Ukraine - Russia Conflict

So Russia is losing to little Ukraine? I don't think even the Bundeswehr 'Broomstick Army' would have much to fear from this feckless bunch.
Of all the different Muslims in the UK, from the pro-Western, England soccer team supporting ones, through to neutrals and the Jihadi types, I can't see any finding favour with his position. They see what China did with Uyghurs, they see what Russia did in Chechnya and in Crimea with the Tartars. And the Afghans remember that the Soviets used nerve agents and biological weapons on them.

Well you are talking about the perspective of Western based Pak immigrants .
The opinion of those people have more weightage than the Pak PM himself only if they are western citizens.

We are not talking about those ones.
We are talking about the nuisance across our western border .We knows they are idiots and a failure that includes diplomacy.
But you westerners exploited that stupidity of Pakistan , just bribed their corrupt elites and forced them to do your dirty job for kicking out Soviets .
A misery that still grapples them like anything.

We are neutral here because at any case it turns out too good for us
Whatever the Russians are doing is not agreeable .
But West and NATO should be the last one to criticise them.
Infact Russians are quite descent here.
Unlike what NATO did in Yugoslavia for 78 days, continous bombing , the Russians didnt even used their 10% of Air superiority .
They could had wind up these ops within 2 days if they want.

NATO operations in Afghanistan is an example for that .
Whatever your excuse about freedom of Ukraine etc , US and NATO constantly violated and dishonoured their own promise and expanded the NATO to East .
Your leaders just added fuel on fire by constantly doing the spoil works in Ukraine with that funny President and invited the response of Russians .
Understandable tactics .
Let the Ukraine and Russia sort out these matter by themselves through dialogues or war
.Others must stay out of it .
Its a kind of family matter both of them are Slavs
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So Even if Russia Withdraws its Ground troops it will carry on
Air Strikes and Missile Strikes Just Like ISRAEL does EVERY YEAR on GAZA
It will not be able to withdraw its ground troops, in 15 days it is the "raspoutitsa" thaw in Ukraine and there a large part of the South is impracticable. All the tanks will get bogged down!


Rasputitsa seasons of Russia are well known as a great defensive advantage in wartime.[2][3] Common nicknames include General Mud and Marshal Mud. A spring thaw probably saved Novgorod from conquest and sacking during the 13th-century Mongol invasion.[4] During the French invasion of Russia in 1812, Napoleon found the mud a great hindrance.[2][3]

On the Eastern Front during the Second World War, the months-long muddy period slowed the German advance during the Battle of Moscow (October 1941 to January 1942) and may have helped save the Soviet capital from German occupation.[5] The advent of motorised warfare had the disadvantage that while tanks could operate effectively in summer or in winter, they proved less useful in spring and autumn,[6] when the functioning of an efficient railway system came into its own.[7]

Prior to the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, some analysts identified the logistical challenges of the mud season as a likely hindrance to any large-scale invasion in spring.[8] When Russia did cross the border, many of its mobile units found themselves stranded in fields and limited to major roads, where resistance and logistical issues significantly slowed the advance towards Kyiv.

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What are you talking about? Taiwan for the US will be a Naval and air defense conflict with 2-3 Carriers with two of them carrying F-35C's. USAF will have Okinawa which is 390 miles from Taipei and don't say China will hit Okinawa because that is an escalation which will bring strikes on China itself and it will be devastating. Besides Okinawa will have PAC-3 and THAAD for protection and US ISR will detect whether chicoms decide to strike Okinawa. Not only will China have to deal with USN and USAF but Nippon Navy and the Ozzies. You'll also have USMC LHD's with a compliment of 14-20 F-35Bs flying CAP.

Any US intervention in Taiwan will be a big war. It will include Japan and obviously Australia and the UK.

The only way for war to progress the way you've stated is if Japanese territory is not used against China. So no Okinawa.

Ukraine is Russia's first war against a real competent military (even though UKS military is small with less capabilities) since WW2 and it is showing. Taiwan conflict will be China's first real war and they will go up against the Daddy of all militaries and will have to figure out how to combine its military branches to fight as one (Joint-Command) which they lack severely. Chicoms are watching Russia struggle really bad and they are taking note and likely asking themselves wth is going on here, is it Russian equipment or incompetence?

Well, good luck if you think that.

Damn, if they follow through with internet disruption, then it will affect India as well.
Well it was an Indian who posted it here, so have a chat with them, since they're spreading your enemy's propaganda for them.

I do, it was Friday evening though.

It doesn't matter where it comes from, it's up to you to know what's propaganda or not. That's the difference between critical thinkers and sheep.
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It will not be able to withdraw its ground troops, in 15 days it is the "raspoutitsa" thaw in Ukraine and there a large part of the South is impracticable. All the tanks will get bogged down!

Manoeuvre warfare is over. The Russians have pretty much wiped out the Ukrainians on the field. The fact that the supply convoy has not been attacked shows the Russians control the field. The only thing left now is taking care of the cities. And how much time this takes depends on how cruel the Russians want to be.
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Russia has Learnt enough from Syria , Chechnya and Afghanistan

Europeans can only send weapons , How many " Blonde Blue Eyed " Men are being Sent
by Europeans

Anyway Ukraine 's Military Assets and Infrastructure has been Wrecked

So Even if Russia Withdraws its Ground troops it will carry on
Air Strikes and Missile Strikes Just Like ISRAEL does EVERY YEAR on GAZA
The Russian rhetoric and justification is that Kyiv is the cradle of Russia, and that Ukrainians are a "brotherly people".
This means that the Russian army cannot use the "good old" carpet bombing strategy in Ukraine, as it did in Chechnya or Syria, against radicalised Muslims.

In other words, in Ukraine, Russia is forced to fight with one hand tied behind its back...
+ weapons and data supplied by the West
+ economic sanctions

(ps: I understand the sympathy that many Indians feel towards Russia)
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(ps: I understand the sympathy that many Indians feel towards Russia)
It's not sympathy for Russia as much as detesting US & western double standards on the issue. India has for far too long been a victim of such unintended international power play in the past during the Cold War & later as well .

This is apart from being specifically targeted by the US most notably in the 1971 war or the sanctions imposed on our N industry post Pokhran - 1 in 1974 & Pokhran -2 in 1998. All this while , US turned a blind eye to N proliferation between Pakistan & China during the 1980's when the first Afghan war was being waged .

What came out of it ? Pakistani designs for centrifuges & the bomb were surrendered to IAEA & western intelligence sources by Qaddafi . Iran has known Pakistani collaboration in it's N program while N.Korea & Pakistani collaboration in the NWP & BM program is too well known to recount here .

This is merely what's in the public domain . What's going on beyond that is something only governments & intelligence agencies would be aware of & that could well be substantial too . Of late Turkey has indicated interest in starting a N program . If Iran is successful in acquiring a N weapon, you can bet it changes the entire situation in the Middle East for everyone from KSA , UAE & Turkey would want it .

And Iran as well as N Korea could well have been persuaded to abandon their N weapons program if the west including France hadn't undertaken it's pet project of overthrowing Qaddafi after he came clean on Libya's plans to acquire NW. What's came out of that except instability in Libya & hundreds of thousands of refugees in Europe including France which will definitely have a long term impact in Europe ?

After what happened to Libya & Qaddafi , which ruler in his right mind would abandon existing plans to proceed with N weapons development like Iran & N Korea ? Further all those countries which perceive a threat or would want to independently pursue it's own foreign policy from the west like Turkey would also be persuaded to explore such options.
(ps: I understand the sympathy that many Indians feel towards Russia)
Russians felt a lot less sympathy for India during our skirmish with China. In any future war between the two, Russians would be supporting the Chinese. It will be hard to drill that into the thick skulls here. Maybe they'll wake up when Petrol costs jump to ₹150 in the future.
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What are you talking about? Taiwan for the US will be a Naval and air defense conflict with 2-3 Carriers with two of them carrying F-35C's. USAF will have Okinawa which is 390 miles from Taipei and don't say China will hit Okinawa because that is an escalation which will bring strikes on China itself and it will be devastating. Besides Okinawa will have PAC-3 and THAAD for protection and US ISR will detect whether chicoms decide to strike Okinawa. Not only will China have to deal with USN and USAF but Nippon Navy and the Ozzies. You'll also have USMC LHD's with a compliment of 14-20 F-35Bs flying CAP.

Ukraine is Russia's first war against a real competent military (even though UKS military is small with less capabilities) since WW2 and it is showing. Taiwan conflict will be China's first real war and they will go up against the Daddy of all militaries and will have to figure out how to combine its military branches to fight as one (Joint-Command) which they lack severely. Chicoms are watching Russia struggle really bad and they are taking note and likely asking themselves wth is going on here, is it Russian equipment or incompetence?
This guy is a real piece of work. He quotes a post saying it's become difficult for the Chinese to invade Taiwan now that Russia has undertaken what it has in the Ukraine as the US & it's allies would be that much more prepared , by starting with what are you taking about & then goes on to add two paras full of known details on US defence plan for Taiwan merely reinforcing the PoV of the original post.

Then he turn beet root red when asked if he snorts baby feed powder in the basement . I think for once Paddy has real worthy competition . Don't you think so , Paddy ? @BMD
The Russian rhetoric and justification is that Kyiv is the cradle of Russia, and that Ukrainians are a "brotherly people".
This means that the Russian army cannot use the "good old" carpet bombing strategy in Ukraine, as it did in Chechnya or Syria, against radicalised Muslims.

In other words, in Ukraine, Russia is forced to fight with one hand tied behind its back...
+ weapons and data supplied by the West
+ economic sanctions

(ps: I understand the sympathy that many Indians feel towards Russia)

It's not sympathy for Russia. Who the hell will be sympathetic towards despots? It's their fault they are so weak that they ended up in this situation.

It's Western hypocrisy that's a problem. It shows that the West can turn against anybody in an instant. It doesn't matter who it is or how dangerous it can get. At least China is predictable, the West is not.
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China is predictable because they informed us here vide a post in Mar 2020 what they'd be undertaking on the LAC that year & proceeded to do exactly that . We knew Galwan was happening 2 months before it did .

For more such stories do stay tuned in. For everything else there's MasterCard.
Russians felt a lot less sympathy for India during our skirmish with China. In any future war between the two, Russians would be supporting the Chinese. It will be hard to drill that into the thick skulls here. Maybe they'll wake up when Petrol costs jump to ₹150 in the future.

The opposite. The Chinese are a massive military threat to Russia. There's plenty of land in Russia that China wants. Hell, they even want Vladivostok.

In any case, this will play out so far into the future that petrol and diesel won't be in much use by then.