Delhi, UP and Haryana : Political Discussions

Delhi Assembly Election Issues

Increase in VAT & Excise rates -AAP raised the VAT on petrol/diesel/CNG and also excise on liquor to mop up additional revenue to provide the subsidies. They have neither stopped the corruption nor recovered any money from Discoms. The people of Delhi are paying thru higher taxes for the subsidies. AAP has looted everyone from auto drivers to slum dwellers. Nearly every daily wager or auto driver takes a quarter every day after working the whole day. Just a 20 rupee increase in the cost of a quarter of liquor means that a person is paying 600 rupees every month extra. This amount is more than the money a person will pay for 200 units of electricity. But the same auto driver is also earning less as the VAT on petrol/diesel/CNG has been increased. AAP has doubled the number of liquor shops in Delhi resulting in reduced money in the hands of a grahani as AAP has promoted the culture of drinking which is manifested by increase in crime rate in Delhi. Even a shopkeeper does not give out anything free when he sells by the slogan “Buy two get one free”. He first makes you buy two when you need only one to give out a free third. Same is the case in Delhi. People are being made to pay higher taxes to support these freebies. Only BJP govt in centre has provided free medical treatment for poor and 6k/year to farmers without raising taxes, instead BJP govt at centre has done so by reducing taxes.

Free Electricity- AAP came to power in Delhi with a stated agenda of providing relief in water and electricity costs by stopping corruption and recovering money from electricity distribution companies (Discoms). Till date they have not recovered even a single paisa from these Discoms, instead the amount of subsidy payments to these Discoms has gone up every year. AAP is supporting them by paying taxes collected from the people of Delhi. In last five year over 8000 crores have been paid as subsidy to Discoms. Delhi does not have a large captive electricity plant of its own and has to buy electricity. With the amount of money given out as subsidy, Delhi could have got its own 8000MW electricity plant by now. This capacity is more than the peak power requirements of Delhi. This could have easily brought down the rates of electricity for Delhi and also allowed it to sell electricity to national grid and use that money to subsidise the electricity in Delhi or create solar capacity on roof tops. If Delhi does not face blackouts today, it is due to the hard work of BJP govt at centre. They sorted out the issues of coal supply, improved efficiency of power plants, and as a result power generation increased which has resulted in better electricity availability all across India.
Free Medical Treatment- The dispensaries in Delhi have been closed and a system of so called Mohalla clinics has been set up to give benefits to the members of AAP. Nearly all clinics have been opened in the residential premises owned by AAP members and they are being paid the money from the Delhi govt. This is a clear loot of public money and taxes. The Ayushman Bharat Yojana allows poor people to use even top most private hospitals but AAP has not implemented this in Delhi as they want to loot thru this so called free medical treatment and mohalla clinics. AAP claims credit for reducing the Dengue cases in Delhi but it is because of the cleanliness drive launched by the MCDs controlled by BJP that breeding of these deadly disease carrying mosquitos has come down resulting in near elimination of Dengue and Chikungunya from Delhi. AAP govt tried to scuttle the efforts of MCDs by withholding the payments to MCDs from the central grants and there have been agitations by safaikaramcharis every year just before monsoons for unpaid salary dues. Over 17 new hospitals were sanctioned for Delhi in 2013 and land allotted but not even one has been built by AAP till date. They only claim that they have increased the number of beds in hospitals of Delhi. They have not hired even a single new doctor, not opened even a new operation Theatre, not built even a single new dispensary but they have closed down existing dispensaries to create Mohalla clinics to loot public money.
Free Water- The free water is available only to those who have water meters and majority of illegal colonies did not have water meters. But the higher taxes had been paid by everyone. The CM of Delhi is the Chairman of DJB and the quality of water being supplied in Delhi under his watch is a clear testimony of the job done by AAP in Delhi. Infect, this is the only department which Mr. Kejriwal holds and this department has completely failed to provide clean and safe drinking water to Delhi. Most illegal colonies of Delhi are still supplied by water tanker mafia of AAP members and they face acute water shortage during summer months. But even these residents of illegal colonies are paying higher taxes on petrol/diesel/ liquor. The water supply situation in Dwarka has been solved due to Munak canal built by BJP central Govt.
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Free Travel for Women- In 2014, DTC had over 6200 buses which have now reduced to below 3500 buses. AAP has systematically dismantled the public transport to give benefits to Ola, Uber and other means of transport. They have allowed residents of Delhi to be looted by these aggregators. The latest ploy of giving free travel to women of Delhi means that DTC will go under more losses as they are already losing over 3crores every day. Every bus has a maximum of 25% women travellers and majority of them are working women who can pay for their travel and are also entitled travel allowance from their employers which is not taxed as part of income. Yet AAP has decided to give them subsidy. Women of Delhi do not know that for every woman who travels free, three women will have lesser money to run their kitchen as this money will come from increased taxes only.
Transport Scam- In the very first budget, AAP had announced induction of 3000 buses for DTC but till date they have not inducted even one thousand buses. They had money but did nothing to improve the public transport resulting in problems for daily commuters, increased reliance on private vehicles and increase in pollution in Delhi. But it has given more revenue due to increased fuel consumption by use of private vehicles. Subsidy should be given to only those who are poor, weak and deserve support. Why should those who are capable and have means, be given subsidy.
Pollution Control- AAP has spent a very large amount of tax payers money in promoting itself not just in Delhi but all across India. They recently claimed credit for reducing pollution in Delhi thru large advertisements in print and TV, but the truth is that it is the BJP Govt at centre which is responsible for reducing pollution in Delhi. The increased availability of electricity has resulted in disuse of diesel Generators, the building of peripheral roads to make over 50 thousand trucks bypass Delhi everyday and sprinkling of roads by MCDs controlled by BJP has resulted in reducing the pollution in Delhi. But like always AAP is claiming credit while the truth is that they did not spend even a single penny from over 2000 crores collected from trucks entering Delhi as pollution tax. So much so that they have refused to pay their share of 3300 crores in building the peripheral roads around Delhi. All that they have done is to do Odd-Even scheme on Delhi to trouble the residents of Delhi. Nearly all the so-called volunteers hired during the Odd-Even scheme were AAP members and the amount of money spent on advertisement was from the pockets of the residents of Delhi.
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Education Reforms- One of the biggest lies spread by AAP is that they have improved the education system of Delhi. But the truth is far from it. They have not opened a single new school and only added class rooms to existing schools that too at exorbitant cost which clearly smells of a huge scandal. AAP has not hired new teachers and have not given permanent employment to the adhoc teachers. AAP claims to have increased the pass percentage of children in 12th class but the truth is that they are failing weaker students in 9th, 10th and 11th class. The number of students dropping out of schools in Delhi has increased under AAP government. AAP claims to have the largest budget for education but what they will never tell is that over 60% of that has remained unspent.
Surplus Budget- AAP claims credit that even CAG has lauded them for having surplus budget. But the truth is that CAG has actually indicted them for having excessive fund allotment to various schemes and poor planning. If a govt has excess of funds, the better way is to reduce taxes to give comfort to everyone instead of retaining them to loot them thru corruption. Why has AAP not released the funds to central govt and MCDs if they had excess and surplus budget. What prevented them from inducting new buses or paying salaries to safaikaramcharies, or building new hospitals or schools? The condition of flyovers and roads under Delhi govt is worst. They have neither improved the infrastructure of Delhi nor maintained it. The pollution in Yamuna is being reduced only by the efforts of Central Govt. AAP has only looted the money earmarked for cleaning Yamuna.
MCDs-If BJP comes to power, the three MCDs will be merged to a single MCD to reduce administrative costs. The money thus saved will be used to hire more safaikaramcharis, Teachers, Doctors and improve the infrastructure to give better roads to people of Delhi.
PDS- BJP had tried to simplify and improve the PDS in Delhi to stop corruption and save the loot of rations by making it mandatory to use POS machines. But AAP has opposed this move as they are hand in glove the looters of PDS rations. They did not let this be implemented in Delhi. They stopped the pension of senior citizens which was a big support to senior citizens and helped by direct transfer of money to their accounts. BJP will restore this pension if voted to power in Delhi.
AAP govt has stood with those who are holding Delhi hostage. The violence in Seelampuri, Jamia and protests in Shaheen baug were supported by the AAP govt. They have withheld permission to prosecute Kanhaiya Kumar and they incited people to attack Delhi police and destruction of public and private property in Delhi in anti CAA protests. People of Delhi have to choose between lower taxes or muftkee raibadian, between good governance or anarchy, between Jihadis or DeshBhakts, between tukde tukde gang or sashakt Bharat, between anarchist Kejriwal or someone with dridh naitritva like Yogiji as the CM of Delhi.
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Who do you think is going to win Delhi? @vstol Jockey
What I have posted above is what I sent to the topmost brass of Delhi. As per my information these points will be taken up by Modiji after 02 Feb when he starts his campaign.
BJP needs to break the narrative of freebies by AAP which I have mentioned in my first post. as of now I will call it 50:50 situation. BjP needs to change the campaign and make it a contest to what I wrote in the end. Nation or Freebies.
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Education Reforms- One of the biggest lies spread by AAP is that they have improved the education system of Delhi. But the truth is far from it. They have not opened a single new school and only added class rooms to existing schools that too at exorbitant cost which clearly smells of a huge scandal. AAP has not hired new teachers and have not given permanent employment to the adhoc teachers. AAP claims to have increased the pass percentage of children in 12th class but the truth is that they are failing weaker students in 9th, 10th and 11th class. The number of students dropping out of schools in Delhi has increased under AAP government. AAP claims to have the largest budget for education but what they will never tell is that over 60% of that has remained unspent.
Surplus Budget- AAP claims credit that even CAG has lauded them for having surplus budget. But the truth is that CAG has actually indicted them for having excessive fund allotment to various schemes and poor planning. If a govt has excess of funds, the better way is to reduce taxes to give comfort to everyone instead of retaining them to loot them thru corruption. Why has AAP not released the funds to central govt and MCDs if they had excess and surplus budget. What prevented them from inducting new buses or paying salaries to safaikaramcharies, or building new hospitals or schools? The condition of flyovers and roads under Delhi govt is worst. They have neither improved the infrastructure of Delhi nor maintained it. The pollution in Yamuna is being reduced only by the efforts of Central Govt. AAP has only looted the money earmarked for cleaning Yamuna.
MCDs-If BJP comes to power, the three MCDs will be merged to a single MCD to reduce administrative costs. The money thus saved will be used to hire more safaikaramcharis, Teachers, Doctors and improve the infrastructure to give better roads to people of Delhi.
PDS- BJP had tried to simplify and improve the PDS in Delhi to stop corruption and save the loot of rations by making it mandatory to use POS machines. But AAP has opposed this move as they are hand in glove the looters of PDS rations. They did not let this be implemented in Delhi. They stopped the pension of senior citizens which was a big support to senior citizens and helped by direct transfer of money to their accounts. BJP will restore this pension if voted to power in Delhi.
AAP govt has stood with those who are holding Delhi hostage. The violence in Seelampuri, Jamia and protests in Shaheen baug were supported by the AAP govt. They have withheld permission to prosecute Kanhaiya Kumar and they incited people to attack Delhi police and destruction of public and private property in Delhi in anti CAA protests. People of Delhi have to choose between lower taxes or muftkee raibadian, between good governance or anarchy, between Jihadis or DeshBhakts, between tukde tukde gang or sashakt Bharat, between anarchist Kejriwal or someone with dridh naitritva like Yogiji as the CM of Delhi.

arrey sahab. This is the condition now days at rajpath while celebrating 26th Jan in New Delhi. Looks like there is no budget for Delhi. I have personally never seen such untidy roads during republic day. Things used to get washed and painted. Rajpath used to shine.
Please pass on these photographs to responsible authorities.

Every thing is tolerated, but this can't be tolerated. It is a shame! I am tagging you here because you are a veteran. @Falcon as well. That too in the capital.

Who ever wins delhi elections hardly does anything. No doubt there was a corruption but during Sheila Dixit's time or when Delhi was UT everything used to be tip top! This is beyond limit now.

AS, JS, Dir, Col, Major who ever was responsible in MOD for this event, along with ranks in CPWD , they all should be rusticated. And Rajnath Singh must be held responsible.

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arrey sahab. This is the condition now days at rajpath while celebrating 26th Jan in New Delhi. Looks like there is no budget for Delhi. I have personally never seen such untidy roads during republic day. Things used to get washed and painted. Rajpath used to shine.
Please pass on these photographs to responsible authorities.

Every thing is tolerated, but this can't be tolerated. It is a shame! I am tagging you here because you are a veteran. @Falcon as well. That too in the capital.

Who ever wins delhi elections hardly does anything. No doubt there was a corruption but during Sheila Dixit's time or when Delhi was UT everything used to be tip top! This is beyond limit now.

AS, JS, Dir, Col, Major who ever was responsible in MOD for this event, along with ranks in CPWD , they all should be rusticated. And Rajnath Singh must be held responsible.

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condition of roads and flyovers in Delhi is pathetic. AAP thinks that free water and subsidised electricity is sufficient to make them win again. But that is true also. Delhi has a very poppulation of migrants and they come mainly from states like Bihar and East UP. These guys can be bought easily for few bucks/subsidies.
For BJP to win these elections it is very important that congress becomes strong and gets atleast 20% votes. But it seems a repeat of 2015 elections as there is a tacit understanding between congress and AAP. Congress is in the game just for namesake.
condition of roads and flyovers in Delhi is pathetic. AAP thinks that free water and subsidised electricity is sufficient to make them win again. But that is true also. Delhi has a very poppulation of migrants and they come mainly from states like Bihar and East UP. These guys can be bought easily for few bucks/subsidies.
For BJP to win these elections it is very important that congress becomes strong and gets atleast 20% votes. But it seems a repeat of 2015 elections as there is a tacit understanding between congress and AAP. Congress is in the game just for namesake.

But sir, AAP does not control the Lutyns and NDMC area. At least on 26th Jan they should have considered doing something. I seriously wish that Delhi Becomes UT again. It's a capital and should be under one government who ever is in center. But please do me a favour send those photos to people in MOD. Thanks :)
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What I have posted above is what I sent to the topmost brass of Delhi. As per my information these points will be taken up by Modiji after 02 Feb when he starts his campaign.
BJP needs to break the narrative of freebies by AAP which I have mentioned in my first post. as of now I will call it 50:50 situation. BjP needs to change the campaign and make it a contest to what I wrote in the end. Nation or Freebies.

Can you sent me a private message on how to mail to top brass in Delhi?? And what to include to be taken seriously? Please.
But sir, AAP does not control the Lutyns and NDMC area. At least on 26th Jan they should have considered doing something. I seriously wish that Delhi Becomes UT again. It's a capital and should be under one government who ever is in center. But please do me a favour send those photos to people in MOD. Thanks :)
Can you sent me a private message on how to mail to top brass in Delhi?? And what to include to be taken seriously? Please.
I do not send emails to them. I have my direct contacts with them. Regarding the roads in delhi, We have four different agencies dealing with roads in Delhi. The highways are under NHAI. The main roads of Delhi are under Delhi PWD which comes under AAP. colony roads under MCD and roads within the colonies being developed by DDA are under DDA till they are handed over to MCD. NDMC area has very few flyovers and they are well maintained. Infect the NDMC roads are best maintained and NDMC comes under center. The main roads like ring road etc come under AAP and they have the largest number of flyovers. They are in very poor state. The roads under MCD are also in bad state as they are frequently dug up for laying or reparing new gas/water/electrical lines. RAJPATH comes under NDMC. It is very well maintained. The water marks shown by you are due to the water sprayed on the sides to prevent blowing of dust.
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I do not send emails to them. I have my direct contacts with them. Regarding the roads in delhi, We have four different agencies dealing with roads in Delhi. The highways are under NHAI. The main roads of Delhi are under Delhi PWD which comes under AAP. colony roads under MCD and roads within the colonies being developed by DDA are under DDA till they are handed over to MCD. NDMC area has very few flyovers and they are well maintained. Infect the NDMC roads are best maintained and NDMC comes under center. The main roads like ring road etc come under AAP and they have the largest number of flyovers. They are in very poor state. The roads under MCD are also in bad state as they are frequently dug up for laying or reparing new gas/water/electrical lines. RAJPATH comes under NDMC. It is very well maintained. The water marks shown by you are due to the water sprayed on the sides to prevent blowing of dust.
I wonder why they can’t get rid of the soil on the side and make the paved road end to end !!
Why no BJP CM candidate for Delhi... ? Any idea..? Is over reliance on Modi.. and Shah's over centralized approach, harming BJP in state elections...
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Why no BJP CM candidate for Delhi... ? Any idea..? Is over reliance on Modi.. and Shah's over centralized approach, harming BJP in state elections...
Yes. They projected Fadnavis as CM , won the majority in Maharashtra. Center and state politics are miles apart. People aint dumb as we believe.
At state level they care about local issue , no gives a shit about Kashmir , 370 , Pak or refugees.
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