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Sign in whenever you feel like having some fun. Things are far from over. Just a teaser going on. It shall be long and .. painful for people. Patience will be needed.


The way i see it, the actions happened in the last few days is a strategic turning point. Pakistan's policy to India for all these years was simple. Train terrorists and send them to India, kill some of our troops, no retaliation what's so ever, a low cost way of war against India. The terrorist heads are safe in Pakistani mainland and so is their training facilities.

Now, the situation have changed. 2016, we retaliated Pathankot attack with strikes on terror camps inside Pakistan. That was a change in path from our previous response. Now we backed up the new policy by launching an air raid on terror camps in Pakistani mainland in KPK in 2019 terror attack. Pakistani aircrafts came to Indian border, we shot down one of theirs, and we lost one.

What we need to do is to continue this policy. When ever we face attacks from terrorists groups based in Pakistan, we should launch attack on militant bases in Pakistan,(if air raids are hard, cruise missile strikes can be an option) and that will increase the cost of terrorism for Pakistan and increase pressure to reign in on militant support.

All in all, from strategic perspective, it looks like a progress in right direction, all we need is a determination to continue this policy.
If I can have my way, I will tell Pak to shoot Abhi. The idiot has got his name in history books but also changed the entire narrative and script of the emerging situation prematurely.
Sir, most respectfully, I differ with you.
Its the failure of planning or failure of firmness.
When you go to war : You know it better than I can ever do. You know some of your forces will be captured. Some of them will not be going back to their families.
You don't run a warplan like that. Its the political immaturity on our administration. I think they don't know how to run a war.

But honestly, let me ask a reverse: What is better? Going all out militarily or breaking them economically then going in at will when required?

Yes in the long term economic strangulation is the best option but in the short term , every move by the enemy must be countered by a corresponding response , long term options are a on going process , but immediate challenges require immediate counter measures otherwise we will lose the plot to the long term goal.

India in my opinion lost the short term goal by failing to act to the immediate situation created by Pakistani retaliation , it will factor badly in our long term goals one way or the other.

We have been complacent with the ceasefire violations happening everyday , so much so that we no longer bother , what stops our military from going the extra distance to make the CFV stop.

If somebody throws a stone at you , why should you throw a stone back at him and get into a never ending loop , why not chop his hand off.
Pakistan can brought to its knees and Pak Army tamed only if we threaten them with dismemberment and show them that we can free pakistan from their hold by making them look like Hijras. We had a chance go abegging.

Rather than dismemberment, a more interesting idea is to tire out the PAF over many weeks, and then bomb Pakistan at will once the PAF cannot sustain taking to the air anymore. Humiliation is much more important than dismemberment. Rather one should encourage the Pakistanis themselves to seek dismemberment.

Sun Tzu says: Subdue the enemy without fighting. AKA, make the Pakistanis ask for dismemberment themselves.
The problem here is people get too hopped up on twitter bravado and start believing in every positive news, mainly because they want it to be true, rather than taking time to learn the facts and verify.

They then later find reality to be far more disappointing and unbearable.

Just calm down and come back here tomorrow. Things are not as bad as you think.
IAF is fooling the nation. I have flown B737s and A320s in Leh and Srinagar. I know the wind pattern at this time of the year in that area. We have strong westerlies in the area. If you eject, you will never be blown towards POK. You will be drifted to India.
I would love to believe so
But I very much doubt , I no longer have any faith
All said and done. BUT Modi has shown balls to strike a nuke power which openly announced use of nukes against India. Kuch toh DUM hai bande main. AND his risk has delivered. He has called off the nuke bluff of Pak in one strike in POK and KPK. Let us give the devil his due.

Missile package was delivered to Jordan . PAF got same aircraft from Jordan .

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I guess there we will disagree -- unless it was a sarcasm. You don't become what you are by letting others tell you what to do next. You decide it yourself and then shape world's opinion about you.

you don't let others tell you what to do. You do what you need to do and look good about it.
IAF is fooling the nation. I have flown B737s and A320s in Leh and Srinagar. I know the wind pattern at this time of the year in that area. We have strong westerlies in the area. If you eject, you will never be blown towards POK. You will be drifted to India.

All said and done. BUT Modi has shown balls to strike a nuke power which openly announced use of nukes against India. Kuch toh DUM hai bande main. AND his risk has delivered. He has called off the nuke bluff of Pak in one strike in POK and KPK. Let us give the devil his due.
How many would they number? A few million? Compared to 1.3 billion.
not sure what else modi wanted from civilians, as far as i know everyone was war mongering in mad north. if he does not believe and thought he wl loose election he shud have call out our bluff by calling total mobilization then cud have decided whether citizens are ready or not for war..........
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