United States Military Aviation

Why The F-117 Is Still Flying? #shorts

This is the explanation for those anonymous mysterious black triangles flying high in the skies which AV freak club from trailer park was baffled about , which is when & why I asked you early on when you first made your appearance out here - how old are you ?

From your fanciful stories about the balloons to now this it can be concluded either you're a juvenile or an adult like Paddy only in physical form but with the mind of a juvenile or worse , you require an exorcism , pronto. I suspect all three possibilities , for only you're capable of something impossible.

I swear if you were anywhere close to me , sweetie , I'd land a sucker punch in your solar plexus & a kick up your hairless , tight & tender culo for your low quality posts bringing down the standard of the forum further, which wasn't high to begin with . @Innominate
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