The population difference isn't much. Both are aging populations with a skewed sex ratio.
Skewed sex ratio? Nope. This isn't China or India.
list of countries/territories by sex ratio based on the projections by United Nations. Sex ratio by world bank. Data tables and maps.
As for aging population, sure, but the demographic outlook is worse for Russia than for Europe because, surprise surprise, it turns out Europe attracts people a lot more than Russia does.
It's about money. To militarise, the EU has to take money away from its population, whereas Russia has to take money away from its oligarchs.
There's a lot of money that can be taken from wealthy westerners. Just a clampdown on the thousands of tax evasion schemes would bring an immediate boost. Good thing that the UK has left so that there's no one in the EU anymore to veto things in the name of Bahamas, Gibraltar, and the Cayman Islands anymore! Still need to strongarm Ireland and the Netherlands, of course, but that will be easier.
On the other hand, Russian oligarch wealth? Why, it's already been taken away! But no by Russia. By the West.
Russia's future earning potential is high because a lot of countries in the TW will enter a China-esque construction boom over the next few years, especially India and Indonesia.
And why would that particularly benefit Russia?
The world's largest construction companies are known for their exceptional work on large scale projects. Here are the 20 of the biggest firms
I see US, EU, China of course, Japan too... I know there are also big names in Turkey and Saudi Arabia, but as for Russia? What do they have?
Fun fact: the famous Kerch Bridge? It was built by a Dutch company. Not a Russian one. Russia didn't have a construction company that could handle a project of this size.
That was made up by the West themselves.
Yes of course, it's Boris Johnson who told the Russian tank crews to pack their dress uniform as they rolled towards Kyiv on February 24...
The SU mistake was not signing a treaty to create buffer states between Russia and NATO. Would have solved us this headache.
There is a fundamental disconnect if you think such a treaty could exist. Western view is that, in accordance to the UN charter, each sovereign country is free to choose its own defensive alliances (article 51, "inherent right of individual or collective self-defence"). So it's up to Poland, Ukraine, and so on if they want to become buffer states by treaty. Do you believe they would?
Plus, at some point you'll have to open your eyes and realize that it was never about buffer states. It was always, purely and solely, about rebuilding the Russian empire. What NATO expansion means is that any country that joins NATO cannot be reclaimed for the greater glory of the Russian empire,
this is the only reason why Russia whines about NATO expansion.
Because it will be far too disconnected with Russia to blame them.
Okay, you don't get it.
If the Pachtun Front For Liberation of Russian Latvia suddenly appears, nobody is going to be "oh sure, the historic Pachtun population of Latvia has always allied with the Russians, they've always been there, yes yes yes". Nobody is going to care whether they can be traced to Russia or not. It'll just be the proof that we're facing a foreign-backed terrorist plot, and not anything that could potentially be considered a legitimate revendication of the people who live there because they were born there.
It won't be as blatant and open like what Pakistan is doing against India. The Russians will use proxies to wage a proxy war. Take Ukraine itself. Assuming Russia's offensive works and they take over Odessa and everything else west of the river before the war ends, we are gonna have a lot of pissed off Ukrainian neo-Nazis walking about blaming the EU for their loss.
If Russia takes over Ukraine, they'll mostly be in Russia. And they'll blame Russia. Those in Europe will probably just support those in Russia, providing them with funds and equipment to commit terror attacks in Russia. Remember that the last time Russia had annexed Ukraine, it took them decades to eradicate all the Ukrainian resistance cells. Same thing will happen again.
Besides, Neo-Nazis are like 10% of the Russian population, compared to less than 2% for Ukraine. It'll be easy for Ukrainian neo-Nazis to find help from Russian neo-Nazis; if you remember that the entire Azov Battalion thing was originally created by Russian neo-Nazis, not Ukrainian ones.
Ukrainians were gonna cut the Russians off from their main base in the Black Sea at Sevastopol post the coup.
No. They had no reason to do that before Russia started their proxy war against Russia using Russian secret service operatives and a select number of Ukrainian criminals that the Russian troops had busted out of prison.
now they definitely are, if they can reclaim Crimea. This is what is called a self-fulfilling prophecy. Russia thought they needed to attack Ukraine because Ukraine may become hostile to them, to the surprise of the Russian intelligentsia, it is the Russian attack that is turning Ukraine hostile to them.
If anyone says that Ukraine would have started trouble against Russia if Russia hadn't attacked first, then they are complete stupid morons absolutely out of touch with reality. Ukraine couldn't afford to take that risk, and we see the reason why.
But now? Now Ukraine has got nothing more to lose. So Russia shoot itself in the foot. They gave Ukraine a good reason to reclaim Sevastopol, and removed their reason not to do it. Congrats to genius 17-dimensional chess player Putin the Great.
The Balkans still has problem areas, those regions will flare up as long as Russia actively deals with the Caucasus and the Baltics. It won't even have anything to do with Russia.
The Baltics are safe and peaceful because they're integrated in the EU and NATO. If Russia tries to "actively deal" with them, Russia will cease to exist as a nation-state.
The Caucasus sucks and is in a state of constant warfare because it's integrated in Russian power structure like the CSTO and the Eurasian Economic Union. Such is life in Russian satellites. And you people don't get why Eastern European countries want to leave Russia's orbit forever...