That was under the Yanukovych government, and failing to approve a deal once doesn't mean that it won't get approved eventually with a slight tweak to the terms. The EU would have made it happen for the sake of peace, believe me, they even largely overlooked Russia invading Crimea FFS and the Donbass. And it was Russia who removed Donbass from Ukraine's parliament by invading, making it impossible to hold acceptably monitored voting there - you've see what Russia's idea of a fair vote is.
Lol, with Donbas gone, there's no way that lease would have survived. Get real.
What is? The missile I mentioned no longer even exist. The only missiles in Poland are SM-3s, which are defensive weapons.
It already has told, Serbia is trying to join the EU like the Baltics. And if Russia tries anything in the Baltics it will be in a hot war with NATO from day 1. Putin won't have to complain about NATO support because he will be getting 1,000 cruise missiles per day until he either desists or is desisted. We won't even try negotiate with him in such a situation, we will actively attempt kill him wherever he pops his head up.
It's impossible to say how things will pan out. Serbia is expected to join the EU in 2025. And this is not guaranteed.
Anyway it has nothing to do with countries themselves, it's about how the security environment is shaped that will allow sleeper cells to thrive and operate. It will be like trying to blame Russia for school shootings in the US. It takes only a few motivated individuals to screw up your day. What the Russians will leverage is the faultlines within Europe that will help create a market for violence. Guns and explosives will be supplied by proxies, like the mafia, human traffickers etc, all funded via a hawala type system.
Your view is flawed, you could make assumptions like that in nearly all cases, but that wasn't my question. What would you do if they did?
While it's unlikely to happen, we will just switch over to other suppliers. But I gotta say, only nonsensical Western propaganda believes Russia and China are friends.
They can keep China in check with their energy supplies and nuclear arsenal. You are surplus to requirements.
That's just the Russians shooting themselves in the foot. In case problems arise in China, then that will cripple Russia as well.
Apart from India being a more important long term market for Russia, given China will transition to electricity faster than anyone else, India is more important for Russia to ensure its own security. So Russia will choose India over China.
Russia's advantage over China is only temporary, maybe until the end of the decade. Post that, China will not only become less dependent on Russia, but will also start staking their claim in Siberia.