Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Let me inform you of the unofficial heirarchy of whites - the WASP ( White Anglo Saxon Protestant ) is at the top of the pecking order .

Then come the Romance speakers like the French & the Germanic speaking people.

They are usually but not always followed by Catlicks like the Italians & Irish - wogs essentially.

Then you've the Hispanics / Latinos , Spaniards etc

Then come the Slavs - nominal whites but almost a different race & a different religion - Orthodox Christians.

Then you have the Jews ( though their social standing seems to be up in the US especially if they're rich & influential - these things go hand in hand & Europe in general due to guilt pangs post Holocaust . How could we the most civilised people in the history of the whole world let something like this happen in Europe of all places . No such consideration extended to other racial or religious minorities . In fact even the Jews would've been passed over { pun unintended } had the holocaust not occurred in Europe. That location was & is always the bottom-line. Hence the outrage over what happened in Yugoslavia 3 decades ago & now what's happening to Ukraine ) .

Then you have the Muslims unless of course you happen to be Gulf Sheiks or related to them in which case you're on par with the French & Germans.

Then you've the Mongoloid race unless of course you're Japanese or South Korean - honorary whites albeit exotic which then places you anywhere between the Wogs & Slavs. Note : This position of late has seen upgradation to above the Muslims post 9/11.

At the bottom of the dung heap you've everybody else like the South East Asians etc .

After the SE Asians, you've Hindus & the Blacks . It's one & the same thing actually unless you happen to be a rice bag which then sees your elevation to SE Asian levels.

Just to reinforce my previous point. BTW - the Roma are outcastes in pretty much all of Europe, dirt poor, mostly illiterate, surviving on low paid jobs if they get any or by crime. This vicious circle has been part of their lives since generations.

Incidentally nearly 2-3 million Roma were genocided in the Holocaust but they remain a footnote in that history. Also before I forget they're of Indian descent who emigrated
out of India a Millenium ago purpotedly to escape Islamic conquest though this part isn't confirmed. So they're at the bottom of the bottom of the hierarchy.

BTW - the entire thread vividly documents the treatment people of colour mostly students received at the hands of the Ukrainians & the Uk Army. Makes for inspiring reading. Almost makes one admonish the Modi administration for not voting against Russia in the UN.
I read on Telegram that Ukranian politicians are completely owned

Ukraine allows Dual Citizenship

So all Leaders have Dual citizenship and have transferred wealth and Assets abroad

Zelensky and his ministers are just doing what US is telling them to do
I read on Telegram that Ukranian politicians are completely owned

Ukraine allows Dual Citizenship

So all Leaders have Dual citizenship and have transferred wealth and Assets abroad

Zelensky and his ministers are just doing what US is telling them to do
Could be, fact is Russia is failed to undone it even after using its military. Russian equipments & it's strategeis are becoming a joke infront of the world. This war will leads to the destruction of Russian military industry without getting a major business.
I read on Telegram that Ukranian politicians are completely owned

Ukraine allows Dual Citizenship

So all Leaders have Dual citizenship and have transferred wealth and Assets abroad

Zelensky and his ministers are just doing what US is telling them to do
Zelensky is a western puppet, he has no concerns about his country men bombed out but constantly harps on russia being punished. Any one concerned about their fellow citizens lives will atleast try to bargain out stretch it further or do some shit and keep them out of harms way but this guy is like hail mary all the time.