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Our defense will be the usual F. Off. They need us until they are in Afghanistan and we know that.
ok. what do you think they will do in return? possible cancellation of all spares? possible sanctions for anyone giving you f-16 spares? is that possible - if - hypothetically its proven that you guys used the f-16's where you were explicitly prohibited to be used?
you have 45 f-16's in use currently.
Do you think our Mig-21s fired R-77s, and they all missed?

That is a very difficult question to answer as information will not be available off hand.

But I highly doubt it. The IAF had aircrafts vectoring in about the same time the PAF was approaching LC. Would not make sense to fire a BVRAAM as distances were well within the envelope of WVRAAM and a mark being hit beyond the 10 km zone on their side would have been an aggression on our part.
I can buy it in a few hours by driving to London and visiting a dealer
Then board a plane and 8 hours later I will be in India. Total time less than 20 hours.

So you really believe that we searched ebay to find parts so that we can build a new F-16 from ebay?
This is the most stupid argument I have ever heard.

AIM-120C also has a self destruct mechanism wherein an armed missile will explode in near proximity to a target at the fag end of its range if it does not find the target.
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They cited one lost AIM120C in Europe which entire NATO had searched for long but could not find it.

Is it a reference to this? There are two main reasons why the situation is different.
1. It was shot over a training range, so it was lost in the wilderness.
2. It was assumed the missile self-destroyed in flight, so its debris would have scattered over a wide area, but they searched for it just in case it didn't, as a safety measure.
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You will still need those damn F-16s 15 years from now given how your economy is going. They will not need you anymore then.
Bhai jii , nothing is forever and there is an end. But to adopt and survive is the key.
In 1857 my great grand dad declared jihad against the British and got killed. Then his grandson, my grand dad was a captain in British army and fought the Japanese for the British in Burma.
Point being, there is no such thing as friends forever or foes forever. Times change and so do the needs.
There will always be new friends and new foes.
Anyway I am now more interested in PSL than this India Pakistan war which has for now ended.
Until next time I will be watching cricket.
to my info most likely there were two PAF aircrafts at med altitude playing bait, while three PAF A/c's at high altitude loiter were waiting for the ambush. On Indian side, two mig21's were doing a low altitude interception of the bait while they were being locked by three High Alt MKI CAP.
Bisons have the ability to work well with either MKI's or Mig29's playing low alt interceptors while MKI/Mig29's run Air Sup CAP, what is perplexing is why MKI's did not engage R77AE or R27's across the LOC.

this is my take:
SU's locked, but dint take action when they saw the PAF aircraft leaving Indian side. the Mig pilot couldnt control the urge to take the shot. It was never India's intention to engage with Pak Army/AF - we were only interested in hitting the terror network.
Pak took the attack on the terror network as an attack on themselves.

The aircraft were likely too far. Receding targets are harder to chase.
think how badly we were laughing when you showed the ebay links? we knew you guys would bring that up.. which is why posted that message - that you guys will bring up the ebay or alibaba or something.

Listen, lets really talk sensibly - I am not even going to bait you. you believe your ISPR does no wrong. Correct? and hence that is your basis to believe that the Indian airforce spokesperson faked the AMRAAM missile. right?

Lets looks at the Indian point of view - we believe our armed forces and dont believe the ISPR. right? so obviously for us, you guys are faking. no amount of chest thumping in defense forums is going to change that.
there are enough number of people on your side as well as ours doubting their own armed forces. but one way or the other, the truth will come out.

case in point: many PA soldiers getting recognition for Kargil a good 10 years later.

The clown here doesn't realise more than the actual missile casing, it's really the other stuff shown in the presser from the AIM-120 where the US (as seen fit by India) will be/already are being roped in and given information on.

No you cannot buy that stuff on ebay.
Bhai jii , nothing is forever and there is an end. But to adopt and survive is the key.
In 1857 my great grand dad declared jihad against the British and got killed. Then his grandson, my grand dad was a captain in British army and fought the Japanese for the British in Burma.
Point being, there is no such thing as friends forever or foes forever. Times change and so do the needs.
There will always be new friends and new foes.
Anyway I am now more interested in PSL than this India Pakistan war which has for now ended.
Until next time I will be watching cricket.
Ofcourse keep on hoping. Sure as hell nothing is permanent. That said there are things which are fragile, then there are things that are robust and lastly there are thing that are 'anti-fragile'. Pakistan is fragile as hell and will collapse with a very gentle push from India.

Our goal, as someone here much wiser than me has commented, is to enable every Pakistani destroy Pakistan because you folks are your own worst enemy. Inshallah we will win! Ameen!

Till then enjoy PSL. Even if you are the only one in the stadium..
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Bhai jii , nothing is forever and there is an end. But to adopt and survive is the key.
In 1857 my great grand dad declared jihad against the British and got killed. Then his grandson, my grand dad was a captain in British army and fought the Japanese for the British in Burma.
Point being, there is no such thing as friends forever or foes forever. Times change and so do the needs.
There will always be new friends and new foes.
Anyway I am now more interested in PSL than this India Pakistan war which has for now ended.
Until next time I will be watching cricket.
OT, but your Great Grand Dad's grandson is your father, not your grand dad, skipped a gen there mate.
I can buy it in a few hours by driving to London and visiting a dealer
Then board a plane and 8 hours later I will be in India. Total time less than 20 hours.
Mate, lets have sensible discussion lets not take it the desi way. I know nothing prevents you from saying that mangled piece of metal was 3D printed!
ok. what do you think they will do in return? possible cancellation of all spares? possible sanctions for anyone giving you f-16 spares? is that possible - if - hypothetically its proven that you guys used the f-16's where you were explicitly prohibited to be used?
you have 45 f-16's in use currently.

76-1 :D
our spokesperson said:
1) we hit targets in Balakot (KPK) - you guys agreed we hit KPK but not the targets we said we did (so we did attack Pakistan and not the disputed area both agree)
2) Your complete airspace was shut down for a few days, and Lahore airport was shut down for even longer. Amritsar airport was shut down for a few hours
3) Your last ISPR call says you had one pilot that you returned. so that puts out casualties at 0.

these three we can agree that are common between both accounts - if we keep aside the fanboy stuff?
Ofcourse keep on hoping. Sure as hell nothing is permanent. That said there are things which are fragile, then there are things that are robust and lastly there are thing that are 'anti-fragile'. Pakistan is fragile as hell and will collapse with a very gentle push from India.

Our goal, as someone here much wiser than me has commented, is to enable every Pakistani destroy Pakistan because you folks are your own worst enemy. Inshallah we will win! Ameen!

Till then enjoy PSL. Even if you are the only one in the stadium..
View attachment 4676

We get more attendance in Ranji Tropy matches than this failed league 🤣🤣🤣
In the present case, IAF was involved in what was publicly and diplomatically declared as an anti-terror strike on targets of JeM. In response, PAF was found to be violating the LC (technical itself is a violation). That does not qualify as a defensive operation by any stretch of imagination, and that is one reason why India has chosen not to respond immediately to this act of aggression. Pakistan, in its frenzy, dug itself in a hole.
I am damn sure they will defend saying that missile was fired in self-defence. They will repeat it endlessly and claim high moral ground, reasoning & logic be damned.

They can. But will they? That is where the diplomatic initiatives come into place. It will be very foolish of a country like Saudi Arabia to take a military position against India in terms of military supplies to Pakistan. One needs to be very clear on that front. Two can tango and India is no more averse to flexing it's proverbial muscle now.
yes ,why not? SA is finding that its dependence on US is holding back on achieving its objectives , remember the khashoggi episode. They want to go full hog on yemen war, the SA prince will not hesitate to kick the bucket if it gives them an edge on Iran. SA will break the rules and will try to appease the west with more contracts.

India just gives a good economic reason while Pakistan provides more than that. Pakistan's nuke & proximity to create trouble for Iran is good enough reason for them to do it. Not to mention they also provide men for SA to fight war in yemen. What is that best India can do if SA supplies Pakistan with fighter jets? Literally nothing other than scaling down our relations after some protest.
2) Your complete airspace was shut down for a few days, and Lahore airport was shut down for even longer. Amritsar airport was shut down for a few hours

They are still routing even international overflights in their western corridor still (and most affected airlines still simply prefer the arabian sea corridor + India)...and only select aircraft are allowed to deviate to land in Lahore on schedules routes.

According to Dawn, Lahore will only be back to normal 5 days from now:

Flights partially resume at Lahore airport - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

The notice said that flight operations at Lahore are expected to resume completely by March 8, 11:59pm (GMT).
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what will be a win for India? ANY OF THE FOLLOWING
1) Masood Azhar caught/put on terrorist list/tried or dead (any of this)
2) LeT,JeM and the likes get international "Attention" in getting cornered and destroyed
3) China unable to stop Hafiz saeed/Masood Azhar from being in the terrorist link

Icing on the cake - but not necessarily important for long term goals:
1) Showing f-16 was downed by IAF by a MiG
2) Getting US to take action against Pak for using F-16s without approvals

the sad part is: none of the above mean a "loss" for pakistan. and you guys still want to fight it out, close your airspace, destroy your economy, sell yourselves to the chinese, the americans, the turks whoever you can get.

but in your blind requirement in "supporting Kashmir with political and moral routes" what has Pakistan become? what is the value in continuing this?
it took posturing of the IN and IA to close your airspace - read again - just "posturing".

you know what flights were going into Amritsar during that time? flights from goa, kerala etc. thats right - people were even partying or holidaying while you guys closed your airspace and even essential services couldnt get through the air.

when you said to OIC "choose India or Pak" - they chose India!
and none of this required you to hand over any of Pakistan land or hurt Pakistan forces or civilians. all because you want to protect Hafiz Saeed, Masod Azhar etc, you closed your airspace for almost a week. What are your priorities? essential services to your countrymen, getting your economy back? or losing all of that to support deranged jihadis who can hit you back and create Lal Masjid type scenarios?
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