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Why dont you guys think of who would benefit from a war between India and Pakistan,you are both being played.
Political gain or something bigger,who knows?
For you to find out.

dude, if it was against State of Pakistan, Pak Army, Pak Air Force we could have accomodated. They have sent 20 jets to protect TERRORISTS. You can't let this pass.
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Is this effect of being with Pakistanis?

Wish Kurds kill some 50 of your soldiers and we get the chance to say you did this for Erdogan. Just because your country is good friend with Pakistan doesn't mean you become a complete slave with no brains.

That was a dumb answer.
What has my post got to do with taking a side?
FYI,the PKK killed more then 30000 our our soldiers until now and its not the Kurds we are fighting.
Good point you made there,having a brain,maybe you should try to use it some time.
Btw,im against Erdogan.
So instead of press conference of Cheifs, Modi will address the Nation. I think Pakistanis defeated us diplomatically
depressed Indians are more dangerous than enemies. they self-sabotage sometimes.
U r speaking as if u understand was diplomacy is.

We have achieved a lot of things by showing aggression, we have now redefined new red-line for terror attack response. Thats msg for not only pak but the whole world.

India is coming on world stage brace yourself.
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That was a dumb answer.
What has my post got to do with taking a side?
FYI,the PKK killed more then 30000 our our soldiers until now and its not the Kurds we are fighting.
Good point you made there,having a brain,maybe you should try to use it some time.
Btw,im against Erdogan.
One comes with Kurds the other with Syrians,man you guys are geniuses.
You know exactly why we are in Syria.
For the last 20 years, we lost ~100 soldiers on average per year because of Pakistani terrorism. Don't gloat about your brain abilities when can't see your own bias.
Last night I had stated that it was going to be Kayamat kee raat. Seems Pak also was aware of what was in store for them last night and they pleaded with US, China and Saudia to somehow stop Modi from unleashing IN on them. Modi agreed to give them 24 hrs. Rest is what you see is being played out. Pak has promised a lot for de-escalation. But Modi is going to keep them on a tight leash from now on.
That was a dumb answer.
What has my post got to do with taking a side?
FYI,the PKK killed more then 30000 our our soldiers until now and its not the Kurds we are fighting.
Good point you made there,having a brain,maybe you should try to use it some time.
Btw,im against Erdogan.
That was dumbest question, against or for, try losing your family members and then see some jackass from other world having zero knowledge about things accuse you of killing your own. Your dumbness will be redefined. Anyway I have wasted more than enough time on that stupid post.
We'll see about all that, but ever since the second day dogfight, Pakistan has been more fleet footed in its communication & in deft maneuvering. I've seen this same situation play out enough times where India had the opportunity, strength, just cause, and varying degrees of global support but still missed the window.
We had the window we used it to attack balakot on 26th. now there is no window, unless we want to risk our soldiers/pilot life in large number.
Last night I had stated that it was going to be Kayamat kee raat. Seems Pak also was aware of what was in store for them last night and they pleaded with US, China and Saudia to somehow stop Modi from unleashing IN on them. Modi agreed to give them 24 hrs. Rest is what you see is being played out. Pak has promised a lot for de-escalation. But Modi is going to keep them on a tight leash from now on.

So looks like Modi has also bended like his predecessors
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The difference till now :
Imran : desperate for peace, giving statements after statement, trying to be good boy in world media.
Modi : Silent, let the boys do the dancing, we don't do it anymore.
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