Ukraine - Russia Conflict

in summary:

"It's impossible to earn a living in this shithole so... you may as well go to Ukraine and get killed anyways LOLZ."
The fact that poverty and misery is the only prospect in life for Russians because all the wealth is sucked dry by Putin to be used to build him gigantic palaces in Sochi and fund a stupid war because he wants to pretend he's Peter the Great is now officially used by Russian propaganda as a reason for Russians to go die stupidly in Ukraine. Because the life of a Russian man is worth less than an old Lada, or a pack of sausages.

In both cases, the basic plot of the propaganda recruitment ad is "Russians, you live in poverty, because all the money is going to the war, so just enlist if you want to see some money, lol, assuming you don't get killed cuz the dead don't get paid, suckers!"

They know they can't use any other pretext than the financial incentive. They know they can't convince people to leave civilian life behind except by pointing out that Russian civilian life is pure misery.

Oh, and for those people who like to have Nazis pointed out:
See, in Ukraine you can find a few Nazis in irrelevant things like football hooligan clubs. In Russia, the Nazis are found in the Kremlin and at the head of all of the important Russian state organizations.
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To help you understand: Russia is to Europe what Pakistan is to India. A hostile military dictatorship that is solely driven by spite, jealousy, and delusions of grandeur; and is thankfully held back by its stratospheric levels of corruption and incompetence.

Also, just like Pakistan, Russia is China's little bitch.
I stopped reading here:

".. unsupported accusations by U.S. President Donald Trump that..."
Yeah, there was no need for Russia to start the war, or invade Crimea, that was completely avoidable. If it was smart it could have used Ukraine's EU-bound direction to work out a trade deal with the EU themselves that would have benefited the Russian economy. Now it's f*cked its economy for the foreseeable future through 8 years of bad decisions.

Ukrainians were gonna cut the Russians off from their main base in the Black Sea at Sevastopol post the coup.

NATO has never attacked Russian territory, so I don't know how it can be defined as an existential threat. The only threat the EU and NATO pose is in existing and making the Russian government look economically incompetent and socially retarded simply in doing so. That's basically what destroyed the USSR, our existence near them. So if that's what you mean by existential threat then yes I guess.

Cuba didn't do anything to the US either, but we still got the Cuban missile crisis, along with attempts to invade Cuba unlawfully.

The Balkans is done. Russia had separatist games planned for the Baltics anyway, if it had been successful in this war. Now though, Russia will be too busy dying in Ukraine to bother the Baltics and Finland and Sweden have joined NATO, which has some irony, since it was marauding Swedish Vikings that made Russia in the first place.

The Balkans still has problem areas, those regions will flare up as long as Russia actively deals with the Caucasus and the Baltics. It won't even have anything to do with Russia.
Ukrainians were gonna cut the Russians off from their main base in the Black Sea at Sevastopol post the coup.
If Russia had began by negotiating continued access to Sevastopol if would have got it without any sanctions, and the EU would fully have supported them in that negotiation for the sake of keeping the peace. That was never the issue, don't kid yourself.
Cuba didn't do anything to the US either, but we still got the Cuban missile crisis, along with attempts to invade Cuba unlawfully.
If NATO placed Pershing IIs or French S3 missiles in Sumy then it would be equivalent, otherwise it isn't. Not that Ukraine was particularly close to getting into NATO anyway, or the EU (which is what it was really about).
The Balkans still has problem areas, those regions will flare up as long as Russia actively deals with the Caucasus and the Baltics. It won't even have anything to do with Russia.
It always has everything to do with Russia. The Balkans is fine, its only problem was that it was polluted with rich Russian Tsarists fleeing the revolution in the early 1920s. And Russia is too busy dealing with Ukraine to pose problems elsewhere. In the Baltics Russian passports have been made invalid and procedures put in place for people to get new passports for the Baltic countries, so that there is no possibility of Russia trying to pull a Ukraine there.

What would India do if Russia cut off their oil and weapons and together with China excluded them from BRICS BTW?
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Russia is 140 million people, Europe (EU + EFTA + UK + Ukraine) is 570 million people. 650 million if you count Turkey in.

I think the main problem of Russia and Russia's stans is that they don't understand advanced mathematical notions such as addition.

The population difference isn't much. Both are aging populations with a skewed sex ratio. It's about money. To militarise, the EU has to take money away from its population, whereas Russia has to take money away from its oligarchs. Russia's future earning potential is high because a lot of countries in the TW will enter a China-esque construction boom over the next few years, especially India and Indonesia.

This is the same calculus as "Russia will successfully invade Ukraine in three days, and the West will not dare interfere".

That was made up by the West themselves.

Yeah, that's what they keep doing. DARVO. But that doesn't make their bullshit true. It only makes those who believe Russia's bullshit morons.
"Boohoohoo, mean bad evil Poland joined NATO! Now poor oppressed little Russia cannot give mean bad evil Poland the friendly gift of surprise invasion anymore! Oh woe is poor little oppressed Russia! Boohoohoo, big bad evil Georgia and Ukraine want to join NATO! Now poor little downtrodden Russia needs to amicably invade these two countries and bring them the friendly gift of mass murder before it's too late!"

The SU mistake was not signing a treaty to create buffer states between Russia and NATO. Would have solved us this headache.

It's pretty funny you can think that foreign fighter and separatism is a bluff that won't be called.

Because it will be far too disconnected with Russia to blame them. It won't be as blatant and open like what Pakistan is doing against India. The Russians will use proxies to wage a proxy war. Take Ukraine itself. Assuming Russia's offensive works and they take over Odessa and everything else west of the river before the war ends, we are gonna have a lot of pissed off Ukrainian neo-Nazis walking about blaming the EU for their loss.

In any case, these foreign fighters will have to be brought in. If you want to bring a significant number of people, it's going to be noticed. Now, just for fun, try to plot a course from Syria or whatever other Russian-controlled country to the Balkans without going through NATO-controlled space. For the Baltics, you could but you'll have to go through the Russian or Belorussian borders, and those are very closely watched.

Many are already in the EU. Plenty of sleeper cells all over the place. All those immigrants the EU has taken in, you only need a few thousand from those millions to create major problems for many years.
If Russia had began by negotiating continued access to Sevastopol if would have got it without any sanctions, and the EU would fully have supported them in that negotiation for the sake of keeping the peace. That was never the issue, don't kid yourself.

No, it was guaranteed to happen after the removal of Donbas from Ukraine's parliament.

If NATO placed Pershing IIs or French S3 missiles in Sumy then it would be equivalent, otherwise it isn't. Not that Ukraine was particularly close to getting into NATO anyway, or the EU (which is what it was really about).

They are already in Poland.

It always has everything to do with Russia. The Balkans is fine, its only problem was that it was polluted with rich Russian Tsarists fleeing the revolution in the early 1920s. And Russia is too busy dealing with Ukraine to pose problems elsewhere. In the Baltics Russian passports have been made invalid and procedures put in place for people to get new passports for the Baltic countries, so that there is no possibility of Russia trying to pull a Ukraine there.

Time will tell.

What would India do if Russia cut off their oil and weapons and together with China excluded them from BRICS BTW?

Why would Russia do that? Especially with a country they see as a potential new enemy.

Russia will use their relations with India to keep a check on China. This is how weaker powers use relations with others to balance relations with stronger powers.
No, it was guaranteed to happen after the removal of Donbas from Ukraine's parliament.

That was under the Yanukovych government, and failing to approve a deal once doesn't mean that it won't get approved eventually with a slight tweak to the terms. The EU would have made it happen for the sake of peace, believe me, they even largely overlooked Russia invading Crimea FFS and the Donbass. And it was Russia who removed Donbass from Ukraine's parliament by invading, making it impossible to hold acceptably monitored voting there - you've see what Russia's idea of a fair vote is.
They are already in Poland.
What is? The missile I mentioned no longer even exist. The only missiles in Poland are SM-3s, which are defensive weapons.
Time will tell.
It already has told, Serbia is trying to join the EU like the Baltics. And if Russia tries anything in the Baltics it will be in a hot war with NATO from day 1. Putin won't have to complain about NATO support because he will be getting 1,000 cruise missiles per day until he either desists or is desisted. We won't even try negotiate with him in such a situation, we will actively attempt kill him wherever he pops his head up.
Why would Russia do that? Especially with a country they see as a potential new enemy.
Your view is flawed, you could make assumptions like that in nearly all cases, but that wasn't my question. What would you do if they did?
Russia will use their relations with India to keep a check on China. This is how weaker powers use relations with others to balance relations with stronger powers.
They can keep China in check with their energy supplies and nuclear arsenal. You are surplus to requirements.