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pak saab going the afg boundary? come back to the actual place...
1st pic is definitely not parts of bomb, this is a wing. A F-16 is definitely shot and the pak's claim of 2 pilot captured confirms that the 2nd one is their own pilot.

I am not doubting the strike on terror camps,it is only the high numbers above 300 which I need to verify ,before getting to any conclusion regarding the approximate numbers of terrorists killed.

Neither do I doubt shooting down of Pak F16 ,but the photos posted by Vishnu som does not make any sense ,as the very same photos were posted by ANI claiming to be debris of Pakistani bombs as shown by "India army" inside "Indian Kashmir".Whereas Vishnu claim these photos from "POK" through his source ,and not to forget that ANI posted these photos much before he did.

I am only trying to analyze and authenticate the facts claimed by both sides ,amid this fog of war with an unbiased mind.
F-16s did not take part in this mission .
Our jets had to cross LOC into India and the user agreement with USA for F-16 prohibits us from Using F-16 outside Pakistan.
You also claimed two Indian Pilots captured. Do you still want us to believe your lies about F-16? remember that the wingman of Wg. Cdr. Abhinandan had landed back after shooting the F-16. Do you think our pilots can't differentiate between an F-16 and a JF-17?
Need a proof from MOD about the f-16
don't know why they are silent for 48 hours ....also the number of terrorist killed in airstrike maybe exaggerated still one good thing about this
was we went undetected 50kms inside the pakistan territory this might have rattled the establishment and force them to come up with this risky
maneuver near the LOC. the pilot in the moment of heat chased the f-16 and got shot
i might have to say their plan worked
they have our pilot and army establishment can save their face from the general public.
the main question here is what are our practical options?
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Just 20 Brahmos can send Pakistan back to stone age and disintegrate it. We don't have to dismember it. It will implode. I loved Modi's tactics. He killed them financially and now if we take out their power plants, fuel dumps and critical infrastructure, Pakistan will have no electricity, zero exports, no water, no food and no fuel to even fly its fighters and move its troops and tanks.
Yeh Modi hai. Chaiwala, joh apni opportunities jaanta hai.

And this is the biggest confirmation that Bisons shot down an F-16. But as Fighter pilot, I will never celebrate or be celebrated if I lose my wingman in battle.

I saw them gloomy in celebrations..It should have been much pleasant if you really win a air war.
Appeal: Don't be a useful idiot.

I have seen plenty of new accounts posting here gullible of Pakistani propaganda. The amount of trust they have on Twitter unverified account is appalling. They are ready to trust or repeat whatever Pakistanis says and strangely don't hesitate to doubt Indian govt or Indian military claims!

To all such guys, please don't engage in twitter/social media war of words without full knowledge and trust on Indian military. They speak lies with so much confidence that you will feel frustrated and run to defence forums posting the pessimistic outlook without knowing anything again.

If you can't trust your govts/military's official words this space is not for you, instead of wasting your time on defence matters better stay offline.

Videos are not released because they are leverages, instead of satisfying your ego decision makers use them as an option to up or down the tempo, they also contain important information about tactics deployed and revealing them could compromise us. US never released a video of Abbottabad raid does it means that they didn't have any "proof".

Next time you whine about having no proofs in public remember they are not for you, those needs to know are aware on both sides of border. There are people who are in action right now, they tell us things you can't even think off, fear we have seen in normal Pakistanis eye, heck plenty of serving and veterans here still this Pakistan is winning propaganda war and BS.

Pak is not winning propaganda war or war in reality, your acts of parroting their words is helping them so STOP BEING A USEFUL IDIOT.
I am not doubting the strike on terror camps,it is only the high numbers above 300 which I need to verify ,before getting to any conclusion regarding the approximate numbers of terrorists killed.

Neither do I doubt shooting down of Pak F16 ,but the photos posted by Vishnu som does not make any sense ,as the very same photos were posted by ANI claiming to be debris of Pakistani bombs as shown by "India army" inside "Indian Kashmir".Whereas Vishnu claim these photos from "POK" through his source ,and not to forget that ANI posted these photos much before he did.

I am only trying to analyze and authenticate the facts claimed by both sides ,amid this fog of war with an unbiased mind.

Appreciate it.
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