Ukraine - Russia Conflict

It's all COTS, they don't need intermediaries.
The Russian Ministry of Invading Foreign Countries cannot buy chips directly from Intel or Nvidia. Sorry. They need to go through intermediaries.

Speaking in her interview for “Die Zeit”, published on December 7, German ex-Chancellor Merkel said the following: “The 2014 Minsk Agreement was an attempt to buy time for Ukraine. Ukraine used this time to become stronger, as you can see today. Ukraine in 2014-2015 and Ukraine today are not the same.” According to the ex-Chancellor, “it was clear for everyone” that the conflict was suspended and the problem was not resolved, “but it was exactly what gave Ukraine the priceless time.”
Merkel's just clumsily trying to justify herself. It doesn't hold water.
This was a plan to sucker Russia into a war. Even if Germany thought war was inevitable and that the Minsk agreements were a joke, meaning there was no plan to actually talk to Russia, then of course the only recourse left was war. These are her own words, Ukraine was being prepared for a war with Russia since 2014, perhaps 2008.
No, this is a bullshit reading of history. The war happened because Russia wanted it to happen, not because the Evil Germans created a plan to make Russia attack. The war was inevitable because it had already started, and the reason Germany was trying to stall it was not to give strength to Ukraine, but to ride the cheap Russian gas train for longer because its entire industry was built around cheap Russian gas, and they were furiously opposed to any sort of alternative to cheap Russian gas; even going so far as trying to lobby for gas to be considered a green energy source...
The plan was obvious. Sucker Russia into a war with Ukraine. Then apply sanctions on Russia and then enforce it by forcing other countries to comply. A war in Ukraine followed by the death of their energy market would mean the demise of Russia in just a few years. After that idiot from the US made a fool of himself in India, the West realised that the plan backfired big time. Now it's Europe struggling with an energy crisis.
This is completely stupid and nonsensical. Nothing in here is based on verifiable facts.
1. Nobody wanted the war in Ukraine, except for Putin. The West was completely against it. Did you already forget all the endless negotiations and trying to find a compromise? Putin's answer was that he wanted NATO to expel all post-1991 members. Oh gosh golly gee, I wonder who was trying to sucker the other with such a ridiculous demand.
2. Forcing other countries to comply can never be part of a plan designed by people with an IQ above 0.5.
3. Nobody in the West, especially not in Western Europe, was interested in the demise of Russia. Cheap gas imports, lucrative tech exports, plenty of oligarch wealth getting invested in the West... Perfect. Why would anyone sane want to get rid of this? Putin is insane, though, so...
4. There's no energy crisis in Europe. There's been a short-lived energy shock as Europe stopped buying Russian oil and gas, and moved to other producers... But it's over now. Now it's Russia who needs to reroute its oil and gas to other customers; but since most of its infrastructure was geared towards selling to Europe and new infrastructure requires, surprise surprise, Western tech to build, they've got a bit of a problem.

That's how it is in any country with the draft.

Recall the Americans during the Vietnam War?
I don't recall having heard that American soldiers were put in mud pits and tortured until they agreed to fight.

But the Vietnam War is an interesting comparison point indeed. Remind me, did the Americans win it? Did the USSR win the War in Afghanistan? I mean they were the bigger country, they had the advantage everywhere -- numbers, technology, economy, brutality -- so they should have won, right? Just like Russia should win in Ukraine eventually...
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Russian tactics continue to be excellent:

So yeah, there are some here that believe that Russia is playing defense and just letting Ukrainians crash against their fortified positions. No. What's happening is that both sides are attacking simultaneously. Russia keeps losing a lot of materiel and personnel, and their losses are greater than Ukrainian losses as a result. Especially because they use Russian tactics and Russian battlefield coordination; meaning their troops either lack artillery support, or get friendly-fired upon by their artillery support.

The high attrition of Russian troops result in Russia trying to find more meat by any mean available (see my previous series of links). What it doesn't lead to is a bigger value placed on the life of the troops that they do have (see my previous series of links, again). Because in the Russian mindset, there is nothing that is worth less than a human life. Nothing.

A new mutiny is ineluctable. Hard to say when it will happen, but the longer the war goes on, the more likely it'll happen.

Things are slow and bureaucratic, but the EU's industrial machinery is getting started. This is why another reason why time is against Russia. No, there's no way that a country with 140 million people will get to overmatch the output of a block of over one billion people (the "Collective West" aka Western Europe + North America + Oceania + Japan + South Korea).
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The Russian Ministry of Invading Foreign Countries cannot buy chips directly from Intel or Nvidia. Sorry. They need to go through intermediaries.

Yeah, they cannot bulk buy directly, but it's still COTS. They can pick it up from the market. It's not a production roadblock.

Merkel's just clumsily trying to justify herself. It doesn't hold water.

No, this is a bullshit reading of history. The war happened because Russia wanted it to happen, not because the Evil Germans created a plan to make Russia attack. The war was inevitable because it had already started, and the reason Germany was trying to stall it was not to give strength to Ukraine, but to ride the cheap Russian gas train for longer because its entire industry was built around cheap Russian gas, and they were furiously opposed to any sort of alternative to cheap Russian gas; even going so far as trying to lobby for gas to be considered a green energy source...

This is completely stupid and nonsensical. Nothing in here is based on verifiable facts.
1. Nobody wanted the war in Ukraine, except for Putin. The West was completely against it. Did you already forget all the endless negotiations and trying to find a compromise? Putin's answer was that he wanted NATO to expel all post-1991 members. Oh gosh golly gee, I wonder who was trying to sucker the other with such a ridiculous demand.
2. Forcing other countries to comply can never be part of a plan designed by people with an IQ above 0.5.
3. Nobody in the West, especially not in Western Europe, was interested in the demise of Russia. Cheap gas imports, lucrative tech exports, plenty of oligarch wealth getting invested in the West... Perfect. Why would anyone sane want to get rid of this? Putin is insane, though, so...
4. There's no energy crisis in Europe. There's been a short-lived energy shock as Europe stopped buying Russian oil and gas, and moved to other producers... But it's over now. Now it's Russia who needs to reroute its oil and gas to other customers; but since most of its infrastructure was geared towards selling to Europe and new infrastructure requires, surprise surprise, Western tech to build, they've got a bit of a problem.

Yeah, this is all Western propaganda. If Putin wanted war, then why invade with such a small, unprepared army, without enough logistics and air support? It smells more like a desperate move rather than a 4D chess move.

You forget that France was part of the negotations too. So was France taking its orders from Germany for the sake of German gas? And it was in Germany's interest not to go to war. But the goal was to build up the UAF to act as a military counterweight to the Russians by buying time with sham talks. The idea was to create deterrence. But that backfired big time. Basically, everything the West has done in terms of foreign policy has backfired big time. It's simple, Russia invaded 'cause France and Germany were disingenuous and lied to the Russians about talks. Once the Russians realised there were no talks, and that the UAF had climbed up to the point that they could invade Donbas on their own, they decided to act.

Do you think the UAF of Feb 2022 could not defeat Donbas on their own?

The current war is taking so long because of a series of miscalculations by the Russian side. They seriously miscalculated the UAF's strength, even when they were right under their noses. So they shouldn't have stopped at Crimea in 2014. Had they known the talks were a sham, they would have definitely taken all of Donbas right away too.

The ground situation most definitely proves that it wasn't a war Russia wanted, but was needed.

4. An energy crisis is coming. It didn't last year 'cause Russia was still supplying. This year, there's expected to be a deficit.

I don't recall having heard that American soldiers were put in mud pits and tortured until they agreed to fight.

Before the martial law, any individual could refuse to join without punishment. So officers had to convince conscripts illegally. This is part of the Russians screwing up their force distribution. Had the Russians had an army twice the size as in Feb 2022, they wouldn't be resorting to such measures. They would have had the strength necessary to take out Ukraine very early on. Even the US attacked Iraq with 800k soldiers.

But now martial law fixes that. They can now put people in prison for refusing. The same as in the West.

Anyway, the Russians need to fix their recruitment system, that's a given. And worse for Europe, if they do fix it. Decent living and pay may even give conscripts a reason to volunteer.

But the Vietnam War is an interesting comparison point indeed. Remind me, did the Americans win it? Did the USSR win the War in Afghanistan? I mean they were the bigger country, they had the advantage everywhere -- numbers, technology, economy, brutality -- so they should have won, right? Just like Russia should win in Ukraine eventually...

They didn't go at it like India did in Kashmir.
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Russian tactics continue to be excellent:

So yeah, there are some here that believe that Russia is playing defense and just letting Ukrainians crash against their fortified positions. No. What's happening is that both sides are attacking simultaneously. Russia keeps losing a lot of materiel and personnel, and their losses are greater than Ukrainian losses as a result. Especially because they use Russian tactics and Russian battlefield coordination; meaning their troops either lack artillery support, or get friendly-fired upon by their artillery support.

The high attrition of Russian troops result in Russia trying to find more meat by any mean available (see my previous series of links). What it doesn't lead to is a bigger value placed on the life of the troops that they do have (see my previous series of links, again). Because in the Russian mindset, there is nothing that is worth less than a human life. Nothing.

A new mutiny is ineluctable. Hard to say when it will happen, but the longer the war goes on, the more likely it'll happen.

The Russians do a mix of defending and counterattacking, they are not attacking.

They first defend, the UAF take some losses. Then the Russians withdraw, this is then followed by an artillery bombardment of the area, so more losses on the UAF side. Then the UAF withdraw, and the Russians return to those positions. UAF follow up their own retreat with artillery bombardment in case they spot the Russians returning. Sometimes, the UAF defend the area, like the Russians did. It's a game of tug of war.

Things are slow and bureaucratic, but the EU's industrial machinery is getting started. This is why another reason why time is against Russia. No, there's no way that a country with 140 million people will get to overmatch the output of a block of over one billion people (the "Collective West" aka Western Europe + North America + Oceania + Japan + South Korea).

No, they can't, which is why they were sitting quietly all this while.

The Collective West is more divided than you think. The US + Oceania + Japan + South Korea will be busy getting outspent by the Chinese. So Europe is much more on its own against Russia than you think. So that's dropped down to 500m vs 140m.

Years ago I said that the Russians are still not ready to fight NATO for another 10+ years and that Euope should start militarising in order to keep that edge. Well, good luck doing that now. If you don't have enough weapons, then more number of people only means you will have more casualties.
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This war shall allow serious introspection to the Russians. All their military deficiencies are now going to get addressed. Now Europe shall wait for hordes of evolved Su-57s and T-14s on their doorway. Good luck to them.
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If it tries using them against us, we'll destroy the factories they build them at, and then destroy the vehicles themselves.
Russia won't attack you until they have plenty of Felons and Armata.

As for destroying the vehicles...well! Except NGAD no plane will be able to go 1 on 1 with evolved Su-57. It's designed to destroy every single type currently in service in both BVR & WVR. Similarly T-14 is a level beyond what you have currently got.
This war shall allow serious introspection to the Russians. All their military deficiencies are now going to get addressed.

In India, the lower rung are trained so well and have such high motivation and morale that people say the fvck-ups of the generals will be fixed by soldiers on the ground. The Russians have to emulate that.

Now Europe shall wait for hordes of evolved Su-57s and T-14s on their doorway. Good luck to them.

What should have been a Europe + Russia acting as a counterweight to China has been overturned. It's a ridiculous situation. Never should have happened.
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In India, the lower rung are trained so well and have such high motivation and morale that people say the fvck-ups of the generals will be fixed by soldiers on the ground.
You Are Overestimating the "lower rung" of our military.
I have met many Soldiers, they weren't trained to think strategically i.e. Seeing your Actions in Whole operation( Taking into the Context of bigger picture).
They were good With Tactics but When Come to think about bigger picture, they do fall short.
You Are Overestimating the "lower rung" of our military.
I have met many Soldiers, they weren't trained to think strategically i.e. Seeing your Actions in Whole operation( Taking into the Context of bigger picture).
They were good With Tactics but When Come to think about bigger picture, they do fall short.

They don't need to think strategically, that's the job of the general. But they need to think tactically, 'cause that's what delivers real world results.

Soldiers don't need to know why they need to protect a bridge, but they need to know how to do it.

Otoh, many Russian generals had to leave the safety of their HQs to help the lower rung through tactical difficulties and got killed in the process. Their lower rung training is practically non-existent and small unit tactics practically doesn't exist, and they are forced to learn on the job, while getting shot at.
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