Ukraine - Russia Conflict

There were talks about a Zapo offensive meant to cut the land bridge to Crimea. If that happens, the Russians will have to pull back to Crimea.

Since the Russians are highly mobile, they don't need to defend every single nook and cranny in the region like the Ukrainians are doing. The cost of that is more dead soldiers, which is why the casualty ratio is so lopsided in favour of Russia.

Pulling back also forces the defenders out from their hiding spaces and out into the open, where they can be killed easily. At the same time, the Ukrainians will have to throw more bodies at well-prepared Russian defences while waiting for the Russians to renew their offensive.
You can repeat that nonsense as much as you want, it will not stop nonsense.

Why don't you tell me where Zelensky's opposition are currently located then?

Why should Ukraine in 1992 have Kharkiv, Donbass, and Crimea? Simple. These regions voted to be part of independent Ukraine back in 1991.
Look at that.
Kharkiv Oblast: 86.33% of voters, 65% of total electorate
Luhansk Oblast: 83.86% of voters, 68% of total electorate
Donetsk Oblast: 83.90% of voters, 64% of total electorate
Zaporizhzhia Oblast: 90.66% of voters, 73% of total electorate
Kherson Oblast: 90.13% of voters, 75% of total electorate
Mykolayiv Oblast: 89.45% of voters, 75% of total electorate
Odessa Oblast: 85.38% of voters, 64% of total electorate
Crimean ASSR: 54.19% of voters, 37% of total electorate
Sevastopol City: 57.07% of voters, 36% of total electorate

So it's only for Crimea that one could argue there wasn't an overwhelming majority in favor of Ukrainian independence. Still a majority of votes, though.

And your Nostradamus predicted jack. He thought Ukraine would implode like Yugoslavia, but that never happened. Instead, Russia created militias and invaded. Without Russian ingerence, Ukraine would be perfectly peaceful.


Otoh, Crimea was militarised and saw a lot of Soviet funds due to its strategic location. Hence the loyalty.

See, there are reasons for both.
War crimes are:
attacks that cause disproportionate damage to civilians
attacking protected organizations such as the Red Cross and their personnel
executing or torturing POW or civilians
as well as abusing protected symbols (red cross, white flag, etc.) to commit attacks, fighting out of uniform to disguise as a civilian or as an enemy soldier, those are all called perfidy and absolutely banned by the laws of war.

It can also be a war crime if there's an agreement between both sides for a temporary truce and it is broken. For example, if you organize a prisoner exchange and then open fire on the enemy during the exchange, that's a war crime. Likewise, if retreating/evacuating troops are promised safe passage through a particular corridor and they get attacked there anyway, it's a war crime also. The crime however is not in attacking retreating or evacuating soldiers, it's only in not respecting the promise.

Enemy soldiers that are not out of combat are therefore perfectly fair game. The guy was still alert enough to toss the grenades away and flee, he was therefore alert enough to be a threat on the battlefield. I don't see a white flag, I don't see a red cross, he's got no legal protection.

The first bomb wasn't a war crime. The second and third were. He was no real threat to anybody. His only limit was adrenaline was keeping him alive. If he was injured, like lost a leg or something, and shooting back in an adrenaline-fueled frenzy, then he would be fair game.
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The retreat from Kherson is bad news for Ukraine, the Russian troops were tied down there.
Having to cross the river would mean less manpower for the Russians so they can contentrate their forces elsewhere instead of trying to hold the bridgehead on the right side. It also means heavy losses for Ukraine while setting up new defences on the right side and clearing all the booby traps the Russians would have prepared.
Like I said earlier, it might seem that way until Russian forces on the East bank and Zaporizhzhia start getting hit by artillery from two different directions simultaneously. Ukraine is unlikely to try cross the river, so they will use forces there to bombard Russia constantly with artillery, MLRS and mortar from a relatively safe position. It will also put key supply roads from Crimea in MLRS range and Armyansk in Crimea.
The British Empire faced zero threat from India. It's not the same as a dangerous neighbour. For example, Bangladesh is a potentially far greater threat to India than Britain. Your arguments are a waste of time.
Russia faced zero threat from Ukraine either, nobody has invaded Russia from Europe since Napoleon 210 years ago. Trade rivalry and India was near other parts of the British Empire. You might say, "then when did Britain invade them?" Well, why did Russia invade its way to Ukraine's eastern border from a small area around Moscow. Russia is already hanging on to a large imperial empire as it is, and it invades further just because it doesn't like its neighbours???
The first bomb wasn't a war crime. The second and third were. He was no real threat to anybody. His only limit was adrenaline was keeping him alive. If he was injured, like lost a leg or something, and shooting back in an adrenaline-fueled frenzy, then he would be fair game.
He's fair game whilst he's on the front line unless he formally surrenders. JFC, there are civilians being blown up in apartment blocks whilst asleep by Russia and some of you lot are bitching about some clown who broke international law by taking up arms against a country that never attacked his own and came off worst. Seriously, go get your head sorted, the guy shouldn't even be there legally.

Judge judge, I broke into the man's house with a gun and he punched me.:ROFLMAO:
Why don't you tell me where Zelensky's opposition are currently located then?
East bank of the Kherson. Democracy was suspended in the UK and US during WWII and leaders/members of right-wing groups sympathetic to Nazis were imprisoned or placed under house arrest in the UK, so there are precedents for Zelensky's actions.

Otoh, Crimea was militarised and saw a lot of Soviet funds due to its strategic location. Hence the loyalty.

See, there are reasons for both.
It will see a lot more money from the EU, hence no reason for loyalty.
Since the Russians are highly mobile, they don't need to defend every single nook and cranny in the region like the Ukrainians are doing. The cost of that is more dead soldiers, which is why the casualty ratio is so lopsided in favour of Russia.
:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:🤡🤡🤡:poop::poop::poop: Yeah, that must be why they've been victoriously retreating from everywhere since the end of August.
The first bomb wasn't a war crime. The second and third were. He was no real threat to anybody. His only limit was adrenaline was keeping him alive. If he was injured, like lost a leg or something, and shooting back in an adrenaline-fueled frenzy, then he would be fair game.
They are not only committing war crimes but glorifying it.
if you look this video enemy is injured and immobilized but that does not prevent them from attacking him.

He knows that's BS though. Nobody outside of Russia accepts his position, except maybe North Korea, Iran and Eritrea, who are widely regarded as the assholes of the world.

Russia gave Cuba nuclear weapons.

They're not being callous, they're operating on the principle that borders are borders. The internationally recognised ones that is.

The APU finished off a bleeding orc, dropped a projectile from a drone

They are not only committing war crimes but glorifying it.
if you look this video enemy is injured and immobilized but that does not prevent them from attacking him.

The West has become emotional about this war. BMD is the poster boy of that. Logical train of thought was thrown out the window on the 24th of Feb this year.
They are not only committing war crimes but glorifying it.
if you look this video enemy is injured and immobilized but that does not prevent them from attacking him.
Why was he in Ukraine in the first place? He is committing a crime simply by being there. And like I said, injured soldiers are still a threat until they formally surrender or are evac'd from the war zone. From the explosion size I'd also argue he was still carrying ordance.

As for glorifying war crimes, after Bucha, Irpin, Hostomel and Izium mass graves and bombing shopping malls, apartment blocks, hospitals and schools, Putin signed and publicised a decree allowing serious criminals to be sent to the front. So quit your biased, nit-picking BS fake morality. You are just using this to try and distract from the real war crimes.
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nope women had no right to vote, its only in early 1920's they got that right. Its the same case with other so called great democracy USA.
And Indians were still burning widows at this time, so what's your point here?
The West has become emotional about this war. BMD is the poster boy of that. Logical train of thought was thrown out the window on the 24th of Feb this year.
And several Indians have proven to be massive hypocrites, dispensing diarrhoetic bile, feeble excuses and false equivalents with every single post. You and jetray are poster boys for that. You're like a pair of Russian Goebbels twins.
looks like some ones ego has been seriously burned that they are resorting to cave mans argument. 🤣
Well it's a fact at the end of the day. If you want to criticise another country for only allowing women to vote in 1920, you better be sure than your own cultural standards were superior at that time.

No country allowed women to voted before 1893, NZ was the first full country to do so.


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