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F-16's signatures were recorded over period of time. That is why, the jammers were effective. Please take a cursory read on what jammers are and how they work, including how to beat them.
We had done lot of exercises with Singapore AF which has lot of F-16s of the same variant as PAF. Plus the jammers are from Israel who have second largest fleet of F-16s.
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Nothing cryptic. You are trying to find meaning to what I am merely observing. Observation on the caliber of weapons and what effect they have.

We are not escalating, please. Be very clear, we always de-escalate. With overwhelming fire. We dominate LC in majority of places, save a couple here and there. The aim is to keep their military under pressure, because if they remain under pressure, we can work with GoP. GoP gets to do what it needs to. Without the sustained military pressure, diplomatic efforts will not yield results.

Please understand that while we tend to portray PA as a bunch of buffoons, they are not. Even they know that longer this plays out, the more serious the country gets into trouble.

While pointing out this aspect of imposing economic costs by sustained rates of military engagements along with a military pressure to a Pakistani member elsewhere, he was quick to counter with underlying the ability of Pakistani military to continuously match the military response. So far, so good. That is what we want, because there always will come a time, every second week or so, when supplementary budgetary support will be needed for sustaining those operations.

There are reports of civil trucks being commandeered to move troops over a span of couple of days. What is the cost? Is the cost limited merely to an increased military expenditure as the Armed Forces will be paying for those services or will it include the economic cost aggravated by sudden vacuum of civil transport for a couple of days, which shall see a dip in exchange of goods and services?

Till how long can budgetary support be sustained without tanking the economy? Yes, Pakistan Army can sustain the tempo of operations. Indeed, it was the response I was looking for, hoping to hear and wish to hear in future too.

Army is all good and fine till as such time economy is manageable, once it is not, the country becomes open to lot of problems, starting with becoming the fallguy for others with vested interest and influence. Also, in the present times, once the economy tanks, and with the persistence of fundamentalists in their society, how long before you have the perfect conditions wherein the religious extremists will take on Pakistani Government itself? It has already happened twice recently, with the TLP. That is what I meant when I said, we will fight Pakistan till the last Pakistani. We do not need to fight. They will screw themselves up.

Everything has a cost.
One of the most satisfying post. (y)

2. Attack on Pakistani payment and settlement systems to steal funds from them.
You do know any transaction leaves a paper trail and in international system a nation can not "steal" from other, if you use individuals they will be targeted. You just can't take away funds even in smaller amount without exposing yourself or getting caught. Bad suggestion.

Better suggestion is to target banking system with Denial of Service (DoS) attack or DDoS attacks but they too can be prevented but at higher cost and not without outage most of the times.

4. One major Pakistani export is Rice. Disrupt Pakistan's rice crops by denying them precious water during the critical period of peddy planting. Invest in research for developing poison resistant insects that can destroy their peddy crops
This is frankly one of the worst suggestions again, if you somehow genetically engineer such insects you should know that they can't be geographically contained and that epidemic will destroy your agriculture way more than that of a failing country.

Careful what you wish for.
Lots of people here talking about dismemberment of PA,taking multan and so on.I can assure you no one has the political will for a large scale ground war.Its not going to happen.We need to reconfigure our army.Reduce numbers,increase technology investment,move it away from a large conventional army to an army more similar to what the russians are now fielding(at least in the western front,china front can stay conventional ). Move to brigade structure each with integral electronic warfare assets,drones at platoon level,drones assigned to artillery batteries,particularly MBRLs.Reduce the total number of armour ,but improve the quality of actual armour formations.Strike corps are right now dead weight,they have no value as there won't be a large war.Dismantle one strike corps and transfer assets to the truncated mountain strike corps on china border.The other one can stay as a reserve.

In the west we need to become a siege type army,which means huge emphasis on intelligence gathering/targeting solutions and massive firepower options for cross border exchanges.This is where we need to bleed pakistan hard.ISTAR aircraft coming from USA is a great development.Need drones at frontline infantry platoon and artillery unit level.Need large numbers of integral snipers at LOC.And bulletproof jackets that can stop ak-47 bullets finally arriving from july this year to reduce casualities in COIN warfare.

Need to increase airforce investment substantially,even cutting back on army a bit.Just heard we can't forward deploy su-30mkis because of lack of sufficient sized blast pens in JK. Will need 3 years.Eastern theatre tender for 2000 pd bomb resistant new gen shelters is a great development which was need to counter the expected barrage of chinese cruise and SRBMs in a conflict on airbases.

By end of 2022 we will have gained decisive superiority over the pakistanis.
We will have - new rifles and bulletproof gear.
New thermal vision gear for infantry.
Hundreds of new 155mm heavy artillery guns.
Lots of latest sniper rifles,and by that time experienced snipers as well.
ISTAR aircraft(hopefully)
Rafales with meteor.
LCA replacing mig-21s in point defence roles in a few frontline squadrons.
ASRAAM widespread across the fleet.With its huge range and superb performance ASRAAM is almost a bvr,probably the 2nd best close in killer missile in the world atm .
Several more latest ships with barak-8 cover .
Another aircraft carrier with latest sensors.
Several scorpenes deployed.
Hopefully more operational ASW helicopters.
Brahmos -2 and Nirbhay.
MRSAM regiments deployed in full in army and airforce having replaced pechoras.
S-400 big boy deployed.Probably the biggest game changer.

So sit tight and keep bleeding the PA with no let up.Time is our ally.They are screwed economically and can't keep up.Cant reform due to jihadi compulsions,army expenditure and ownership of 1/3rd the economy.

We need man power intensive army
Simply because Pakistan has Millions
Of Armed Men , armed with AK 47 and RPGs
And IEDs, other than the Regular Army

Our civilians cant even hold a pistol

If we have smaller numbers our Army
Would be overwhelmed by Fatigue

And the Barbarians would reach Delhi
nice, would love to read more about it, can you post a link. thats quite a big number, i usually get confused in lakhs and crors, so help me with this. One lakh crore, i.e lakh= 100000, crore = 1000000 i.e. Rs 1000000000000 ; / 70 i.e usd 14,285,714,285.71429 i.e 14 billion dollars of Ammunition? (if I have my zeroes correct)
Chronological Order :
Feb 2017 - To keep forces fighting fit, India inks Rs 20,000-crore urgent arms deal: Report
July 2017 - Centre approves Rs 40,000 crore for Army to directly buy weapons for ‘short and intense war’
Dec 2017 - Army closes ammunition deals worth Rs 11K crore
May 2018 - Army finalises Rs 15,000-crore ammunition production project
You have correct zeroes it does not matter if we have invented it.
You do know any transaction leaves a paper trail and in international system a nation can not "steal" from other, if you use individuals they will be targeted. You just can't take away funds even in smaller amount without exposing yourself or getting caught. Bad suggestion.

Better suggestion is to target banking system with Denial of Service (DoS) attack or DDoS attacks but they too can be prevented but at higher cost and not without outage most of the times.
Oh you can... Look at this :
North Korean Hackers Have Raked in $670 Million Via Cyberattacks
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Lots of people here talking about dismemberment of PA,taking multan and so on.I can assure you no one has the political will for a large scale ground war.Its not going to happen.We need to reconfigure our army.Reduce numbers,increase technology investment,move it away from a large conventional army to an army more similar to what the russians are now fielding(at least in the western front,china front can stay conventional ). Move to brigade structure each with integral electronic warfare assets,drones at platoon level,drones assigned to artillery batteries,particularly MBRLs.Reduce the total number of armour ,but improve the quality of actual armour formations.Strike corps are right now dead weight,they have no value as there won't be a large war.Dismantle one strike corps and transfer assets to the truncated mountain strike corps on china border.The other one can stay as a reserve.

In the west we need to become a siege type army,which means huge emphasis on intelligence gathering/targeting solutions and massive firepower options for cross border exchanges.This is where we need to bleed pakistan hard.ISTAR aircraft coming from USA is a great development.Need drones at frontline infantry platoon and artillery unit level.Need large numbers of integral snipers at LOC.And bulletproof jackets that can stop ak-47 bullets finally arriving from july this year to reduce casualities in COIN warfare.

Need to increase airforce investment substantially,even cutting back on army a bit.Just heard we can't forward deploy su-30mkis because of lack of sufficient sized blast pens in JK. Will need 3 years.Eastern theatre tender for 2000 pd bomb resistant new gen shelters is a great development which was need to counter the expected barrage of chinese cruise and SRBMs in a conflict on airbases.

By end of 2022 we will have gained decisive superiority over the pakistanis.
We will have - new rifles and bulletproof gear.
New thermal vision gear for infantry.
Hundreds of new 155mm heavy artillery guns.
Lots of latest sniper rifles,and by that time experienced snipers as well.
ISTAR aircraft(hopefully)
Rafales with meteor.
LCA replacing mig-21s in point defence roles in a few frontline squadrons.
ASRAAM widespread across the fleet.With its huge range and superb performance ASRAAM is almost a bvr,probably the 2nd best close in killer missile in the world atm .
Several more latest ships with barak-8 cover .
Another aircraft carrier with latest sensors.
Several scorpenes deployed.
Hopefully more operational ASW helicopters.
Brahmos -2 and Nirbhay.
MRSAM regiments deployed in full in army and airforce having replaced pechoras.
S-400 big boy deployed.Probably the biggest game changer.

So sit tight and keep bleeding the PA with no let up.Time is our ally.They are screwed economically and can't keep up.Cant reform due to jihadi compulsions,army expenditure and ownership of 1/3rd the economy.

Modernisation and Increase in Fire power Ratios and Capabilities have to be balanced with Men ie Boots on the Ground

US has the Best technology and Fire power

Yet they could not hold on to Iraq and Afghanistan simply because they were
If you notice the area right from south Ferozepur district to Rann of Kutch, you shall be able to appreciate a highly tankable countryside. Yes the area has an excellent network of roads and rail as also well connected by airfields for forces's use, and is also largely aerable land now. But most important is that the area is tankable. And that allows maneuver to be undertaken. The same flexibility is not there north of the area.

So, one can switch forces continuously at short notices, sending whole brigades 100s of kilometers just because you feel like. Imagine the headache for the other side, when you see superior numbers congregate at one point, disperse and then reform at another.

Also correlate with the fact that this month on till May, number of units moving from peace time to exercise location will increase, as part of the planned and budgeted move.

So yeah, it's great for armoured advances. It's no surprise that we have 2 armoured divisions, 2 armoured brigades and 4 RAPIDs in the region.

Where then, Jacobabad instead? Fiction? Or you won't say?
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This is frankly one of the worst suggestions again, if you somehow genetically engineer such insects you should know that they can't be geographically contained and that epidemic will destroy your agriculture way more than that of a failing country.
You do know about Roundup Ready from Monsanto? Its a variety of crops resistant to glyphosate anti-weeds. You can also breed insect that are vulnerable to specific conditions and/or chemicals. So you can later control it if it hits you.
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Lots of people here talking about dismemberment of PA,taking multan and so on.I can assure you no one has the political will for a large scale ground war.Its not going to happen.We need to reconfigure our army.Reduce numbers,increase technology investment,move it away from a large conventional army to an army more similar to what the russians are now fielding(at least in the western front,china front can stay conventional ). Move to brigade structure each with integral electronic warfare assets,drones at platoon level,drones assigned to artillery batteries,particularly MBRLs.Reduce the total number of armour ,but improve the quality of actual armour formations.Strike corps are right now dead weight,they have no value as there won't be a large war.Dismantle one strike corps and transfer assets to the truncated mountain strike corps on china border.The other one can stay as a reserve.

In the west we need to become a siege type army,which means huge emphasis on intelligence gathering/targeting solutions and massive firepower options for cross border exchanges.This is where we need to bleed pakistan hard.ISTAR aircraft coming from USA is a great development.Need drones at frontline infantry platoon and artillery unit level.Need large numbers of integral snipers at LOC.And bulletproof jackets that can stop ak-47 bullets finally arriving from july this year to reduce casualities in COIN warfare.

Need to increase airforce investment substantially,even cutting back on army a bit.Just heard we can't forward deploy su-30mkis because of lack of sufficient sized blast pens in JK. Will need 3 years.Eastern theatre tender for 2000 pd bomb resistant new gen shelters is a great development which was need to counter the expected barrage of chinese cruise and SRBMs in a conflict on airbases.

By end of 2022 we will have gained decisive superiority over the pakistanis.
We will have - new rifles and bulletproof gear.
New thermal vision gear for infantry.
Hundreds of new 155mm heavy artillery guns.
Lots of latest sniper rifles,and by that time experienced snipers as well.
ISTAR aircraft(hopefully)
Rafales with meteor.
LCA replacing mig-21s in point defence roles in a few frontline squadrons.
ASRAAM widespread across the fleet.With its huge range and superb performance ASRAAM is almost a bvr,probably the 2nd best close in killer missile in the world atm .
Several more latest ships with barak-8 cover .
Another aircraft carrier with latest sensors.
Several scorpenes deployed.
Hopefully more operational ASW helicopters.
Brahmos -2 and Nirbhay.
MRSAM regiments deployed in full in army and airforce having replaced pechoras.
S-400 big boy deployed.Probably the biggest game changer.

So sit tight and keep bleeding the PA with no let up.Time is our ally.They are screwed economically and can't keep up.Cant reform due to jihadi compulsions,army expenditure and ownership of 1/3rd the economy.

With the exception of dismantling the SC, I've been saying the same thing since the beginning.

We have no need to fight a war to bend Pak.
So yeah, it's great for armoured advances. It's no surprise that we have 2 armoured divisions, 2 armoured brigades and 4 RAPIDs in the region.

Where then, Jacobabad instead? Fiction? Or you won't say?

The Block 52s are kept at Jacobabad
Along with US agents/ personnel

If they transfer the planes to another base
What happens to American personnel

We have no need to fight a war to bend Pak.

If you think Economic Growth and Gap alone will make the Pakistanis pliable , that is not going to happen

I read a book review on Pakistan
long time back , dont remember the name
Of the book

There was a quote by an ISI officer
Regarding Indian Economic successes

This was said after 26/ 11

He said and I quote

The More Indians grow , the More Targets
We Have ie for terror attacks

Pakistanis will have to be Fought and Hurt
Badly to force a change in their behavior

Shiny New Toys alone cannot deter them
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I knew someone is going to quote this as this was the probably the only example I was able to think that was somewhat relevant. Well we are not North Korea and we really don't to be one in animosity of Pakistan. Most of this money was in crypto currency that is very volatile and can become junk before the end of day.

Anyway you may want to search countries on FATF Blacklist, you will find North Korea sitting there comfortably. For few million or probably billions we will face loses into trillions once we reach there and world start treating our exports, our workers and our services as pariah. You really don't wanna go down that road.

How much we are integrated to world finical system and particularly with US can be guaged if you follow Noida Police twitter handle. Few years ago a friend of mine was working in a BPO he told me about his modus operandi, how those guys made bank by using unfair means. They basically cold call US customers, offer a free scan of computer while taking their computer on remote. Then they run some dos commands to make it like some nerdy thing and then type themselves 30 virus found. Since the computer was on remote the owner had no idea that it was entered manually. Then they offer to remove that virus for $100 USD or so.

Call centers like that were increasing everyday and with even sinister ways to scam Westerners and they were all able to get away with it but not from last 3-4 years. Noida police has virtually become FBI's local PD. The speed with which these fraudsters are nabbed is amazing, you defraud a user in US one day and in a week your call center employees and you will be jail in Noida.

This is the level of integration we have achieved to keep integrity of our service industry, god forbid if we even come in a same sentence with North Korea.
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You do know about Roundup Ready from Monsanto? Its a variety of crops resistant to glyphosate anti-weeds. You can also breed insect that are vulnerable to specific conditions and/or chemicals. So you can later control it if it hits you.

Punjab plains of Pakistan and India and then Haryana, UP till Bihar all these states have same planes, same alluvial soil and almost identical climatic condition, anything affecting them will affect us too. Our farmers are not super rich to buy expensive breeds that are resistant to a particular insect. They don't even buy high yielding varieties that are barely expensive and use the last year leftovers as seeds for most crops. Why would you wanna send those poor souls in abject poverty to destroy agriculture of Pakistan.

Also not to mention our ability to engineer any such predatory insects and then to find cure for it. We cannot even get proper export quality fruits or vegetables or other crops due to quality concerns, better improve them instead of waging suicidal jihad on Pakistani crops.

There are better ways to do it, mostly by using dams as Pakistan is rain deficient country, it makes them heavily reliable on rivers, rivers that we can choke. Introduction of predatory species will surely doom the entire subcontinent.
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Punjab plains of Pakistan and India and then Haryana, UP till Bihar all these states have same planes, same alluvial soil and almost identical climatic condition, anything affecting them will affect us too. Our farmers are not super rich to buy expensive breeds that are resistant to a particular insect. They don't even buy high yielding varieties that are barely expensive and use the last year leftovers as seeds for most crops. Why would you wanna send those poor souls in abject poverty to destroy agriculture of Pakistan.

Also not to mention our ability to engineer any such predatory insects and then to find cure for it. We cannot even get proper export quality fruits or vegetables or other crops due to quality concerns, better improve them instead of waging suicidal jihad on Pakistani crops.

There are better ways to do it, mostly by using dams as Pakistan is rain deficient country, it makes them heavily reliable on rivers, rivers that we can choke. Introduction of predatory species will surely doom the entire subcontinent.

Also, it is bio-terrorism. We don't need to become a worse version of Pakistan to beat them
Cross posting from FB

The pilot of F-16 shot down by Wg Cmdr Abhinandan, was Wing Co.Hyder SHAHBAZ Ali , the CO of PAF's 19th Sqn—Warhawks/Sherdils. The Pakistanis pilot was mistaken to be a Sikh by the mob at Horran Kotla in PoK and lynched."Shahzaz" was actually "SHAHBAZ".
Pakistan might not ever acknowledge this and pay respect to its fallen pilot. How unfortunate can it get for their men serving for PAKISTANI defence forces!


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Cross posting from FB

The pilot of F-16 shot down by Wg Cmdr Abhinandan, was Wing Co.Hyder SHAHBAZ Ali , the CO of PAF's 19th Sqn—Warhawks/Sherdils. The Pakistanis pilot was mistaken to be a Sikh by the mob at Horran Kotla in PoK and lynched."Shahzaz" was actually "SHAHBAZ".
Pakistan might not ever acknowledge this and pay respect to its fallen pilot. How unfortunate can it get for their men serving for PAKISTANI defence forces!

where dd you get this?
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