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Humara baba bhi bhaag gya 🙄
that dude was certainly trying to be nostradamos.
my 2 cents:
Mirages went in flying low.. and radar doesnt pick them up due to high noise (i think). the total blackout of Pak airspace means very difficult for IAF to try and get in. that leaves us with only Ground troops to attack. time to let them down their guard?
Though it has to be said, it does awfully look like the F-16 engine cladding. I mean debris could have fallen/been strewn about and even mixed between the two aircraft, and in the heat to photograph +psyops everything...this could be the real deal (I'm not gonna dismiss it right now).

Can anyone post a schematic of the Mig 21 engine so we can have a look at that?
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we should send this to GE to get confirmation @Nilgiri surely you can get someone to verify if this is indeed an F 16 engine part? If so it gives us solid diplomatic footing with the US and ask them to shut down all military assistance to Pak because they contravened the agreements given to them.

I'm on it right now. I'm sure others will beat me to the punch anyway. In mean time if anyone has a quality picture of the Mig 21 engine...that would be handy as reference.
Though it has to be said, it does awfully look like the F-16 engine cladding. I mean debris could have fallen/been strewn about and even mixed between the two aircraft, and in the heat to photograph +psyops everything...this could be the real deal (I'm not gonna dismiss it right now).

Can anyone post a schematic of the Mig 21 engine so we can have a look at that?

There is one pic where the entire Bison is seen. This is not one of them. Check the engine is inside the fuselage and completely crushed. Someone mixed that other pic with this.

Though it has to be said, it does awfully look like the F-16 engine cladding. I mean debris could have fallen/been strewn about and even mixed between the two aircraft, and in the heat to photograph +psyops everything...this could be the real deal (I'm not gonna dismiss it right now).

Can anyone post a schematic of the Mig 21 engine so we can have a look at that?

3rd pic is of Mig 21 engine.
that dude was certainly trying to be nostradamos.
my 2 cents:
Mirages went in flying low.. and radar doesnt pick them up due to high noise (i think). the total blackout of Pak airspace means very difficult for IAF to try and get in. that leaves us with only Ground troops to attack. time to let them down their guard?
Thats not possible... When we will mobilize our troops, we cant hide this from Pakistan... Anyways IAF have stand off weapons to attack Pakistani radar installations. I think something else happened... Most probably Indians who are in Pakistan or our pilot...
I dont know how old are you, but in the 90s this was common... We grew up watching Pakistani jets flying to the borders every other day.
So we have done it in the past and can do it again.
whole pakistan is like a saree border, so its obvious that whole pak gets encountered with their military on daily basis.
Pakistan armed forces are not that stupid to release the photo of f-16 crash site it must be our mig 21 probably

doing some photo ops for public consumption.

a) looks as archaic as it should be- like it time travelled from 1960 and even my grandfather was growing old
b) looks as russian as it shoulld be - heavy, cupric meattllurgy , 'fundamental engineering' of the soviet era

Yeeep--- no doubt. It's like someone showed me a rusty old knife and said 'Jack the Ripper used this'.
Pakistan armed forces are not that stupid to release the photo of f-16 crash site it must be our mig 21 probably

doing some photo ops for public consumption.
You have zero knowledge about it and yet you are acting expert. Did you see Mig 21 engine pic?

Look in back the burned out area is cleaned, probably debris of F-16 are removed. They may have mistook it as Mig 21 wreckage.
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