Ukraine - Russia Conflict

So Russia is losing to little Ukraine? I don't think even the Bundeswehr 'Broomstick Army' would have much to fear from this feckless bunch.
Hi Kshitij it seems you're back on track & in true form. Chatting to your alternative ids again. New id created in Jan this year from Seoul of all places & the only post this far is the one responding to yours that too in favor of Russia .
When we noticed these symptoms 4 yrs ago we asked you to get therapy. Glad to note it hasn't cured you at all.
Whatever the Russians are doing is not agreeable .
But West and NATO should be the last one to criticise them.
Infact Russians are quite descent here.
Unlike what NATO did in Yugoslavia for 78 days, continous bombing , the Russians didnt even used their 10% of Air superiority .
They could had wind up these ops within 2 days if they want.

NATO operations in Afghanistan is an example for that .
Whatever your excuse about freedom of Ukraine etc , US and NATO constantly violated and dishonoured their own promise and expanded the NATO to East .
Your leaders just added fuel on fire by constantly doing the spoil works in Ukraine with that funny President and invited the response of Russians .
Understandable tactics .
Let the Ukraine and Russia sort out these matter by themselves through dialogues or war
.Others must stay out of it .
Its a kind of family matter both of them are Slavs
You think NATO used 10% of its air superiority in Yugoslavia? They used all precision guided munitions. Russia isn't even using guided munitions most of the time. NATO also had damn good humanitarian grounds for intervening in Yugoslavia. What the Serbs did is a matter of international record.

Afghanistan and their neighbour were sheltering a man who killed 3000 people just because the US went to Saudi Arabia in 1990 to help removed Saddam from Kuwait.

No such treaty was ever made. Ukraine would likely not have gotten into NATO but the real problem for Putin was that they would join the EU, which would provide them a far better life, which would then suck the population out of Russia via the border. That's the real reason he backed a militia in Donetsk and Lugansk to create this problem in the first place. NATO has nothing to do with it. Ukraine, like Finland, probably wouldn't even have wanted to join NATO had Russia not invaded them in 2013.

Ukrainians should have been allowed to settle this matter on their own from day 1 but Russia never allowed that to happen, constantly meddling in their politics, poisoning a popular opponent in 2004, and then again invading in 2013.
Well you are talking about the perspective of Western based Pak immigrants .
The opinion of those people have more weightage than the Pak PM himself only if they are western citizens.

We are not talking about those ones.
We are talking about the nuisance across our western border .We knows they are idiots and a failure that includes diplomacy.
But you westerners exploited that stupidity of Pakistan , just bribed their corrupt elites and forced them to do your dirty job for kicking out Soviets .
A misery that still grapples them like anything.

We are neutral here because at any case it turns out too good for us
They needed little encouragement to kick out the Soviets and the last thing India needed was Soviet influence emanating from Afghanistan.

Let's also not forget that it was Soviet influence in Afghanistan in 1973 that ruined Afghanistan.
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The opposite. The Chinese are a massive military threat to Russia. There's plenty of land in Russia that China wants. Hell, they even want Vladivostok.

In any case, this will play out so far into the future that petrol and diesel won't be in much use by then.
Why don't you join a Russian forum and explain this theory to them. Just use Google translate. I'm sure you will do a good job in making them learn about this incredible threat to themselves.

When you're done with that, you may also join the French forum and thank them for the 300+ Rafale deal that you and Parikrama signed in 2017.
Russia has Learnt enough from Syria , Chechnya and Afghanistan

Europeans can only send weapons , How many " Blonde Blue Eyed " Men are being Sent
by Europeans

Anyway Ukraine 's Military Assets and Infrastructure has been Wrecked

So Even if Russia Withdraws its Ground troops it will carry on
Air Strikes and Missile Strikes Just Like ISRAEL does EVERY YEAR on GAZA
It clearly hasn't learned or it wouldn't be doing what it is doing.

How many foreigners did Finland need against the Soviets in 1939? Their population is only 5m even today.

How will it carry on, nearly every person in Ukraine has now turned against Russia, even ethnic Russians, even many in Russia have turned against Putin.

Then it will probably result in terror attacks inside Russia just as per Israel.

Caspian Report with another nuanced, unbiased, incisive analysis of the Russo Ukrainian War. Mandatory viewing for Paddy , sweetie & others who share their view . @BMD ; @WHOHE
Well they will be able to after Taiwan won't they? Stupid thinking is stupid. People assumed Hitler would stop at Poland.

My point is something else entirely. Looks like I gotta spell it out. If the US decides to do a Ukraine on Taiwan, then yeah, China will take Taiwan and contact us after. But if the US decides to fight, then China is not ready to deal with that, so they could look to test their weapons on India first instead.

China isn't ready to fight the US until they get to the next decade. They don't have the navy for this task.

Unless of course the US convinces Taiwan to announce independence and then deliberately Ukraine them too.

This is a very good piece of work by Praveen Swami. Every once in a while he comes up with such gems. In less than 15 min he sums up Indian foreign policy shaped by it's relationship or lack of it with China & how that has influenced it's choices ever since with the conflict in Ukraine exacerbating the already bad situation India finds itself in.
An interesting extract of an analysis:

So, the total vehicles in a Prototypical BTG = 33x BMPs, 10x T-72s, 4x Shturm-S ATGM Carrier, 3x BAT-2s and 2x IMR-2s, 6 x 152 mm 2S19 Msta, 6x BM-21 122mm MLRS, 6x Pantsir-S1, and 7x MT-LB ACRV. There would be approximately 600 soldiers in the BTG.

Order of Battle

The order of battle tries to depict the hierarchical organization, command structure, strength, disposition of personnel, and disposition of equipment of military units participating in a military operation. Corporate types would recognize this as an org chart. For the purpose of this blog post, I’m only going to focus on the Order of Battle/potential disposition of the Russian military equipment involved in the invasion of Ukraine.

The Institute for the Study of War is a Washington, DC based think-tank that has tracked wars for the past two decades. On January 25, 2022, ISW assessed that there were at least 66 BTGs postured around Ukraine.

I’m going to make the assumption that ISW didn’t get their picture exactly right and that Russia moved a few more units into the region to participate in the invasion from January 26 to February 23. If Russia invaded the Ukraine with 75x BTGs, there would be approximately:

  • 750x T-72/80/90 Tanks
  • 2,475x BMPs/BTRs (Armored Personnel Carriers),
  • 300x Shturm-S ATGM Carriers
  • 225x BAT-2s and 150x IMR-2s (Engineer Vehicles)
  • 450 x 152 mm 2S19 Msta
  • 450x BM-21 122mm MLRS
  • 450x Pantsir-S1
  • 525x MT-LB ACRV
in the invasion force. There would also be about 45,000 troops in the BTG formations. The rest of the Russian invasion force (reported to be over 100,000+) is in the support forces.

Crowd Sourcing Battle Damage Assessment

The invasion of Ukraine began on February 24, 2022. Each day the conflict continues, both Russian and Ukraine forces lose vehicles from combat. These vehicles were destroyed, damaged, abandoned, or captured in battle. Battle Damage Assessment, or BDA, is “the estimate of damage composed of physical and functional damage assessment, as well as target system assessment, resulting from the application of lethal or nonlethal military force.” In the old days, the Battalion or Brigade Intelligence Officer had to collect reports from helicopter pilots, Air Force pilots, forward observers, and ground forces who engaged the enemy. Based on these reports, the Intelligence Officer would make an assessment of how badly the enemy had been damaged from the actions of friendly forces.

Stijn Mitzer, along with Joost Oliemans, Kemal Janovsky, Dan Janovsky, and Jakub Janovsky, have taken this idea into the 21st Century. The five people are attempting to crowd source battle damage assessments in real-time from both the Russian and Ukraine armed forces during the invasion of Ukraine on The Oryx Website. The team finds photos of destroyed, abandoned, and captured vehicles and then tries to count them based on the vehicle type. They also categories them based on the vehicle being destroyed, abandoned, or captured. The team does its best to make sure that they are not counting the same vehicle twice and are updating it daily. Check it our yourself — the link to their regularly updated article is here.

As of March 7, 2022 at 3:00 PM EST the Oryx Website assesses that the Russian forces have lost (the numbers had already changed before I finished writing the post):

  • 140 Tanks (T-72s, 80s, and 90s — 42 destroyed, 2 damaged, 26 abandoned, and 69 captured)
  • 181 Armored Personnel Carriers (BMPs or BTRs — 65 destroyed, 35 abandoned, and 81 captured)
  • 2 Shtrum-S ATGM Carriers (1 destroyed and 1 abandoned)
  • 36 Engineering Vehicles (including 1x BAT-2, 1x IMR-2)
  • 63 Field Artillery pieces (including 9x 2S19 Mstas and 16x 122mm BM-21 Grads)
  • 23 SAM Systems (including 4x Pantsir-S1s)
  • 63 MT-LB (17 destroyed, 12 abandoned, and 34 captured)
Advanced BDA:

Just counting damaged, destroyed, and captured vehicles in Basic BDA. Taking the raw numbers and then assessing the impact on the invasion force is Advanced BDA. Advanced BDA helps military leaders understand the context and make better decisions.

The military uses three categories to measure the impact on enemy units: suppressed, neutralized, or destroyed. As you would expect, each of these terms has a military definition. Suppress is a tactical mission task that results in temporary degradation of the performance of a force or weapons system below the level needed to accomplish its mission. It is the lowest level and typically equates to 3% of a friendly or enemy unit’s equipment being destroyed, damaged, abandoned, or captured. Neutralize is a tactical mission task that results in rendering enemy personnel or materiel incapable of interfering with a particular operation. It is in the middle and usually equates to 10% of a friendly or enemy unit’s equipment being destroyed, damaged, abandoned, or captured. Destroy is a tactical mission task that physically renders an enemy force combat-ineffective until it is reconstituted. It is the highest level and usually equals to 30% of a friendly or enemy unit’s equipment being destroyed, damaged, abandoned, or captured.

Remember the order of battle of the invasion force? I will use the OoB numbers as our denominator, as I try to figure out if the Russians are suppressed (3%), neutralized (10%), or destroyed (30%) as part of the Advanced BDA process. This helps to provide context for the losses reported on the web. Based on the crowd-sourced losses on the Oryx website on March 7, 2022:

  • 140 Losses out of an estimated 750x T-72/80/90s Tanks — 18.6% Losses (Neutralized)
    • Average of 12x tanks damaged, destroyed, abandoned and captured per day of the conflict
  • 181 Losses out of an estimated 2,475x BMPs/BTRs (Armored Personnel Carriers) — 7.3% Losses (Suppressed)
    • Average of 15x BMPs/BTRs damaged, destroyed, abandoned and captured per day of the conflict
  • 2 Losses out of an estimated 300x Shturm-S ATGM Carriers — .6% Losses (No impact)
  • 26 Losses out of an estimated 225x BAT-2s and 150x IMR-2s (Engineer Vehicles) — 6.9% Losses (Suppressed)
  • 63 Losses out of an estimated 450x 152 mm 2S19 Msta and 450x BM-21 122mm MLRS (Field Artillery) — 7% Losses (Suppressed)
  • 23 Losses out of an estimated 450x Pantsir-S1 (SAMs) — 5% Losses (Suppressed)
  • 63 MT-LB out of an estimated 525x MT-LB ACRV (Command and Control) — 12% Losses (Neutralized)
    • Average of 5x MT-LBs damaged, destroyed, abandoned and captured per day of the conflict
So what, right? Neither the crowd sourced BDA or the OoB is perfect. But it gives me, and hopefully you, a better understanding that the Russians’ tank and command and control (MT-LB) forces have suffered pretty significant losses. The rest of the BTGs have also taken a hit, especially the artillery. But, the Russian’s SAMs seem to be relatively intact, which means that the Ukrainian Air Force will continue to have a tough time attacking the Russian troops from the air.
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Well it looks like it's going to happen soon
Look at the fear of Russia among NATO members. Neither Germany nor Poland has the guts to take the initiative, hence they're distributing responsibilities & guilt. This way Russia can't single out any one nation for retribution. Besides who's going to fly those planes & where do they intend to fly it?
My point is something else entirely. Looks like I gotta spell it out. If the US decides to do a Ukraine on Taiwan, then yeah, China will take Taiwan and contact us after. But if the US decides to fight, then China is not ready to deal with that, so they could look to test their weapons on India first instead.

China isn't ready to fight the US until they get to the next decade. They don't have the navy for this task.

Unless of course the US convinces Taiwan to announce independence and then deliberately Ukraine them too.
Rest assured China will get hit with the same shitstorm of sanctions if it invades India. The West has always supported India against China.
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Rest assured China will get hit with the same shitstorm of sanctions if it invades India. The West has always supported India against China.
While most of Russian oil & gas output is primarily consumed by Europe , China being the designated factory of the world is far more deeply engaged with the economies of the world at large. Why , Germany the largest exporter of luxury cars exports more than a 3rd to China & was extremely reluctant to press for sanctions by the EU against what the CCP undertook in HK & Xinjiang & you expect EU & the US to sanction China for a border dispute , for that's how it's going to be termed .

Moreover since India hasn't toed the western line on Ukraine the west already has a pass on this issue. Not that India taking a stand against Russia would've mattered since the west is far too deeply invested in China.

Don't you get tired of typing these half baked thoughts you have while quaffing Guinness ? I used to feel sorry earlier for you . Now it's just fatigue seeing your brain damaging posts .