against three bridges crucial to the supply of the Russian army could foreshadow a large-scale encirclement threatening the Russian army corps occupying the right bank of the Dnieper, i.e. the northern Kherson region.


During the nights of 19-20 July and 20-21 July, Ukrainian artillery damaged the Antonovka Bridge, a 1.3 kilometre long structure spanning the Dnieper River. This same bridge had been crossed on the first day of the war by a column of Russian armoured vehicles, which then took the town of Kherson. Eleven impacts were recorded, several of which perforated the roadway, making it dangerous for trucks and armoured vehicles. The Nova Kakhovka bridge, 100 kilometres further east, was also damaged. These two bridges are the only two supply routes for the Russian occupiers. In addition, the only bridge secured by the Russians over the Ingoulets River, near the town of Darivka, was also hit by Ukrainian artillery on 23 July, 40 kilometres away and with pinpoint accuracy. The eight impacts perforating the road were almost perfectly equidistant, demonstrating a capability that the Russians lack.

"It is a way of exerting psychological pressure on the enemy. And it is also what is called, in military jargon, the preparation of the battlefield," notes Ukrainian military analyst Mikhail Samous. Ukraine is firing on the Antonovka Bridge to cut off the main artery linking Crimea to the right bank of the Dnieper, where up to 30,000 Russian soldiers are divided into two groups. One on the Kherson side and the other on the Kryvy Rih side. The Kherson group is already in a tactical encirclement situation.

"The Russian propaganda does not mention this, of course, because it would be to forget the ambition to take Odessa", notes the expert. He adds: "The Ukrainian general staff anticipates that Russian troops will flee across the Nova Kakhovka bridge and we will see a very interesting process when thousands of Russian soldiers will try to cross it at the same time. Because the Russian general staff has not given up the idea of taking Odessa or Kryvy Rih, so the troops will wait until the last moment to escape under Ukrainian artillery fire. This will not happen like in Kiev, where the Russian troops retreated relatively easily to the Belarusian border. Here, I don't see any possible escape for them, they will be annihilated.

Emmanuel Grynszpan
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If you are not what is super power because of ignorance, i will call you a nut in defense matters. If you are trolling me by this query since i criticized Russia for their failure to establish viktory over a punny nation even after 5 month of intense campaign, then i will tell that you think that Russia is your sugar daddy, who will accept the failure of a sugar daddy.

Fact: Russia started campaign against Ukran in Feb 2022,it july end. Still struggling to get a meaningful victory. You are unable to cop up with this fact. And lastly, the last para of your pist is more suitable to your mental situation than mine.
Your words reveal your state of your mind. nut, trolling,sugar daddy, punny (its puny) ... I suppose you are in good state of mind. Just because some one doesnt agree with you doesnt mean they are supporting the other side. This is nothing but amercan way of dealing with things , either you are with me or against me. Think in terms of facts and avoid sinking into emotions.
Lol. It was a 20 year peacekeeping mission as stupidly as it was.
🤣, getting badly beaten by a bunch of rag tag mullahs acked by bankrupt pakistan with with no advanced weapon system must have been really painful.
How about Desert Storm? How about 2003 Iraq war?
really what abt it, what happened after saddam was toppled, was USA able to control iraq. Iran is running the show in iraq now even after killing of solemani by US. What started as shock & awe soon turned to shit or run.

For all the BS west spouts it should be quite evident that if west had the ability to take on russia on their own they would have done it. Instead they hide behind a clown.
Your words reveal your state of your mind. nut, trolling,sugar daddy, punny (its puny) ... I suppose you are in good state of mind. Just because some one doesnt agree with you doesnt mean they are supporting the other side. This is nothing but amercan way of dealing with things , either you are with me or against me. Think in terms of facts and avoid sinking into emotions.
I dont mind some one agrees with me or not, but i can't take some one with intelligence not even on par with that of a chimpanzee.
None of that is relevant. Reality doesn't care about ethics.

As for 5 months, what about the Americans in Afghanistan after 20 years of fighting? Or would you say that's different?

After the Donbas operation started, Western propaganda went up by many notches, to the point where even NATO officers are openly lying about what's happening. Do you know why? The Russians are demonstrating capabilities that even NATO is not prepared to handle. And the Ukrainians are getting slaughtered in numbers that even the US cannot handle without WW2-level mobilisation. That's how bad it is.
They win the war definitely, over thrown Taliban Regime, killed osama. They even managed to keep the pro US government in Afghanistan for 20 long years with a fraction of american military personals. Your argument is something like Tipu sultan had defeated Britain, since British people had left Mysore in 1947.

Russia is fighting Ukrain, Ukraine government is still intact. Says everything.
Few things which most members forget here is that after the debacle in the first stage of the war during attack on Kiev, the Russians have switched to east and south and their role is mostly confined to supplying arms to the forces of the Luhansk and Donetsk. Russian forces are mostly providing fire support, AD and material with very limited actual combat. The real combat has been outsourced to mercenaries from various parts of Russia.
Similar to operations Gibraltar. In 1965,Pakistan army initially wants to capture j&k first & walk freely in Delhi, and later they changed their objectives, they just wanted to defend Lahore from being captured by us. They eventually succeeded in it, still pakistanis are celebrating it as their victory. Ironically an allege superpower ( @jetray this post not for you, your intelligence cannot process it) doing exact same thing what Pakistan had done in 65,ironically indians are defending Russia the way present Pakistani generation defending 65 war.

Russia had lost numerous aircrafts, top end like SU35s. If they are not in dire rush to end this war, by wrecking their own economy , then the men who deciding these tactics must checked their own Brain.
🤣, getting badly beaten by a bunch of rag tag mullahs acked by bankrupt pakistan with with no advanced weapon system must have been really painful.

Dumb dumb. Do you know the difference between offensive operations and peace keeping? Once offensive operations was over in Afghanistan and Taliban and its allies were toppled and new government installed the tens of thousands of troops sent left and what was left was a "peace keeping" force. Btw how many died in 20 years compared to 5 months of war in Ukraine?
really what abt it, what happened after saddam was toppled, was USA able to control iraq. Iran is running the show in iraq now even after killing of solemani by US. What started as shock & awe soon turned to shit or run.

Desert Storm took a month of offensive operations to dig out Iraq from Kuwait.

It took the US 3 weeks to reach Baghdad and 6 days of fighting in Baghdad before the army was defeated. Don't forget the US had to go halfway around the world to do this while Ukraine is literally over the Russian border and they can't go beyond their border region. Lol.

Once offensive operations were over tens of thousands of combat troops left and a peace keeping force was left.

The combined death toll of US servicemen in Afghanistan and Iraq, which includes peace keeping deaths, doesn't come close to Russian death toll of 5 months of fighting. Russian death toll surpassed Korean war numbers and it's approaching Vietnam war numbers.
For all the BS west spouts it should be quite evident that if west had the ability to take on russia on their own they would have done it. Instead they hide behind a clown.

Well if Russia is retarded enough to attack a NATO country they will find out really quickly just how far ahead the west is in military capability.

And the west is not hiding from anything they are helping a helpless country defend itself by supporting them with weapons. Russia has said many times any interference would be met with severe consequences. All Pooty-poo has done is bark while we openly for the Russians and the rest of the world to see give Ukraine weapons that are killing many Russians and keeping their forces from achieving their goal.

Just remember Ukraine only had Javelins, NLAWS and stingers when the war began. That was the only "advanced" western weapons they got and that alone should have not stopped Russia from reaching Kyiv and other goals.

Stop making excuses for Russian failures it makes you look like cry baby.
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Always with the excuses. It's great how these excuses only apply in one direction too.

For it to work the other way round, the UAF needs artillery. Some 50 M777s and 10 HIMARS can't compete with Russian artillery. But more than that, they need proper military leadership. Zelensky is getting his troops killed in order to hold political objectives on the ground. A real military force would have conserved forces and fled across the Dnieper River long ago.

What's happening now is the Russians are slaughtering Ukrainians en masse with nothing but artillery. Russian SF and LDPR forces pinpoint targets, and the Russians bombard the target with such force and brutality that nothing's left at the end.

Let me put the numbers in perspective. Ukraine officially says they are facing 1000 casualties a day. But the real number is well over 2000. Possibly even 2500 per day, if not 3000. And they have a million men under their command. Do you understand what these numbers mean? When compared to WW1, the Allies suffered 12000 casualties a day with 42 million soldiers under command. So the per day ratio between WW1 and the current Ukraine war is 8.5:1. Meaning for every casualty in WW1 on the Allied side there are 8.5 Ukrainians today. Even if we assume official figures, the casualty rate is still 3.5 times higher than WW1. Yeah, wrap that around your head.

One has to be really ignorant or really fvcked up to encourage the Ukrainians to keep fighting in such a situation.