Ukraine - Russia Conflict

"Russian paratroopers fighting Ukrainian nationalists, captured anti-tank systems, hand grenade launchers, portable anti-aircraft missile systems of Western production.

Russian airborne troops units captured the stronghold of nationalists and foreign mercenaries near Guta-Mezhigorskaya in Kiev region.

Russian paratroopers seized American-made Javelin anti-tank missile systems and a number of other types of weapons supplied by Western countries to Ukraine. Every system captured is being handed over to the units of the people's militia of the Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics."

Video link:

Sure, that's all you've ever exuded in this thread... an unbiased opinion, just like Ironhide.

Russian garbage. Russia encouraged militia groups to take up arms in 2014 and caused these divisions for its own ends in order to annex Donbass and Crimea. If Russia had that much support in Ukraine, then given the size of their own army, this would have been over much quicker.

What exactly is the west to you? Japan has no problems with North America and Europe, neither does ROK, or Taiwan, or many African nations. None of these places are the west. A democracy and free market are just something that most people support. China and Russia are not that though and Russia has isolated itself thanks to Putin. It's extraordinary how you try to twist everything.

None of those places can challenge the West's hegemony. And they are all America's vassals already.

India can singlehandedly challenge the West's hegemony due to heft.

Do you really think that by 2060 or 2070 the US will be able to do anything when India decides to challenge the Monroe Doctrine?

The war in Ukraine was engineered by the West to target Russia. This has been in play since the end of the Cold War. While I don't really care much about it, I am concerned about how the West will play out the same game with India as well. America's already playing out this game via QUAD, where they want us to become a "regional leader", while they remain the "global leader".
I was wondering about supplying some tanks (M1A2SEPV3s, Challenger IIIs, Leopard IIs etc.) and maybe PAC-3 MSE, PAC-2 and your SAMP-T. Maybe some GMLRS and ATACMS too, plus some GPS-guided artillery, and of course, up to the minute positional intelligence. Those IMS too.

Requires many months of training. As said earlier, this should have been done in 2015. A squadron or two of free upgraded F-15s with AIM-120Ds and Apaches would have done the trick. And money for their own weapons like the T-80s and BMPs/BMDs. But the West decided offensive weapons won't be offered, hence the Javelins and Stingers.

Another region up for regime change in the long term, when O&G becomes less important.
Some glaring counter performances by the Russian army:
  • The Ukrainians still hold Chernihiv and even repel all Russian attempts with significant losses. A few units of regulars and territorials mixed together are holding two Russian armies, while the control of the sky is total, these are fixed positions on which the overwhelming superiority of Russian artillery should work wonders and it is a salient that could be reduced from several sides at once. These Ukrainian lines should have been crushed in two days, isolated, overrun, cut up and reduced to small pockets. In theory, everything is still to be done and two armies that should already be camped on the outskirts of Kiev are stuck in the open country.
  • Soumy and Kharkov are still resisting, which is understandable, but they are not even isolated. After 15 days, they are 30 km from the Russian border. What are the Russians waiting for?
  • At the tactical level, the images of Brovary's engagement are simply mind-boggling. More than 10 days after the beginning of the offensive, when the Russians are aware that the surprise effect is largely over, one marvels to see a whole armoured column arriving in contact with the enemy on a straight highway, being engaged by a few ATGMs, perhaps artillery, and turning around. An engagement by lead elements, with no prior reconnaissance, no support from mounted infantry, no idea what they were actually going to do. And this unit belongs to the 1st Armoured Army of the GUARD...
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Some glaring counter performances by the Russian army:
  • The Ukrainians still hold Chernihiv and even repel all Russian attempts with significant losses. A few units of regulars and territorials mixed together are holding two Russian armies, while the control of the sky is total, these are fixed positions on which the overwhelming superiority of Russian artillery should work wonders and it is a salient that could be reduced from several sides at once. These Ukrainian lines should have been crushed in two days, isolated, overrun, cut up and reduced to small pockets. In theory, everything is still to be done and two armies that should already be camped on the outskirts of Kiev are stuck in the open country.
  • Soumy and Kharkov are still resisting, which is understandable, but they are not even isolated. After 15 days, they are 30 km from the Russian border. What are the Russians waiting for?
  • At the tactical level, the images of Brovary's engagement are simply mind-boggling. More than 10 days after the beginning of the offensive, when the Russians are aware that the surprise effect is largely over, one marvels to see a whole armoured column arriving in contact with the enemy on a straight highway, being engaged by a few ATGMs, perhaps artillery, and turning around. An engagement by lead elements, with no prior reconnaissance, no support from mounted infantry, no idea what they were actually going to do. And this unit belongs to the 1st Armoured Army of the GUARD...
Training seems to be massively lacking.
Requires many months of training. As said earlier, this should have been done in 2015. A squadron or two of free upgraded F-15s with AIM-120Ds and Apaches would have done the trick. And money for their own weapons like the T-80s and BMPs/BMDs. But the West decided offensive weapons won't be offered, hence the Javelins and Stingers.
The amount offered is still under review I believe. Full training would take a long time but in WWII the UK let anyone with a driving license fly a bomber.
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None of those places can challenge the West's hegemony. And they are all America's vassals already.

India can singlehandedly challenge the West's hegemony due to heft.

Do you really think that by 2060 or 2070 the US will be able to do anything when India decides to challenge the Monroe Doctrine?

The war in Ukraine was engineered by the West to target Russia. This has been in play since the end of the Cold War. While I don't really care much about it, I am concerned about how the West will play out the same game with India as well. America's already playing out this game via QUAD, where they want us to become a "regional leader", while they remain the "global leader".
Oh wow, and they have it so hard don't they. I mean Japan and ROK citizens have life so much worse than those in PRK and China.

Challenge the Monroe Doctrine? So in 2060 or 2070 you propose to colonise the Americas? Well thanks for the heads up I guess. :unsure: Out of interest will you have fully indigenised your military by then, because I could swear you said 2080 for that earlier? I wouldn't want you to get ahead of yourself or anything with this Chola Empire MkII project. On the plus side, I guess you will at least stop complaining about colonisation then.

Ah yes, it is always the west's fault isn't it. Well if you feel you can trust China you can always form an... ermmm... line with them, or a triangle with them and Russia. What's fascinating is how 'the west' swings from being massively incompetent in Afghanistan and Iraq to massively competent in Ukraine. The war in Ukraine was caused because one man would not butt out of Ukrainian affairs. His name is Vladimir Putin.

FFS, he poisoned two dissidents on European soil, poisoned an opposition leader in Ukraine (2004) and many in Russia, and annexed part of Georgia and two parts of Ukraine, without getting any serious sanctions at all. He's been really striving hard for what he's ended up with. The west could not possibly have engineered all the lengths Vladimir Putin went to get Russia hit with these sanctions.
China deliberately manipulates its currency to keep the value low for exports, buying oil in Yuan would run counter to that and actually favour the US and Europe more.

And crude has fallen to $95/bbl so someone has obviously increased production anyway.
Oh wow, and they have it so hard don't they. I mean Japan and ROK citizens have life so much worse than those in PRK and China.

Er... Ever heard of something called "freedom"? They don't have it. They are just rich people in a gilded cage.

Challenge the Monroe Doctrine? So in 2060 or 2070 you propose to colonise the Americas? Well thanks for the heads up I guess. :unsure: Out of interest will you have fully indigenised your military by then, because I could swear you said 2080 for that earlier? I wouldn't want you to get ahead of yourself or anything with this Chola Empire MkII project. On the plus side, I guess you will at least stop complaining about colonisation then.

Er... You should read up more.

Ah yes, it is always the west's fault isn't it. Well if you feel you can trust China you can always form an... ermmm... line with them, or a triangle with them and Russia. What's fascinating is how 'the west' swings from being massively incompetent in Afghanistan and Iraq to massively competent in Ukraine. The war in Ukraine was caused because one man would not butt out of Ukrainian affairs. His name is Vladimir Putin.

Different reasons for competence and incompetence.

FFS, he poisoned two dissidents on European soil, poisoned an opposition leader in Ukraine (2004) and many in Russia, and annexed part of Georgia and two parts of Ukraine, without getting any serious sanctions at all. He's been really striving hard for what he's ended up with. The west could not possibly have engineered all the lengths Vladimir Putin went to get Russia hit with these sanctions.

The US also does extra-judicial killings.

Isn't the US still after Snowden? How goes Assange's vacation at Belmarsh?

It's just a world run by bad guys on all sides. Nothing more, nothing less.
China deliberately manipulates its currency to keep the value low for exports, buying oil in Yuan would run counter to that and actually favour the US and Europe more.

China does manipulate its currency, but not so since the last many years.

And crude has fallen to $95/bbl so someone has obviously increased production anyway.

'Cause China's gone into lockdown.
Oh wow, and they have it so hard don't they. I mean Japan and ROK citizens have life so much worse than those in PRK and China.

Challenge the Monroe Doctrine? So in 2060 or 2070 you propose to colonise the Americas? Well thanks for the heads up I guess. :unsure: Out of interest will you have fully indigenised your military by then, because I could swear you said 2080 for that earlier? I wouldn't want you to get ahead of yourself or anything with this Chola Empire MkII project. On the plus side, I guess you will at least stop complaining about colonisation then.

Ah yes, it is always the west's fault isn't it. Well if you feel you can trust China you can always form an... ermmm... line with them, or a triangle with them and Russia. What's fascinating is how 'the west' swings from being massively incompetent in Afghanistan and Iraq to massively competent in Ukraine. The war in Ukraine was caused because one man would not butt out of Ukrainian affairs. His name is Vladimir Putin.

FFS, he poisoned two dissidents on European soil, poisoned an opposition leader in Ukraine (2004) and many in Russia, and annexed part of Georgia and two parts of Ukraine, without getting any serious sanctions at all. He's been really striving hard for what he's ended up with. The west could not possibly have engineered all the lengths Vladimir Putin went to get Russia hit with these sanctions.
Just love how they think the US military is going to remain static and allow other nations to catch up. By 2060-2070 US military is pretty much going to be Skynet.

while India will still be debating whether to buy more Rafales. :sneaky:

Now watch and see the predictable a $$ clown respond with his laugh emoji and then deflect with some topic about how it's difficult for him to eat or something like that. Just remember BMD she's mine not yours. I've seen how she's following you around calling on you but I warn you to back off. Mein chocolate princes belongs to moi.
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Er... Ever heard of something called "freedom"? They don't have it. They are just rich people in a gilded cage.
Go explain that to them. Seriously I should post this on the 'State of Indian Education' thread. You should get a refund. I suppose the people in the PRK are free because they are poor and hungry right? Your making less sense than @_Anonymous_ 's ar5e right now.

Er... You should read up more.
If you had a point beyond that, which I doubt, why not tell us about it.

Different reasons for competence and incompetence.
Oh I see, yet they were able to plan out in great detail exactly everything Putin did to land himself here?

The US also does extra-judicial killings.
Well yeah, Bin Laden was one. Hardly comparable to opposition leaders, Litvinenko etc.

Isn't the US still after Snowden? How goes Assange's vacation at Belmarsh?
When you put lives in danger by divulging classified information you get arrested, not poisoned with Polonium in another country though.

It's just a world run by bad guys on all sides. Nothing more, nothing less.
And yet you consistently side with the worst of them.
Just love how they think the US military is going to remain static and allow other nations to catch up. By 2060-2070 US military is pretty much going to be Skynet.
View attachment 22928

while India will still be debating whether to buy more Rafales. :sneaky:
At this rate they'll be debating whether to buy JF-17s. Progress is not just stagnated, there's clear evidence of regression on display in this thread.
Go explain that to them. Seriously I should post this on the 'State of Indian Education' thread. You should get a refund. I suppose the people in the PRK are free because they are poor and hungry right? Your making less sense than @_Anonymous_ 's ar5e right now.

If you had a point beyond that, which I doubt, why not tell us about it.

Oh I see, yet they were able to plan out in great detail exactly everything Putin did to land himself here?

Well yeah, Bin Laden was one. Hardly comparable to opposition leaders, Litvinenko etc.

When you put lives in danger by divulging classified information you get arrested, not poisoned with Polonium in another country though.

And yet you consistently side with the worst of them.

Your world is far too black and white.

You do not realise that to be a leader of a country you need to pretty much be an arsehole in the first place. Look at the way Trudeau behaved when it came to Indian farmers, but quickly changed colours with the truckers.

Amongst the powerful, it's just a competition between bad people with some constraints versus bad people with no constraints. Everybody else is stuck in between.
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Born Moron this Pravin idiot is ... Give The Mud-Slime a dime they will take the dollar.
Perfectly in tune with Clutterji's politics & diplomacy dreams. This then is Aman ki Asha redux. No goals set , no structure defined. Just talk.

Give Pakistan legitimacy & before you realise it they seek & get respectability while dialing up the stakes in Kashmir thru covert action.

Solution then as per Clutterji & Chami - more talks & more till we reach the 1991-2001 era of muzakarat or negotiations as per PA. This is also what the tired leadership of the Congress + PDP + NC desire.
Go explain that to them. Seriously I should post this on the 'State of Indian Education' thread. You should get a refund. I suppose the people in the PRK are free because they are poor and hungry right? Your making less sense than @_Anonymous_ 's ar5e right now.

If you had a point beyond that, which I doubt, why not tell us about it.

Oh I see, yet they were able to plan out in great detail exactly everything Putin did to land himself here?

Well yeah, Bin Laden was one. Hardly comparable to opposition leaders, Litvinenko etc.

When you put lives in danger by divulging classified information you get arrested, not poisoned with Polonium in another country though.

And yet you consistently side with the worst of them.
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