Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Training seems to be massively lacking.

your postings are becoming like a running commentary of a mundane boring stupid test cricket match. Instead of indulging in cheap theatrics , its high time west focused on human lives being lost.

your postings are becoming like a running commentary of a mundane boring stupid test cricket match. Instead of indulging in cheap theatrics , its high time west focused on human lives being lost.
And why are Ukrainian lives being lost, oh great thinker? What is the cause and why should the west focus on it? What about you Indians?
And why are Ukrainian lives being lost, oh great thinker? What is the cause and why should the west focus on it? What about you Indians?
We are as worried about innocent Ukranian lives as we were about innocent Iraqi lives that were lost during & between Gulf Wars 1&2 , during the occupation of Iraq post Gulf War -2 & later on during the civil war which was a direct consequence of those wars & the occupation.

We view all lives as important not just White lives or Black lives. Trust that clarifies.
I hope everyone out here realises the implications of this bit of news. This means Ukraine has turned this siege of Kiev into Stalingrad for the Ru Army & now it's only a matter of time before they drive them off Ukraine.

Of course none of this is propoganda , as Sweetie here quotes only genuine Bonafide sources. Guaranteed by thunder. Much like the news on MiG 29s that Poland delivered to the UkAF thru Germany & the USAF who midwives the whole deal & which's now wrecking havoc on the Ru Army & RuAF.

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your postings are becoming like a running commentary of a mundane boring stupid test cricket match. Instead of indulging in cheap theatrics , its high time west focused on human lives being lost.
The west did not invade Ukraine. And in case you haven't noticed, the west, particularly the US has been taking about a Pacific pivot for about 15 years now. They did not want to have problems with Russia, and Russia had to work damn hard to cause them - annexed 3 parts of two sovereign democracies, murdered two dissidents, one with Polonium and one with Novichok, both a breach of the Geneva Convention and International Law in themselves, Putin's SAM shot down a passenger plane killing >200 EU citizens, and then completely invaded a European democracy....

....but the west caused all that didn't they? Even though it ran counter to expressed plans both in terms of the Pacific Pivot and EU energy policy.

Your world is far too black and white.

You do not realise that to be a leader of a country you need to pretty much be an arsehole in the first place. Look at the way Trudeau behaved when it came to Indian farmers, but quickly changed colours with the truckers.

Amongst the powerful, it's just a competition between bad people with some constraints versus bad people with no constraints. Everybody else is stuck in between.
As for you, you're now using random whataboutism to try make black and white into grey.

NATO soldiers thought this is Afghanistan or Iraq, they are either getting slaughtered or running away with their tails tucked:

View attachment 22924
You sure about that?

Major-General Oleg Mityaev, 47, died in the storming of Mariupol, along with seven members of an elite SWAT team, in a fresh blow to Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine.
The west did not invade Ukraine. And in case you haven't noticed, the west, particularly the US has been taking about a Pacific pivot for about 15 years now. They did not want to have problems with Russia, and Russia had to work damn hard to cause them - annexed 3 parts of two sovereign democracies, murdered two dissidents, one with Polonium and one with Novichok, both a breach of the Geneva Convention and International Law in themselves, Putin's SAM shot down a passenger plane killing >200 EU citizens, and then completely invaded a European democracy....

....but the west caused all that didn't they? Even though it ran counter to expressed plans both in terms of the Pacific Pivot and EU energy policy.

As for you, you're now using random whataboutism to try make black and white into grey.

Not a day goes by here without reference to scat by Paddy. In fact he's getting better with age. He's now expanded his limited vocabulary to include pvt parts. Way to go Paddy.
You sure about that?

The Russians fight best when they're cornered Paddy. Inflict heavy losses in them. That brings out the best or rather the beast in them viz Stalingrad & Leningrad . BTW isn't it surprising to see multiple casualties by the top brass of Russian Army? In contrast not a single top Ukrainian Army general has been KIA. Why do you suppose this hasn't happened?

One sincerely hopes all those weapons & platforms the US is planning on equipping Ukraine with happens soon else by the time the US makes a decision, Kiev would've fallen & eventually most of Ukraine or at least those parts Putin desires.
The Russians fight best when they're cornered Paddy. Inflict heavy losses in them. That brings out the best or rather the beast in them viz Stalingrad & Leningrad . BTW isn't it surprising to see multiple casualties by the top brass of Russian Army? In contrast not a single top Ukrainian Army general has been KIA. Why do you suppose this hasn't happened?
I have already explain that here:
13- Often too many units to be commanded (far beyond the norm of 5) simultaneously by the army staffs, especially with reinforcements + liaison problems.

14- Death of several Russian generals reported, sign of the need (by order?) for commanders of large units to go directly to the closest unit to bypass a saturated chain of command and compensate for the lack of initiative of the units.
Yes you have. Doesn't explain why there aren't any such casualties on the Ukrainian side unless it's your contention that everything is going as per a well laid plan on their end .
Sorry, I thought the question was about it being abnormal for Russian generals to be killed, the normal situation being that this should be avoided.
The situation on both sides is very lopsided, the Ukrainians have no plan and are just reacting to the Russians actions to hinder them as much as possible. So there is a need for less coordination. Moreover, communications are easier when you can use the country's infrastructure, even the landline telephone for example.
Sorry, I thought the question was about it being abnormal for Russian generals to be killed, the normal situation being that this should be avoided.
The situation on both sides is very lopsided, the Ukrainians have no plan and are just reacting to the Russians actions to hinder them as much as possible. So there is a need for less coordination. Moreover, communications are easier when you can use the country's infrastructure, even the landline telephone for example.
I think we both can agree that with total western monopoly on communications in the public domain with them having chosen which side to back what we're receiving is either pure propaganda or a totally one sided or lopsided ,as you put it , view of events.

While there's a good deal of information in the public domain about Ukranian civilian casualties there's close to zero information on their military casualties.
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I think we both can agree that with total western monopoly on communications in the public domain with them having chosen which side to back what we're receiving is either pure propaganda or a totally one sided or lopsided ,as you put it , view of events.

While there's a good deal of information in the public domain about Ukranian civilian casualties there's close to zero information on their military casualties.
Military casualties are claimed by the other side in general. But while the Ukrainians claim Russian casualties, the Russians keep quiet because internally they are not fighting a war but a special operation that cannot cause many deaths...