Alarm Raised Over Destabilizing New Russian Threat In Space: Reports

US has an even greater supply of SM-3 IIAs with the same terminal capability.

IIA is at the early stage of ICBM coverage, like the S-500. But S-550 takes it to the next level.

I'm also leaning on the PAK DP theory. And I could be wrong on both counts.

So new theory. Probably something like a loitering drone type satellite that stays up in space and then chases and kills other satellites.

So this has been going on for quite a few years.
IIA is at the early stage of ICBM coverage, like the S-500. But S-550 takes it to the next level.
SM-3 IIA is only bettered by GBI. As regards Russian SAM claims, surely you know better by now. If Ukraine had as many cruise and ballistic missiles to fire back at Russia, Russian defence production capabilities would have ended overa year ago.
I'm also leaning on the PAK DP theory. And I could be wrong on both counts.

So new theory. Probably something like a loitering drone type satellite that stays up in space and then chases and kills other satellites.

So this has been going on for quite a few years.
Probably a nuclear-powered anti-satellite EW weapon, as stated unofficiallly by officials and it's nothing compared to what the US could launch with a reusable Falcon Heavy when you consider weights and USNC micro-reactors.

SM-3 IIA is only bettered by GBI. As regards Russian SAM claims, surely you know better by now. If Ukraine had as many cruise and ballistic missiles to fire back at Russia, Russian defence production capabilities would have ended overa year ago.

It's only your opinion.

Probably a nuclear-powered anti-satellite EW weapon, as stated unofficiallly by officials and it's nothing compared to what the US could launch with a reusable Falcon Heavy when you consider weights and USNC micro-reactors.

American rockets can lift more than Russian ones. And only the US has super heavy lift rockets.

And I don't think a space-based EW is destabilizing enough to be considered serious.
It's only your opinion.
Show me tests to the contrary. SM-3s are the most tested intercepted around with plenty of evidence of that testing and even older Patriots have outperformed their design specifications in Ukraine. Russian interceptors have very little evidence of testing, let alone successful combat performance.
American rockets can lift more than Russian ones. And only the US has super heavy lift rockets.
And USNC can make nuclear reactors delivery 50MWth that weigh less than 10t.
And I don't think a space-based EW is destabilizing enough to be considered serious.
It's destabilising if it targets your ground radars during an attack. That said, I think the US already has better.
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Show me tests to the contrary. SM-3s are the most tested intercepted around with plenty of evidence of that testing and even older Patriots have outperformed their design specifications in Ukraine. Russian interceptors have very little evidence of testing, let alone successful combat performance.

The Russians do not release such information. The fact that India, China and Turkey are happy to operate Russian SAMs is enough proof. India even operates better Western weapons than what's been given to Ukraine, including SCALP.

It's destabilising if it targets your ground radars during an attack. That said, I think the US already has better.

As per the US, this new weapon doesn't threaten anything on the ground, it's purely ASAT.

“We’re not talking about a weapon that can be used to attack human beings or cause physical destruction here on Earth,” he said.
The Russians do not release such information.
Because the Russians have no such information to release.:ROFLMAO: The US have been shooting satellites down since 1985, they have far more experience of exo-atmospheric intercepts.

The fact that India, China and Turkey are happy to operate Russian SAMs is enough proof. India even operates better Western weapons than what's been given to Ukraine, including SCALP.
SCALP has been given to Ukraine. China modifies them and does not have the option of western SAMs, Turkey was just getting hold of the tech. for NATO to examine and it's all India can afford.
As per the US, this new weapon doesn't threaten anything on the ground, it's purely ASAT.

“We’re not talking about a weapon that can be used to attack human beings or cause physical destruction here on Earth,” he said.
1 MWe is a lot of power for just ASAT but who knows.
Because the Russians have no such information to release.:ROFLMAO: The US have been shooting satellites down since 1985, they have far more experience of exo-atmospheric intercepts.

SCALP has been given to Ukraine. China modifies them and does not have the option of western SAMs, Turkey was just getting hold of the tech. for NATO to examine and it's all India can afford.

1 MWe is a lot of power for just ASAT but who knows.

Sure, that's your opinion.
On one hand I could see the Russians doing something dramatic like placing a nuke in orbit or developing some novel satellite hunting satellite (doesn't China already have something like this? a net throwing satellite or something along those lines?)

on the other hand, the House vote on Ukraine funding is coming up. The GOP only have a 2 vote majority. Its plausible that the news about this platform is being blown out if proportion to sway a few votes to get the measure passed.
Little of what I've read online (unconfirmed rumours), it's about a potential new space weapon (with nuclear capabilities).
PAK-DA bomber or PAK-DP interceptor won't be considered much of a threat by the Americans when the Su-57 isn't considered a threat.
Also, isn't there some kind of a treaty which prevents weaponising satellites/ space weapons race (or something along those lines)?
Little of what I've read online (unconfirmed rumours), it's about a potential new space weapon (with nuclear capabilities).
PAK-DA bomber or PAK-DP interceptor won't be considered much of a threat by the Americans when the Su-57 isn't considered a threat.
Also, isn't there some kind of a treaty which prevents weaponising satellites/ space weapons race (or something along those lines)?

PAK DA is just a B-21 equivalent. But PAK DP will operate up to altitudes of 50-60 km and will have ASAT capabilities.

Yeah, Outer Space Treaty. I don't think the Russians will actually weaponize space, they will eventually lose that game.
PAK DA is just a B-21 equivalent. But PAK DP will operate up to altitudes of 50-60 km and will have ASAT capabilities.
:ROFLMAO: Yeah we went through all this speculation with the MiG-31 in the early 1980s.




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Anyway, it's very likely that the Americans are referring to the S-550.

This BMD is capable of bringing down ICBMs, and can be bought in enough numbers to threaten Western deterrence. It's expected to begin fielding in 2025 and could take at least until 2030-35 for sufficient numbers to provide deterrence against nearly 2000 nuke warheads.

So it fulfills the criteria of a new capability and words like serious and destabilizing and long term. Even the Russians claim it is "never-before-seen."

Russia is open to export it to India. Our BMD is aimed for up to IRBMs, so we are still missing an anti-ICBM capability.
I say we should be the first customer. Buy baby buy. Buy by dozens!
Our BMD is aimed for up to IRBMs, so we are still missing an anti-ICBM capability.
Isn't the under-development stage-2 of our BMD programme supposed to provide deterrence against the ICBMs? Prithvi Defence Vehicle (PDV) is designed for interception against missiles of 5000km-class (ICBMs), from what I've read.
Isn't the under-development stage-2 of our BMD programme supposed to provide deterrence against the ICBMs? Prithvi Defence Vehicle (PDV) is designed for interception against missiles of 5000km-class (ICBMs), from what I've read.

IRBMs, 5000 km class. ICBMs are 5500 km and above.
PDV MK2 that was used as ASAT could be tweaked for anti-ICBM role. Plus AD2 is surely gonna intercept ICBMs, otherwise what's that point🤷‍♂️

Our main threat is IRBMs. The longest distance between the farthest points in China and India is 6000 km. So most of the main targets are well below 5500 km. The distance from their silos is less than 4000 km. So AD-2 should be able to stop such missiles.

And missiles are designed specific to the threat. If you don't, then you don't get maximum interception efficiency, you will end up making design trade-offs. So AD-2 cannot intercept a Prithvi or a Trident. Phase I exo capability stops SRBMs and MRBMs, Phase 2 stops MRBMs and IRBMs. A Phase III of sorts is being developed against hypersonics. So a new missile is necessary for ICBMs in the 7000-12000 km range.

Can AD-2 be modified for anti-ICBM capability? Perhaps. Can we develop a separate anti-ICBM capability? Definitely. The only question is whether we are fine with waiting or looking for a stopgap capability. It's a political decision.
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