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i still dont get it.. sorry.. if it was to pressure america to stop givig spare parts - then we could easily show that f-16 parts just to Americans - why show it in press conference that an f-16 was used? they went at lengths to show that an f-16 was used - why? to score that kill for the Bison?
Relax people. We wiped out multiple terror camps and killed hundreds of terrorists.

We shot down an F-16 and lost a Mig-21 in return. And the Indian pilot is being returned, while one of the PAF F-16 pilots is likely battling for his life.

The navy's aggressive manoeuvres has put the Pakistanis on the backfoot.

And the CCS says more options are still being considered.

The main goal related to action on the ground was wiping out JeM and that has been achieved to a large extent.
@Falcon anything interesting you want to say to boost my moral?

BTW I called you cruel becos you leave me klpd with clues and leave.


Most of the actual inputs that I do get, are not those that can or should be released. Never.

And I am being deliberately obtuse because I am not going to join the dots for the others who want to look for clues.

My apologies. But right now, I am only interested in keeping the corrective perspective going on here, lest information warfare takes a toll on us.
Relax people. We wiped out multiple terror camps and killed hundreds of terrorists.

We shot down an F-16 and lost a Mig-21 in return. And the Indian pilot is being returned, while one of the PAF F-16 pilots is likely battling for his life.

The navy's aggressive manoeuvres has put the Pakistanis on the backfoot.

And the CCS says more options are still being considered.

The main goal related to action on the ground was wiping out JeM and that has been achieved to a large extent.
They said in press conference we cant tell you the number of terroists killed.
Saw the military briefing at 1900 hrs IST on 28 Feb 19?

Go through that.

Most of the actual inputs that I do get, are not those that can or should be released. Never.

And I am being deliberately obtuse because I am not going to join the dots for the others who want to look for clues.

My apologies. But right now, I am only interested in keeping the corrective perspective going on here, lest information warfare takes a toll on us.
Aah not interested anymore. I found my answers. We should be ready to cut off an arm to save the body. This country will never change. Im signing out anyways.
Stfu,there are many many bengalis like me who are furious and saddened by this.Don't bring ethnicity into this.Remember a bong led an indian army to free this country when gandhi,patel and nehru were begging british for favours.Just because we have an imbecilic CM who buys votes with subsidies and our state has been ravaged by communists for decades,doesnt mean there aren't many many proud patriotic indians in bengal.

this is not a debate for this thread
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They said in press conference we cant tell you the number of terroists killed.

Which is normal because we do not want reckless escalation. Let the numbers come out in the future.

Okay, let me give you a perspective. We used the Spice-2000. Now this bomb can obliterate everything within 3 acres. And the largest camp in Balakot is 6 acres. You can expect this camp to have held a few hundred terrorists.

And then we know that multiple sites were hit. We used 10 Spice-2000s and 2 Popeyes, 2 at each target. So now you can expect the kind of damage done. It's simple math.

This should give you a clue on how damaging a 1000Kg bomb really is.

So imagine 2 of those on 1 target.
Coming from a people where from bottom up - peon to PM, everyone threatens to nuke India at the drop of a hat. Must be nice to get a dose of your own medicine.

Incidentally, there's not a word from any of their worthies about a N threat. It just dissipated. Goes to show the moment the US told them to FO, the Chinese weren't interested and Modi hinted to them to go on and nuke us , that's exactly what he wanted, the Pathan & his Punjabi CoAS soiled their shalwars.
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Navy should have struck last night,big big mistake - a couple of brahmos would have been easily 500 *censored* dead and 2 ships sunk.
The aim was to take out a large number of Pak ships and also PN subs in waters. Last night one of my family members flew non stop for seven hrs providing recce and target coordinates but the orders to launch strike never came. Ofcourse there were P8s also in the area armed with ASMs. I feel sad that we have yet again lost a great opportunity to solve Kashmir problem. But with Modi around, we will get the another opportunity very soon as he agreed to de-escalate only after he was told that everykind of terror against India will end.
yeah...even Dravidian parties don't talk like this. The only ones that do are the BONGS....f***ing sissies can't stand anything from bong side being hurt even if it hurts India. When Srisant was booted out all Mals were ok with it. When Ganguli was booted out of cricket team they wanted parliamentary debate on it.

Did you give up on communism?? What happened?? Your posts have turned pro-nation pro-right recently.
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Coming from a people where from bottom up - peon to PM, everyone threatens to nuke India at the drop of a hat. Must be nice to get a dose of your own medicine.

Incidentally, there's not a word from any of their worthies about a N threat. It just dissipated. Goes to show the moment the US told them to FO, the Chinese weren't interested and Modi hinted to them to go on and nuke us. That's exactly what he wanted, the Pathan & his Punjabi CoAS soiled their shalwars.
Suddenly Pakistan forgot about its nukes which they had created specifically for India. How about the rant that their will be no bells in temples by their railway Minister? Atomi kuwwat suddenly lost its atomi bums.
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Stfu,there are many many bengalis like me who are furious and saddened by this.Don't bring ethnicity into this.Remember a bong led an indian army to free this country when gandhi,patel and nehru were begging british for favours.Just because we have an imbecilic CM who buys votes with subsidies and our state has been ravaged by communists for decades,doesnt mean there aren't many many proud patriotic indians in bengal.

But they are obviously a minority. Just like it is in kerala (where I'm from), where traitors and confused *censored*s outnumbers the patriots.
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