Delhi, UP and Haryana : Political Discussions


The people who say Hindus are scared of building the Mandir would likely be the same people crying the loudest if the Supreme Court order lands in favour of the Hindus building the temple.

They'd spend their nights then thinking is India fascist or racist. I remember people saying the same for 370.:p

Kuch karo to badnam, na karo to badnam. Make up your mind, are Hindus scared or fascist ? both can't be true.


Cheers, Doc
Come on Reddit LeLi ninjas puts more effort on comments. Do I have to do everything here ?

Mudi bad
Mudi fascist
Mudi racist
Mudi secular

There. Aur kuch chahiye to bula lena.

Ram Ram tau.
And they are shit scared that finally Hindus are consolidating and raising their voices.
You may have your point of view and I respect that. But my point was no Hindu can dare insult their beliefs in 56 muslim countries but Muslims could and actually do insult to our beleif. You can't equate the two.

At the risk of offending you, for which I duly apologise, you are now sounding like the controversial Islamic preacher Zakir Naik, who ran into controversy last month when he claimed Malaysian Hindus in Malaysia enjoyed 100 times more rights than Muslim in India did.

This is a classic case of what the political scientists call creation of the 'other'. By equating the Muslim community of India to foreign countries with Muslim majority, you are declaring Indian Muslims as the extension of the 'foreign other'. This is what Zakir Naik tried to do with Malaysian Hindus. Is there any reason to believe zakir Naik is wrong and you are right.
At the risk of offending you, for which I duly apologise, you are now sounding like the controversial Islamic preacher Zakir Naik, who ran into controversy last month when he claimed Malaysian Hindus in Malaysia enjoyed 100 times more rights than Muslim in India did.

This is a classic case of what the political scientists call creation of the 'other'. By equating the Muslim community of India to foreign countries with Muslim majority, you are declaring Indian Muslims as the extension of the 'foreign other'. This is what Zakir Naik tried to do with Malaysian Hindus. Is there any reason to believe zakir Naik is wrong and you are right.
Yeah you could find them in our foreign policies. Despite the friendly behaviour of Israel which it showed in several occasions our political establishment refrained from making close realations with Israel due to the fear of angering a certain community. This very fact shows that Muslims place their religion before their country. But in case of Hindus you couldn't find this trait. For instance have you ever witness any protest in Bharat by Hindus against the persecution of Hindus in bangladesh.? Hope this is sufficient.
Yeah you could find them in our foreign policies. Despite the friendly behaviour of Israel which it showed in several occasions our political establishment refrained from making close realations with Israel due to the fear of angering a certain community. This very fact shows that Muslims place their religion before their country. But in case of Hindus you couldn't find this trait. For instance have you ever witness any protest in Bharat by Hindus against the persecution of Hindus in bangladesh.? Hope this is sufficient.

India's cold shouldering Israel during cold War years, had more do with the energy politics, need to appease oil rich Arab gulf countries, who incidentally were also the major source of income for millions of NRI's. Besides we were no not the only ones turning charm offensive against the gulf States. UK has no sizeable Muslim population like us, but who will forget the guard of honor accorded to king Faisal, where the Sandhurst educated officer leading the ceremony, blurted out commands in chaste Arabic (The Times wondered why the whole royal family was not asked to learn Arabic for the royal banquet)

Foreign policy regarding Israel had something to do with how Indian national congress viewed the question of Jewish homeland for the European Jews. Ever since the Balfour declaration proposed a home for Europe's Jews in the middle east, indian leaders declared it as a British colonial enterprise, similar to Britain's favorable treatment to demand for a homeland for Indian Muslims.

P:S - talking about Hindu traits, Hindus of Tamil Nadu not vigorously agitated for a Tamil elam in Lanka, but actively participated in the struggle for a Hindu dominated Tamil elam to be carved out of a buddhist dominated Sri Lanka.

Normal talks are happening.
Political talks a big NO.

Reason for that is not hard to grasp.
Hindus have become assertive and Political Islam in India is having tough time in grasping the new reality and adjusting.

There is an interesting development where Hindus are looking to approach SC about Halal certification in restaurants and how it discriminates Other butchers.
It's not a question of "IF" it will happen, just when.
this is new assertion of Hindus and frankly muslims will need to adjust to the new reality and change themselves to get along.

The old appeasement is dead and buried & will not return.
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Normal talks are happening.
Political talks a big NO.

Reason for that is not hard to grasp.
Hindus have become assertive and Political Islam in India is having tough time in grasping the new reality and adjusting.

There is an interesting development where Hindus are looking to approach SC about Halal certification in restaurants and how it discriminates Other butchers.
It's not a question of "IF" it will happen, just when.
this is new assertion of Hindus and frankly muslims will need to adjust to the new reality and change themselves to get along.

The old appeasement is dead and buried & will not return.

This is interesting on a number of levels. Can you share a link please?

Cheers, Doc

Google who that guy is & why Halal ONLY meat in India would be a thing of past,

Going to SC against Halal meat would be the easiest of wins, it is discrimination especially against Dalits ;)

Thanks man. I will read up.

Personally, jhatka mutton tastes like shit.

Kolhapuri and Nagpuri saoji only serve that. I go there for the rassa bhakri and thecha.

The fiber separation and taste of Hala mutton is way superior.

And speaking of Dalits, where I grew up in south Bihar (now Jharkhand), the adivasis drain the blood out into containers to make blood cakes, which they then chop up into little cubes to cook like a stew in their sabzi.

Cheers, Doc
Thanks man. I will read up.

Personally, jhatka mutton tastes like shit.

Kolhapuri and Nagpuri saoji only serve that. I go there for the rassa bhakri and thecha.

The fiber separation and taste of Hala mutton is way superior.

And speaking of Dalits, where I grew up in south Bihar (now Jharkhand), the adivasis drain the blood out into containers to make blood cakes, which they then chop up into little cubes to cook like a stew in their sabzi.

Cheers, Doc
Where i live , almost all butchers are muslims but i never realised that i was eating halal meat. Who cares , meat is meat however u slaughter an animal but problem here those who don't follow halal meat practice will suffer business
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Google who that guy is & why Halal ONLY meat in India would be a thing of past,

Going to SC against Halal meat would be the easiest of wins, it is discrimination especially against Dalits ;)
Tbh, you can count the no of hindu butchers in Mumbai on your fingers. The entire trade is monopolized by Muslims and just one sub caste of them - the Qureshis.That's the ground reality in Mumbai. The only exception are the Sikhs who strictly adhere to Jhatka and have a small section of them who cater exclusively to Sikhs snd maybe a few other interested parties. But the distribution of such meat is severely restricted due to logistics . OTOH, the Muslim butchers are ubiquitous. Every neighborhood in Mumbai features them. I can't talk about the situation in the rest of India.

Besides, by merely moving the supreme Court on grounds of discrimination and securing a favourable order, one can't change ground realities as it's not just a question of slaughtering an animal for it's meat. The Dalits or any other Hindu community in such a profession can always accomplish that. Where does the money to procure such animals come from? The Qureshis OTOH have an advanced eco system in place since generations thereby monopolizing this trade out here. Challenging their domination at least in Mumbai isn't easy. Having said that, at least out here, ppl and I mean exclusively non Muslims aren't too particular about the method of slaughter. This hasn't much to do with religious sensibilities as much as with sheer convenience.
Tbh, you can count the no of hindu butchers in Mumbai on your fingers. The entire trade is monopolized by Muslims and just one sub caste of them - the Qureshis.That's the ground reality in Mumbai. The only exception are the Sikhs who strictly adhere to Jhatka and have a small section of them who cater exclusively to Sikhs snd maybe a few other interested parties. But the distribution of such meat is severely restricted due to logistics . OTOH, the Muslim butchers are ubiquitous. Every neighborhood in Mumbai features them. I can't talk about the situation in the rest of India.

Besides, by merely moving the supreme Court on grounds of discrimination and securing a favourable order, one can't change ground realities as it's not just a question of slaughtering an animal for it's meat. The Dalits or any other Hindu community in such a profession can always accomplish that. Where does the money to procure such animals come from? The Qureshis OTOH have an advanced eco system in place since generations thereby monopolizing this trade out here. Challenging their domination at least in Mumbai isn't easy. Having said that, at least out here, ppl and I mean exclusively non Muslims aren't too particular about the method of slaughter. This hasn't much to do with religious sensibilities as much as with sheer convenience.
I think its more to do with discrimination. Non muslim no halal practitioners will suffer due to this. McDonald's has no right to procure "only halal" meat , this means they biased towards muslim butchers
Besides, by merely moving the supreme Court on grounds of discrimination and securing a favourable order, one can't change ground realities as it's not just a question of slaughtering an animal for it's meat.

It won't be against Halal,
it will be against restaurants like McDonalds that serve ONLY HALAL.

Once you ensure that the discrimination ends at the restaurants, the supply and demand side of it will kick in,

May be McDonalds will offer both Halal and Jhatka and let the customers choose what to eat.
Once you get the law against discrimination, the markets will ensure parity.
Where i live , almost all butchers are muslims but i never realised that i was eating halal meat. Who cares , meat is meat however u slaughter an animal but problem here those who don't follow halal meat practice will suffer business
Where i live , almost all butchers are muslims but i never realised that i was eating halal meat. Who cares , meat is meat however u slaughter an animal but problem here those who don't follow halal meat practice will suffer business

This is the case all over India.

Most fresh meat (from butcher markets or shops) would be by Muslims and halal.

And most Hindus are perfectly ok eating halal meat. The opposite is not so.

And this is true if desi chicken as well. Not just mutton.

You don't want to know how the adivasis slaughter pigs ...

But meat is not just meat.

The world over method of slaughter is a very important component.

Both the taste and the consistency and separation of fibers after cooking, including the color, differ between jhatka and halal.

Regardless of where this goes (the extreme being banning halal in "humane" grounds) I would always prefer to eat halal meat.

What would be a happy (most likely) medium is Hindu and Muslim restaurants and clearly labeled packaging and/or shops (display, certification) saying jhatka or halal.

Cheers, Doc