Ukraine - Russia Conflict

France's nuclear plans were ambitious even before the war. So Germany is just an excuse. This war has merely solidified existing French plans.

In any case, the sanctions were excessive, it should have been a lot more softer. The Russians will now simply cut production, artificially jack up prices and sell to others anyway, making a profit while still selling lesser than before. All this did is hurt the West's relations with the Third World, while also making the EU weaker in the process. Germany had decided to rework its plan as soon as Russia invaded, the sanctions don't help.
The time of your article is two weeks before Russia war against Ukraine, at this time the plan was to build 6 nuclear plants before 2050 with an option for 8 more after. Now it's 14 before 2050 and a plan to replace all our 54 nuclear plants.
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This kinda circus only serves to do the opposite when there's enough leeway for other options.

Simply put, Russia can afford militarisation, the EU cannot.
There aren't any other options, the pattern of Russian annexations and the invasion of Ukraine on the 24th indicates an intent to continue down this path. That must fail and sanctions must remain in place until it does.

It can't afford it forever.
let me put in simple sentence that your half baked bum can understand, how will bombing the area that russia wants to keep force ukraine to the table? it has only helped ukraine's scorched earth policy.
Because he's replacing the population after displacing it. Ethnic cleansing 101. His plan is to pay Russian dumbasses to settle there after the war.
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Russian tactics in this war is absolutely baffling
You only find it baffling because you suffer from cognitive dissonance due to being terminally intoxicating with Russian narrative.

For example, you think Ukraine wants to destroy the cities in the South of Ukraine and that Russia wants to liberate them. When it's in fact exactly the opposite.

Russia thought the Ukrainians wanted to be Russians, because they have intoxicated themselves with their own narrative. Reality is that the Ukrainians want to be free, they don't want to be the slaves of Moscow no more. After discovering this fact the hard way, Russian tactic has been to seize the territory by driving out the Ukrainians -- through utter obliteration of the cities that resist and execution or deportation of the citizens they captured.

Ukrainian counter-offensives to regain stolen territory have focused on crippling Russian logistics to drive the occupiers out with as little damage and civilian casualties as possible. Because the Ukrainians want to save their people, while the Russians want to obliterate their "brothers".

If you do finally manage to overcome your urge to DARVO everything so that you can keep siding with your darling Putin-kun, you'll realize that Russian tactics of destroying cities and focusing on civilian targets makes sense, because they're engaged in genocide. They don't want to vanquish the Ukrainian army, they want to erase the Ukrainian people. That's the true face of the guys you're cheering for.
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Simply put, the EU is already sufficiently militarised compared to what Russia can do. :p

I doubt that. Maybe 10 years from now, alongside Russian modernisation.
The time of your article is two weeks before Russia war against Ukraine, at this time the plan was to build 6 nuclear plants before 2050 with an option for 8 more after. Now it's 14 before 2050 and a plan to replace all our 54 nuclear plants.

Okay, but this doesn't solve the immediate issue over the next 3 years, which a soft sanction would have delivered.
There aren't any other options, the pattern of Russian annexations and the invasion of Ukraine on the 24th indicates an intent to continue down this path. That must fail and sanctions must remain in place until it does.

What's more accurate is Russia's future course of action was determined by the wholly avoidable Ukraine war. The Ukraine war has started this domino effect, the West has basically given Russia no choice by turning NATO into an existential threat. Now, I don't think Georgia and Azerbaijan will survive as countries. In the meantime, the Baltics will see separatism, the same could happen in the Balkans.
If the West steals Russian money, then the Russians will steal Western money exposed to the Russian market.

Petrodollar's end has already begun with the Russians, Saudis and Chinese.
The way they have seized Russian property and wealth, should we be worried? End of USD is good for us too. Do you think so?
I doubt that. Maybe 10 years from now, alongside Russian modernisation.
The last time Russia tried to catch up with the West's military power, they bankrupted so bad the USSR dissolved.

What happened since is that the most productive parts of the Soviet Empire are part of the West now. So it's an even smaller and poorer Russia against an even bigger and stronger West.

The only equalizer Russia has is nuclear weapons, but all that means is that they can ensure everybody loses. They just cannot win. The sooner they realize this, the sooner they can return to sanity.

What's more accurate is Russia's future course of action was determined by the wholly avoidable Ukraine war. The Ukraine war has started this domino effect, the West has basically given Russia no choice by turning NATO into an existential threat.
No, the first domino was the Transnistria War.

And NATO is only an existential threat to Russia's ability to be an existential threat to their neighbor. Now, of course, I do recognize that the Russian government is too inept and corrupt to have a functional economy, so their only way of procuring wealth is by invading their neighbors and pillaging everything. If you prevent Russia from pillaging their neighbors, then it will crumble upon itself and fall apart. This is true, but it's their problem, not NATO's. They could try not being a corrupt fascist dictatorship, you know; then they wouldn't have an existential need to invade and pillage.

But they just don't want to.

Now, I don't think Georgia and Azerbaijan will survive as countries. In the meantime, the Baltics will see separatism, the same could happen in the Balkans.

LOL don't be silly. Turkey will never let Azerbaijan lose, and Russia doesn't have the military power to oppose Turkey.

Anything funky in the Baltics will be squashed quickly, EU and NATO will no longer have any patience for "polite green men" and other Russian catspaws on their own territory. Maybe twenty years ago Russian separatists in the Baltics could have been seen as something to solve politically through some sort of compromise; but today it'll be seen as terrorism at best, and as direct Russian aggression at worst, so if they try anything, the only response will be hot lead injection in the head. There's really, really, really no patience at all for Russian shenanigans anymore.

The Balkans are where there's the most potential for trouble. However the fact that Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, and North Macedonia are in NATO now -- along with Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, and Italy -- means that their capacity to destabilize the area will be very limited. It's just Serbia, Bosnia-and-Herzegovina, and Kosovo that are not under the NATO umbrella. Serbia remembers, I think, what happens when NATO comes to deliver a curbstomp, I doubt they have much appetite for more. The worst we can expect, therefore, is from the ethnically Serbian areas of BiH (Republika Srpska) and Kosovo (North Kosovo), but all done in a plausibly-deniable way for Serbia itself, so it's doubtful it'll have the capacity to escalate past Western peacekeeping efforts.
The last time Russia tried to catch up with the West's military power, they bankrupted so bad the USSR dissolved.

Oil prices crashed back then. Dutch disease did them in, not their military buildup, even if it did contribute in part to their demise.

But this time the situation is different due to the rise of the TW, which means Russia cannot be isolated like the SU was.

What happened since is that the most productive parts of the Soviet Empire are part of the West now. So it's an even smaller and poorer Russia against an even bigger and stronger West.

China's taking away the US's focus away from Russia.

What militarily separated the SU from the EU was the US. But the US is gonna become really busy elsewhere, so this time the EU is gonna be on its own for the most part.

No, the first domino was the Transnistria War.

And NATO is only an existential threat to Russia's ability to be an existential threat to their neighbor.

Gotta be real. NATO doesn't care about Russia's neighbours at all. Literally.

I won't be surprised if the US throws the Baltics under the bus.

LOL don't be silly. Turkey will never let Azerbaijan lose, and Russia doesn't have the military power to oppose Turkey.

The US and EU will stop Turkey from interfering. Any assistance will be nothing more than what's being done in Ukraine. The problem for Turkey is they have to go through Armenia to help Azerbaijan, ie, become an aggressor. Muslim Turks killing Christian Armenians, yeah, fat lot of good that will do printed in the American press. Of course, this is assuming Georgia ceases to exist as a country by then.

Anything funky in the Baltics will be squashed quickly, EU and NATO will no longer have any patience for "polite green men" and other Russian catspaws on their own territory. Maybe twenty years ago Russian separatists in the Baltics could have been seen as something to solve politically through some sort of compromise; but today it'll be seen as terrorism at best, and as direct Russian aggression at worst, so if they try anything, the only response will be hot lead injection in the head. There's really, really, really no patience at all for Russian shenanigans anymore.

Won't work unless it means a lot of bodies on both sides. And it doesn't have to be Russian bodies. Apart from minority groups in Russia, there are plenty of Iranians and Syrians ready to take up the task.

The Russians can throw that statement right back at you... "There's really, really, really no patience at all for NATO shenanigans anymore."

The Balkans are where there's the most potential for trouble. However the fact that Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, and North Macedonia are in NATO now -- along with Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, and Italy -- means that their capacity to destabilize the area will be very limited. It's just Serbia, Bosnia-and-Herzegovina, and Kosovo that are not under the NATO umbrella. Serbia remembers, I think, what happens when NATO comes to deliver a curbstomp, I doubt they have much appetite for more. The worst we can expect, therefore, is from the ethnically Serbian areas of BiH (Republika Srpska) and Kosovo (North Kosovo), but all done in a plausibly-deniable way for Serbia itself, so it's doubtful it'll have the capacity to escalate past Western peacekeeping efforts.

Separatism can function well under the NATO's red lines. Again, it doesn't have to be the Serbians themselves, there's plenty of foreign fighters. Although, yeah, the Balkans are not gonna be anywhere near what could happen in the Baltics, never mind the Caucasus, but it should serve enough of a distraction while NATO is dealing with bigger threats elsewhere. At least, the Balkans won't be quiet when other restive areas become more active.

It's gonna be a slow process played out over multiple decades.

The new cold war is not gonna be like the previous one, there are far more variables involved. For one, China, India, and Japan will be new participants, with ME and ASEAN sprinkled along the sides. And this time, there are more flashpoints for major wars. A lot of old rules will have to be rewritten.
What's more accurate is Russia's future course of action was determined by the wholly avoidable Ukraine war. The Ukraine war has started this domino effect, the West has basically given Russia no choice by turning NATO into an existential threat. Now, I don't think Georgia and Azerbaijan will survive as countries. In the meantime, the Baltics will see separatism, the same could happen in the Balkans.
Yeah, there was no need for Russia to start the war, or invade Crimea, that was completely avoidable. If it was smart it could have used Ukraine's EU-bound direction to work out a trade deal with the EU themselves that would have benefited the Russian economy. Now it's f*cked its economy for the foreseeable future through 8 years of bad decisions.

NATO has never attacked Russian territory, so I don't know how it can be defined as an existential threat. The only threat the EU and NATO pose is in existing and making the Russian government look economically incompetent and socially retarded simply in doing so. That's basically what destroyed the USSR, our existence near them. So if that's what you mean by existential threat then yes I guess.

The Balkans is done. Russia had separatist games planned for the Baltics anyway, if it had been successful in this war. Now though, Russia will be too busy dying in Ukraine to bother the Baltics and Finland and Sweden have joined NATO, which has some irony, since it was marauding Swedish Vikings that made Russia in the first place.
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Oil prices crashed back then. Dutch disease did them in, not their military buildup, even if it did contribute in part to their demise.

But this time the situation is different due to the rise of the TW, which means Russia cannot be isolated like the SU was.
It was ridiculous government that did the USSR in, and the same will happen again under Putin. When you make your country shit, people will just leave it.

The way they have seized Russian property and wealth, should we be worried? End of USD is good for us too. Do you think so?
Only if you intend invading a neighbour.

When the KGB sold Russian assets off to criminals for pennies on the dollar, people blamed the west for what followed. Well now the west has taken the money back off those criminals and used it to help victims of the KGB and Soviet oppression.

You should be happy that a former colony is being compensated using the wealth of their formal imperial oppressors, isn't that what you lot keep harping on about, or does it not apply here for some reason? #IndianHypocrisy :ROFLMAO:
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What militarily separated the SU from the EU was the US. But the US is gonna become really busy elsewhere, so this time the EU is gonna be on its own for the most part.
Russia is 140 million people, Europe (EU + EFTA + UK + Ukraine) is 570 million people. 650 million if you count Turkey in.

I think the main problem of Russia and Russia's stans is that they don't understand advanced mathematical notions such as addition.

I won't be surprised if the US throws the Baltics under the bus.

The US and EU will stop Turkey from interfering.
This is the same calculus as "Russia will successfully invade Ukraine in three days, and the West will not dare interfere".

The Russians can throw that statement right back at you...
Yeah, that's what they keep doing. DARVO. But that doesn't make their bullshit true. It only makes those who believe Russia's bullshit morons.
"Boohoohoo, mean bad evil Poland joined NATO! Now poor oppressed little Russia cannot give mean bad evil Poland the friendly gift of surprise invasion anymore! Oh woe is poor little oppressed Russia! Boohoohoo, big bad evil Georgia and Ukraine want to join NATO! Now poor little downtrodden Russia needs to amicably invade these two countries and bring them the friendly gift of mass murder before it's too late!"

Separatism can function well under the NATO's red lines. Again, it doesn't have to be the Serbians themselves, there's plenty of foreign fighters.
It's pretty funny you can think that foreign fighter and separatism is a bluff that won't be called.

In any case, these foreign fighters will have to be brought in. If you want to bring a significant number of people, it's going to be noticed. Now, just for fun, try to plot a course from Syria or whatever other Russian-controlled country to the Balkans without going through NATO-controlled space. For the Baltics, you could but you'll have to go through the Russian or Belorussian borders, and those are very closely watched.
Yeah, there was no need for Russia to start the war, or invade Crimea, that was completely avoidable. If it was smart it could have used Ukraine's EU-bound direction to work out a trade deal with the EU themselves that would have benefited the Russian economy. Now it's f*cked its economy for the foreseeable future through 8 years of bad decisions.

NATO has never attacked Russian territory, so I don't know how it can be defined as an existential threat. The only threat the EU and NATO pose is in existing and making the Russian government look economically incompetent and socially retarded simply in doing so. That's basically what destroyed the USSR, our existence near them. So if that's what you mean by existential threat then yes I guess.

The Balkans is done. Russia had separatist games planned for the Baltics anyway, if it had been successful in this war. Now though, Russia will be too busy dying in Ukraine to bother the Baltics and Finland and Sweden have joined NATO, which has some irony, since it was marauding Swedish Vikings that made Russia in the first place.
Russia's economy is sooo bad that Pooty himself is saying it by allowing this to air on orc television
Hey Russian males our economy is so bad instead of dying slowly from depression due to alcohol related diseases because of not being able to support yourself and family why not die quickly in Ukraine and if you survive you'll be able to get your daughter that iphone! 🤪

I'll say this Pooty really knows how to get rid of undesirable Russians... send them to zee front!

Well done Pooty
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