The 18th Wing bid farewell to several F-15 Eagles from Kadena AB, Japan, on Dec. 1, 2022. This marks the first departure of Eagles as a part of their phased withdrawal from Kadena. Thank you for protecting the people of the Indo-Pacific for over 40 years!
— U.S. Forces Japan (@USForcesJapan) December 1, 2022
#NATOPod opens #MQ9 platforms to a multitude of unique payloads developed by NATO allies, dramatically expanding MQ-9’s interoperability.
— GA-ASI (@GenAtomics_ASI) December 20, 2022
This is far more advanced than that. A cutaway of the Chimaera engine (for Quarterhorse) from their website, note pre-cooler. It's like the SABRE system. Darkhorse uses the Chimaera II and replaces the J85 integral turbine engine with an F100.To be hypersonic you have to use a scramjet mode and not a ramjet one.
Last time we had this conversation about 6th gen fighters and their maneuverability(or lack of it) vs 4th/5th gen fighters. You said they would sacrifice agility to gain on other metrics.
I had argued that what if 6th gen planes not only improve on stealth/sensors/range/AI but retain the maneuverability of the 4th gens!?
Well, check these two videos from the people who are quite knowledgeable regarding this topic:
Short Video @6:20 onwards:
And if you've time, full video @44:25 onwards:
Looks like 6th gen planes are going to be more maneuverable than previously thought. Now how would evolved 4th gen(like Rafale) counter these if say China fields their 6th gen by 2030? We need modernised Su-57M to counter Chinese 5th and 6th gen threats, IMO.
"Should be EFB-21 with the amount of heat she brings to the fight."
"She can hear you, she can see you, she can and will send others to reach out and kill you. If you thought tangling three on one with the F-22 was a nightmare? You are in for a short, very short, sharp shock. She will simply take her pick from the best weapons to do the job with, and you will none-the-wiser until your are stone cold dead. This isn't just a bomber, this is an apex predator of the skies."
"Think of her as an F35D. Big D. All the power, all the package - She has got everything under her hood from sensors to range, all and more than we could ever have wished for."
"We had the space available to make the apetures to the size we desired, not the size that they had to be in order to fit the JSF (Yes, some people still talk about the 35 in that manner) so we super-sized some cool stuff and it works real neat."
"The shell is new, but that goes without saying. Near everything else? Off the shelf and proud of it. Folks will be hecka shocked at just how much. The only other example that has ever been in frontline service like this? Was the Goblin (F-117). We took everything we could get our hands on. Everything. Nothing was off limits or sacred."
"RQ-4 boys and girls deserve an air medal for their contribution. Their project managers / team leaders are on point. Great folks, great minds."
"When the history books are written? We had damned well better have the RQ-4 team on page 1 with our thanks. Without them? We would be 3, 4 years behind where we are now. Their contribution to this effort cannot be overstated. They came out from the desert, came out from their sheds, dusted themselves down and gave us all their time & experience with good grace and a lot of humor. We owe them big time."
"If you can fly an F-35, and have time on the flying wings in the desert? Converting to the B-21 is going to be far easier than you would expect. Hardest part for any potential pilots is how a flying wing performs behind the tankers & how they are a floaty menace for the unwary as they come in to land. Get some flying wing stick time, do whatever it is you need to do, because a flying wing isn't some fancy lawn dart when it comes to tanking time, and no amount of simulator is going to get you ready for riding the waves."
"How many times has a guy gotta say it? Please, for the love of God! Never ever try to land her like an F-35B on a carrier deck. There is no hover button, so stop searching for it!"
"This plane will be the B-52 of our era. Upgrades upgrades upgrades. Constant evolutionary tree that'll keep her beyond the edge of state of the art for her entire service life."
Air-breathing hypersonic systems use scramjet engines to generate thrust, propelling the vehicle across long distances at speeds greater than Mach 5. The SDA team is tasked with designing and developing a large-class version that surpasses current air-breathing systems in both range and payload capacity and is responsible for delivering a hypersonic system design to include airframe, propulsion system, booster, avionics, and vehicle subsystems.
US RC-135W Rivet Joint is on its way to spy on Russian forces on Kola Peninsula. The aircraft is equipped to detect, identify & geolocate signals throughout the electromagnetic spectrum to provide near real time on-scene intelligence collection & analysis.
— Hans Kristensen (@nukestrat) January 4, 2023