Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Russians surrender Kherson. :LOL:

Russians got cut off from supply lines that is why they lost Der bettle of Kherson. The goal of Ukraine/US was not to confront head on Russia's best forces but to starve them and at the same time probe attacks and wait them out. Taking out of Crimean bridge was the knock-out when that happened no more heavy equipment of any kind was able to reach Russian forces in Kherson area including west bank.

Question now is Ukraine going to be soft and allow Russia to retreat or will they hit them? HiMARS is more than in range of retreating Russian forces since it is likely 1-2 points will be used for retreat. Perception for Ukraine is everything.

Ukraine is about to be gifted a ton of Russian equipment too. :)
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So why didn't British Empire introduced Voting Rights to India for 200 years of rule?
Because it was an imperial empire, like Russia still is, which was wrong by modern standards. My point was that whilst the king of J&K gave it to India, he was never elected as a representative of the people, whereas Ukraine's leadership is.
Yup! Russian war crimes should be repudiated.

Don't be dramatic. But, Yes he would have been very ruthless.
Putin would use nukes in Zelensky's position. Let's face it, if you're not going to use nukes when invaded by a large adversary, when would you use them?
NO. You can't.
If an enemy soldier isn't threat to you or running away or surrendered then you can't kill the guy.
Define threat? An enemy at distance is never an immediate threat in that respect, but if a soldier is on the frontlines (i.e. in a trench) and hasn't either surrendered or been evac'd then it will be assumed that they are still a threat. From 200ft an injured soldier looks just like a sleeping one, and even ones can still fire a gun and/or pull the pin on a grenade. It is Russia's responsibility to evacuate their wounded.

Sure if Ukrainian troops stumbled across an injured soldier in a trench who didn't fire on them, then it might be different, but they could also get shot in the same situation by a different wounded soldier. A drone operator assumes they're all threats, this is why drone operators sometimes drop grenades on abandoned enemy vehicles, they're making sure. It's caution, not a war crime.
I think it will be easier to defend along the east river bank and prevent ukranian forces from crossing the river.
It might seem that way until the new artillery/MLRS positions it facilitates start hitting forces in East Kherson and Zaporizhzhia from two different angles simultaneously. They'll be able to hit major supply routes out of Crimea with MLRS. In fact MLRS will now reach as far as Armyansk.
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Of the 570 Russian soldiers sent to the front near Luhansk, Ukraine, only 40 members of this battalion are said to have survived. In Russia, families of soldiers denounce the fate reserved for young mobilized people. The latter themselves take the floor to complain about the lack of preparation and support from which they have benefited.

Wasn't a democracy before 2014, it just had better functioning of government (due to lack of war), but far worse political participation and political culture. The latter indicates that the people had a greater belief in the legitimacy of their government after 2014.

Why were people arguing it was a war crime though? He came to fight in Ukraine, so they tried to kill him.
That's a text book war crime , trying to kill an already wounded soldier , Making video out of it using cringe music , uploading it over the internet for Propaganda & money making purposes etc
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Galwan Incident concerned India directly, Taiwan doesn't. India has a record of fence-sitting in cases of the latter.

You need to ask LOL?
India isn't sitting on fence. We support democracy, no war, peace and if necessary peacekeeping operations under United Nations. People have tendency to look on the things from their different different perspectives & viewpoints.