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Just a question out of curiosity

If the pilot had not been captured , would the situation have been in our favour ie we would have been able to retaliate against Pakistan attack on our military installations.


But honestly, let me ask a reverse: What is better? Going all out militarily or breaking them economically then going in at will when required?
Loss during actual hostilities is different when we are smarting for having used force against non military targets. Pak used force against our military targets. That created the room for full fledged operations against Pakistan.
We can still pursue those options. Why have we let the loss of this 1 pilot constrain us? I'm afraid you're mistaking the wood for the forest.


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We can still pursue those options. Why have we let the loss of this 1 pilot constrain us? I'm afraid you're mistaking the wood for the forest.
I am not sir. Did you see the trending Modigoback and bringabhiback? We are a sham democracy and worst part is that GE are just 50 days away.
That is - in my opinion, what we are doing. Go in at will.

IAF will stay on our side of LC. Weapons free order has been given. When GoI decides another Terror group needs a 'prodding' expect repeat at will.

We can do that forever, how long can Pakistan appear as a protector of Terror? Are they now not appearing as Terror defenders world over? What do you think India gained?
Well, after going through all of this, my understanding is this :

1. We don't know a lot of vital details.
-- What has been negotiated in diplomatic channel.
-- What, if any, has been damage done by us.
-- Which power did interfere and how.
-- Did PK said clearly that they will launch a nuclear attack on India and showed something that made Indian leadership abort the mission? What was their communications with us.

2. I now believe that BJP leadership was never interested in punishing Pakistan. All they wanted was to be seen strong. They did it. I have many reasons to believe this.
-- Sushma Swaraj's presence in China. I think she was there to signal status quo to China and to negotiate de-escalation.
-- Forces and leadership were not on the same page and worse, leadership didn't support force's actions fully. Dare I say their goals were not aligned. Forces were there to force a destruction of terror camps, obviously if attacked forces will respond in kind. BJP was aligned till the point of destruction of terror camp. But as all things in politics, the important part is : what was not said... When it came to a confrontation with Pakistan in a military sense, the license to kill was revoked. This was clearly shown time and again. Its written all over : "Non military action", "We do not want further escalation" all that jibes.
-- Stopping the military at the last moment.
Well, after going through all of this, my understanding is this :

1. We don't know a lot of vital details.
-- What has been negotiated in diplomatic channel.
-- What, if any, has been damage done by us.
-- Which power did interfere and how.
-- Did PK said clearly that they will launch a nuclear attack on India and showed something that made Indian leadership abort the mission? What was their communications with us.

2. I now believe that BJP leadership was never interested in punishing Pakistan. All they wanted was to be seen strong. They did it. I have many reasons to believe this.
-- Sushma Swaraj's presence in China. I think she was there to signal status quo to China and to negotiate de-escalation.
-- Forces and leadership were not on the same page and worse, leadership didn't support force's actions fully. Dare I say their goals were not aligned. Forces were there to force a destruction of terror camps, obviously if attacked forces will respond in kind. BJP was aligned till the point of destruction of terror camp. But as all things in politics, the important part is : what was not said... When it came to a confrontation with Pakistan in a military sense, the license to kill was revoked. This was clearly shown time and again. Its written all over : "Non military action", "We do not want further escalation" all that jibes.
-- Stopping the military at the last moment.

most important question- will there be action after Sushma completes the OIC meeting? I had told @Milspec we will do something after MBS leaves. I think we will do something after Sushma gets back.
If I can have my way, I will tell Pak to shoot Abhi. The idiot has got his name in history books but also changed the entire narrative and script of the emerging situation prematurely.

Sirjee, this is not a T20 match, this is a test match. When we are playing the long game, a little hiccup here or there won't influence the big game.

So I don't think we will have naval strikes any time soon. Let the air force play the long game. Let the army put the pressure on the land and navy at sea. If push comes to shove, the other two can come into the picture. For now it's the air force's time to shine.
'hur dur modi'

Get your head out of your asses people. The present situation is very satisfactory. As of now, we have conducted a powerful strike in Pakistan proper, and traded our worst A2A aircraft with Pakistan's best with one pilot killed in action and ours alive and likely coming home tomorrow. Pakistan's strike on trees will have whatever meaning we choose to give it.

If you watched the press conference, we have not committed to de-escalation. We may not take any action today and maybe no action in the coming days but nothing has been ruled out. More importantly with the given exchange of aircraft, we really have no need to respond further. We can choose the next time and place to strike on our discretion.

The confirmation of F-16 kill is sufficient as such on the propaganda side. We may not win that side but there is no doubt we accomplished our tactical goals. We were never going to deter further terrorist acts but at least now we have a set precedent for action when it next happens.

Also please take note that the people taking decisions have a far clearer picture of the actual ground situation and armchair warfighting must at some be deferred to the actual warriors.

Most importantly while you criticize Modi please take into note, he has shown far greater balls than Congwadis and you would not want to have pappu taking such important decisions for the country.
Well, after going through all of this, my understanding is this :

1. We don't know a lot of vital details.
-- What has been negotiated in diplomatic channel.
-- What, if any, has been damage done by us.
-- Which power did interfere and how.
-- Did PK said clearly that they will launch a nuclear attack on India and showed something that made Indian leadership abort the mission? What was their communications with us.

2. I now believe that BJP leadership was never interested in punishing Pakistan. All they wanted was to be seen strong. They did it. I have many reasons to believe this.
-- Sushma Swaraj's presence in China. I think she was there to signal status quo to China and to negotiate de-escalation.
-- Forces and leadership were not on the same page and worse, leadership didn't support force's actions fully. Dare I say their goals were not aligned. Forces were there to force a destruction of terror camps, obviously if attacked forces will respond in kind. BJP was aligned till the point of destruction of terror camp. But as all things in politics, the important part is : what was not said... When it came to a confrontation with Pakistan in a military sense, the license to kill was revoked. This was clearly shown time and again. Its written all over : "Non military action", "We do not want further escalation" all that jibes.
-- Stopping the military at the last moment.
I agree with you even more. Modi wanted to use this as an enhancement of his ego but chickened out after one of our guys landed in POK.
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I am not sir. Did you see the trending Modigoback and bringabhiback? We are a sham democracy and worst part is that GE are just 50 days away.

It's difficult to predict that way.
In my what's app group , loony toons post anti BjP messages every day.
Only few does it , other keep ignoring them but these hate message s will be bringing the non voter to vote for BJP.
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